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A self-help group is a village based financial committee usually composed of 10-20 local
women or men. They are innovative organizational setup in India for the women welfare.
Selg help group have been able to activate small savings either on weekly or monthly basis.
Self-help groups also known as mutual help or support groups are groups of people who
provide mutual support for each other.

Need of Self-Help Groups:

Building of mutual trust between the promoting organization and rural poor through regular
contact and actual efforts.
Provide easy access to credit

Characteristics of Self-Help Groups:

 The ideal size of an SHG is 10 to 20 members
 The group need not be registered
 The group should meet regularly
 Members have the same social and financial background
 The group consists of either men or women
 Monthly meetings of members are held for solving their problems
 They generally create a common fund by contributing their small savings on a regular
 Loaning is on the basis of mutual need

Functions of SHG:
 Enabling members to become self-reliant and self-dependent
 Providing a forum for members for discussing their social and economic problems
 Enhancing the social status of members by virtue of their being members of the group
 Provide a platform for members for exchange of idea
 Developing and encouraging the decision-making capacity of members
 Fostering a spirit of mutual help and cooperation among members
 Instilling in members a sense of strength and confidence which they need for solving
their problems
 Providing organizational strength to members
 Provide literacy and increasing general awareness among members
 Promoting numerically and equipping the poor with basic skills required for
understanding monetary transactions

Advantages of Self-Help Group:

 Self-employment
 Rise in income
 Better standard of living
 Women empowerment
 Poverty alleviation

Book keeping by the SHG’s

Simple and clear books for all transactions to be maintained. If no member is able to maintain
the books, someone to be engaged by the group for that purpose.
Following have to be maintained:
 Membership Register
 Savings and Loan Register
 Weekly or Stock Register
 Members Passbooks

Helpers in the formation of SHG’s:

 Social Workers
 Health Workers
 Village level Workers
 Banks
 Mahila Mandal’s
 Non-Government Organizations

Initiatives of NABARD:
 Conceptualization and introduction of pilot programme in February 1992 for linking
500 SHG’s with banks after consultations with Reserve Bank of India, Banks and
 Introduction of bulk lending scheme in 1993 for encouraging the NGOs which were
keen to try group approach and other financial services delivery innovations in the
rural areas
 Developing a conductive policy framework through provision of opening savings
bank account in the names of SHGs and simple documentation.
 Encouraging banks for promotion of SHGs
 Financial Support to NGOs for promotion of SHGs. Encouraging rural individual
volunteers in promotion and nurturing of SHGs
 Close Monitoring
 Dissemination through seminars, workshops, occasional papers and print media

Income Generation Activities of SHG:

Candle Preparation, Woollen blankets weaving, aggarbatti making, sale of fruits, pickle
making, Embroidery, school uniform, bricks making, pot making, saree business and basket

What constitutes the Corpus of the SHG?

As shown in the books of the SHG, Corpus of the SHG includes: -

 Savings of the members

 Interest earnings by SHG from on lending to its members
 Revolving Fund
 Income from other sources
 Funds from other sources including donations

1. SHG Resolution: - Facilitate passage of a resolution by the members indicating their

intent to have a savings bank account opened in a service area bank branch or a nearest bank
branch. All members should subscribe their signatures to the resolution.

2. Authorizing Office Bearers (OBs) to act as Signatories: - As part of the

resolution, members of SHG should authorize three OBs to operate the SHG savings bank
account on their behalf, with a condition that any two of the three OBs can transact with the

3. Preparing Application for Opening of Bank Account: - Prepare an

application to the bank manager with a request to open a savings bank account. The
application should be signed by the OBs of the SHG.

4. SHG Seal and Photographs of OBs: - Each SHG to get

 A rubber stamp (seal) of the SHG made
 Passport size colour photographs of 3 OBs (3 each)
 Photocopies of member identity and address proof.

5. Visit to the Bank: - All SHG members to make a visit to the bank along with following
documents for opening of saving bank account:
 A copy of the resolution passed by the SHG members;
 Filled-in application addressed to the bank manager;
 Xerox copies of OB identity and address proof, along
 with original documents for verification and return;
 Photographs of 3 OBs (3 copies each); and
 Rubber Stamp/Seal of the SHG.

6. Filling-in Saving Bank Account Opening Form : - Fill-in the SB account

opening form and enclose all documents indicated above.

7. Type of Savings Account: - Basic Savings Bank Deposit Account (BSBDA) which
does not require any initial deposit.

8. Receive Savings Account Passbook : - Receive savings account passbook from the


1. SHG Resolution: -
 Facilitate passage of a resolution by SHG seeking a loan from the bank in which SHG
maintains SB account.
 All members of the SHG sign the resolution.

2. Authorizing OBs: - Resolution to authorize 3 OBs to sign all loan related

documents on behalf of SHG.

3. Application for Credit Linkage: -

 Prepare application for bank loan.
 OBs to sign the loan application on behalf of SHG.

4. Inter Agreement: -
 Prepare inter agreement for bank loan in the prescribed format.
 All SHG members to sign the inter agreement.

5. SHG Stamp/Seal and Photographs: - OBs to carry SHG stamp/seal and three
passport size of OBs colour photographs of OBs (3 each)

6. OBs Visit the Bank: - OBs visit the bank and submit the loan application along with
the following documents:
 Copy of SHG resolution seeking bank loan
 Filled-in loan application addressed to the bank manager
 Signed copy of the inter-agreement
 Passport size colour photographs of OBs (3 copies each)
 Stamp/seal of the SHG

7. Sign the Loan Agreement: -

 OBs understand the terms and conditions of the loans from the bank manager.
 OBs and bank manager sign the loan agreement.

8. Loan Sanction: -
 Bank manager issues loan sanction orders.
 OBs collect their passbook with loan entries made.

Eligibility criteria for the SHG to avail Bank loan:

The following conditions should be fulfilled for availing bank loan: -
1. The SHG should be in active existence at least since the last for 6 months as per the Books
of account of SHG and not from the date of opening of SB account.
2. SHG should be practicing Panchasutras i.e., Regular Meetings, Regular savings, regular
inter-loaning, Timely repayment and up-to date books of accounts.
3. Qualified as per the Grading norms fixed by NABARD.

Margin and collateral security required for Bank loan:

No margin or collateral is required up to Rs. 10.00 lakh limits to the SHGs.
Specimen of SHG Bank Account Opening Form:
Precautionary Measures for Promoting Transparency
The following precautionary measures should be taken to promote transparency in the
transactions and downward accountability of the members
 The SB A/c shall be opened in name of the group and not in the name of any office
bearer or member
 Only members of the group should become the signatories to the bank A/c. No one
other than a member should become a joint signatory of the group A/c;
 The SHG should collect the saving A/c pass book& cheque Book from the bank on
the same day of opening of bank account or within the time period specified by the
 The SHG should get the pass book updated regularly;
 While operating the bank account, the group members should depute at least one
member along with the office bearers for ensuring transparency and development of
trust among the office bearers and other members
 The pass book along with the cheque book, if any, should be kept in safe custody in a
manner decided by the SHG.

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