Negative Entity Research SSRF

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What are the various types of ghosts (demons, devils, negative
energies, etc.) and their main characteristics?
1. Introduction to SSRF and different types of ghosts
The Spiritual Science Research Foundation (SSRF) has been studying various types of ghosts and their manifestations since the year 2000. At
that time due to the intense spiritual practice of seekers in the SSRF hermitages (aashrams) across India and the mission of the organisation to
spread Spirituality in order to herald in the era of spiritual renewal after 2025, we found that seekers of SSRF began to be increasingly targeted by
ghosts. Initially the lower order ghosts began to attack the aashram and seekers. SSRF seekers fought this onslaught of subtle attacks by
increasing their spiritual level, spiritual healing remedies and most importantly the grace of their spiritual guide His Holiness Dr. Athavale.
However as the years progressed, various types of ghosts of increasing spiritual strength attacked seekers in an attempt to stop the spiritual
research that was taking place in the SSRF aashrams.

During the period from 2000 to date, SSRF has had the opportunity to witness and research thousands of subtle attacks and possession by
various types of ghosts. In this section, we explain the various genres of ghosts and their characteristics.

2. Types of ghosts
At the outset, it is important to note that while we use the phrase ghosts (demons, devils, negative energies, etc.) as a collective noun to cover the
entire gamut of negative energies, there is a vast difference between the lower order ghosts and higher order ghosts such as subtle sorcerers
(maantriks) from the sixth and seventh region of Hell. This difference is in terms of their spiritual strength. It is like comparing the military might
of the United States of America to a small country in the Pacific Ocean. Though they both have the status of being sovereign nations, they are
simply not in the same league in terms of military might.

Ghosts primarily use their spiritual strength gained through their type of spiritual practice to harm humanity. The extent of possible harm depends
on their spiritual strength which is generally a function of the type of ghost. In the table below we have given the various types of ghosts and their
relative spiritual strength.


1. These figures in the table are applicable to the current time period up until the year 2025. It shows an increase in the activity of higher level
ghosts. Refer to the articles on Armageddon and the Battle of Good versus Evil. So ordinarily where the affecting negative energies for
the average person would have been the common ghost/departed ancestor here in the table it presently shows a predominance of demons
affecting mankind.

2. By percentage of people affected we mean the extent of the world’s current population affected by the various types of ghosts.
3. This column shows the spiritual level of Advanced Balanced Spiritual Beings involved in spreading Spirituality as compared to the
strength of ghosts. For example the spiritual strength of a Saint of 70% involved in spreading Spirituality is less than the spiritual strength
of a type of ghost such as the Female goblin (Hadal). It is impossible for the average exorcist/spiritual healer to overcome ghosts above
the Common Ghost (Bhoot) or departed ancestor (who have not become ghosts). The average exorcists, spiritual healers, sorcerers
(maantriks) and average priests can at best remove Common Ghosts or departed ancestors affecting or possessing a person. They would
generally be unaware of any higher level ghosts possessing a person.

4. In most cases people are affected by departed ancestors wanting to trouble their descendants. However the desire of departed ancestors to
trouble their descendants is invariably fuelled by energy from higher level ghosts. So even in the case of a demon affecting a person, they
may do it through a departed ancestor. In some cases the departed ancestors themselves could be among any of the categories of ghost.

5. The subtle sorcerers (maantriks) rarely affect people directly and only do so in case of:

a. The hardened terrorist working for the downfall of humanity at large or

b. To stop a Saint’s mission who is working for upliftment of humanity at a spiritual level.

6. As you can see from the above chart the spiritual strength of subtle sorcerers (maantriks) is the maximum amongst all types of ghosts.
They have access to gigantic amounts of spiritual black energy. They can access it to cause damage over large areas and severely affect
humanity at large. Maantriks or subtle sorcerers from the 6th and 7th Region of Hell (Paataal) have the spiritual capability to wage a
subtle war even against lower level deities from the subtle region of Heaven (Swargaloka) in manifest form (positive energy having a

2.1 What about all the familiar names of ghosts?

For those of you who have been exposed to literature about ghosts, you may be wondering what happened to the familiar names you have read
about such as Satan, Devil, Poltergeist, Phantom etc. These are but various names of ghosts that fit into the framework of generic types of ghosts
that we have given above.

3. Is there any hierarchy in ghosts?

Yes there is a hierarchy among ghosts which is based on their spiritual power or strength. Ultimately all ghosts are controlled by subtle sorcerers

3.1 Is there any head of all ghosts?

Yes, a subtle sorcerer who is a Spiritual Instuctor (master) maantrik guides other maantriks.

4. How does a ghost become a particular type of ghost?

• The main reason behind a person becoming a certain type of ghost is due to their predominant personality trait and their predominant
thought at the time of death. For example people involved in adversely affecting humanity at large are more likely to become subtle
sorcerers (maantriks). On the other hand excessive worldly desires and constantly thinking ill about others may culminate in one
becoming a Common Ghost (Bhoot) after death. This also depends on how much the trait is ingrained in oneself and how often it has
manifested into action.

• Consequently one’s fate in the afterlife can also be determined by the type of ghost that controlled the person when on Earth. In cases
where a person on Earth is fully under the control of a ghost such as a subtle sorcerer they are more likely to become slave subtle
sorcerers (maantriks) in the afterlife.

• The basic rule is that negative personalities attract negativity and are fuelled by ghosts (demons, devils, negative energies, etc.) with or
without their knowledge.

5. Basic shape and form of types of ghosts

In the various articles where we have provided detailed information on the various types of ghosts, pictures of their generic form have been
provided. Please note that this is just a rough guideline as ghosts can take up any form.

The spiritual principle that word, touch, form, taste, smell and its associated energy coexist is also true with ghosts. Depending on their type of
energy, they take up generic forms. These forms can however change, depending on what the ghost is trying to achieve. For example, if the ghost
is trying to intimidate, it will take up an intimidating form, whereas if it is trying to fool a spiritual healer it may take a form of an angel or a
positive energy. They can also take the form of our departed ancestors thus misleading psychics and the people who come to psychics to enquire
about departed relatives. This is true in almost all cases.

The Common Ghost (Bhoot) 

1. Introduction
The Common Ghost is the lowest in the hierarchy of ghosts. It has a relative strength of 1. (Refer to the article on Types of Ghosts) In the present
times up to 2025, about 30% of people in society are affected or possessed by Common Ghost.

2. Picture of the Common Ghost (Bhoot)

Please note that this is just a rough guideline, as ghosts can take up any form depending on what they are trying to achieve.

Also refer to Why is there a protective border around the picture of the ghost?

3. Salient features of the Common Ghost (Bhoot)

3.1 Place of residence on the Earth region
Ghosts generally reside in premises that have the same frequency as the subtle region of their origin or raja-tama vibrations that match their own.
Common Ghosts therefore take up residence in dilapidated houses, pubs, raja-tama predominant entertainment centres (to fulfill their desires),
ditches, canals, houses where the residents have their type of habits and desires. Their place of residence can change on a daily basis.

3.2 Physical features of the Common Ghost (Bhoot)

• Common Ghosts can acquire any form and colour depending on what they are trying to achieve and how much they plan to expose

• Quite often, their form matches their original actual form when they were on the Earth region. When they want to frighten people, they can
take an amorphous form like the one shown in the above picture.

• Extreme variation of their regular shape (compared to higher ghosts) is limited as their spiritual energy is quite low.

• They are generally Earthbound and are found near the ground level to a large extent.

3.3 Mental features of the Common Ghost (Bhoot)

• Staying together: The thought of the family and friends continues in their afterlife. Those with similar vibrations, personality and region
flock together. In short they tend towards living in groups.

• Restless nature:

1. They do not remain still in one place. They are constantly on the move.

2. Their eyes are restless.

• Desires: They are fond of worldly pleasures

• Attitude related to the actual actions: When they materialise in a possessed person they shout making loud sounds, seek attention and
appreciation by clapping hands, have fun, play pranks, kick a ruckus, constantly pull each other's legs and shout suddenly.

• Attitude related to the thoughts: They constantly trouble humans and watch the fun. They usually do not attack humans. They just
involve themselves in frightening people or satisfying their desires through people.

3.4 Spiritual features of the Common Ghost (Bhoot)

• Common ghosts do not do spiritual practice to gain more black energy on their own but instead get the energy ready made from superior

• They do not function on their own as they do not have the capacity. They work under all the types of ghosts (demons, devils, negative
energies, etc.) doing tasks like conveying messages to superior ghosts and providing information about the various places.

4. How do Common Ghosts affect human beings?

A Common Ghost and a departed ancestor (who has not become a ghost) are on the same level with regards to their spiritual strength. The main
difference is that a departed ancestor troubles his descendants making use of his give and take account with them, while a ghost troubles any
human being, using its black energy regardless of them being their descendants.

4.1 Medium of causing distress:

Common Ghosts affect mankind by:

• Possessing a person to fulfill their desires such as alcohol, food, sex, etc.

• Materialisation in front of a person.

• Temporarily entering animals to attack or frighten humans.

4.2 Through the environment

• Increase in the subtle pressure in the environment resulting in the atmosphere becoming cloudy or like black fog. This causes disturbances
in a family like quarrels and rows and reduction in output.

4.3 Material/Worldly

• Common Ghosts spoil foodstuffs.

• They can move items making it difficult for people to find things. There is a high incidence of tumbling objects.

• They rob money and other objects from the premises as per the directives of superior ghosts.

• They generate strange sounds in the premises by jumping on the walls or ceiling. In fact they can generate deafening sounds through the
medium of negative frequencies.

4.4 At a physical level

• Suddenly shove when walking.

• Talking in sleep.

• Bedwetting at night.

• Giddiness followed by experience of touch of ghosts.

• Stamping hands and legs, when a person possessed by a ghost is exposed to spiritual healing.

4.5 At a mental level

• Experience of sudden passage of a white fog in the darkness of a room followed by forgetting of the task in hand and being perplexed.

• Constant experience of presence of an entity.

• Experience of sudden lifting of one's body while lying down or of shifting of the ground from under one’s feet.

• Feeling like ‘throwing tantrums, using abusive language, shouting’.

• Cause addictions.

• A person possessed by a Common Ghost may feel scared of visiting a place of worship. Here it is the Common Ghost’s fear that is rising
to the fore.

• When possessed persons visit a place of worship, they throw things noisily, throw away substances used in ritualistic worship and their
behaviour brings obstacles to the rituals.

5. Remedies

Note: The Resistance has edited Remedies described for direct effectiveness.
• At an individual level: Jasmine stick remedy SSRF incense sticks.

• Related to the environment : Cleansing environment of negative images that act as waypoints for these type of spirits, especially magnets
such as music CD's with negative music.

• High Frequency sounds which can be found on The Resistance website available for free download.

Note: The spiritual level of the spiritual healer has to be at least 20% more than the ghost affecting or possessing the person he is trying to heal.
When one is treated with external spiritual remedies, one feels better for a time, but to get rid of this distress (which in many cases follows us
from many births) permanently, it is important to do spiritual practice and generate continuous and lasting positivity first hand within us. Only
then is it possible to get a permanent cure. If one complements the spiritual healing with chanting during spiritual healing, then the distress is
overcome in a shorter time.

Demon (Raakshas)
1. Introduction
A Demon is the second in the hierarchy of ghosts (demons, devils, negative energies, etc.) in ascending order. The category of Demons actually
includes a group of ghosts known as the Raakshas and Asurs. Hence their relative spiritual strength ranges from 10-100, where 1 is the relative
strength of the lowest among ghosts, i.e. the Common Ghost (Bhoot). Refer to the article on ‘Types of ghosts’. In the present times up until 2025,
about 50% of society is affected or possessed by Demons. This same 50% of the population will also be affected by their departed ancestors.

2. Picture of the Demon

Please note that this is just a rough guideline, as ghosts can take up any form depending on what they are trying to achieve.

3. Salient features of the Demon

3.1 Place of residence on Earth region:

Ghosts generally reside in premises that have the same frequency as the subtle region of Hell of their origin or raja-tama vibrations that match
their own. Demons prefer living in solitary places. They live alone on roof tops, attics of big firms or factories or big caves.
3.2 Physical features of Demon

People possessed by Demons when manifest display the following traits which are characteristic of Demons:

• Shuffling gait.

• Seek attention by stamping legs.

• Throw objects making loud sounds with eyes closed.

 3.3 Mental features of Demon

• They are arrogant.

• They boss over common ghosts.

• They are short tempered and impatient. They growl if attacked.

• Demons are lethargic. They satisfy their craving for food through foodstuffs obtained by others.

• They do not listen to sorcerers and thus are always being punished by them.

• They satisfy their lust by resorting to rape.

• Very rarely do they indulge in extravagant acts.

3.4 Spiritual features of Demon

• Demons do not do spiritual practice.

• They participate in rituals to assimilate black energy, only when ordered by sorcerers. They do so reluctantly and take up only inferior

• They are experts in transmitting black energy in an explosive form.

4. How do Demons affect human beings?

Demons work at the following levels to harm mankind.

4.1 Through the environment 

• Demons transmit distressing sounds like earthquake or running machines constantly in the premises.

• Due to their presence foul smell is spread in the surroundings without a source.

4.2 Material/Worldly level 

• Demons occasionally create crevices in walls if angry.

• They create dampness under the seat where somebody is sitting and chanting.

4.3 At a physical level 

• Loss of appetite

• Itching

• Giddiness

• Generation of distressing sound near the ears constantly, thereby leading to numbness due to the barrage of weird sounds.

• Experience of being pushed or of being awakened by touching when one is sitting in meditation.

4.4 At a mental level 

• Loss of sleep at night but sleepiness even during daytime.

• Thoughts about hitting and assaulting others.

• Persons affected with Demons do not allow others to do spiritual practice.

5. Remedy
• At an individual level: Jasmine stick remedy SSRF incense sticks.

• Related to the environment : Cleansing environment of negative images that act as waypoints for these type of demons, especially magnets
such as music CD's with negative music and images containing negative energies.

• High Frequency sounds which can be found on The Resistance website available for free download.

Note: The spiritual level of the spiritual healer has to be at least 20% more than the ghost affecting or possessing the person he is trying to heal.
When one is treated with external spiritual remedies one feels better for a while, but to get rid of this distress (which in many cases follows us
from many births) permanently, it is important to do spiritual practice and generate continuous and lasting positivity first hand within us. Only
then is it possible to get a permanent cure. If one complements the spiritual healing with chanting during spiritual healing then the distress is
overcome in a shorter time.

1. Introduction to the Black Serpent (Kaala Naag)

The Black Serpent (Kaala Naag) is the third in the hierarchy of ghosts in ascending order as per their spiritual strength. The relative spiritual
strength of the Black Serpent is 100. (Refer to the article on ‘Types of ghosts’). About 10% of the world’s population is affected or possessed by
them in the present times right up to 2025. Considering that a small percentage of the world's population is affected by them as compared to the
common ghost and the demon we have given only a brief list of its salient features.

2. Picture of the Black Serpent (Kaala Naag)


Please note that this is just a rough guideline, as ghosts can take up any form depending on what they are trying to achieve.

One may wonder why it is called a ‘Black Serpent’ when it is green in colour. Well, this is from the perspective of distinguishing it from the
yellow or positive Serpents who have positive spiritual energy and who help human beings and seekers of The Most High. On the other hand
Black Serpents have black energy which they use to harm mankind.

3. Salient features of the Black Serpent (Kaala Naag)

• Black serpents are short-tempered, extremely smart, shrewd and fraudulent. They are always engrossed in their work and are enthusiastic.

• They are extremely aggressive and release black energy very quickly.

• They are very meticulous and persistent in their spiritual practice.

• Due to their tremendous spiritual practice, they have the spiritual energy to gain control over an individual's seven chakras. Here chakra
refers to a centre through which the spiritual energy flows as per the Path of Activation of Spiritual Energy (Kundaliniyoga). Generally,
they store their energy in the seven chakras. Refer to our section on kundalini.
• They have many supernatural powers.

• They work under sorcerers (maantriks).

4. Spiritual healing remedies

• Spiritual practice and personality defect removal is the most sustainable spiritual healing to overcome any type of ghost (demon, devil,
negative energy, etc.)

• The spiritual power of the Black Serpents can be reduced by directing the spiritual healing positive energy on their black energy centres
located in the corresponding seven kundalini chakras of the possessed or affected person.

Note: The spiritual level of the spiritual healer has to be at least 20% more than the ghost affecting or possessing the person he is trying to heal.
When one is treated with external spiritual remedies one feels better for a time, but to get rid of this distress (which in many cases follows us from
many past births) permanently, it is important to do spiritual practice and generate continuous and lasting positivity first hand within us. Only then
is it possible to get a permanent cure. If one complements the spiritual healing with chanting during spiritual healing, then the distress is overcome
in a shorter time.

The female goblin (hadal)

1. Introduction
The female goblin (hadal) is the fourth in the hierarchy of ghosts in ascending order, as per their spiritual strength. Their relative spiritual strength
is 1000, compared to that of a common ghost, which is 1. Refer to the article on ‘Types of ghosts’. About 2% of the world’s population is
affected or possessed by them in the present times, and will be so right up to 2025. Considering that a lower percentage of the world’s population
is affected by them, we have given only a brief list of their salient features.

2. Picture of the female goblin (hadal)


Please note that this is just a rough guideline, as ghosts can take up any form depending on what they are trying to achieve.

3. Salient features of the female goblin (hadal)

• They have a strong odour around them, like that of a rotten egg.

• Generally, they affect the person without possessing him or her, i.e. they do not enter the body of an individual.
• They can make anything disappear by using a mantra.

• Their main job is to provide material required for doing black magic, for example bones, skulls etc. to the sorcerers (māntriks) for their
rituals, by digging out bodies in the cemetery.

• Female goblins work under jākhin, another type of ghost.

4. Remedies
• High Frequency sounds which can be found on The Resistance website available for free download.

• The use of the voice to bring the body into a higher vibration also called "Chanting" but in this case minus the names of Deities while
focusing on vibrational increase.

• Reference points of strength and your personal power within.

Note: The spiritual level of the spiritual healer has to be at least 20% more than the ghost affecting or possessing the person he or she is trying to
heal. When one is treated with external spiritual remedies one feels better for some time, but to get rid of this distress (which, in many cases,
follows us from many births) permanently, it is important to do spiritual practice and generate continuous and lasting positivity first hand within
us. Only then is it possible to get a permanent cure. If one complements the spiritual healing with chanting during spiritual healing, then the
distress is overcome in a shorter time.

1. Introduction
A Jaakhin is the fifth in the hierarchy of ghosts in ascending order as per their spiritual strengths. Its relative spiritual strength is 1000. (Refer to
the article on ‘Types of ghosts’). Even though its spiritual strength is the same as that of the Female goblin (Hadal), we have still put it higher in
the hierarchy of ghosts. This is because the Female goblins work under Jaakhins. About 2% of the world’s population is affected or possessed
by them in the present times right up to 2025. Considering that by percentage, relatively less people in the world are affected by them, we have
given only a brief list of its salient features.

2. Picture of Jaakhin

Please note that this is just a rough guideline as ghosts can take on any form depending on what they are trying to achieve.

3. Salient features of Jaakhin

• They are experts in the knowledge of mantras. They tie up subtle bodies with the help of mantras or they take control of subtle bodies
using mantras and force them to do various jobs.

• They decide which subtle bodies to select to work for them in advance based on their behaviour when alive on Earth.
• The Female goblins (Hadals) work under Jaakhins. They give Jaakhins information about the dead persons.

4. Remedies
• High Frequency sounds which can be found on The Resistance website available for free download.

• The use of the voice to bring the body into a higher vibration also called "Chanting" but in this case minus the names of Deities while
focusing on vibrational increase.

• Reference points of strength and your personal power within.

Note: The spiritual level of the spiritual healer has to be at least 20% more than the ghost affecting or possessing the person he is trying to heal.
When one is treated with external spiritual remedies one feels better for a while. However to get rid of this distress (which in many cases follows
us from many past births) permanently, it is important to do spiritual practice. This helps to generate from within oneself, a continuous and lasting
positive spiritual energy. Thus one is no longer dependant on external sources of healing energy. Only then is it possible to get a permanent cure.

The Witch (Chetkin)

1. Introduction
The relative spiritual strength of the Witch (Chetkin) is 1000. This is compared to the Common Ghost who would be 1 on the scale of relative
strength. Refer to the article on ‘Types of ghosts’. About 2% of the world’s population is affected or possessed by them in the present times right
up to 2025. Given that a low percentage of the world’s population is affected by them, we have only given a brief list of its salient features.

2. Picture of the Witch (Chetkin)


Please note that this is just a rough guideline as ghosts can take up any form depending on what they are trying to achieve.

3. Salient features of the Witch (Chetkin)

• A foul smell is associated with the presence of Witches (Chetkins).

• People possessed by Witches (Chetkins) when manifest laugh continuously.

• They are skilled in assuming various forms.

• They enter a person's body and cause accidents. They then take control of subtle bodies of these people to get them to work for them.
They also train them in performing rituals to harness black energy.

• They are capable of taking complete control of a house and can then devastate the entire family living there.

• They are experts in the field of mantra and tantra. They are well-versed in casting magic spells.

• They work alongside the highest type of ghosts, i.e. subtle sorcerers (maantriks).
4. Remedies
• Related to the environment : Spiritually cleansing the environment of negative images that act as waypoints for these type of spispiritsrits,
especially magnets such as music CD's with negative music.

• High Frequency sounds which can be found on The Resistance website available for free download.

• The use of the voice to bring the body into a higher vibration also called "Chanting" but in this case minus the names of Deities while
focusing on vibrational increase.

• Reference points of strength and your personal power within.

Note: The spiritual level of the spiritual healer has to be at least 20% more than the ghost affecting or possessing the person he is trying to heal.
When one is treated with external spiritual remedies one feels better for a time, but to get rid of this distress (which in many cases follows us from
many births) permanently, it is important to do spiritual practice and generate continuous and lasting positivity first hand within us. Only then is it
possible to get a permanent cure. If one complements the spiritual healing with chanting during spiritual healing then the distress is overcome in a
shorter time.

The Spirit (Pischaacha)

1. Introduction
The relative spiritual strength of the Spirit (Pischaacha) is 10,000 (The relative strength of the lowest ghost, the Common ghost is 1). Refer to the
article on ‘Types of ghosts’. About 4% of the world’s population is affected or possessed by them in the present times right up to 2025.
Considering that a small percentage of world's population is affected by them, as compared to being affected by the Common Ghost and the
Demon, we have given only a brief list of its salient features.

2. Picture of the Spirit (Pischaacha)

Please note that this is just a rough guideline as ghosts can take on any form depending on what they are trying to achieve.

3. Salient features of the Spirit (Pischaacha)

• Spirits (Pischaacha) are very lazy and therefore the likelihood of them causing distress to people is low. Mostly they possess a person to
use his body just to get a habitat.

• But once they enter, they live on for years. Other types of ghosts keep on going out or coming in continuously, but Spirits do not leave
the body for years. Even after the death of the person they have possessed, they latch on to the subtle body.

• They assume the form of the person they enter into.

• The people affected by Spirits look pale, their skin looks oily and their eyes look very dull. Distress caused by Spirits (Pischaacha)
increases at night.

• When they attack a person they emit black energy with a rancid, putrid oily smell. This foul smell distracts the person and causes nausea.

• They absorb juices secreted for digestion of food and reduce the vital energy of the individual possessed by them. Thus the body
resistance of the affected person reduces and they fall ill repeatedly.
• People possessed by Spirits (Pischaacha) when manifest show the following characteristics:

◦ The eyes of the manifesting person twinkle.

◦ When others touch their hands or feet, they experience a sensation of pin pricks.

◦ The fingers and toes as well as the nails of the manifesting person appear pointed.

4. Remedies
• Related to the environment : Cleansing environment of negative images that act as waypoints for these type of sprits, especially magnets
such as music CD's with negative music.

• High Frequency sounds which can be found on The Resistance website available for free download.

• The spiritual power of Spirits (Pischaacha) can be reduced by exposing them to spiritual healing remedies wherein specific combinations
of musical notes are used to generate a subtle fragrance.

Note: The spiritual level of the spiritual healer has to be at least 20% more than the ghost affecting or possessing the person he is trying to heal.
When one is treated with external spiritual remedies one feels better for a while, but to get rid of this distress (which in many cases follows us
from many past births) permanently, it is important to do spiritual practice and generate continuous and lasting positivity first hand within us.
Only then is it possible to get a permanent cure. If one complements the spiritual healing with chanting during spiritual healing then the distress is
overcome in a shorter time.

Sorcerer (Maantrik)
1. Introduction
The Sorcerers (Maantriks) are the topmost echelon in the hierarchy of ghosts (demons, devils, negative energies, etc.). Their relative spiritual
strength is in the range of 100,000 units to infinity. This is compared to the relative strength of a common ghost which is 1. Refer to the article on
‘Types of ghosts’.

They are extremely powerful. The power of the highest Sorcerer (Maantrik) would be almost comparable to that of unmanifest form of The Most
High. They are forever working towards their goal of establishing their supremacy, (i.e. an order of unrighteousness) in all the subtle regions as
well as Earth region.

To achieve this, they are engaged in subtle battle with the highest evolved beings from all the positive regions including Satyaloka. They work
through the medium of other types of ghosts whom they use as slaves. They have an excellent subtle communication infrastructure in place
wherein all the various types of ghosts are interconnected. The moment any ghost is in need of spiritual black energy it is automatically provided
by the next order of ghost and so on. It is only towards the end, if the highest slave ghost is at the losing end that a Sorcerer (Maantrik) would
come into the picture, that too only a lower level one and only in the capacity of providing more black energy.

The Sorcerers (Maantriks) being an elite class of ghosts, they do not bother affecting average human beings on Earth region. Sometimes they
may possess some types of humans who are already actively working for the downfall of humanity by instigating wars and genocides. They also
target seekers of The Most High who are actively dedicated to bringing about the era of rekindling Spirituality in mankind. By manipulating the
Absolute Cosmic elements they are able to create floods, tsunamis, earthquakes etc.

Thus a very negligible percentage of society is affected or possessed directly by subtle Sorcerers (Maantriks). That is why in the article ‘Types of
ghosts’ we have reflected the percentage of people in society affected by them as zero. But considering their immense influence on the universe in
general and on mankind in particular, especially in the present times up to 2025, we have given a detailed description of the Sorcerers

2. Picture of a Sorcerer (Maantrik)

Please note that this is just a rough guideline as ghosts can take up any form depending on what they are trying to achieve.

3. Salient features of Sorcerers (Maantriks)

3.1 Place of residence of Sorcerers (Maantriks)

Ghosts generally reside in premises that have the same frequency as the subtle region of Hell of their origin or raja-tama vibrations that match
their own. Sorcerers (Maantriks) reside in the regions of Hell from the 2nd region onwards.

3.2 Physical features of Sorcerers (Maantriks)

• Sorcerers (Maantriks) can acquire any form depending on what they are trying to achieve and how much they plan to expose themselves.
They can also manifest in the physical form and take human or animal form.

• Due to their immense spiritual energy they radiate an aura about them that is similar to that of a Saint.

3.3 Mental features of Sorcerers (Maantriks)

• Sorcerers (Maantriks) are very cunning and highly skilled in scheming.

• They guard their secrets closely.

• They learn even the minutest details of rituals done by others but do not disclose any knowledge about their rituals to obtain spiritual

• They can get any activity done just by concentrating on the relevant thought during meditation.

• They strive constantly to establish total control on people in places that are conducive for furthering their objectives.

3.4 Spiritual features of Sorcerers (Maantriks)

3.4.1 Spiritual practice

• Sit in meditation for hours: Sorcerers (Maantriks) generate immense negative black spiritual energy through meditation.

• Access the Absolute Fire element: They access the Absolute Fire element (Teja tattva) to assimilate black energy through the medium of
various postures (mudraa). They then transmit the accessed black energy in desired directions with the help of respective postures

• Skilled in tantra and mantra: They recite the mantras in a bass tone and activate the centers of black energy in their bodies through the
medium of speech. They are also highly skilled in tantrik rituals. Tantra is the science of harnessing spiritual energy for worldly

• Knowledgeable in illusory science (maayaavi vidyaa): They generate their illusory forms through meditation.

3.4.2 Other spiritual features

• Influence people by focusing on corresponding thoughts during meditation: Sorcerers (Maantriks) focus on thoughts about
influencing a particular person during meditation and thereby get the work done through that person as per their wish.

• Enjoy demoniacal pleasure: They enjoy demoniacal pleasure by disrupting the social structure.

4. How do Sorcerers (Maantriks) affect human beings?

Sorcerers affect human beings in the following ways.

4.1 Through the environment

• Sorcerers (Maantriks) cause imbalances in the atmospheric temperature thereby causing extreme restlessness.

• They make the environment predominant in raja-tama, and saturated with their black energy thereby making it conducive to destructive
anti-social activities.

4.2 At a physical level

• Sorcerers (Maantriks) can cause any type of physical distress to mankind.

• They can cause mutant strains of virus that can cause pandemics.

4.3 At a mental level

• Putting antisocial thoughts in the minds of affected people.

• Feeling of ‘having no existence’.

4.4 Spiritual

• Actively bring work to infuse unrighteousness in society.

• They possess key people in society. These people are generally manifest throughout the day making key decisions for society under the
directives of the Sorcerer.

5. Remedy
• Only Advanced Balanced Spiritual Beings and positive energies above the 95% spiritual level can effectively fight with Maantriks.  

6. Summary
• Sorcerers (Maantriks) are the highest in the hierarchy of ghosts.

• They are too powerful to bother with affecting or possessing average human beings. They however do affect and possess those human
beings with very high raja-tama traits that can affect humanity like terrorists or leaders of international stature, etc. They do so from the
point of view of using them as weapons of mass destruction or adversely affecting the course of the entire world like instigating a World

• Their possession is very insidious and too subtle to be noticed by anyone other than those with very highly advanced sixth sense or with
spiritual level above 90%.

• They are instrumental in bringing about mass destruction through natural disasters like tsunami and earthquakes.

• They are continually engaged in a subtle battle for supremacy that is raged in the various positive regions. This battle is most accentuated
in the last mini era of a mini cycle. At the present time we are going through such a period.

• They can be overpowered or destroyed only by Advanced Balanced Spiritual Beings above the 95% spiritual level that function at the
level of unmanifest (nirgun) form of The Most High.

• When overpowered they take refuge in the deepest recesses of Hell and engage in deep meditative form of spiritual practice to replenish
their negative black energy power.

• This goes on for centuries, when after amassing desired power they resurge to take on the positive regions.

• Having extremely negative personality traits like extreme hatred especially towards society or religious fanaticism make one more
vulnerable to being targeted by Sorcerers (Maantriks) to be used as a puppet of mass destruction. This happens without the victim being
even aware of the possession.

• Intense spiritual practice as per the six principles of spiritual practice coupled with personality defect removal and eradication of ego are
the tools to access supreme protection from The Most High that secures us protection from Sorcerers (Maantriks).

• Acquiring grace of a Spiritual Instuctor above 90% spiritual level through one’s intense spiritual practice is the assured way of being
insulated from the distress of Sorcerers (Maantriks).

Why the Protective Border?


You will notice that we have provided a protective border around each of the subtle pictures depicting negative energies and in some cases around
the entire article. Each side of the border has the Name of a specific aspect of The Most High in it. We have obtained this Name through advanced
sixth sense. The reason we have employed a protective border is to counteract any harmful subtle vibrations emitted by the pictures or the text
about negative energies. As a result our readers are protected from these subtle negative vibrations.
Also note that the colour of the border varies according to the Name of the Deity used in the border. The reason for this is that through spiritual
research we have found that a Deity (aspect of The Most High), in the spiritual dimension, is represented by a certain colour. By using this same
colour in the border, we increase the ability of the border to attract the Divine protective Energy of the Deity. 
Please do conduct subtle experiments on these protective borders.

5. What decides the percentage of Truth in the subtle pictures?

The percentage of Truth and hence the overall reading of the subtle pictures increases when all the details related to it are described authentically.
For example, even withholding the real name of the person whose subtle picture is drawn, decreases the element of Truth.

The following is a complete breakdown of all the various factors that can affect a subtle artist’s (clairvoyant artist’s) accuracy of illustration.
As you can see from the table above there are many factors that can come in the way of drawing accurate pictures of the subtle dimension.

Quite often we come across subtle artists (clairvoyant artists) who draw spirit guides or angels from the subtle regions for people. In almost all
cases, these drawings are ghosts (demons, devils, negative energies, etc.) providing false images to the subtle artists (clairvoyant artists). As the
subtle artist themselves are not spiritually evolved and nor do they have a spiritually evolved guide quite often they are led astray by ghosts with
higher spiritual strength. The unsuspecting person who thinks they have a picture of their angel in fact has a picture of a ghost from one of the
region of hell. The picture when taken home becomes a conduit for the ghost to emit black energy.

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