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Institute of Management Technology, Ghaziabad

Post-Graduate Diploma in Management – Part Time

(Batch 2019 - 22)
End Term Exam-Term - VII (Take Home Exam)
Subject: Personal Branding (PB)
Faculty: Prof. Bhavna Bhalla
Exam Date:27.11.2021 Time: 2:30 Minutes Max Marks: 40

(Open Resource Exam)

 All questions are compulsory.

 Make logical assumptions to complete your responses.

1. Define competitors. Establish their relevance (and the competition they offer) for an
individual’s personal branding in today’s world. (10 marks)

2. Explain the strategies that can help you to rebrand yourself. (10

3. Social media presence is vital for existence in today’s world. Select any 2 prominent profiles
(LinkedIn, Blog, Twitter or Instagram). Discuss the aspects that make them an efficient
personal brand on the chosen platforms. Complete your observations with your reason to
select those profiles. (20

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