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Physics guide lines

Class : X ICSE

Chap 1: Force:

 Practice center of gravity of different shapes

 Learn keywords regarding Turning effect and couple
 Numericals on principle of moments. Writ sum of anticlockwise moments
equals to sum of clockwise moments

Chap 2: Work:

 Need to practice the sums on W = FS cos θ

 No need to practice the derivation of W = FS cos θ and W = F cos θ S
 Learn Special cases of Work
 Work energy theorem derivation not included.

Chap 3 : Machines

1. There is no unit for M.A, VR, and efficiency..

2. In Numericals
a. Formula with correct substitution carries 1 Mark.
b. Final answer with unit 1 Mark
c. Final answer should not be in fraction or mixed fraction. It should be
in decimals (up to 2 decimals)
d. If they ask you to draw diagram in numericals draw properly .
3. Pulleys when you draw make sure the string should be straight.
4. Mark the load (L) and Effort (E) directions. And Tension in each string.
5. If the no of pulleys in upper block is more than he lower block then effort is
at one end of the string and the other end of the string should be connect
with the hook of lower block.

Chap 4 : Refraction at a plane surface.

1. When you show refraction through glass, light ray should bent towards or
away from the normal .
2. Arrow marks are very important when you show a ray.
3. Refractive index has no unit.
4. When you draw refraction through glass block make sure the incident ray is
parallel to emergent ray.
5. Show lateral displacement between actual path of incident and
emergent ray.
6. Refraction through prism when you draw this show angle of deviation and
angle of prism.
7. T.I.R when you show that make sure the ray should travel from denser to
rarer and angle of incidence should be greater than critical angle.
8. When you draw T.I.R through prism mark the angles properly.

Chap 5 : Refraction through lens.

1. Optic centre of thick lens and thin lens difference you should know.
2. When you draw a lens make sure the lens is thin.
3. Take equal measurement when you draw ray diagrams. ( For ex: If focal
length is 2cm then 2f should be 4 cm ).
4. Make sure the object always above the principal axis.
5. Follow the rules how to draw ray diagrams.
6. When you show virtual
image make sure the image should be in
dotted line and erect.
7. When you draw ray diagrams arrow mark is must.
8. (a) When you solve numerical based on lens formula ( 1/v - 1/u = 1/f)
then formula with correct substitution carries 1 Mark.
(b) Substituting u as negative ( for ex: u = - 10cm) carries 1 Mark
(c) Final answer with proper unit carries 1 Mark.

9. When you calculate Power of a lens it should be P = 1/f(m) or 100 /f(cm).

10. For convex lens focal length is positive so Power also Positive

11. For concave lens Focal length is negative so power also negative

Chap 6 : Spectrum

1. When you show dispersion make sure the colours in this order (VIBGYOR)
from down.
2. (Scattering is not in your syllabus) Cosequences based on
scattering of light and Refraction should use key words. i.e.
i. Due to refraction.
ii. Red colour has longer wavelength so it scatters least. (or) Violet has
least wavelength scatters more.
Chap 7:Sound:

 When you write the definition of free vibrations need to write (Key word:
constant amplitude in the absence of an external force.)
 When you draw a graph for natural vibration you need to mention X and Y
axis properly and you need to show constant amplitude.
 For damped vibration need to show decrease in amplitude.
 Resonance definition
 In Example of resonance you should write these two key words
 Natural frequency of the body is equals to the frequency of external
periodic force
 Due to resonance it vibrates with large amplitude.
 No Need to learn Relation between loudness and intensity.

Chap 8: Current electricity.

 In Ohm’s law statement at constant temperature is the key word.

 When you solve numericals based on graphs check whether that is V-I (or) I-
V graph properly
 When you draw circuit diagram mention + and – properly for Ammeter and
Volt meter and show the direction of current
 Practice numericals more to avoid confusion between resistance and specific
 Learn factors affecting resistance and specific resistance .
 Resistance in series and parallel derivation follow the steps
In series
 Diagram
 V = V1 +V2+V3
 From ohms law V = IR
 IR = I(R1+R2+R3)
 R = R1+R2+R3.

In Parallel

 Diagram
 I = I1 +I2+I3
 From ohms law I = V/R
 V/R = V(1/R1+1/R2+1/R3)
 1/R = 1/R1+1/R2+1/R3.
 Learn all the formulas
 Learn factors affecting internal resistance.

Chap 9: House Hold circuits.

 Fuse definition Keywords: Safety devise , limits the current in the circuit, it
safeguards the circuit.
 Practice ring system diagram.

Chap 10: Electromagnetism.

 Learn all the rules

 Practice all the diagrams
 Far
 Marking polarity
 No Working of Motor and Generator, No formulas (F = IBL, e = e0 sin

Chap 11 : Calorimetry

1. Know the difference between heat capacity and specific heat capacity.
2. Relation between heat capacity and specific heat capacity. i.e. c = C’ /m.
3. When you solve the sums make sure to draw graph to change the
temperature.( ex from - 100 C to 100 0 C).
4. When you draw heating curve show melting point boiling point vaporization
5. The unit of specific heat capacity should be J kg -1 k-1 ( priority should be
given to Kelvin(K) because S I unit of temperature is K)

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