Tamuno Micah Tokuibi Pre Wriring Task IFY 2

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TIFY (Year 1) 

Assessment Cover Sheet 

Student Name Tamuno Micah Tokuibi

NCUK Student ID OX-20-0031

Module E.A.P.P.U

Coursework 1 / 2  2
Lecturer/Tutor Mrs. Kolawole Yetunde

Date Submitted 12/04/2021



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Pre-writing Task

March 2021

Title of Research Essay:

Investigate the main causes of environmental pollution and

evaluate the effectiveness of government policy and action to
tackle them.

1. Essay plan

2. Vocabulary

3. Referencing
General facts on environmental pollution
Paragraph 1.
 Definition of environmental pollution: Environmental pollution is the
unfavorable alteration of our surroundings, wholly or largely as a
byproduct of man’s actions, through direct or indirect effects of the
changes in the energy pattern, radiation levels, and chemical and
physical constitution and abundance of organisms. (Prabaht.K. R 2016)
 Types of environmental pollution: environmental pollution can be
categorized as the following: air pollution sound pollution soil pollution,
noise pollution radioactive pollution and thermal pollution. (Prabaht.K. R
Paragraph 2
 Pollution is one of the biggest global killers, affecting over 100 million
people. That’s comparable to global diseases like malaria and HIV.
(Dosomething.org 2015).
 In 1975, the National Academy of Sciences estimated that ocean-based
sources, such as cargo ships and cruise liners had dumped 14 billion
pounds of garbage into the ocean. (Dosomething.org 2015).
 While children make up 10% of the world’s population, over 40% of the
global burden of disease falls on them. More than 3 million children
under age five die annually from environmental factors .
(Dosomething.org 2015).

Main body
Section A: Causes and some consequences of environmental
pollution in Nigeria
Paragraph 1.
 Poor sewage systems: lack of adequate sewage and waste disposal
make many localities, potential health hazard areas for their
inhabitants. Sanitary and sewage systems are poor, and where they
exist, poorly managed. Several of the people do not care how they
dispose of their trash, and it is not surprising there are serious
pollution problems in the communities. (Garba. Z.N. 2011).
 The packaging of table water in cellophane sachets has helped in
ameliorating the water shortage in the country because different
governments have failed to provide safe drinking water for the
populace, and the use of polythene shopping bags is also facilitating
business transactions. (Dumbili.E 2020).

Paragraph 2
  Disposal and management of wastes in Nigeria present serious
environmental problems. The usual methods of waste disposal in the
country are: land filling, dumpsites, land spreads, water disposal, and
incineration. Each of these methods has serious environmental
implications because of their potential to pollute and contaminate
underground and surface water bodies in the country. (Adeyemo.K. O
 Spread of diseases: Due to a high level of pollution there would also be
a wide spread of diseases. Because polluted areas or places tend to
have a high level of bacteria and viruses existing, so when human
beings come in contact with these places they’ll get infected.
(Adeyemo.K. O 2003)

Section B: Policies made by the government to tackle this problem

Paragraph 1.
 Mismanaged plastic land-based waste entering marine
environments is a growing problem globally and across Africa.
Punitive legislation (outright plastic bag bans) to curb plastic marine
pollution has been widely adopted in Africa. Nigeria’s proposed
Plastic Bags Prohibition Bill mirrors punitive legislation prevalent in
Africa. (Nwafor.N)
 To attain optimal legal control of air pollution in the Nigeria
especially the Niger Delta region the issue must be made a Federal
matter including the responsibility for enforcement of
regulations.21 To do otherwise it to ignore the national and
international dimensions of air pollution problems.22 The situation
is the Federal Government that has jurisdiction and right to protect
the air space which must take in the ambient air. (Abila.S 2019).
 Sustainable development: The examination of environmental
regulation and sustainable development principles in Nigeria shows
that the nation need to integrate the principles of sustainable
development into the country policies and programmes in order to
reverse the loss of environmental resources (Adelegan.J.2004)

Section C: The effectiveness of the Policies made by the government

to tackle this problem.
Paragraph 2.
 Yes, the government has made policies or have made some policies
against environmental pollution in Nigeria. But yet they have not
had a great effect on the level of pollution because if the statistics
are analyzed, it would be noticed that from the time these policies
were made and implemented there has still been an increase in the
level of pollution. (Ogujiuba.K 2006).
 Nigeria, like other developing countries suffer from a number of
primary environmental problems mainly attributable to under-
development and attendant poor living conditions. Consequently,
failure to begin waging an early war against environmental
degradation today is likely to affect output adversely and increase
costs in the future. (Adelegan.J. A 2004).
Paragraph 1.
 Environmental pollution is very bad and when Nigeria is considered, bad
is not even enough to describe the situation in the country. But
environmental pollution didn’t just on its own occur like that, one of its
main causes is poor waste management in the country and also poor
treatment, ineffectiveness of government policies it has had a lot of
negative effects like an increase in mortality rates and wide spread of
 At least the government has tried to make and implement some policies
to tackle these problems policies such as: fines for poor disposal of
waste i.e littering the environment and also to some industries to stop
emitting harmful substances into the environment. But honestly
speaking these policies have not had such great effect on pollution in
Nigeria. But hopefully there would be a form of change
Head word transcription synonym definition Use in a sentence Word in
pollution /pəˈluʃən/ contamination Emission of harmful There is a high rate of
substances into the pollution.
plastic ˈ/plæstɪk/ polymer A synthetic substance The bottle is made from
made from polymeric s plastic.

waste /weɪst/ nuclear A substance that is There was a lot of

considered unneeded waste in the sewers.
or something harmful
toxic /ˈtɒksɪk/ hazardous A substance that results Uranium is a very toxic
a bad side effect, when substance
introduced to the body
mitigate ˈ/mɪtɪɡeɪt/ shorten It means to reduce a The probability of an
risk of loss of any increased mortality
undesirable event rate was mitigated.
environment /ɪn Surrounding This refers to our There is environmental
ˈvaɪrənmənt/ immediate pollution.
mortality /mɔː(r)ˈtæləti/ death Number of deaths The mortality rate was
within a particular area very high.

Biodegradable /baɪəʊdɪ- Acidification The ability of a That nylon bag is not a

-ɡreɪdəb(ə)l/ substance to be biodegradable material.
decomposed by micro
Damage /dɪˈstrɔɪ/ Destroy To ruin the structure of Pollution is causing
something. It also irreparable damage to
means to break the earth.
irreparable /ɪˈrep(ə)- Terribly A state of being The effect was
-rəb(ə)l/ unfixable. irreparable.


 Abila.S (2019). laws policies and strategies against air pollution in Nigeria.

international review of law and jurisprudence(IRLJ). Available at;

file:///C:/Users/HomAgeSystems/Downloads/234-453-1-SM.pdf .

(Accessed; 2nd May 2021)

 Adedeji.O. B (2011). Aquatic pollution in Nigeria: the way forward.

Advancements in environmental biology. Available at;



50756&p=AONE&sw=w . (Accessed; 4th May 2021).

 Adelegan.J. A (2004). The history of environmental policy and pollution of

water sources in Nigeria (1960-2004): The way forward.

nigerianlawguru.com. can be found at;



(Accessed; 20th march 2021)

 Adeyemo.K. O (2003). consequences of pollution and degradation of

Nigerian aquatic environment on fisheries resources. Linksprnger.com.

Available at;

https://link.springer.com/article/10.1023/B:ENVR.0000031357.89548.fb .

(Accessed; 4th April 2021)

 Awodumi.O. B (2021). Environmental pollution, energy important economic

growth: evidence of sustainable growth in Nigeria and south Africa.

Environmental science and pollution research. Available at;


12th March 2021).

 Chikaire.J. U (2016). Consequences of environmental pollution on

agricultural productivity in developing country. International journal of

agricultural and food research. Available at;


. (Accessed; 12th April 2021).

 Dosomething.org (2015). https://www.dosomething.org/us/facts/11-facts-


%20annually%20from%20environmental%20factors(Accessed; 24th March


 Dumbili.E. (2020). The challenge of plastic pollution in Nigeria. Plastic waste

and recycling. Nigeria. 2020. Available at; https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-

12-817880-5.00022-0. (Accessed; 9th February 2021).

 Garba. Z.N. (2011). Domestic water pollution among local communities in

Nigeria- Causes and consequences. European journal of scientific research

pp592-603. Nigeria. Available at; http://www.eurojournals.com/ejsr.htm.

(Accessed; 9th February 2021).

 Lerot.C. (2014). Anthropogenic emissions in Nigeria and atmospheric ozone

pollutions. A view from space. Atmospheric environment pp32-34. Nigeria.

Available at; https://doi.org/10.1016/j.atmosenv.2014.09.055. (Accessed;

9th February 2021).

 Nwafor.N (2020). plastic bag prohibition bill. A developing story of crass

legalism aiming to reduce plastic marine pollution in Nigeria. Marine

pollution. Available at ;

0(Accessed; 30th April 2021).

 Ogujiuba.K (2006). Sustainability of the environment and water pollution in

Nigeria: problems, management and policy options. Global journal of

environmental sciences VOL.5, NO.1. Available at;



 Prabaht.K. R (2016). Biomagnetic Monitoring of Particulate Matter,

Available at; https://www.sciencedirect.com/topics/earth-and-planetary-



%202017 (Accessed; 19th April 2021).

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