"The Queen City of The South". A Fourteen-Year-Old Who Loves To Travel. She Came From A Wealthy Family. The Only Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dela Cruz

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Sheena D.


“All journeys have secret destinations of which the traveler is unaware.”-Martin Buber
When you travel the world, you will have beautiful, strange, unique, and other experiences
that you will never forget. She goes with the flow and follows her heart.
She is Nova Dela Cruz, who lived in a place called Cebu City, "the Queen City of
the South". A fourteen-year-old who loves to travel. She came from a wealthy family. The
only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dela Cruz. Nova likes strawberry cake, so when she wakes
up in the morning, the first thing she does is ask her mother for a strawberry cake. "Mom,
I see a bug in the mug," she exclaimed as she sat on the couch after getting her
strawberry cake and placing her mug in front of her. She was afraid of the bug, so she
went to her cat, the cat sits on the mat, and they ate a piece of her cake together.
When her family went on a road trip at 4 in the afternoon, she was mesmerized
and couldn't stop talking about how the sky is clear, like diamonds. They came to a halt
in the market to purchase some fruits, and the vendor suggested his fresh mangoes, to
which Nova replied, "We have a basket of mangoes at home." Instead, they wanted to
purchase some of the apples. While driving home, her mother advised her to get some
rest, but Nova refused, saying, "I can rest when I am tired, mom." Nova noticed a beach
through her window and tell her mother that one of her friends, Jay-ar went to the beach.
Nova has a lot of friends too, including Jisso, who is a good actress, Lisa, who is
a good dancer, Rose, who is a good singer, and Jenie, who is cute. They were out jogging
one morning when they came across a boy around the age of ten, the boy is sad and
when they approached him, the boy explained that he was upset because his mother was
leaving him for the United States.
The family of Nova visits the United States once a year. Her favorite cousin, who
enjoys painting, is present. Mailyn was Nova's childhood cousin. Mailyn paints using
water colours as her expertize. Nova enjoys cats, and when she saw one playing in
Mailyn’s room with a toy fish, she told Mailyn, "My cat likes fish, I miss my cat already,"
as she watched the cat in front of her.
Early in the morning when the sun rise, Nova and Mailyn went for a walk. When
they see the man has a car, they can't stop laughing because he's dancing in it. Nova
uttered, "How adorable." They ran into Irene, a neighbor. Irene was in the garden, planting
flowers, when Mailyn said, "That's her, and she’s like that every morning." She likes
flowers a lot." When passing by in the backyard of Mailyn’s house when they returned
back for walk, Nova talked about the plants and trees, she said, "Plants and trees cannot
live without water," and Mailyn smiled and replied, "Exactly," and they both laughed.
Before they left the United States, Mailyn suggested she wanted to take Nova to
the zoo. They went to the zoo, and as expected, there were many different kinds of
animals. Nova saw an elephant for the first time, and the elephant is big. They also visited
the wild animals section, where they saw a lion. Because lion is a wild animals that can
be aggressive or poisonous, getting close to them can be dangerous.
Nova couldn't stop thinking about how amazed she was while traveling when they
returned home from their trip to the United States. She was content because she enjoys
spending time with her family and having new experiences. She found tree eggs while
unpacking her belongings. She was pondering who had hidden them in her clothes.
"Mom," she exclaimed as her mother walked past her door. I can't stop laughing because
I have three eggs." Her mother questioned as to where she got those, to which she replied
that she had no idea, and that she should go to bed after she finished unpacking.
Nova was about to fall asleep when her phone rang, and she answered to find a
message from her cousin, Mailyn, who said, "I hope you find the eggs, I know you're
wondering who put them there, but I just want you to know that I love you, so I put three
eggs." I've been missing you since you left, and I hope you'll return soon. Greetings and
good night. She smiled, and texted her back, “Thank you my dear cousin, I love you so
much and I’ll be back soon. Goodnight too.” And fall asleep.
The relationship of a cousin is not separated by distance and time. Having a close
cousin is one of the most wonderful things that can happen to you. You'll have someone
who will always be there for you, regardless of the time or distance. Having a cousin also
means having someone who can provide you with sound life and love advice.

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