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Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark

Factsheet Denmark

For thousands of years, life in Greenland has been a unique interaction of the amazing and changeable nature – as here at Uummannaq in North Greenland
– and a population that has understood how to adapt to its changes. Photo: Kristian Fridriksson, Greenland Tourism.

JUNE 2008

The development of Home Rule in Green- Geography The east coast is dominated by the
land in many ways serves as a model for Greenland is part of the North American East Greenland polar current, covering it
other indigenous population groups continent. It is the world’s largest island, with a sheet of ice over a metre thick dur-
around the world, especially the Arctic with a total area of around 2.2 million ing the six winter months. During the
societies. Greenland has developed a mod- square kilometres, but only approx. summer, large ice masses slowly drift from
ern, well-functioning welfare society, 410,000 square kilometres are not covered the polar basin down along the coast and
where education, pension, health service by ice. The northernmost extremity, Cape south of Cape Farewell. Along the south-
and unemployment benefit are taken for Morris Jesup, is the northernmost land ern part of the west coast, a relatively
granted, while the Home Rule at the same area in the world, just 740 kilometres warm current keeps the coast clear of sea
time makes Greenland’s population self- from the North Pole. Cape Farewell, ice all year round. Navigation is only
governing in virtually all areas. Greenland’s southernmost point, is situat- impeded at the southernmost point dur-
On the other hand, the country has ed approx. 2,670 kilometres to the south, ing the spring and summer months by the
the same problems as other societies based at the latitude of the Nordic capitals of ice drifting down from the polar basin.
on a few resources. The economy is close- Oslo and Helsinki. Measured west-east, From Disko Bay northwards, the sea is
ly tied to fluctuations in the resource basis Greenland is 1,050 kilometres wide at its covered by ice during the six winter
and the price developments on the global broadest point. months, but fully or partly navigable dur-
market. It also still has close links with Such a great expanse results in wide cli- ing the six summer months. The further
Denmark, partly in the form of annual matic variations in Greenland. In addi- north you get, the shorter the navigable
subsidies of over DKK 3.2 billion and tion, the ice cap has a distinctive influence period.
partly through the free provision of educa- everywhere. With the exception of a few
tion, hospital and many other services to sheltered valleys in South Greenland, the History
Greenlandic citizens. Together, these fac- climate is arctic, with an average tempera- There have been cultures in Greenland for
tors set certain limits to both the econom- ture during the warmest month of the more than four thousand years. The first
ic and the political scope. year of less than 10°C. people migrated across the Davis Strait
Settlement in Greenland: Ever since the first coast. The current population originates from
settlers migrated across the Bering Strait via the last of these, around 1000 AD. Cultures have
Alaska and Canada to the Thule area around left different traces in the landscape and one of
2500 BC, life in Greenland has been shaped by the most spectacular finds are the 15th century
the interaction of human ability and nature’s mummies of six women and two children from
mutability. The next settlements were along the Qilakitsoq. The photo shows one of the very
west coast and the culture survived almost a well-preserved mummified children from the
thousand years before disappearing, probably cave where they were found. Photo: Greenland
due to climate changes. Later, another couple of Tourism.
migrations occurred along the east and west

from the American continent around well as a change of the country’s colony
2200 BC. However, settlement has not status. The basis of the welfare state was
been continuous, for the communities laid during the 1950s, 1960s and 1970s.
have always been dependent on hunting.
With climate changes, over-exploitation Political life
and natural fluctuations in the resource Already at an early stage, the first steps
Kalaallit Nunaat – Greenland basis, the settlers had to follow the animals were taken towards increased independ-
Constitution: Home Rule in a federation and at times succumbed from starvation. ence of the Greenlandic society. With the
with Denmark. Popularly elected parliament The first links with Europe were estab- establishment of the directorates in 1862,
– Landstinget. This has taken over legisla- lished with the Norse settlements from the Greenlanders were involved in the
tive authority in virtually all areas from the 982 AD and lasted until the mid 15th decision-making processes for the first
Danish Folketing, which includes two mem- century, when the settlers moved away, time and the 1908 Statute introduced
bers elected in Greenland.
partly as a result of the colder climate. both municipal councils and a regional
Area: 2,170,000 square kilometres, of which The flourishing European whaling in the government with democratically elected
410,449 square kilometres are ice free. 16th century restored regular visits to representatives. In 1953, Greenland
Population: 56,462 inhabitants (2008). Greenland, but a permanent link was not became a county on an equal footing with
Capital: Nuuk (Godthåb) with 16,421 inhabi- established until 1721, when Hans Egede the other Danish counties. However, the
tants (2008). settled on Håbets Ø (Hope Island) near early Danicisation policy created opposition
the current capital, Nuuk. This formed in Greenland and contributed to the intro-
Currency: Danish krone (DKK).
the basis of Danish sovereignty for the duction of Home Rule in 1979.
next 258 years, when the establishment of, Home Rule is a federation with Den-
KGH – Kongelige Grønlandske Handel mark based of extensive self-government.
(Royal Greenland Trade Company) with The legislation is formally approved by
CANADA its trade monopoly was crucial to the the Danish parliament, Folketinget, where
social development. two members are elected in Greenland.
Until the Second World War, Green- The Folketing and the Danish administra-
land was a closed country, based primarily tion issue acts and directives for the few
on subsistence production and the sale of areas not transferred to the Home Rule,
naa nla catch to the trade monopoly. In 1906, but almost all legislation originates in the
q ee
Pitu Gr
(Th ffik No
r th
GREENLAND sheep farming was introduced in South Greenlandic parliament, Landstinget. The
u Greenland and commercial fishing started members of the Landsting are elected at
Air le
e) in 1908. During the Second World War, least every four years by a general election
West Greenland

East Greenland

the German occupation of Denmark among all Danish citizens resident in

meant that all contact with Greenland was Greenland and aged over 18. The Lands-
suspended. Instead, the administration in ting nominates the president of the execu-
Greenland and the Danish legation in tive, Landsstyret, and approves the nomi-
Washington contacted the US govern- nation of its members, who act as the
Ilulis ment, who agreed to defend Greenland country’s government. Each Landsstyre
Aasia sat 3700
at against possible occupation. Among other member serves as minister for particular
things, this resulted in the establishment areas of responsibility.
u ssuaq
of military bases at Narsarsuaq, Kanger- Greenland has initiated a municipal
tsoq lussuaq and Grønnedal in 1941 and at reform and from 1 January 2009, the
Nuuk Thule in 1951-1952. country will be divided into four large
However, the standard of living was municipalities, each led by a municipal
very low both before and after the war council headed by a mayor. The munici-
c Oce
and a popular movement arose in Den- palities are responsible for the welfare of
q mark in favour of modernisation of the the local communities, including child-
Greenlandic society. There were calls for care, elementary school, culture and
0 400 km
an opening of the economy and invest- leisure as well as various social services.
ment in both housing and production as Greenland has a very active political

Norsemen: The Norsemen lived in Greenland for episcopal seat. There are many theories about
around 500 years. They were the descendants of the Norsemen’s disappearance from Greenland
Norwegian and Icelandic Vikings, who came to during the 16th century. One of the reasons may
Greenland led by Erik the Red in 985, searching be climate changes. The Norsemen came to
for new lands to farm. They found what they Greenland during a warm period and disap-
were looking for, partly in Østerbygden, now peared during an extremely cold period,
Julianehåb Bay, partly in Vesterbygden, now described as a minor ice age. Photo: Manfred
Godthåb Fjord. The photo shows ruins of the Horender.
Gardar settlement in Østerbygden, now Igaliko,
which in the Norsemen’s time functioned as

Immigration and emigration

Ice cap and glaciers
With an area of approx. 1,800,000 square
4,000 kilometres and a thickness of almost 3.5
kilometres, Greenland’s ice cap is the se-
3,000 cond-largest in the world, only exceeded by
the ice cap on the Antarctic continent. From
2,000 the ice cap, numerous glaciers release large
quantities of ice and melt water into the
surrounding waters. The largest glacier –
0 also the largest in the Northern hemisphere
– is the Ilulissat glacier. It releases 86 mil-
-1,000 lion tons of ice every 24 hours, which repre-
sents 8-10 per cent of all the ice which flows
-2,000 away from the ice cap, and therefore pro-
1981 1986 1991 1996 2001 2006
duces as much fresh water per day as New
Immigration York City uses in a whole year. In 2004,
Emigration Ilulissat ice fjord was included in UNESCO’s
Net immigration
World Heritage List of the most outstanding
life, dominated by four parties: Siumut, of the Federation, with future income natural and cultural phenomena in the
world. The warmer climate has accelerated
with a policy seeking extensive independ- accruing to Greenland after the subsidies
the melting and the production of icebergs,
ence within the framework of the Federa- from Denmark have been covered. The
causing the ice front to recede further and
tion, the Democrats, who focus more on legislative and decision-making authority further back into the ice fjord.
securing the economic basis for the further only remains in Denmark in relation to
development of the country, Inuit Ataqati- foreign policy, police, judicial system and
giit, with a policy aimed at independence the surveillance of Greenland’s waters.
for Greenland, and Atassut, which advo- The Danish state is represented by the
cates close collaboration with Denmark. High Commission, which is headed by Although dog sleigh and kayak are no longer
essential to survival in Greenland, both are valu-
the High Commissioner.
ed by the Greenlandic population and the tradi-
Links with the outside world Greenland is a member of the Nordic tions are therefore maintained. Photos: Kristian
Greenland administers the exploitation of Council and in this way maintains close Fridriksson, Greenland Tourism (left) and Isak
mineral and energy resources on behalf links with the other Nordic countries. Kleist (right).

Colonisation: In 1721, the Danish King Frederik became a Danish colony and over the next cen-
IV sent the priest Hans Egede to Greenland to tury several trading stations were established on
find the Norsemen. He discovered many Greenland’s west coast. However, East Green-
remains, but no surviving Norsemen. Instead, he land was difficult to access due to the ice cap
was met by the Inuit, who had come from the and the pack ice in the sea, so it was not
north and who with whale and seal hunting as colonised until 1892, when Gustav Holm led an
their main source of food were adapted to the expedition to the area around Ammassalik. The
colder climate. Hans Egede founded Godthåb photo shows the statue of Hans Egede, looking
(Nuuk) and initiated both mission and trade on out over today’s Nuuk. Photo: Lars Reimers.
behalf of the Danish King. Greenland thus

Greenland’s economy, settlement struc- Population

ture, education system and welfare system Key population figures 2007
Some 56,700 people live in Greenland.
Average life expectancy for people born in
have much in common with the general About 50,000 of them were born on the
Scandinavian welfare model, but there are island. With a rate of natural increase of Men: 64.4 years.
also many links across the Davis Strait to approx. 12 per thousand, the Greenlandic Women: 70.4 years.
the North American continent. Particularly population is growing steadily, but the
Fertility rate for women born in Greenland:
the collaboration within the ICC – Inuit total population has remained stable since
In towns: 2.2 children.
Circumpolar Council – has contributed the 1980s. This is partly due to the partial In settlements: 3.0 children.
positively to the development of the polar repatriation of Danes in recent decades.
Infant mortality:
collaboration, which among other things When the Danish workforce climaxed,
Boys: 15.2.
has manifested itself in the establishment more than 10,000 people born in
Girls: 6.9.
of the Arctic Council in 1996. Denmark worked in Greenland, but the
The population pyramid shows that relatively
more children are still born in Greenland
Population development in Greenland 1900-2007 than in the Nordic countries and Europe
60,000 generally. Relatively larger emigration by
women than men results in a significant
50,000 imbalance and this is particularly prevalent
in the settlements, where there is often an
40,000 actual shortage of women.


20,000 number has now declined to approx.

7,000. On the other hand, there has been
10,000 net emigration of the Greenlandic popula-
tion corresponding to the surplus of
0 births. As a result, the total population
1901 1916 1931 1946 1961 1976 1991 2006
has remained very stable at the same level
Town for the last decade.
Settlement The central parts of West Greenland
are the most densely populated, largely
Wage earners’ employment in 2005, per cent on sectors because this area is ice free so that its
waters are navigable all year round and
4.9 3.0 the development opportunities for fishing
are best here for the same reason. Most of
7.3 Public administration and services
the population – around 47,000 – live in
44.9 Trade and repair
the towns. Nuuk is the largest, with
Other industries
a population of over 16,000. Sisimiut and
Transport sector
8.7 Ilulissat have approx. 5,000 inhabitants
Building and construction
and several towns such as Qaqortoq,
Maniitsoq and Aasiaat have over 3,000.
Altogether, some 60 per cent of the total
population live in these six largest towns.
The rest of the population live in more
than 110 settlements, trading posts and
sheep stations. The total number of settle-
ment residents remained largely constant
from the turn of the last century until the
end of the 1980s, while the population
16.6 growth since the 1950s has mainly been
The Greenlanders’ language: Greenlandic (in and comprehensively revised in 1973. Written
Greenlandic: kalaallisut = “The Greenlanders’ Greenlandic uses the Latin alphabet. The photo
language”) is part of the Inuit-Aleut family of shows the first primer in Greenlandic. The letter
languages, spoken throughout the Arctic area. C is not included as Greenlandic does not
There are three main dialects in Greenland: include any pronunciations corresponding to
North, East and West Greenlandic. The West this letter. However, C is now included in the
Greenlandic dialect is used for teaching and alphabet due to the increasing use of words of
administration, and also forms the basis of writ- foreign origin. Photo: Arctic Institute.
ten Greenlandic. The written language was
developed by Samuel Kleinschmidt in the 1850s

in the towns. In the last few decades, the Resources an effect of 30 megawatt. The power is
population has been further concentrated, Greenland has considerable raw material led to Nuuk on pylons crossing two
partly because the population growth con- deposits, but until now commercial fjords, including the Ameralikfjord with
tinues to be in the towns, especially exploitation has been limited by the rough the world’s longest free span of 5,376
Nuuk, partly because the large settlements natural conditions and difficult access. meters. A 1.2 megawatt plant was inau-
have grown, while several of the very Formerly, cryolite was mined in Ivittuut gurated at Tasiilaq in East Greenland in
small ones have been abandoned. In addi- (1865-1987), coal at Qullissat (1924- 2005 and a 7.2 megawatt plant at
tion, the settlements have experienced a 1970), marble, zinc, lead and silver at Qorlortorsuaq near Qaqortoq in South
population drain, especially by the women, Maarmorilik (1965-1990) and zinc at Greenland was inaugurated in 2007.
who move to the towns, as they offer more Mestersvig (1956-1963). There are plans There are other good opportunities to
employment opportunities within the serv- to reopen the mine at Maarmorilik in harness water power and, among other
ice sector and jobs requiring medium-long 2008 and there is currently mining of things, a 15 megawatt plant is being
or long further education. gold (Nalunaq in Nanortalik), olivine planned by Lake Tasersuaq near Sisimiut
Daily life is very different in towns and (Fiskefjord in Maniitsoq) and rubies for launch in 2010 along with several
settle-ments. The settlement shop offers (Fiskenæsset). However, the international new plants intended mainly for supplying
relatively few shopping opportunities interest in the search for raw materials and energy for large-scale raw material pro-
beyond basic necessities. There are also energy is increasing and a number of cessing. The first project is the supply of
very few opportunities for paid employ- minerals may prove of economic interest energy to a possible aluminium produc-
ment in the settlements. By contrast, many in the future, including offshore oil fields tion plant currently planned at Maniit-
of the large towns offer a rich choice, both by Nuuk on the west coast of Greenland, soq.
in the shops and in terms of schools and in Jameson Land in East Greenland and
education opportunities, which in turn in the inaccessible waters along North
give access to a wider range of jobs. For West and North East Greenland. In addi- Mining used to play a secondary role in the
many families, especially in the settle- tion, there has been great interest in the Greenlandic community, but in future the many
ments, but also in the towns, hunting and possible deposits of gold, niobium, tanta- raw materials and energy resources will increa-
fishing for personal consumption still play lite, uranium, iron, molybdate and dia- singly contribute to Greenland’s economy.
an important part, both as a supplement Left: The Black Angel lead and zinc mine near
Uummannaq. Right: A selection of facet-cut ru-
to the family finances and in terms of Greenland’s first major hydroelectric bies and pink sapphires from Fiskenæsset.
maintaining a relationship with the sur- plant is located in Buksefjorden south of Photos: B. Thomassen (left) and P. Warna-Moors,
rounding nature. Nuuk. It was completed in 1993 and has The Geological Survey of Denmark (right).

International recognition: In 1921, Denmark pied the area 1932-33. The Danish government
announced that all of Greenland was under Da- brought the case before the International Court
nish sovereignty. To mark the Danish rule in North of Justice in The Hague, which decided that the
Greenland as well, the town of Ittoqqortoormiit area was Danish. The decision was among other
(Scoresbysund) was established in 1925. Howe- things influenced by the polar explorer Knud Ras-
ver, Norway regarded it as an old Norse posses- mussen’s many sleigh expeditions. To maintain
sion and pursued extensive seal and whale Danish sovereignty, the Sirius Patrol was estab-
hunting in East Greenland. The Norwegian gov- lished to carry out tours of inspection in the unin-
ernment therefore believed Denmark was habited parts of North and East Greenland.
infringing Norwegian rights and officially occu- Photo: Svend Erik Nielsen.

polar bears are killed annually and they

Towns and settlements – two different are reserved for hunters who are largely
ways of life
dependent on this catch.
Two very different ways of life are lived side
by side in Greenland – on the one hand life
In addition, the rich bird life is exploit-
in the 18 towns and on the other, life in ed and land mammals are also hunted, for
some 60 settlements. The population of the instance the reindeer living in West
settlements ranges from very few to approx. Greenland from Paamiut northwards and
500. Employment is focused on hunting and the musk oxen living in North East
fishing and service functions are limited to Greenland and around Kangerlussuaq,
a single shop and a school, where the child- where they were introduced in 1960.
ren can attend the elementary forms. The Hunting continues to play a role for the
towns are the administrative centres of the population in North and East Greenland,
18 municipalities, with a population ranging
although it is no longer the dominant
from 500 to 16,000. Here, too, hunting and
occupation in a financial sense. On the
fishing play a significant part, but there is
also a broader employment spectrum and
other hand, hunting has become increas-
above all a wider selection of service ingly important as a subsidiary occupation
functions. The towns have more shops and and leisure activity in both towns and
the schools offer teaching at every level. settlements. In addition, hunting is very
There are also boarding houses for older important for the self-perception of a
schoolchildren from the settlements, where hunting society.
they stay during the week, while returning
to the settlements at weekends. With the Sheep farming Marine mammals – and especially seals – play
receding role of hunting and fishing, it is an important part in Greenlandic daily life, both
Although it is difficult to imagine Green- as a source of income through the sale of skins
increasingly difficult for the settlements to
land as an agrarian country, sheep farming and as a significant food resource. Photo: Lars
survive, partly because many of the young
has developed into a viable industry. The Reimers, Greenland Tourism.
people, especially the women, seek
employment and a future in the towns. It is
more fertile areas of South Greenland are
mainly the capital Nuuk which attracts an suitable for sheep farming and altogether snow and ice in the summer months,
ever-increasing proportion of the popula- there are approx. 50 farms, with some 250 together with long, light summers,
tion. people directly financially dependent on encourage abundant phytoplankton,
the industry. An important factor has which is the fundamental feed basis of
been the deliberate work to avoid import- more than 200 species of fish, crustaceans
Hunting ing feed by cultivating fairly large field and mussels in the sea. The exploitation
In the traditional hunter society, the areas, where the necessary winter feed is of marine resources has therefore always
marine mammals were essential for sur- harvested during the summer. As there is formed the basis of the settlements. After
vival, especially the five types of seal pre- no private right of ownership for land in the introduction of more efficient catch
sent in the seas around Greenland. Every Greenland, the Landsstyre has made the methods, but also due to the declining
year, approx. 150,000 seals are killed, sheep farmers jointly responsible for cod population, employment in the fish-
along with some walruses and a limited agreeing the terms of the right to use the ing industry has declined. The fishing
number of whales. The meat of the ani- land. Approx. 20,000 lambs are slaugh- fleet consists of around 800 cutters and
mals is used locally, where it is sold and tered annually at the abattoir in Narsaq vessels of less than 10 gross register tons
traded for considerable sums, but the and in addition large numbers are slaugh- and some 70 sea-going vessels of more
only commercial exploitation of the seals tered on the farms. The sheep farming than 81 gross register tons. Most of the
is currently through the sale of sealskins products are virtually only sold in Green- vessels in the settlements are small, while
to the tannery Great Greenland in land, even though attempts have been the trawlers are found in towns with more
Qaqortoq (Julianehåb). Due to the diffi- made to export part of the production. developed harbour facilities. In addition
culties of selling the seal skins on the glob- to these vessels, there are between three
al market, the Home Rule generously sub- Fishing and five thousand dinghies, some of which
sidises the purchasing. The global sealskin The waters around Greenland are among are used for industrial fishing, while others
market has, however, improved consider- the most productive in the world, as large are primarily used for leisure fishing.
ably in recent decades. Fewer than 200 amounts of nutrient salts from melting By far the most important commer-
Danish paternalism: The Danish colonial policy and culture from outside influences. The attitude
in Greenland in the 20th century is best described is clearly illustrated by the picture, showing Thor-
as “paternalism”. The colonial power did not trust vald Stauning, Danish Social Democratic Prime
the Greenlanders to assume responsibility for the Minister 1929-42, seated as the father of the
development themselves and introduced an country surrounded by the people. On the left is
administrative system to handle all aspects of life Iceland (as a fisherman) and the Faroes (in tradi-
in Greenland. Among other things, this meant that tional Faroese clothes), while Greenland stands
Greenland was virtually closed to access until by Stauning’s knee as a little child dressed in
World War II, partly justified by the colonial Greenlandic clothes. Painting: W. Glud, 1939.
power’s desire to protect the Greenlandic language Arbejderbevægelsens Bibliotek og Arkiv.

cially exploited species is the cold-water mainly from Disko Bay and the North ually transferable quotas (ITQ). For fish-
prawn. The annual catch of approx. West Greenland municipalities, is con- ing close to the coast, the rights are not
135,000 tons contributes more than DKK tributing more than DKK 500 million linked to specific quantities of fish, but
1.2 billion to Greenland’s economy. (2006 figures). In addition, the fishing of allocated to the fishermen in the form of a
Formerly, cod played a key role in the Norway haddock, catfish, Atlantic hal- specific catch capacity, which is transfer-
economy, but cod fishing then declined ibut, salmon and char is of some local able between the fishermen.
significantly. However, it now appears to economic importance. By agreement with the Greenland
be recovering due to climate changes. In Greenland, the right to exploit the Home Rule, foreign nations carry out con-
While cod lost its economic importance, main fish resources is allocated through siderable fishing. The main agreement is
Green-land halibut became very impor- two quota systems. For deep-sea fishing, with the EU and comprises approx. 80,000
tant and the annual catch of 10,000 tons, the exploitation is distributed on individ- tons, for which the EU compensates with
an annual contribution of DKK 133 mil-
lion to Greenland’s treasury. In addition,
Greenland has agreements with the Faroe
Islands, Norway, Russia and Iceland.

Fishing industry
Approx. half the Greenlandic catches are
processed on the large trawlers or export-
ed for processing. The other half is pro-

Left: Some of the areas in South Greenland

which were already cultivated by the Norsemen
are now used for sheep farming – as here at
Igaliko. Photo: Kristian Fridriksson, Greenland
Tourism. Below left: Today, Greenlandic fishing –
and especially the large sea-going prawn traw-
lers – constitutes the basis of Greenland’s eco-
nomy. Photo: Royal Greenland. Below right: It is
easy to see why the prawns are called “the red
gold”. Photo: Ruth Gundahl Madsen.

Home Rule: Greenland’s Home Rule was estab- symbolises the sea, with the white part of the
lished on 1 May 1979. As a symbol, the flag circle representing icebergs and pack ice. In
Erfalasorput (Our Flag) was chosen. It was addition, the red and white halves of the circle
drawn by the painter and graphic artist Thue symbolise the rising and setting sun, which rep-
Christiansen (b. 1940), a former Landsstyre resent the return of light and warmth at midsum-
member. The motif is white and red horizontal mer. The red and white colours are the same as
bands with a circle in the opposite colours. The in the Danish flag, Dannebrog, and therefore
colour white symbolises the ice cap, while also represent the association with Denmark.
Greenland’s innumerable fjords are represented The flag was launched on Greenland’s national
by the red part of the circle. The colour red also day, 21 June 1985. Photo: Lars Reimers.

cessed at trading posts along the coast. Import of products to Greenland, per cent distribution
The majority of the fishing industry on main groups
in Greenland is managed by the Home 0
1 DKK 1,ooo
Rule owned limited company Royal 5
12 Products for agriculture
Greenland A/S, which is also the largest and market gardening 15
company in Greenland. The company has Products for building and
four factories in West Greenland as well as construction 416
trading posts in several settlements. It also 4 Other products for urban
owns many of the sea-going trawlers. In industries 661
addition, it has factories in Denmark, 19 Fuel 758
Norway, Germany, Poland and Canada. Machinery, means of
transport 291
The main product is peeled prawns, which Food, beverages, tobacco 657
are sold on the northern European market. Clothes and shoes 125
The company’s trawlers mainly produce 19 Consumer durables and
unpeeled cooked or raw prawns, frozen at semi-durables 350
sea. The largest prawns are sold on the Consumer non-durables 165
Japanese market and the company is the Other 18
world’s largest retailer of cold-water 3,456
8 22
Arctic Green Food A/S is also owned
by the Home Rule and manages approx.
Export of products from Greenland, per cent distribution
on main groups
2 DKK 1,ooo
5 2
Opening towards the north 21 2 Prawns 1,197
The Arctic Ocean and the North Pole have Greenland halibut 511
long been regarded as an area of limited 3 129
economic interest with waters four kilome- 2
Scallops 42
tres deep and significant ice cover in con- 0
Crabs 53
stant movement determined by the preva-
Lumpfish roe 38
lent marine current. This has resulted in 7
Other fish 68
limited access to the area. However, the ice
is increasingly melting as a result of the Seal, whale and shark
products 46
ocean getting warmer and this creates com-
Sheep and other animal
pletely new opportunities, partly in terms of 6 products 2
navigation and partly in terms on hunting
Precious metal ore,
and fishing as well as the exploitation of olivine, etc 176
the resources which are believed to exist in Other 156
the area, such as large quantities of oil and 50 2,418
natural gas. This raises the issue of owner-
ship of the resources. From a Greenlandic
and therefore also Danish perspective, it is a 25 smaller factories in settlements and Services, trade and sales
question of whether there is a natural con- small towns in Greenland. The company Much of Greenland’s wholesale and retail
nection between the Greenlandic continen- ensures that local fishermen and hunters business is managed by the publicly owned
tal shelf and the long, narrow, submarine
have an opportunity to sell their catches company KNI – Kalaallit Niuerfiat (Green-
Lomonosov mountain range. Extensive geo-
and its products are primarily sold on the land Trade). The company is divided into
logical and geophysical investigations of
the geographic structures in the area are
domestic market. two independent units: Pisiffik A/S, which
therefore underway. If such a connection is Finally, the private company Polar is jointly owned by the retail group Da-
established, Greenland/Denmark will have Seafood A/S manages a number of trawlers grofa (main shareholder), a selection of
the disposal of energy reserves which are and plants for processing especially prawns, Pisiffik’s employees and the Greenland
thought to be the largest in the world. but also other species, both in Greenland Home Rule, with 36 supermarkets, local
and Denmark. shops and specialist shops in the six largest
From hunting to fishing: Hunting and fishing are out by most Greenlandic households. More than
important factors for both the economic devel- 5,000 small boats contribute to the household
opment and the Greenlandic identity. The sea- supply of Greenlandic food through own catches
going fleet of large trawlers makes the largest and the informal economy. Unlike other parts of
contribution to the national economy, while the the Arctic, where most of the food is imported,
medium-large vessels play a key role in the large Greenlandic products still constitute a signifi-
towns’ ability to maintain active fishing and a cant part of the food supply and local hunting
fishing industry. The little dinghies are the basis and fishing are prerequisites for maintaining the
of the settlements’ existence, but also of crucial dispersed settlements. Photo: Royal Greenland.
importance to the hunting and fishing carried

Greenland’s towns offer rich shopping opportu-

nities for both Greenlandic and imported pro-
ducts. The photo shows the Coop Brugsen in
Nuuk. Photo: Coop Danmark.

towns in Greenland and Pilersuisoq A/S,

which supplies settlements and the 11
small towns with 65 shops on both west
and east coast. KNI is responsible for
approx. half the total turnover, while the
rest is handled by the coop FDB’s Brugsen
and various private businesses. Brugsen
manages 13 shops in seven towns. Together,
trade and sales employ approx. 3,000 peo-
ple (2004 figures). An important compo-
nent of Greenland’s trade is “the board”
(“brættet”), i.e. the place where hunters
and fishermen are able to sell seasonal
produce directly to the customers. Large
towns have purpose-built facilities with

electricity and water supply for “brættet”,

Total fishing by Greenlandic vessels by Greenland
while small towns and settlements manage
with open-air stands without any installa-
Greenland is well furnished with pri-
vate services in the form of lawyers,
accountants and other consultancy com-
panies. These services are in demand by
the shipping companies and large private
businesses. Some of the major service
companies are branches of large Danish
consultancy companies.
1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 There are over 12,000 public employ-
ees within administration and services.
Greenland halibut The Home Rule and the Landsstyre act as
employers of most of the public employ-
ees, who work in social institutions,
health service, education, telecoms, NKI
and the Landsstyre administration. Many
12,000 of the jobs are in the capital Nuuk, with
others distributed on the four municipal
9,000 administrations, Greenland’s education
system and the social institutions, such as
homes for the elderly, nursery schools,
3,000 crèches and youth centres. Most of the
central administration jobs are within the
1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 police and legal system.
Foreign trade
Lumpfish Greenland’s foreign trade is dominated by

From Home Rule to Independence: In 1999, the of the financial account between Greenland and
Landsstyre decided to set up an Independence Denmark. The mandate also states that it is
Commission to clarify Greenland’s future status exclusively for the Greenlandic people to decide
within the Danish Realm. The Commission pre- whether they want independence. The work was
sented its report in 2003 and the subsequent concluded on 17 April 2008 and will form the
work has been carried out within the framework basis of a referendum in Greenland about
of the Greenlandic-Danish Independence increased independence and therefore the
Commission. The work is based on the principle future role of the Landsting. Photo: Laila K.
of corresponding rights and duties, with the Nielsen.
presentation of a proposal for a rearrangement

The building of the Greenlandic university park

Ilimmarfik in Nuuk demonstrates the importance
attached to education in Greenland. Photo:
Birgit Kleist Pedersen.

a very broad range of imports and very

few exports, which is a manifestation of
Greenland’s need to import virtually all
necessities for daily survival and the reali-
sation of production. In addition, the for-
eign trade is characterised by extensive
trade with Denmark. The total imports
amounted to DKK 3.5 billion in 2006,
while the export revenue was approx.
DKK 2.4 billion. The trade deficit is cover-
ed by a block grant from Denmark of
more than DKK 3.2 billion a year. The
development in the new millennium has
been characterised by increasing imports
and stagnating exports. The export re-
venue has declined as a result of lower
prices for fish and prawns, while the cost

of imports has been growing, mainly due tinent, there is very limited trade across
to increasing prices of energy products the Davis Strait, mainly due to the limit-
such as oil and petrol. ed interest in Greenland’s products in a
Especially due to the very small domes- region which itself has a large production
tic market, it is very limited what can be in the same areas.
profitably produced in Greenland, but
attempts are regularly made to establish Infrastructure
new activities. For instance, a beer bottling Due to distances and the nature of the
plant and a fizzy drinks factory were landscapes, there are no road connections
established in Nuuk in the 1980s and the between the individual towns and settle-
hydroelectric plant at Buksefjorden started ments. Shipping is still by far the most
production in 1993. The hydroelectric important infrastructure element in Green-
plant has helped reduce the import of oil. land, in terms of both volume and value. A
The establishment of a micro brewery well-developed freight system handles
has proved excellent business and the transports between especially Greenland
plans to extend the hydroelectric capacity and Denmark, but also to some extent
will further reduce the energy imports. between Greenland and for instance
More than 90 per cent of the exports go Iceland and Canada. Within Greenland,
to the EU, especially Denmark. Despite some of the local passenger transport is
the closeness to the North American con- also by ship, but most people travel by air.
Local traffic is by helicopter, while trans-
port between districts and large towns is
With its theatre, cinema, art exhibitions and spa- by plane. Within the last decade, this traf-
ces for large-scale cultural events, the Culture
fic has significantly increased as runways
Centre in Nuuk provides the framework for a rich
cultural life in Greenland’s main town. It promo- have been established by most major
tes both tradition and renewal. Photo: Ruth towns. The main air traffic hub is Kanger-
Gundahl Madsen, Greenland Tourism. lussuaq (Søndre Strømfjord).

Part of the Danish monarchy: The change of concerning Greenland’s independence” to signal
Greenland’s status from colony to Danish county the desire for a good relationship between the
in 1953, to Home Rule in 1979 and in the near federation parties, based on mutual respect. The
future to expanded independence has had a royal family is always met with great enthusiasm
great effect on the relationship with Denmark, when visiting Greenland. The enthusiasm is
but regardless of the changes, the Greenlanders mutual, e.g. when Crown Prince Frederik (photo)
have shown a desire to maintain both the feder- was received by excited children during a visit to
ation with Denmark and the association with the Thule. Photo: Keld Navntoft, Scanpix.
Danish royal family. In relation to the federation,
reference is made to a “Partnership contract

Public income, DKK 1,000 teacher training college, a socio-educa-

tional college, business schools and a small
Gross residual income
university. Several of these studies are
Public quasi-companies
gathered in a university park – Ilimmarfik
Interest and dividends – which allows closer collaboration
Production and between the individual units.
import taxes
Income taxes
Culture and communication
EU fishing licence
Greenland’s church is part of the national
National Bank of Denmark church of Denmark and therefore the
Block grant from the Evangelical-Lutheran community. In addi-
Danish state
tion, there are various other religious
Other subsidies
communities in Greenland, such as
500 1,000 1,500 2,000 2,500 3,000 3,500
Catholicism, Adventism, Pentecostalism,
Public expenditure, functional distribution, DKK 1,000 Baha’i, Jehovah’s Witnesses and several
others. In total, there are 92 churches and
Public services
other religious venues in the whole coun-
Defence, fishing inspection try (2007 figures).
Public order, security Greenland’s National Museum and
Archive serves as the central museum for
Greenland, but in addition several local
Health service museums cover the individual local com-
Social security and welfare munities.
Despite the vast distances and the
nature of the landscape, communication
Religious, recreational and in Greenland is very well developed. A
cultural services
digital radio link along the coast consti-
Energy supply
tutes the backbone of Greenland’s telecom-
Fishing, hunting, agriculture, etc. munications network. The communica-
Raw material extraction, industry, tion out of the country, especially with
building and construction
Denmark, is also well developed. After the
Transport, communication
cable connections with Denmark were
Trade, services, tourism,
business development established in 1961, they constituted the
Non-functional expenditure main communication link, but their
500 1,000 1,500 2,000
importance has now been completely
overtaken by satellites.
KNR – Kalaallit Nunaata Radioa
Social services and education possible to obtain an education without (Greenland Broadcasting Corporation)
Greenland has a well-developed, but also leaving Greenland. Attempts are being has overall responsibility for radio and tele-
expensive social safety net. In 2007, the made to organise various types of voca- vision services in Greenland. In addition
benefits amounted to approx. DKK 1.9 tional training at a regional level. Hitherto, to numerous locally produced radio pro-
billion. The main social services comprise 14 local vocational schools have covered grammes, which fill almost the entire 24-
old age pension, early retirement pension, the areas building and construction, iron hour broadcasting schedule, a relatively
educational grants, social benefits in con- and metal, sales and office work, food and large number of television programmes
nection with unemployment and child fishing industry. The schools are now are also produced in Greenland. The rest
benefit. In many settlements, especially being merged into a number of regional of the television programmes are mainly
old age pension constitutes a significant education centres. In addition, there are imported from Denmark, but especially
part of the population’s total income. upper secondary schools in the towns of American-produced films also constitute a
It is an important objective for the Home Nuuk, Qaqortoq, Aasiaat and Sisimiut. significant element.
Rule that it should to a large extent be Higher education institutions include a The building of the Culture Centre in

Factsheet Denmark. Published by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Translation: Siri Fischer Hansen.
of Denmark. Design: Ole Jensen - ojdesign.
Address: Asiatisk Plads 2, DK-1448 Copenhagen K, Denmark. Reproduction of the text, with or without
Telephone: +45 33 92 00 00. Fax: +45 32 54 05 33. acknowledgement, is permitted.
E-mail: Website: Published June 2008.
Editor: Flemming Axmark.
Picture editor: Kirstine Fryd. ISBN 978-87-7667-926-2

The beautiful Greenlandic cemeteries illustrate

the importance of the church in today’s
Greenlandic society. Photo: Fillippo Barbanera,
Greenland Tourism.

the 20th century. This is also a central

theme for many poets, such as Hans
Anthon Lynge (Aaju) (b. 1945) and Aqqa-
luk Lynge (b. 1947), while issues such as
existence and identity are key themes for
instance for Jessie Kleeman (b. 1959).
Traditional drumming song is still
practised as a cultural element, but apart
from that, the polyphonic singing tradi-
tion introduced by the Moravian Brethren
has been very dominant in Greenland. It
can be heard both in churches and at con-
certs given by the many choirs, such as
the popular Greenlandic choir Mik. The
Nuuk in 1997 established an important land’s great graphic artists, taking her whalers also influenced the Greenlandic
focus for Greenland’s rich cultural life, starting point in man’s meeting with music and dance tradition by introducing
both as a contact point for cultural experi- Greenland’s magnificent nature, in line the polka, but today, Greenland’s music
ences from abroad and as a presenter of with both the older generation of artists scene is mainly characterised by rhythmic
contemporary and traditional Greenlandic such as Jens Rosing (b. 1925), Kristian music, with rock bands such as Sumé,
culture. The theatre company Silamiut is Olsen (Aaju) (b. 1942) and Kiistat Lund G60 and Zikaza. Well-known performers
Greenland’s only professional theatre, with (b. 1942) and the younger generation are Rasmus Lyberth (b. 1951), Ulf Fleischer
headquarters in Nuuk, where it also runs such as Anne-Birthe Hove (b. 1951), (b. 1952) and Ole Kristiansen (b. 1965),
a theatre school, but all over the country, Bodil Buuti Petersen (b. 1955) and Naja but the most famous singer in and outside
small theatre and music groups form the Abelsen (b. 1964). Greenland is Julie Berthelsen (b. 1979),
core of a very lively cultural scene. Story-telling was formerly a key ele- who has represented Greenland in many
Both traditional and modern art are ment in Greenland, but with the intro- international contexts.
richly manifested in Greenland. Green- duction of writing in the 18th century Similarly, the traditional drumming
landic art has always been closely associat- and the establishment of the South dance has largely been superseded by the
ed with nature and natural materials and Greenland Printing Press in 1857, the more contemporary approach of a num-
in contemporary art, traditional shapes written word became an important part of ber of amateur theatre groups, which
and symbols are combined with modern Greenland’s cultural life. The national incorporate the traditional modes of
forms of expression, just as nature contin- song, “Nunarput utoqarsuanngoravit”, expression using masks and face painting,
ues to play an important role in all art was written by the national poet Henrik while focusing on current issues such as
forms. Soapstone, bone and ivory from Lund (1875-1948) with music by the identity and generation change. The most
walrus, narwhal and humpback whale are composer Jonathan Petersen (1891-1960). prominent is the above-mentioned theatre
important materials for carving figures Knud Rasmussen (1879-1933) wrote fic- group Silaamiut.
and sculptures, with artists such as Chri- tion inspired by the Greenlandic tradition Rasmus Ole Rasmussen
stian Rosing (b. 1944) and Aka Høegh (b. and at the same time was probably the Senior researcher, lic. scient., PhD
1947) as important representatives. For most important documenter of Green-
several years, the latter has gathered a land’s legends and stories as well as the
group of other sculptors in her native way of life of the Polar communities. Further information
town of Qaqortoq, where they carve Many fiction writers, such as Mathias
sculptures directly into the rocks, thus Storch (1883-1957) and Otto Sandgreen
creating a completely unique townscape. (1914-1999), deal with the major changes
She is also well-known as one of Green- occurring in the Greenlandic society in


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