Session Plan 4 Tenured CSE. Anup

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Session Plan for:

Customer Service for Tenured Agents.


1. Attrition / Loyalty.

2. Company expansion – new products, services, areas of


3. Restructuring of C.S division – Following promotions,

organizational change, change in reporting system, change in
geographic definition of process/customer.

4. Consolidation of company’s gains (celebrations).

5. Refresher training (quality).

6. Disciplinary reasons/quality issues.

7. Brand (loyalty) building exercise.

8. Integration into/with larger system (alignment of company

goals with that of the country’s/ social goals).

9. Change of style of functioning of company – dictated by market

forces like inflation, deflation, recession, economic boom.


Introduction: ppt iceberg analogy / success and trappings of success.

Purpose: To infer that CS Success comes as a result of other

factors* . To gain Trainee acceptance for the fact that …….
‘Customer Service Quality’ is a Process and not a Goal.
(Let us go and understand the other Factors*…)

1. Understanding spending patterns in society.

Questionnaire Method.

Purpose: To discuss Social relevance (alignment).

2. The vow experience for the customers. (Agents to share


Purpose: C Sat.

3. Freshness in quality – (short humorous video/ ppt).

Purpose: (Customer need, market need) to maintain and

exceed customer expectation.

4. Customer service case studies.

Purpose: (to create empathy and to facilitate a comparative

study, to give executives an idea of where they stand.

5. Types of customers - (ppt. based).

Purpose: to arrive at the fact that all customers are not

alike, that different customers have different needs/styles of
functioning (communicating) every customer interaction is a
unique one.
6. Verbal/nonverbal communication- (Lecture/Teach back).

Purpose: To shift style of communication from the

sympathetic mode to the empathetic (professional)
mode. To arrive at a realistic view of the customer.

7. Kinds of markets. (Group Discussion/Debate/ role play

situations of buyers market and sellers market).

Purpose: To conclude that customer is king (as Gandhi


8. What India needs. (Group Discussion/Debate).

Purpose: To offer a sense of contribution and participation

in country’s/ social goals.

9. Taking responsibility- (Role Play - Celebrity – Meet the Press).

Purpose: Alignment of company’s goals with that of the

country’s. (Social awareness - let me do my bit).

10. Two interview questions (GD/Role Play/hot seat).

a) What do you do in your spare time? / What type of

company do you keep? /(optional) Are you in Good
Company? (inference to Training Client’s Company).

b) Where do you see yourself in the next five years?

Purpose: To offer customer service executives an HR

regarding their careers ……… for Employee Loyalty to

11. Justify your pay cheque (Chart/ Banner Making Activity).

Purpose: – To facilitate continuous learning in

organization and also to

pave the path for having full time quality coach

(preferably ours) in the

company. To ensure

accountability .

-----------------To be followed by session on: PERPETUAL QUALITY
DEMAND (Lecture with minimum level of interaction).

Purpose: Paraphrase /Debrief to Conclude.

*Session to be interspaced with games and energizers for

which participation gifts/ prizes will be given.


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