Reflective Paper On Team Project by Ahmed Rahim Hyder

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Reflective Paper on Team Project by Ahmed

Rahim Hyder
My name is Ahmed Rahim Hyder and this is my reflective paper.Our team consisted
of myself and three of my dear friends Subhan Bukhari,Ali Azaan and Hareb
Najeeb.Our aim was to raise awareness among people of the possibilities of sports as
a profession. REPHRASE + AIM
How effective was my research?
I believe my research was very effective since I,along with my team member,took
different points of views on different aspects while we also gathered information on
the sports cultures of a First-world country i.e.The United States Of America and a
Third-world country i.e.Pakistan. For example,I interviewed a former Pakistani
international cricketer of the name Hassan Raza who was was the youngest in the
history of Cricket debuting at a tender age of 14 years and 227 days. Through our
research, We had come to know of the pros and cons expected in a professional
players’ life. Therefore, our research was extremely effective as it help us to gather
information from various sources(both from the internet and in real life) and helped to
determine the best possible outcomes.
What could I have done better?
It would have been better if my team and I had conducted more presentations. We
were only able to conduct 2 presentation on the prospects of sports as a profession
with young students who were interested in sports even though our results were
largely positive as we encouraged students to enter this industry and most of them
showed interest.Moreover,I would have liked to interview a sports athlete from
abroad who was raised and fed in a foreign country even though the amazing cricketer
we interviewed i.e.Hassan Raza had also played abroad for a long time.

What did I find about different cultural perspectives on this issue?

Well the main thing we found out was how a modern country like the US focuses on
the development of its sports while an underdeveloped country like Pakistan had its
sights on other projects and regarded sports as a second priority to almost all
issues.We learned that a developed country like the US focused on its youth for sports
and started development from a young and tender age. Our school Sports teacher
Sir.Mujahid had explained how countries such as the USA and England provided top-
notch facilities to its aspiring athletes when compared to Pakistan where there is a
LACK of sports facilities never mind a high quality. But primarily, we learned how
Sports is encouraged and well received by people while here in Pakistan is looked
down upon and young people are discouraged.

What do I think about different perspectives?

Definitely, opinions vary from country to country.For example here in Pakistan,there
is the stereotypical mind-set of the poor incomes received on average in sports as in
the questionnaire we conducted we found out 29.7% of the people who took part in
the questionnaire stated their fear of low incomes.Whereas in a country like the USA
sports are encouraged and the adolescents are provided with facilities to play in as
they have a prominent sports culture.It is in my belief to respect all these opinions as
they both have valid reasons.As stated above Pakistan does not have the resources to
support its sports while a major economic power like the US provides its people with
amazing facilities to train in and develop.Hence, I have learned that every person has
a valid reason for his or her opinion on whether or not they should pursue a career in
sports or not.

Have I changed my perspective?

No I have not.I always firm in my belief and still am of how more people should
pursue a career in sports.This is mostly since sports is something a person loves sor
doesn’t care about at all.So if person really does love a sport e.g.Football,then he
should try his or her foremost to achieve his or her dream.

Did we achieve our aim with our team project?Why or why not?
To an extent yes.We had managed to get our message across at a local level by giving
presentations at our school and sending our presentation to family and friends.But it
was not as widespread as we would have liked.Overall, my team and I had achieved
our aim of spreading awareness on sports as a profession and we had received positive
responses whilst conducting our presentations at school and hopefully we will see
amazing professionals blossoming from those individuals.Furthermore,we had met
many people who had different interests and different viewpoints and opinions and
various difficulties.For example,one student had stated how his parents did not want
him to go into sports as they wanted him to focus on his studies.So by relating to their
troubles I definitely think that we convinced a lot of them to pursue this career.

What could I have done differently?

However, in all honesty I would have liked to go to other sports academies located in
our vicinity.Moreover, it would have been even more interesting to visit other
provinces and take the opinions of people from even more diverse backgrounds.But
unfortunately,all of this simply wasn’t feasible.s

How well did we work as a team?

We worked extremely as a team even though we had minor problems here and
there.But we had overcome our differences in the end and basically synced with each
other once we had worked long enough.In the end, our project was something that
was a result of our strenuous efforts and hard work.I really must commend the efforts
of Hareb,Ali and definitely Subhan.Subhan worked tirelessly in preparing our project
and compiling our research whereas Hareb and Ali had worked in researching as
well.I really am grateful for this team.In the end I had learned a valuable lesson of

How well did I work within the team?

I am fairly confident saying that I had completely fulfilled my role within my team.I
was present in almost all of our group gatherings and I had done my utmost in
conducting our presentations at school.However,I must also commit to the fact that I
could have done more while researching as Hareb,Ali and Subhan had done much
more me.Moreover,I was stoic at first but in the end I had learned to respect others.s

What have I learned from doing this project?

Above everything else,I have learned to respect the opinions of others above
everything else.I have learned to sacrifice in order to maintain the well being of
others.As in our team, though I had disagreements with others,I chose to settle those
differences by respecting the opinions of others.In today’s age,people are always
fighting over the ideals of one another.But by sacrificing a little, a person can save a

Link f Survey:


Primary Sources:
Hassan Raza(former Pakistani International Cricketer)
Mujahid Hameed Haq(former cricketer at a club level)

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