Bac. Serie LV1 Anglais 02 Sept. 2020

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2020G 07 A01


Durée: 3 heures
D0e0 Séries: L1-L2-Coef.4
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Serie:L1a-Coet. 2
Serie: L1b-Coef. 3
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Epreuve du1" groupe

The Impacts of Domestic Violence on Society
Domestic violence takes place every 24 minutes in the U.S. One in four women and one
the ot
in seven men victims of such violence. Increasingly, we are becoming aware of
are scopeand
an individuars mental
and the extent to which t can impact
the domestic violencetheproblem mental health and well-being of a family. Stress, depression, and
physical health, and a significant majority of them is exposed
to strokes,
anxiey are
common among survivors, and
heart disease, asthma and substance abuse
npple efects, unfortunately, don't stop children who witness domestic
school to early death; domesticC violence
can experence litelong effects from poor performance and an estimated 8 million
55 billion in medical and mental health care each year,
cOsts more than
days of paid work are lost annualy because ot domestic violence.
We all must come to tems with the prevalence of domestic violence and beter understand
and e v e n our We must also strongty support those who
the impact on families, society, economy.
have experienced and find ways to prevent it.
verbal, sexual or economic abuse
Domestic violence can involve psycrhological,victims, these foms of domestic violence
to the isolation frequenty experienced by
can be diticut to spot Abusers often exhibt waming signs, including jealousy, controlling
behavior, isolation of their partners from friends and family members, bypersensitivity or being
and loward animals or children.
quick lo anger, cruelty Signs
Loved ones who may experience domestic violence also exhibita sudden
certain behaviors.
fear of
may include frequently being absent from school
work, exhibrting conflicts,
situations at home work. or
frequenty accepling blame for arguments or other
As with many personal or tamily-related problems, there is a tremendous stigma that
prevents victims from coming forward to share their expenences and to seek heip s
stigma, along with overwhelming feelings of shame or embarrassment,
tor male domestic violence survivors.
can be paricularly
want to be seen as weak and
Men orten dont
thus remain silent aboul their experences.

Saghty adapted from https:/www. 10/192015. Updated October 19, 2016 By Dr Michele
Nealon, contnibutor pesident The Chicago achool of prolessional Psychology.

Note: ripple effects: efets
2/3 2020G 07 A01
Séries: L1a-Lib-L'1-12
LANGUEVIVANTE Epreuve du 1" groupe
(8 marks)
READINGA. Complete
the chart below with adequate information from paragrapha1 and 4
(0.5 x4 2 marks)

Theme Twotypes of domestic Two effects on victims

Domestic violence

The following statements are al FALSE. Justify by quoting specfnc passages from
o text. (01X33 marks)
5 More than half of married women are exposed to marital violence.
6 Victims of domestic violence often hide their pain in solitude
7. Victims of domestic violence voluntarily infom others atbout their situations.
.Complete this passage with the appropriate words from the
indicated paragraphs.
(O.5 x4 2 marks)
A recent study domestic violence has shown that many women are subject to physical (8)

Parag.1) from their partners. This atrocity has economic impacts on our society
and can cause some serious (9)
-(Parag.2) troubles among victims. Actually
these viclims may get home lale from work to avoid (10)
Paradoxicaly, they prefer to suffer in silence because they are afraid of (11)-
(Parag.5) from society.

D. What or who do the underiined words in the text rofer to?

(0.5x 2 1 mark)
12 "there" (Parag.2).
13. "t (Parag.3)


E. Complote this passage with the right forms of the words in brackets.(0.5 x4 2marks)
Dornestc violence is a universal problem. In regardless
women all over
fact, of social class, many men and
the worid (14) (violation) their partners' rights by taking out their
anger or frustratbon on them. Domestic violence transcends gender and sexual (15)
(orient) Nomen are more often the victims of domestic violence and are more
likety to
be (16)
- (Unjury) than men as a result of the incidents. Actually. people
who are ( 1 ) - - (economy) disadvanlaged seem to be more exposed to domestic
e n c e than others
Series: L1a-L1b-L'1-2
LANGUE VIVANTE! Epreuve du 1 groupe
F. This is the extract ofa conversation between Ndumbe and her father. She is not happy
about husband's violent and disrespectful behavlor. Complete It meaningfully.
(0.5x42 marks)
Father. Hi Darling. I am delighted to see youl How's everybody home ?
Ndumbe The hids are fine. (Looking sad and desperatel)
Father HowWs your husband? Is there anything wrong (18). - (about-against-with
-from) him7

Ndumbe adi tell you the truth, I am here

today to (19)-
Father Really! I never thought he would _(20) youl
Ndumbe I have been suffering from this unpleasant situation In stoic silence for years. Now
enough is enough and I have decided to leave him forever.
Father. Are you sure tha>'s the right decision! Take it easy! Let me talk to him!
Ndumbe: Sorry Dad! Im done with him. Im sick and
tired of being .
G. Match the opinions with the Notions In the box. One notion does
x42 marks)

Probability Consequence -Advice Possiblity -Contrast

22. World
governments had opinioni
better inflict
Lperpetrators of domesic violence to eradicate it..
heavy penalties on the
23. Domestic violence keeps on causing a lot of damage in
despite all the awareness ralsing campaigns undertaken by society
rights activists.
24 The
impacts of domestic violence on its sufferers may be more fatal
than those from some iinesses.
Domestic violence often results in trauma and other mental health

Chooso ONE topic and write about 200 words on it.

TOPIC1 Adama, one of your friends strongly believes

to beat their wives, but you don't share this that men sometimes have good reasons
opinion at all. Write out your conversation.
TOPIC 2 Your English Club is celebrating its Cultural Day. On this
chosen to deliver a speech on
violence. VWnte out your the causes, consequences, occasion, you have
and solutions to
speech. domestic

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