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Countable and Uncountable Nouns

Affirmative (+) Negative (-) Questions (?)

Countable nouns 1- a/an 1- a / an 1- How many
a book / an egg - I don’t have an - How many girls
2- some apple / a book. are there in the
some books /girls 2- any class?
3-a few / few - They didn’t see
A few / few people any cars.

Uncountable nouns 1- some 1- any 1- How much

Some rice / water - I didn’t have any - How much water
2- a little / little money. do you drink a day?
a little / little
water / meat
1- Fill in “ a “ an “ :
a) ………… table b) ……… c) ………student
d) ……………umbrella e) ……… f) ………..flower

2- Fill in “much” or “many”.

a) How ……………………… coffee ? e) How …………………….

3-Fill in
b) How …………..………… children? water?
c) How ……………….…….. shops? f) How………………… glasses?
d) How ………………….….. pencils? g) How …………………… bread?
h) How …………………… tea?
(countable nouns) or “little” (uncountable nouns).
a. There’s ……………………. bread.
b. There are ………………………. grapes.
c. There are …………………….. pears.
d. There’s ………………………… money.
e. There are …………………… biscuits.

4-Fill in “some” or “any”.

Stephanie is packing her suitcase. She needs ……………….…… shoes. She doesn’t
need to take ………………… boots. She needs ……………… dresses and ..………….
blouses. She doesn’t need ………… jumpers or gloves. She doesn’t need …….
……….. warm clothes at all. She needs …………. jeans and she needs ……………….
money of course.

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