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1-Gai Scavoop Reddy 12202360202 * Qusiness Ethics and Corporate hovernance ~Assiqnment s : Ge Ethics in funcHonal aveas: Gries enables people to mate ao clear seperation of dos and dont's sa their life. Ethics is primavi ly good and bad, mcemed with the ascertainment of co anjustice , moval and Hart and wronq, sustice and of the behaviour and action Gtamcva\ Viv Aemmc mommies co of the individuals functional aves SH movvet GErhically and EFPectively one should be Feninacal 4ret all MovKeting decisions and efovts ove necessary te meet ond veeds of on the stakeboldevs, ond He Competttor , Communit, custemers, Suppliers Eavivonment: & finance Etnies! Ethics 0 Finance sidiifuly enplains tue need, Hoye eres acne arersenal Financial movkets condoek of Finance Professionals and ths oPpevotion of and = FTnsHtvvons- Accounting Ewes: Accountiva ethics ja the Field of ong veers +0 ase guidelines hor proffesional vo While Prahova, otto aceountivs , Popa to fell yee Management Exnics: Homan Redoovce ig. Homan Pedr a fonction +hak 1S ye a business concevned management pith managivd yelotens berveen SYOUrs of People in BM cacoity 08 employees , Employes and MOnCAEYS: piecrimi nation fa ane of He unethical PYAeNCeS in Homan Qerooee managemen case: “to keeumlimamemn hor Cavaye yaeaual yeodt ment oetoeen waividvals and gvovps Gad in between Men and women either based on yore, gender , coleeees veltaic , Notonalty and tHe place ov ovigiw Management Snfoymation System: Ethics in the manage- Smet iafovnaticn, Sagem (neon seae apeporet and Safeqauyd dividuals and Society by using Information responsibly » Mes professions vsualuy Howe Systems gvide Bebntd ortede eh cries ey code of conduck Lines that an Professionals abfiliared with +he Profession musk adhere +0 F Grates in production and operations! Gn Pvoduction and produced goods ove opevetions Eritoluy under condi Hons “of Byaaias a 3 goods produced | Stavehoiser Pelatiens , advanced Eavivonmental i a ~ oman rights. i. be te ., a 2 |: Eavivonmen: erics: Gn We Field of Eaviyonmen {e i : ERs concevas homan beluge wnt fits, ie: yegeuon ken aucmas concerned 10) 4b centvauy Campane OU Vitiee hove | Porricolov, asks © with Yagova 4° We Concevas questions Corporate fhovernance? a Cov Pov ore 1 f trovernance | in tt “business Context: refers to of ul ‘ wles , practices and processes by which dun System Companies ave Qoverned » © aos eds Gn Fis “boy the Cor Povore Qovevnante ay rose lees by a specific compan ts ae : dictvibution of nights ee rer ponsi bi ies toy alt THe Ponti ciPanrs of tt omanisetion 4 ‘ lens A ht 7 : vernance ensoves everyone i OO A organs sanont Foitov $ mnaeiny, processes a THe hits decision ~ 5, sraretelse) Qe eorevans of aay sray holders» WS aay t eguanes sopeitevs ove _ protected: ene cus tomevs nee bias of est aWans oe Corporate Governance Styctove: Corpovattions Can have many diffevent Structoves bot He most typical stvuctove Consicts es ehaveboldgre teanguch AneOers - ceicoe ona) of Covpovare thovevnance Employees > Te Stuer \S¥es Hetevennes: the dicheymony. of rights and Hesponsib: between tha chfPevent panties In an ovqanisation and wies and proced UVES. ee loots tha decision maring G+ is boayal eae usvally upto the managemen divectovS ove nob Company will daveloP- Boavds and G\l tua aswes Gr econ a terymeoce sca a by diffevent factoys. FRevent challondes gtvuckuve ts Shape movect2 = overnance F Pisin pag uiatory obligations of Vola aa otistbutes _ Ha Companys

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