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Mid Term Examination - Fall 2021

Program: BSAM Semester: 07

Course: Airport Security Batch:
Instructor: Mr. Naeem Mobashar Code: AVM01420
Time Allowed: 15 Minutes Date:
Student Name: _____________________________ Roll no: _________________

Lahore School of Aviation

The University of Lahore
20 Multiple Choice Questions (1 mark each) Total Marks = 20

1. Which of the following measures are taken to prevent staff impersonation?

A. ID badges?
B. Boundary profiling?
C. Fencing?
D. Passenger profiling?

2. As _____________ of baggage is a not substitute to passenger baggage reconciliation?

A. Questioning Passengers?
B. X-rays Screening?
C. Baggage?
D. Passengers?

3. Which of the following best describes a bomb?

A. can be an incendiary, blast or fragmentation device?
B. used only for military purposes?
C. latent or compressed energy that can be released at devastating speed?
D. explodes on impact or by using time mechanism

4. An ___________ is not always bulky and sophisticated, and therefore not easy to detect?
A. Mortar?
C. Hand Granade?
D. Bullet?

5. Which of the following actions should be taken if a suspicious device is found?

A. Pick the device and move it to a safer location?
B. Do not touch, or allow others to touch the device?
C. Make an announcement on the public address system?
D. Evacuate the premises?

6. When receiving a bomb threat over telephone, one must prolong the conversation to get as much details about
the caller’s?
A. National Identity, address, telephone numbers and email address?
B. Expertise and experience in making IED’s?
C. Religion and other personal traits?
D. Gender, tone, accent, background noise and exact location of bomb?

7. Which of the following action should you perform on receiving a threat call telephone?
A. Argue with the caller and persuade him to not carry out the threat?
B. Pass on the message to everybody in your section?
C. Activate a voice recorder and initiate call tracing?
D. Scold the caller and disconnect the call?

8. Any information or warning claiming knowledge of an explosive or dangerous devise that has been or will be
placed in or on an aircraft or building is known as?
A. Terrorist Threat?
B. Bomb threat?
C. Sabotage threat?
D. Prank?

9. Sometimes, terrorists load their explosive-laden baggage for onward and connecting flights and do not board
the flight themselves, causing the ill-fated to be bombed, what is the strategy called?
A. Collusion or coercion of staff?
B. Checked in but failed to board?
C. Baggage left behind?
D. Smuggling of weapons and explosives on Board?

10. Hijacking is defined as?

A. Unlawful seizure of Aircraft?
B. Sabotage?
C. Terrorist Attacks?

11. Explosives can be detected by:

A) Smell?
B) Appearance?
C) Both by Smell and its Appearance?
D) None of the given options?

12. Explosive detonates at ______ speed?

A) Sonic Speed?
B) Supersonic speed?
C) Explosives doesn’t detonate?
D) All are correct?

13. Explosives are categorized as?

A) Low explosives?
B) High Explosives?
C) Both “Low” and “High”?
D) None of them?

14. A type of threat in which all the details of the bomb is given, that is known as?
A) Non Rated Threat?
B) Rated Threat?
C) Specific Threat?
D) Non Specific Threat?

15. A Bomb that is used other than the military cause is?

16. Bomb threat causes are?

A) Political cause?
B) Extortion?
C) Personal motive?
D) All are correct?
17. If response to bomb threat call is not appropriate then it may lead to?
A) Loss of life?
B) Building damage?
C) Financial loss?
D) All of Above?

18. IEDs are commonly known as?

A) Airside bomb?
B) Terminal side bomb?
C) Roadside Bomb?
D) All of them?

19. Low explosive gives the?

A) Burn?
B) it detonates?
C) it does not give burn?
D) All are correct?

20. Bomb have the ______ components?

A) one?
B) Two?
C) Three?
D) Four?
Lahore School of Aviation
The University of Lahore

Mid Term Examination - Fall 2021

Program: BSAM Semester: 07
Course: Airport Security Batch:
Instructor: Mr. Naeem Mobashar Code: AVM01420
Time Allowed: 1 Hour Date:
Student Name: _____________________________ Roll no: _________________
 Switch off your mobile phones before starting exam.  Exchange of stationary / calculator etc is not allowed.
 Attempt all the questions on answer sheet.  Cutting and Overwriting must be avoided.

Total Marks = 40
Subjective Section
2 Short Questions (2 x 5 = 10 Marks)

Question No 1: Mention at least three different threats to civil aviation and what could be the motives behind
the attacks to civil aviation in recent times.

Question No 2. There are various organizations and governing bodies that set standards and recommend best
practices for aviation security. Identify the organizations and mention their roles in Aviation security

2 Long Questions (2 x 15 = 30 Marks)

Question No 1. Define Aviation Security, mention its aim and identify some unlawful interferences that can
create security threats at airports.

Question No 2: Create a check list to identify bomb threat call and how would you notify the details and
effectively handle a bomb threat call to civil aviation.

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