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General and Comparative Endocrinology 170 (2011) 650–656

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Relaxin and progesterone during pregnancy and the post-partum period

in association with live and stillborn calves in bottlenose dolphins
(Tursiops truncatus) q
Don R. Bergfelt a,⇑, Bernard G. Steinetz b, Salamia Lasano b, Kristi L. West c, Michelle Campbell d,
Gregg P. Adams e
US Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, DC 20460, USA
New York University School of Medicine, Tuxedo, NY 10987, USA
Hawaii Pacific University, Kaneohe, HI 96744, USA
Dolphin Quest and Quest Global Management, Waikoloa, HI 96738, USA
University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, SK, Canada S7N 5B4

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The objectives of this study were to validate a relaxin and progesterone RIA for use in bottlenose dol-
Received 1 September 2010 phins, and quantify and characterize both hormones in extracts of placental tissue and serum collected
Revised 1 December 2010 during pregnancy and the post-partum period, and compare the results between dolphins with live
Accepted 5 December 2010
and stillborn calves. In Experiment 1, validation of a heterologous relaxin and progesterone RIA involved
Available online 13 December 2010
specific displacement of antibody-bound radiolabeled human relaxin or progesterone in response to
increasing volumes of pooled pregnant dolphin serum and amounts of respective hormone standards
added to a fixed volume of serum. The displacement curves were considered parallel and additive relative
Bottlenose dolphins
to respective standard curves. In Experiment 2, immunoreactive relaxin and progesterone were detected
Progesterone in placental extracts and, in corresponding serum samples, concentrations of both hormones were higher
Relaxin during the pre-partum than post-partum periods. Circulatory concentrations of progesterone decreased
Stillbirths (P < 0.05) from relatively high concentrations during early and mid-pregnancy to intermediate concen-
trations by late pregnancy (month effect, P < 0.0001) in dolphins with live births, whereas, in dolphins
with stillbirths, the decrease in progesterone began earlier (month-by-birth status interaction,
P < 0.007); mean concentrations were lower at mid- (37%, P < 0.06) and late (25%) pregnancy. Temporally,
relaxin increased (P < 0.05) progressively from relatively low concentrations during early pregnancy to
high concentrations during late pregnancy (month effect, P < 0.0001) and was not different between birth
statuses (birth status effect, P = 0.76; month-by-birth status interaction, P = 0.17). Even though the inter-
action did not reach significance, mean relaxin concentrations were 42%, 29%, and 34% lower at early,
mid-, and late pregnancy, respectively, in dolphins with stillbirths than in those with live births. In con-
clusion, the pregnancy-specific increase in serum concentrations of relaxin and lower concentrations of
both relaxin and progesterone in association with stillbirths suggest the potential for relaxin to be used
diagnostically to determine pregnancy status, and one or both hormones to be used to assess placental
function, and, perhaps, fetal well-being in bottlenose dolphins and other cetaceans.
Published by Elsevier Inc.

1. Introduction conservation and research to increase our basic understanding of

less well known and threatened species of cetaceans (i.e., dolphins,
Bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) are the most common porpoises, and whales), and for improving dolphin husbandry and
species of dolphin found in aquariums and oceanariums world- reproductive management practices. Management of an effective
wide. Dolphins born in aquatic facilities and those obtained and efficient breeding program is dependent, in part, on the
from the wild are a valuable resource for education on species capability to distinguish between pregnant and pseudopregnant
dolphins for an accurate diagnosis of pregnancy. Pseudopregnancy
in dolphins is not thoroughly understood, but it appears that the
The views expressed in this article are those of the authors and do not lifespan of the corpus luteum (CL) and period of elevated concen-
necessarily reflect the views or policies of the USEPA or other institutions
represented by the authors.
trations of progesterone can occasionally be prolonged (e.g.,
⇑ Corresponding author. Fax: +1 202 564 8483. 5–6 months) in nonpregnant (nonbred and bred) dolphins
E-mail address: (D.R. Bergfelt). [29,46], well beyond the expected length of the luteal phase

0016-6480/$ - see front matter Published by Elsevier Inc.

D.R. Bergfelt et al. / General and Comparative Endocrinology 170 (2011) 650–656 651

(16–23 days) [27]. Although an increase in serum concentrations of without periparturient complications (e.g., dystocia, placentitis)
progesterone in successive samples may be highly predictive of [28]. In 12 pregnancies with complications, serum relaxin concen-
pregnancy in dolphins (review, [30]), the presence and viability trations were significantly reduced compared to 10 pregnancies
of an embryo/fetus is still questionable until it is confirmed with without complications. Moreover, in all pregnancies in which re-
ultrasonic imaging [45]. In regard to the latter, many dolphin facil- laxin concentrations were low, foals were born hypoxic and dys-
ities do not have funding or experience to support the use of ultra- mature. Thus, it was proposed [28] that relaxin has the potential
sonography. Thus, an alternative method to progesterone assay to serve as a biomarker for evaluating placental function and fetal
and ultrasonographic imaging is needed for wider application well-being in mares.
and acceptance among aquariums and oceanariums for distin- The objectives of this study were to validate a relaxin and pro-
guishing between pregnancy and pseudopregnancy in dolphins gesterone RIA for use in bottlenose dolphins (Experiment 1), and
and diagnosing the presence of a viable embryo/fetus. quantify and characterize both hormones in extracts of placental
Relaxin is a 6-kDa polypeptide related to the insulin family of tissue and serum collected during pregnancy and the post-partum
hormones and growth factors (reviews, [1,32]). In laboratory and period, and compare the results between dolphins with live and
domestic species (reviews, [1,11,22,25,33]), the greatest sources stillborn calves (Experiment 2).
of relaxin production during pregnancy are the embryo/feto-pla-
cental unit and CL. Although relaxin has a major role in softening
2. Materials and methods
the cervix and pelvic ligaments to facilitate parturition, it also
has an effect on the uterus to maintain myometrial quiescence,
2.1. Dolphins and dolphin management
especially as the quiescent effect of progesterone declines prior
to parturition [25,33].
A total of 16 female bottlenose dolphins involving 33 pregnan-
Conservation of the amino acid sequence for relaxin among spe-
cies were represented in the present study. Eleven of the 16 dol-
cies is relatively low (<76%) [33]; hence, it has been challenging to
phins were obtained from the wild during the 1970s through
develop and validate immunological methods to detect and char-
1988, and five were born in aquatic facilities. Experiment 1 in-
acterize relaxin in many domestic and nondomestic mammalian
volved three dolphins and five pregnancies with live births. Exper-
species. Nonetheless, homologous and heterologous radioimmuno-
iment 2 involved 11 dolphins and 18 pregnancies with live births,
assays (RIA) involving canine, equine, and porcine relaxin antisera
and nine dolphins and 10 pregnancies with stillbirths.
have been used successfully to quantify immunoreactive relaxin in
At the time of blood sampling, dolphins ranged in age from 7 to
plasma, serum, and urine from wild species such as leopards [7],
34 years and were housed at one of five different facilities: (1) Dol-
rhinoceroses, elephants [20,36], coyotes [5], spotted hyenas [40],
phin Quest Hawaii (Waikoloa, HI, USA), (2) Dolphin Quest Oahu
and Northern fur seals [2]. Relaxin has also been quantified in ex-
(Oahu, HI, USA), (3) Dolphin Quest Bermuda (Dockyard, Bermuda),
tracts of placental tissue from the spotted hyena [40] and several
(4) Dolphin Quest French Polynesia (Moorea, French, Polynesia),
species of seals [2]. Although relaxin has not been detected in dol-
and (5) Indianapolis Zoo (Indianapolis, IN, USA). Each of the Dol-
phins, it has been detected in extracts of luteal tissue from a preg-
phin Quest oceanariums contained natural seawater in lagoon set-
nant Antarctic minke and Bryde’s whale using a porcine relaxin RIA
tings ranging in size from 0.5 to 2 million gal. The Indianapolis Zoo
with sheep anti-porcine relaxin [31]. In veterinary medicine, a
aquariums contained a combined total of 2.3 million gal of filtered
homologous canine relaxin RIA is used to diagnose pregnancy in
saltwater. At all facilities, pregnant and post-partum females were
dogs [38], which have relatively high circulatory concentrations
housed with their respective calves and other adult and juvenile
of relaxin during pregnancy compared to low concentrations dur-
male and female bottlenose dolphins. Dolphins were housed and
ing pseudopregnancy (review, [15]). Thus, considering the diagnos-
fed in compliance with the US Animal Welfare Act and by the Stan-
tic value of a relaxin assay in dogs, detection of relaxin in whales,
dards and Guidelines of the Alliance of Marine Mammal Parks and
and pregnancy-specific changes in circulatory concentrations of re-
laxin in some terrestrial and marine mammals, the proposition
Based on fetal and neonatal survivability information from Dol-
that relaxin may serve as a hormonal marker for diagnosing preg-
phin Quest [41] and the Indianapolis Zoo, and use of the term in
nancy in wild species (reviews, [36,39]), perhaps can be extended
domestic animal production [23], stillbirths were defined herein as
to include dolphins.
those pregnancies in which the fetus or neonate died before (i.e.,
Stillbirth typically refers to a fetus that is born dead [44]; how-
late-term abortion), during, or within 24–48 h after parturition.
ever, the term has been more broadly defined for use in domestic
animal production to include spontaneous death of a fetus or neo-
nate near (i.e., late-term abortion), during, or within 24–48 h after 2.2. Collection of blood and placentas
parturition [23]. Available information on the frequency and basis
for stillbirths in bottlenose dolphins is limited to a couple survey The present study involved a retrospective analysis of archived
reports involving multiple aquariums and oceanariums that com- serum samples and placentas from bottlenose dolphins that were
piled data from 1990 to 2009 on reproduction and survivability collected during routine animal husbandry practices as part of a
[16,41]. In one report [16], 8.8% stillbirths (dead at parturition) proactive health and breeding program at the Dolphin Quest facil-
were recorded from a total of 113 births. In a more recent report ities and Indianapolis Zoo. Practices and procedures were done in
[41], 5.2% stillbirths (dead at parturition or within 24 h after partu- compliance with US Department of Agriculture-Approved Program
rition) were recorded from a total of 249 births. Comparatively, of Veterinary Care.
stillbirths ranging from 5% to 9% in captive bottlenose dolphins Blood samples were collected from pregnant and post-partum
are similar to 4–10% reported in dairy cattle [4] and 2–7% in thor- dolphins between 1993 and 2006. Preconditioned behavior was
oughbred horses [42]. Parity, dystocia, and placentitis have been used for the voluntary collection of blood samples which consisted
indicated as major contributing factors to stillbirths in cattle and of signaling the dolphins to move into a dorsal or ventral-up posi-
horses [4,42]. In horses, more than 60% of stillbirths have been tion with tail flukes placed on the lap of a trainer while sitting
associated with placental insufficiency involving placentitis dockside. A 21-gauge winged infusion set or butterfly needle at-
[9,14]. Considering the placenta is a major source of relaxin in tached to a 12-ml syringe was used to draw blood from the arterial
horses (review, [10]), a preliminary study was conducted in mares venous network of the tail. Blood from each dolphin was placed in
to compare serum relaxin concentrations in pregnancies with and a 10-ml serum separator tube and centrifuged within 45 min of
652 D.R. Bergfelt et al. / General and Comparative Endocrinology 170 (2011) 650–656

collection. Serum was transferred to cryo-vials, labeled with dol- amounts (0, 0.5, 2.0, and 5.0 ng) of progesterone in 25 ll of serum
phin identification and date, and frozen at 20 °C. Serum samples to corresponding progesterone standards in progesterone-free
were initially stored on-site at the Dolphin Quest facilities or Indi- serum.
anapolis Zoo. Later, some of the samples from Dolphin Quest and
all samples from the Indianapolis Zoo were transferred and stored 2.4. Experiment 2
( 20 °C) at Hawaii Pacific University (Kaneohe, HI, USA).
A total of 47 serum samples were available to establish a pool of The relaxin and progesterone RIA validated in Experiment 1
pregnant dolphin serum for validation of the relaxin and progester- were used to quantify and characterize respective hormones in ser-
one RIA in Experiment 1 and 114 samples were available for quan- um and extracts of placental tissue from individual dolphins in
tifying and characterizing respective hormone concentrations Experiment 2.
during pregnancy and the post-partum period in Experiment 2. For quantifying placental relaxin, tissue samples from each of
Five full-term placentas were collected at Dolphin Quest Hawaii the five placentas were extracted in a manner similar to that de-
between 2003 and 2007 and were available for sampling, process- scribed for the spotted hyena placenta [40]. Briefly, a 250 g sample
ing, and assay of tissue extracts for relaxin and progesterone. The of tissue from each placenta was cut from a site considered vascu-
placentas were collected from the birthing pool within 8 h after larized and well-preserved (darkest red), homogenized in cold
delivery of live calves, frozen intact at 20 °C, and initially stored phosphate buffered saline (PBS), centrifuged to remove tissue frag-
at Dolphin Quest Hawaii. Placentas were later transferred and ments and fat, and decanted. Relaxin is uniquely soluble in acidi-
stored ( 20 °C) at Hawaii Pacific University. fied acetone and was isolated from each supernatant using a
Serum samples from Dolphin Quest and serum and placentas highly efficient acid–acetone extraction process as originally de-
from Hawaii Pacific University were shipped frozen with dry ice scribed [8]. Briefly, each supernatant was mixed with water, con-
to the New York University School of Medicine (Tuxedo, NY, centrated HCl, and acetone (70%, v/v) at 4 °C for approximately
USA) and stored at 20 °C until assay. 24 h. Thereafter, each mixture was filtered, precipitated with cold
acetone (90%, v/v) for an additional 24 h, decanted, and dried. Each
2.3. Experiment 1 of the relaxin-containing residues were reconstituted in assay buf-
fer and set aside until assay.
Development of a relaxin RIA for dolphins was based on a ca- For quantifying placental progesterone, tissue samples from
nine relaxin RIA [37] that has been modified and validated for ser- each of the five placentas were extracted in a manner similar to
um and extracts of placental tissue from Northern fur seals [2] and that described for the gray seal [12]. Briefly, a 5 g sample of placen-
a porcine relaxin RIA used to assay extracts of luteal tissue from tal tissue was cut near the same site as the tissue cut for assay of
pregnant whales [31]. In the present study, 125I-labeled synthetic relaxin, homogenized in 100 ml of 100% ethanol, centrifuged, and
canine relaxin was used initially in combination with pooled preg- decanted. Thereafter, each supernatant was dried under a stream
nant dolphin serum and one of three relaxin antisera: (1) rabbit of nitrogen gas, reconstituted in 1 ml of petroleum ether, and dried
polyclonal porcine relaxin antiserum (R6) which reacts specifically again under a stream of nitrogen gas. Each of the progesterone-
with the receptor binding domain of all relaxins sequenced [21], containing residues were reconstituted in assay buffer and set
(2) rabbit polyclonal canine relaxin antiserum (No. 79888) which aside until assay.
is highly reactive with relaxin in canids and felids [7,37], and (3) The capability and efficiency of extracting progesterone from
rabbit polyclonal canine relaxin antiserum (No. 80037) [37]. Rabbit each of the dolphin placentas was examined by taking a 10 ml ali-
anti-porcine relaxin R6 gave the greatest immunoreactive response quot of each homogenate and adding approximately 30,000 cpms
(specific binding, 10–12%) compared to the rabbit anti-canine of [3H]progesterone. After the extraction process with ethanol
relaxins. Moreover, when rabbit anti-porcine relaxin was used and drying as described in the previous paragraph, the residues
with 125I-labeled H2 human relaxin, specific binding reached were reconstituted in 200 ll of petroleum ether, dried again, and
approximately 50%. Hence, the relaxin RIA used in the present counted.
study consisted of H2 human relaxin as 125I-labeled ligand Serum and placental extracts were assayed using a volume of
(30,000 cpm/tube), rabbit anti-porcine relaxin R6 as the primary 100 ll for relaxin and 25 ll for progesterone. For the assay of pro-
antibody (working dilution, 1:40,000), and synthetic canine relaxin gesterone, the 25 ll of extract was diluted 1:15 in assay buffer so
as reference standard (0.2–50 ng/tube). concentrations could be estimated from the linear portion of the
Adaptation of a progesterone RIA for dolphins involved a com- standard curve. Samples were assayed in duplicate with results re-
mercial kit purchased from ICN Biomedicals, Inc. (ImmuChem™ ported as the average concentrations relative to respective stan-
Double Antibody Progesterone 125I RIA Kit; Costa Mesa, CA, USA). dard curves. Minimal detectable hormone concentrations or
The only modification to the instructions provided by the manufac- assay sensitivity at 90% specific binding were 15.1 ng/ml for relax-
turer was a 75% reduction in volume of kit reagents to adjust to the in and 0.11 ng/ml for progesterone. Intra- and inter-assay coeffi-
different volumes of pooled dolphin serum used in Experiment 1 cients of variation (CV) were, respectively, 8.8% and 18.9% (n = 5
and limited volumes of serum and extracts of placental tissue from assays) for relaxin and 14.6% and 8.4% (n = 3 assays) for
individual dolphins in Experiment 2. progesterone.
Validation of the relaxin and progesterone RIA involved assay of
pooled dolphin serum in duplicate with results reported as the 2.5. Data management and statistical analysis
average specific binding. For the relaxin assay, parallelism was
tested by comparing specific binding of increasing volumes (25, Serum concentrations of relaxin and progesterone for each of
50, and 100 ll) of serum to the profile of the canine relaxin stan- the 28 pregnancies (18 live births and 10 stillbirths) in Experiment
dard curve. Additivity was tested by comparing the specific bind- 2 were normalized to the month of parturition (Month 0), trun-
ing of increasing amounts (0, 0.8, and 1.6 ng) of canine relaxin in cated according to the duration of pregnancy in bottlenose dol-
50 ll of serum to corresponding canine relaxin standards in assay phins [6], and examined for 12 months before (Months 11 to 0)
buffer. For the progesterone assay, parallelism was tested by com- and 4 months after (Months 1–4) parturition. Infrequent and
paring specific binding of increasing volumes (5, 10, 20, and 40 ll) inconsistent collection of samples within and among pregnancies
of serum to the profile of the progesterone standard curve. Additiv- made it difficult to statistically model the repeated nature of the
ity was tested by comparing the specific binding of increasing data on a month-to-month basis. Months were, therefore, grouped
D.R. Bergfelt et al. / General and Comparative Endocrinology 170 (2011) 650–656 653

into 4-month periods; early (Months 11 to 8), mid- (Months 7 Temporally, relaxin increased (P < 0.05) progressively from rela-
to 4), and late (Months 3 to 0) pregnancy and the post-partum tively low concentrations during early pregnancy to high concen-
period (Months 1–4). To further facilitate the use of the statistical trations during late pregnancy before decreasing (P < 0.05) to low
model, heterogeneity in the number of observations within each 4- or undetectable concentrations during the post-partum period
month period was standardized by averaging respective hormone (Fig. 1). Although the relative pattern of change in relaxin between
concentrations within each period so that there was a single mean birth statuses did not reach significance (month-by-birth status
value of relaxin and progesterone during early, mid-, and late preg- interaction, P = 0.17), mean concentrations were 42.5%, 28.8%,
nancy and the post-partum period for each of the 28 pregnancies. and 34.3% lower at early, mid-, and late pregnancy, respectively,
Prior to statistical analyses, the data were checked for extreme in dolphins with stillbirths compared to those with live births.
values using Dixon’s outlier test [17], tested for homogeneity using Relaxin and progesterone were detected in extracts of placental
Shapiro–Wilk’s test, and transformed by natural log or ranks if nec- tissue from five dolphins as shown in Table 2 and examined in rela-
essary. Data were examined by analysis of variance for repeated- tion to serum concentrations of respective hormones averaged
measures using PROC MIXED procedure in SAS (version 9.2; Statis- over the pre- and post-partum periods in four of the same dolphins
tical Analysis System Institute, Inc., Cary, NC, USA) to determine (A–D). Corresponding serum samples for Dolphin E were not avail-
the main effects of month (each 4-month period) and birth status able. Notably, the recovery of [3H]progesterone from each of the
(live vs stillbirth) and interaction. If a significant (P 6 0.05) main placental tissue extracts was 25%, 40%, 51%, 60%, and 80%
effect or interaction was detected, mean differences among the (mean ± SD, 51 ± 21%).
4-month periods and between birth statuses within a 4-month
period were determined using least significant difference (LSD).
4. Discussion
3. Results
The collection and archiving of serum samples from pregnant
3.1. Experiment 1 and post-partum bottlenose dolphins over multiple months and
years provided a reasonable distribution and number of observa-
The validation process and results of tests for parallelism and tions to characterize and examine the temporal relationship be-
additivity are shown in Table 1 for the relaxin and progesterone tween circulatory concentrations of relaxin and progesterone in
RIA. association with live and stillborn calves. Although the effect of
long-term cryopreservation on serum concentrations of relaxin
3.2. Experiment 2 and progesterone from dolphins is unknown, it is known that re-
laxin is a highly stable protein that can withstand exposure to ex-
Serum concentrations of progesterone and relaxin during preg- treme cold, heat, and long periods at ambient temperature [8,35].
nancy and the post-partum period in dolphins with live and still- Correspondingly, progesterone is a relatively stable steroid as indi-
born calves along with results of statistical analyses are shown in cated by a weak or moderate negative correlation between sample
Fig. 1. Progesterone decreased (P < 0.05) from relatively high con- storage time (as long as 22 years at 25 °C) and serum concentra-
centrations during early and mid-pregnancy to intermediate con- tions [13]. In the present study, storage conditions (i.e., locations
centrations by late pregnancy and low or undetectable and temperatures) and shipping of samples were comparable
concentrations during the post-partum period. In dolphins with within experiments; therefore, any alteration (i.e., decline) in spe-
stillbirths, progesterone decreased earlier (month-by-birth status cific binding or serum concentrations of relaxin or progesterone
interaction, P < 0.007) such that mean concentrations were 37.4% due to prolonged storage or transport would presumably be pro-
(P < 0.06) and 25.4% lower at mid- and late pregnancy, respectively. portional among samples.

Table 1
The assay validation process involved specific displacement of antibody-bound radiolabeled human relaxin and progesterone in response to increasing amounts of pooled serum
from pregnant dolphins (parallelism) and canine relaxin (cRlx) or progesterone (P4) standards in a fixed volume of serum (additivity). Volume and dose–response curves
decreased linearly and were parallel with respective standard curves for each assay (Experiment 1).

Relaxin assay Parallelism Additivity

Standard cRlx (ng) Specific binding (%) Dolphin serum (ll) Specific binding (%) Standard cRlx (ng) + Dolphin serum (ll) Specific binding (%)
0 100 25 92 0 + 50 82
0.2 78 50 82 0.8 + 50 67
0.4 76 100 62 1.6 + 50 45
0.8 59
1.6 56
3.2 52
6.3 38
12.5 34
25.0 27
50.0 21
Progesterone assay Parallelism Additivity
Standard P4 (ng) Specific binding (%) Dolphin serum (ll) Specific binding (%) Standard P4 (ng) + Dolphin serum (ll) Specific binding (%)
0 100 5 62 0 + 25 100
0.2 97 10 55 0.5 + 25 98
0.5 88 20 42 2.0 + 25 82
2.0 69 40 35 5.0 + 25 63
5.0 48
10.0 34
25.0 21
50.0 14
654 D.R. Bergfelt et al. / General and Comparative Endocrinology 170 (2011) 650–656

16 Progesterone In Experiment 1, it was first determined that radiolabeled H2

Month: P<0.0001 human relaxin with rabbit anti-porcine relaxin R6 gave the great-
14 Birth status: P=0.33 est immunoreactive response (i.e., specific binding) compared to
Interaction: P<0.007
w (4) a (7) combinations of radiolabeled canine relaxin and corresponding
12 antisera. Second, for both the relaxin and progesterone RIA,
Live births increasing volumes of pooled serum from pregnant dolphins and
10 a (9) * amounts of respective hormone standards added to a fixed volume
of serum specifically displaced radiolabeled hormones from corre-
8 b
x sponding antibodies in a decreasing and linear manner. The dis-
(7) (8)
placement curves were considered parallel and additive relative
6 to respective standard curves. Considering that anti-porcine relax-
Stillbirths y
(4) in was also used to detect relaxin in extracts of luteal tissue from
4 pregnant whales [31], the heterologous relaxin RIA validated here-
in for dolphins may be applicable for detecting and quantifying re-
Concentrations (ng/ml)

2 laxin in other cetaceans.

In Experiment 2, relaxin and progesterone were detected in
(4) z c (11)
0 multiple, full-term placentas collected after parturition. Appar-
ently, placental progesterone has been detected previously in a tis-
sue sample collected at sea belonging to a humpback whale [34]
Relaxin but this is the first report of detecting both progesterone and relax-
100 in in tissue samples collected from bottlenose dolphins. Compara-
Month: P<0.0001 tively, placental production of progesterone and relaxin has been
Birth status: P=0.76 reported in laboratory species (e.g., rat, rabbit) [32], domestic spe-
80 Interaction: P=0.17 cies (e.g., sheep, horse) [10,43], and wild species (e.g., hyena, seals)
[2,40]. In the present study, detection of placental relaxin and rel-
atively high serum concentrations during the pre-partum period
60 (7)
followed by low concentrations in sequential samples collected
from the same dolphins during the post-partum period is indica-
40 tive of the pregnancy-specific nature of relaxin. Thus, assay of re-
(10) laxin has potential as an alternative hormonal approach for
distinguishing between pregnancy and pseudopregnancy in
20 (5) (5)
(12) dolphins.
Serum concentrations of progesterone were relatively high dur-
a b c a
0 ing early and mid-pregnancy and, thereafter, significantly de-
-11 to -8 -7 to -4 -3 to 0 1 to 4
creased to intermediate concentrations during late pregnancy.
Temporally, serum concentrations of relaxin progressively and sig-
Months from parturition nificantly increased during early to late pregnancy. In regard to
progesterone, relatively high concentrations during early and
Fig. 1. Mean (±SEM) serum concentrations of progesterone and immunoreactive mid-pregnancy in the present study are supported by previous
relaxin during early, mid-, and late pregnancy and the post-partum period (Month
0 = parturition) are shown with statistical analyses (Experiment 2). Progesterone
studies that have collected blood samples for diagnosing preg-
concentrations with different superscripts for abclive births (solid line) and nancy in captive bottlenose dolphins [29,30]. Additional support
stillbirths (dashed line) among months differ (P < 0.05) and concentrations for the pattern of circulatory concentrations of progesterone dur-
between birth statuses for ⁄Months 7 to 4 tended to differ (P < 0.06). Relaxin ing pregnancy is provided by a couple case studies involving longi-
concentrations with different superscripts for abcbirth statuses combined among
tudinal collection of samples in captive cetaceans. The results from
months differ (P < 0.05). Values in parentheses represent number of observations.
assay of monthly or bi-monthly sera from two killer whales [18]
and monthly feces from one bottlenose dolphin [3] indicated con-
centrations of progesterone and progestogens, respectively, were
Table 2 relatively high during the first half of pregnancy and low during
Detection of relaxin and progesterone in extracts of placental tissue and serum in the the second half.
same bottlenose dolphins (A–D) averaged over the pre- and post-partum periods. In contrast to progesterone, the progressive increase in circula-
(Month 0 = parturition) in association with live births (Experiment 2).
tory concentrations of relaxin during pregnancy has not been
Dolphin Placental tissue extract (ng/kg) Pre- and post-partum serum previously documented in bottlenose dolphins or any cetacean.
(ng/ml) Considering the lack of information in cetaceans to support the
Months 11 to 0 Months 1–4 relaxin results reported herein, comparative results have been
Immunoreactive relaxin summarized from other mammalian species. Generally, among
A 1024 36.6 (5) 14.0 (2) laboratory species (e.g., rats, rabbits) [32], domestic species (e.g.,
B 1215 45.1 (7) 16.2 (1) pigs, sheep) [11,25], and wild species (e.g., elephants, rhinoceros,
C 2580 48.9 (4) 14.0 (3)
leopards) [36,39], circulatory concentrations of relaxin are low,
D 1546 123.7 (3) 16.5 (1)
E 1380 – – intermediate, or high from early to mid-pregnancy with a gradual
or marked surge-like increase during late pregnancy, prior to
A 57,000 7.2 (5) 0.12 (2) parturition. Regardless of the diversity in the pattern of circulatory
B 44,800 8.1 (7) 0.13 (1) concentrations of relaxin among species, the rise in relaxin preced-
C 18,100 9.8 (4) 0.22 (2) ing parturition appears to be relatively consistent; moreover, it
D 12,400 8.3 (3) 0.13 (1) occurs concomitantly with a decline in progesterone. In controlled
E 5300 – –
studies that have examined the role of relaxin in relation to proges-
Values in parentheses represent number of observations. terone in laboratory (e.g., rats, rabbits) [32] and domestic (e.g., pig,
D.R. Bergfelt et al. / General and Comparative Endocrinology 170 (2011) 650–656 655

sheep) [25] species, it has been proposed that the decrease in pro- The pregnancy-specific increase in serum concentrations of relaxin
gesterone prior to parturition represents a necessary withdrawal of and lower concentrations of both relaxin and progesterone in asso-
the ‘‘progesterone block’’ that has maintained the gravid uterus in ciation with stillbirths suggest the potential for relaxin to be used
a quiescent state. Correspondingly, the increase in relaxin repre- diagnostically to determine pregnancy status, and one or both hor-
sents a mechanism to maintain myometrial quiescence and protect mones to be used to assess placental function, and, perhaps, fetal
against premature contractions and delivery. Despite the lack of well-being in dolphins. The nature of this study and novelty of
information on relaxin in bottlenose dolphins, the combined re- the results illustrate the value of archived material for providing
sults from previous studies in pregnant dolphins, whales, and other important fundamental information about reproductive biology
laboratory, domestic, and wild species provides support for the of bottlenose dolphins that may be applied to enhance reproduc-
temporal changes in progesterone and relaxin during pregnancy tive management practices of captive and wild populations of dol-
in the present study. Future studies involving frequent and consis- phins and other cetaceans.
tent (e.g., bi-monthly, weekly) collection of urine or feces as less
invasive approaches to acquire hormonal data may provide an Acknowledgments
opportunity to more thoroughly characterize the pattern of circu-
latory concentrations of progesterone and relaxin throughout This study was supported by grants from the National Marine
pregnancy in bottlenose dolphins. Mammal Laboratory and NYU NIEHS Center (ES00260). Dolphin
The source of systemic concentrations of progesterone and re- serum samples and placentas were provided by Dolphin Quest
laxin during pregnancy in dolphins may be placental as reported and the Indianapolis Zoo. The authors thank Drs. Jay Sweeney,
herein as well as luteal since the CL in pregnant whales apparently Rae Stone, Gregg Levine, and the Dolphin Quest training staff
produces both progesterone [26] and relaxin [31]. Reportedly the who manage the Dolphin Quest Reproduction Program. In addition,
structural lifespan of the CL is maintained until parturition in bot- the authors thank Drs. Todd Robeck for providing supplementary
tlenose dolphins as in many cetaceans (review, [24]); however, it is reference material on reproduction in cetaceans and Mohd Beg
not known if the CL is functionally required throughout pregnancy for assistance with statistical analyses.
in dolphins. In laboratory (e.g., rat) and domestic (e.g., pig) species
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