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1. Describe yourself as a person.

- I am Sheena Barulan. I am shy, I have trust issues and I don’t enough confidence when it
comes to public speaking. Me as a person, I loved to dance and I am a fan of Blackpink.
Danced help me to ease my boredom and anxiety. I can make house chores and I know
how to cook. People know me as a kind person, clingy, and a good listener. I can make
corny jokes, I can make them smile at the same time I can make people happy when
their sad. But, why I can't make my self happy? Every time I was alone, it made me think
“Do I really happy?” it’s a question running over my head. Even the truth is “I’m not
happy”. I am that kind of person also that is soft-hearted, I easy cried and hurts. I am a
person who overthink, its hard for me to sleep at night thinking what’s missing in me. I
am not good as everyone but I always tried my best. Sometimes I disappointed my self
for expecting to much. My smile aren’t always true. I lost my self-control when I am
mad. Its hard being me because I don’t fully developed my self-reliance and I'm on the
process. Although I am being like this, I am much more grateful that I have a family
supported me and lifted me up. That’s sometimes I don’t have trust enough myself, my
family are there for me. They never leave me through my ups and downs that’s why I
make them as inspiration to keep pushing and show the world who I am. I learned how
to loved and accept my true self despite of my fear and flaws.

2. Cite incident when you experienced intrapersonal and interpersonal conflict. How did you solve
each conflict?
 Intrapersonal- Most of the time, I doubted my self about my potential, skills and
capabilities through things and even in decision making. Like as of now, I always think
nor question my self about the course I have now. Because sometimes I don’t believe
my self and that’s why conflict arise. It is not easy for me to take this path, maybe
because I feel pressured and the trust of I have for myself is not enough.
How did you solve? – I just Pray and Pray. Because my faith is bigger than my problems.
Also, there’s a lot of people around me, saying that “You can do it”, lifted me up. I think
it is best way to surround ourselves with the people who believe in us. It might be
difficult to believe in ourselves but always remember there is GOD. He knows everything
and He will guide us through the right path, even sometimes we don’t value ourselves.
God knows our heart and always pray because it works. I know he will direct us to what
is meant for us, we need to wait and faithful to Him.

 Interpersonal- When it comes to voting for SSG officer’s. I once before a candidate for
Vice-president way back when I was grade 11. My classmates told me that I should run
for it’s position then they will support me. As a new student of our school because I am
a transferee student I refuse their offer about the position for the reason that I am not
known of the school and maybe I will fail. There are some of my classmates who are
mad at me, and they don’t talk to me after I refuse the offer. But somehow it made me
think that “why should I give it a try?”, after a days I filled a candidacy without them
telling them because I am supposed to surprise them, but sadly the support they give
me before is not 100% because they really expect me not to attend such particular
event. Instead they give their support to my opponent. It makes me sad and I lost my
confidence that time, So during our Meeting de Avance, some of my classmates didn’t
notice my presence that time that’s why I cried because I’m no longer the one they want
to support. It Hurst and I need to accept and with that I lost my battle. I’m not the one
who win as a Vice President. But its okay life must go on.
How did you solve? – We cannot pleased everyone, and that is true. Sometimes we
need to value those who cares for us. It took me days before I accepted their reasons for
not supporting me, what did I do is to accept the fact that sometimes to make us
stronger is to learn from our mistakes. If that time, they want me to grab the
opportunity of becoming a V-P then I shouldn’t refuse it, rather I accepted it for them to
believe in me. One of the reason, I cannot accept it directly is that, I am very particular
of the people around me, and I don’t have the confidence to be in front of the people.
Even though I don’t win and our relationship of some of my classmates isn’t that strong
during that time, I managed to forgive and they forgive me also. I know that it’s their
choice for not supporting during the voting and I respected them. What I have learned is
during that time, If there is someone who believe in us, we must also believe in
ourselves because we know ourselves better than them. It’s okay to say no, it’s okay to
say I can’t. We need to respect others so that they will respect us also.

3. Cite examples of Filipino actions which you consider as positive and negative values. Give 3
examples for each.
Positive Values
 Jade report his classmates Melvin and Christian to her adviser, that she saw them
smoking in the CR inside the room/school. Jade possess the value of being honest.
 Mang Arnel saw a wallet to his tricycle, and he knows the owner of the wallet what he
do is mang Arnel go to Radio Station and he want to let the owner of the wallet to know
that the wallet is in the radio station and he/she can claimed it. Mang Arnel possess the
value of being honest, concern and a loving citizen through his fellow Filipino.
 Irish went to grocery store, while walking down the street she saw an old lady who lost
her balance, and what Irish do is she run towards the old lady and help her to stand.
Also, Irish gave a snack to the old lady. Irish possess the value of being helpful and
Negative Values
 Xyra went to her friends house to hangout because it’s been a while they didn’t see
each other. When xyra got home, her mother asked her where she has been xyra told to
her mother that she went from her sister house. Xyra possess of being dishonest to her
 Rea and Cheryl saw a wallet while they are walking, they picked up the wallet as if they
did not saw it. After a while, they went to 7/11 and they use the money inside the wallet
to buy food. Both rea and Cheryl possess the value of dishonesty and being not concern
to the owner of it.
 Sharlene share the secret of riza to her other friends. Riza are being judged by the
people who knows it. Sharlene making fun of riza's dark secret. Sharlene posses the
value of untrustworthy person.
4. Select two favorite lines in the poem by Dr. Dorothy Nolte and explain them.
“if children live with encouragement, they learn confidence” – I loved this line because I can
relate about it. Me my self doubting my self about my ability. It’s hard to gain confidence if you
don’t enough trust to yourself. There’s a lot of opportunities we've missed if we don’t have to
self confidence. Through out my journey, I never fully developed my self confidence towards
speaking in front of many people, which leads me to not expressing my own points of view,
opinion and even knowledge that I have. It’s really hard day by day if I can’t practice having self
confidence because there are things I’ve missed because I feel shy to do it. In fact, it leads to
disappointment and lost my self-esteem. On the other hand, there are people around me, lifted
me up and believe in me. They encouragement is always give me the strength to fight and value
of who I am today. It really a big help to surround ourselves with the people that give us the
courage to always try our best. It doesn’t matter if we fail, because failure is a part of life and
failure leads us to grow and learn. That’s why, 'if children live with encouragement, they learn
confidence”. And I believe, it works. We just need to find people or to surround our self with
people who care, love, and supporting us in every single decision we make. Also, we must need
to believe ourselves. Stay optimistic!

“if children live with acceptance, they learn to loved” – I also loved this line because the only
way to lived our life to the fullest is acceptance. Yes, acceptance. For example; Me myself, I m
not belong with some other girls, who have perfect body, pretty, they can buy whatever they
want, or let me say for the average people. Sometimes I get jealous of them because they
almost perfect. “if you are beautiful you are accepted and loved”- Dr. Belo. Dr. Belo has a point
that for those who are beautiful you are loved and accept by the society. That’s why, sometimes
I question my existence in this world, “Why is that I am not beautiful like them?”. But the
moment we accept our true self, we are loved. It doesn’t matter how we look like, as long as
there are people accepted with our flaws, we are loved. We need to embrace ourselves, we
need to loved ourselves first so that we are loved also by our love ones. Society may judge us
based on our appearance, but if we lived with the people who value and accepted us of who we
are, we learn to loved not for others but also for ourselves. On the other hand, acceptance is the
key whatever may life brings. Accept of who you/we are and loved of who you are. Always
surround ourselves with the people who accepted our existence with this we learned to loved
them and thank them.

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