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Applied Thermal Engineering 27 (2007) 1501–1506

Heat transfer enhancement using Al2O3–water nanofluid

for an electronic liquid cooling system
Cong Tam Nguyen , Gilles Roy a, Christian Gauthier a, Nicolas Galanis b

Faculty of Engineering, Université de Moncton, Moncton, NB, Canada E1A 3E9
Faculty of Engineering, Université de Sherbrooke, Que., Canada J1K 2R1

Received 31 January 2006; accepted 28 September 2006

Available online 27 November 2006


We have experimentally investigated the behaviour and heat transfer enhancement of a particular nanofluid, Al2O3 nanoparticle–
water mixture, flowing inside a closed system that is destined for cooling of microprocessors or other electronic components. Experimen-
tal data, obtained for turbulent flow regime, have clearly shown that the inclusion of nanoparticles into distilled water has produced a
considerable enhancement of the cooling block convective heat transfer coefficient. For a particular nanofluid with 6.8% particle volume
concentration, heat transfer coefficient has been found to increase as much as 40% compared to that of the base fluid. It has also been
found that an increase of particle concentration has produced a clear decrease of the heated component temperature. Experimental data
have clearly shown that nanofluid with 36 nm particle diameter provides higher heat transfer coefficients than the ones of nanofluid with
47 nm particle size.
 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Electronics cooling; Forced convection; Heat transfer augmentation; Heat transfer enhancement; Nanofluids; Nanoparticles; Experimental

1. Introduction cooling applications [4]. The term ‘nanofluid’ refers to a

two-phase mixture usually composed of a continuous
Because of continually increasing power of microproces- liquid phase and dispersed nanoparticles in suspension
sors and other electronic components, a search for more (i.e. extremely fine metallic particles of size below 50 nm).
efficient heat dissipating system can constitute today a Several nanoparticle dispersions of engineering interest
rather challenging task. In spite of considerable researches are readily available from various commercially sources
and efforts deployed, major improvements in heat transfer [5]. It has been known that nanofluid thermal conductivi-
capabilities, especially for cooling of high heat output elec- ties are interestingly well higher than those of base fluids
tronics devices, have still suffered a certain lacking, see in (see in particular [6–10]). Some scarce experimental work
particular [1,2]. In recent years, advances in nanofabrica- [11,12] and recent numerical studies by the authors
tion and processes have permitted the manufacturing of [13,14] have clearly confirmed the beneficial effect regarding
solid particles down to the nanometre scale, which has con- the heat transfer enhancement by using nanofluids in two
ducted to the creation of a new and rather special class of specific confined flow situations, namely the flow inside
fluids, termed ‘nanofluids’ [3]. These fluids can constitute, uniformly heated tube and the radial flow between heated
in our opinion, very interesting alternatives for electronic disks. Such advantageous influence of nanofluids for cool-
ing of high heat output microprocessors has also been
numerically investigated as well [15], which appears to be
Corresponding author. Tel.: +1 506 858 4347; fax: +1 506 858 4082. quite consistent with preliminary experimental data and
E-mail address: (C.T. Nguyen). observations by Maré et al. [16] in their most recent study

1359-4311/$ - see front matter  2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1502 C.T. Nguyen et al. / Applied Thermal Engineering 27 (2007) 1501–1506

on the use of nanofluids in electronic cooling application.

As mentioned by Keblinski et al. [17], there is a clear lack
of data on nanofluids behaviour in real thermal appli-
cations; and to our knowledge, there exist no other ex-
haustive experimental data regarding the heat transfer
performance of nanofluids for cooling of microprocessors
or other electronic devices.
In the present work, we have experimentally investigated
the heat transfer behaviour of a typical liquid cooling sys-
tem, by replacing the base fluid, which is distilled water, by
a nanofluid that is composed of distilled water and Al2O3
nanoparticles for two different particle average diameters
and various volume concentrations. Some significant
results and experimental data and observations are pre-
sented and discussed.

2. Description of experimental liquid cooling system

Fig. 2. A view of the water-block showing its internal finned base-plate.
The experimental liquid cooling system is relatively sim-
ple and consists of a closed fluidic circuit, Fig. 1, which is ensemble heated block-and-water-block has been, ther-
mainly composed of a 5 l open reservoir and a 12 VDC mally, very well insulated with respect to the surrounding
magnetically driven pump that ensures a forced recircu- environment by using a thick layer of 50 mm of fiberglass
lation of liquid. A heated block, of overall dimensions covering all around its exposed surface. A mini air-cooled
60 mm · 60 mm · 75 mm high, has an all-aluminium body radiator is used to dissipate heat into ambient air and a col-
and is electrically heated by mean of a standard 100 W lecting–weighting station equipped with a three-way valve
nominal cartridge heater (Omega, USA), which simulates has been used for measuring the mass flow rate of the cir-
heat generated by a microprocessor. On top of this heated culating liquid inside the system. It is interesting to mention
block is installed the so-called ‘water-block’, which is of that most of major components of the liquid circuit have
overall dimensions 60 mm · 60 mm · 15 mm high and has come from a commercial and standard water-cooling kit,
an all-copper body jet-type water-block with an axial cen- which is destined for cooling of CPU microprocessors or
tral injection orifice and a pin-finned thick base plate any other heated electronic devices (Swiftech, USA).
(Fig. 2). In order to minimise thermal contact resistance Several Type-K thermocouples (Omega, USA) were
between the heated block and the water-block, a thin film installed at various locations in the liquid system in order
of high thermal conductivity grease (Omegatherm 201 from to monitor fluid temperatures: T1 and T2, respectively, at
Omega, USA) was applied at their junction interface. The the inlet and outlet of the water-block, T3 at the outlet

Fig. 1. Schematic representation of the experimental liquid cooling system.

C.T. Nguyen et al. / Applied Thermal Engineering 27 (2007) 1501–1506 1503

of the mini radiator; while the ceramic-insulator-type ther- then performed accordingly. The system was used to per-
mocouple T4, precisely mounted inside a hole of the alu- form nearly fifty tests using distilled water and Al2O3–
minium block, was especially chosen to measure the water nanofluid with three different particle volume con-
junction temperature between the heated block and the centrations, namely 1%, 3.1% and 6.8%. It is interesting
water-block. Two other Type-K thermocouples have been to mention that the Al2O3–water nanofluid, with particle
also used to monitor fluid temperature in the reservoir as mean-diameter of 36 nm, has been purchased readily pre-
well as ambient air temperature in the local. All used ther- pared and mixed from a commercial source (Nanophase
mocouples were thoroughly calibrated by using a constant Technologies, USA). In order to produce other solutions
temperature water bath, and their accuracy has been esti- with particular particle fractions from the originally deliv-
mated to be ±0.2 K. A multi-channel digital indicator ered mixture, which was nearly at 22% of particle volume
has been used to display all readings from the thermo- concentration, a proper diluting process with distilled
couples. water, followed by a vigorous mechanical stirring action,
In order to precisely evaluate the electric power that is was always required. It should be noted that because of dis-
supplied to the cartridge heater and so the heat supplied persants used by the manufacturer, the stability of particle
to the aluminium heated block, both the AC voltage and suspension within water has been found to be good, even
electric current have constantly been monitored during after a relatively long resting period say several weeks to
the tests. It has been found that the accuracy of the com- months, for which a vigorous stirring was normally suffi-
puted electric power was estimated to be ±3.5%. Regarding cient to properly re-establish particle suspension. From
the heat losses from the heated-block-and-water-block the collected data of temperatures and mass flow rates,
ensemble towards ambient air, the temperature drop across the convective heat transfer coefficient of the water-block,
the insulating layer was also monitored during experi- hw-block (W/m2 K), can easily be determined based on the
ments; and the corresponding heat loss can then be easily heat balance equation of the latter, which is written as
estimated, which has been found to be negligible as it did follows:
not, so far, exceed 1.5 W, even for experiments where qelectric ¼ mC p ðT 2  T 1 Þ ¼ hw-block AðT m;base  T m;f Þ ð1Þ
relatively high temperatures of the heated block were
encountered. Finally, with regards to the mass flow rate where qelectric is the total electric input power, W; m is the
measurement, we have adopted, in this study, the conven- mass flow rate, kg/s; T1 and T2 are, respectively, fluid tem-
tional stop-watch-and-weighting technique, using a good peratures at inlet and outlet of the water-block, K or C; Cp
accuracy digital balance and chronometer, respectively is fluid specific heat, J/kg K; A is the total augmented sur-
±0.1 g and ±0.01 s. The maximum variation of the mass face area of base plate i.e. its nominal surface area plus fins
flow rate as determined by such simple technique has been area, A  0.01256 m2; Tm,base is the mean temperature of
estimated to be ±5%, which appears very reasonable in the base plate given by readings from the junction thermo-
conjunction with experimental uncertainties. couple T4; Tm,f is the averaged temperature of liquid tra-
versing the water-block, Tm,f = (T1 + T2)/2; all fluid
2.1. Thermal properties of Al2O3–water nanofluid properties, for water as well as for nanofluids, have been
computed at Tm,f. The experimental uncertainty has been
By assuming that Al2O3 nanoparticles (qp = 3600 kg m3 estimated to be ±5.5% for values of heat transfer coefficient
and Cp = 773 J/kg K) are well mixed within the base fluids hw-block.
(distilled water) i.e. the particle concentration may be con-
sidered as uniform, the effective thermal properties of the 3. Results and discussion
resulting nanofluid can then be determined by using formu-
las already known for a classical two-phase mixture 3.1. Effect of nanofluid on temperature of the heated block
[11,18,13]. In particular, for nanofluid with 47 nm particle-
size, thermal conductivity for given temperature and particle Fig. 3 shows, at first, the measured data as obtained for
volume concentration has been evaluated based on some the heated block average temperature, Tm,block (note that
recent data from our laboratory [20]. On the other hand, Tm,block  Tm,base), as function of mass flow rate, m. It is
for 36 nm particle-size nanofluid, the recent empirical model important to mention that from a practical viewpoint, for
proposed by Chon et al. [8] has been employed. Finally, every electronic system such as the ones in a PC for exam-
regarding the thermal properties of distilled water, they have ple, such temperature of microprocessors or any other
been evaluated using classical formulas published in stan- heated components represents an important operating var-
dard textbooks (see for example [19]). iable, which can give a good indication of the system real-
time status. One can clearly observe that the temperature
2.2. Experimental procedure and data processing Tm,block has considerably decreased with an augmentation
of particle volume concentration. Thus, for a given mass
After being carefully assembled, the experimental setup flow rate, m = 0.06 kg/s for example, Tm,block has as
was first thoroughly checked for possible leaks from vari- approximate values, 40.9 C, 39.3 C, 38.7 C and
ous connexions in piping system; some corrections were 37.3 C, respectively for water and nanofluids with 1%,
1504 C.T. Nguyen et al. / Applied Thermal Engineering 27 (2007) 1501–1506

45 lar mass flow rate m = 0.07 kg/s for example, the computed
44 values for hw-block are, respectively, 595 W/m2 C (distilled
43 water), 665 W/m2 C (1%), 700 W/m2 C (3.1%) and
825 W/m2 C (6.8%), thus an interesting enhancement of
Tm,block (Deg. C)

Nano 1%
41 approximately 12%, 18% and 38%, respectively, for nano-
Nano 3.1%
40 fluids with 1%, 3.1% and 6.8% particle concentrations,
Nano 6.8%
39 while compared to the corresponding heat transfer rate
Distilled Water
38 using distilled water. A similar heat transfer enhancement
37 has also been found for lower mass flow rates; for m =
36 0.03 kg/s for example, hw-block has, as approximate values,
35 570 W/m2 C (water), 650 W/m2 C (1%), 675 W/m2 C
0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08 (3.1%) and 810 W/m2 C (6.8%), thus with respective
Mass Flow Rate (kg/s) increases of nearly 14%, 18% and 42% compared to water.
One can clearly observe that the heat transfer coefficient
Fig. 3. Influence of mass flow rate and particle concentration on Tm,block.
has also increased with an augmentation of liquid mass
flow rate, for the same reason mentioned earlier. It is
3.1% and 6.8% particle concentration. Such a decrease of expected that a judicious combination of nanofluids use
Tm,block appears to be almost constant for the range of and high flow rates would provide even higher heat transfer
mass flow rates considered. On the other hand, for a given rates. It should be mentioned that the flow regimes for the
particle concentration, Tm,block has clearly decreased with tests performed can be qualified as ‘mildly turbulent’. One
an augmentation of mass flow rate. Such a decrease, may then expect that a use of nanofluids under strong tur-
although appears less pronounced than that due to particle bulent flow regime will provide more significant effect on
concentration, is due to the fact that increasing the mass heat transfer [15]. Although there exist notable differences
flow rate would necessarily result, in principle, in an aug- due to geometries used between the real water-block in this
mentation of the forced convection heat transfer coeffi- study and that previously considered in our recent numer-
cient. The data shown in Fig. 3 have, indeed, confirmed ical study [15], it is very important to mention that similar
an advantageous influence on the heated block temperature trends have been found regarding the augmentation of heat
due to the use of nanofluids. transfer with respect to nanofluid particle volume concen-
tration as well as to liquid mass flow rate.
3.2. Heat transfer enhancement provided by nanofluids Fig. 5 shows results as obtained for the water-block con-
vective Nusselt number as function of the flow Reynolds
The heat transfer enhancement due to the use of nano- number and particle concentration; the dimensionless
fluids can be better scrutinized in Fig. 4 that shows results parameters Nu and Re are defined as follows:
for the water-block convective heat transfer coefficient, hw-
Re ¼ 4m=ðpDi lÞ ð2Þ
block, as function of mass flow rate and particle concentra-
tion. It is very interesting to observe, as one may expect, Nu ¼ hw-block Di =k ð3Þ
that the inclusion of nanoparticles into water has greatly
enhanced the heat transfer rate of the water-block. In spite where Di is the inside diameter of inlet orifice, Di = 0.007 m
of a dispersion that is obviously due to experimental uncer- (Fig. 2); k and l are fluid (distilled water or nanofluid) ther-
tainties, we have clearly observed that the heat transfer mal conductivity and dynamic viscosity, both evaluated at
coefficient hw-block has considerably increased with an aug-
mentation of particle concentration. Thus, for the particu- 8.5

875 Nano 1%

825 7.5 Nano 3.1%

hw-block (W/m² K)

775 Nano 1%

Nano 6.8%
725 Nano 3.1%
Distilled Water
675 Nano 6.8%

625 Distilled
525 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 14000 16000
0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08 Re
Mass Flow Rate (kg/s)
Fig. 5. Influence of particle concentration and Reynolds number on
Fig. 4. Influence of mass flow rate and particle concentration on hw-block. water-block Nusselt number.
C.T. Nguyen et al. / Applied Thermal Engineering 27 (2007) 1501–1506 1505

temperature Tm,f (see Section 2.2). It should be mentioned 8.5

that an uncertainty of ±10.5% can be expected for com-
puted values of Nusselt number. For comparison purposes,
the tendency curves are also shown. Here again, we can ob- 8
Particle Size
serve that, in general and despite of some dispersion no-

ticed on computed values of the Nusselt number, the 47nm
7.5 Particle Size
latter has clearly increased with an increase of particle con-
centration and/or flow Reynolds number. Such an increase
of Nu number is more important for nanofluid with 6.8%
particle concentration, for which data points appear well 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000
higher than all others. On the other hand, the data corre- Re
sponding to 1% and 3.1% nanofluids seems to follow a
Fig. 7. Effect of particle size on Nu for 6.8% particle volume concen-
same curve, indicating obviously that the augmentation tration.
of convective heat transfer coefficient is of same order as
that of the increase of nanofluid thermal conductivity. It 36 nm particle size are consistently higher than the ones
is also observed that, for the range of Reynolds number corresponding to 47 nm particles. Such a result, which is
considered, the corresponding increase of Nusselt number physically quite realistic, can be easily explained by the fact
with respect to parameter Re appears generally less signif- that with finer particles and for a given volume concentra-
icant than that due to an increase of particle concentration. tion, the number of particles and hence their total contact
area are simply higher, which, in turn, would provide a
3.3. Influence of particle size on nanofluid heat transfer more effective heat exchange between the nanoparticles
enhancement and the continuous liquid phase. From the results of Nus-
selt number shown in Fig. 7, it is very interesting to observe
In the present study, we have also attempted to experi- that, for a given Reynolds number, value of Nu obtained
mentally investigate the effect due to the particle size on for 36 nm particle nanofluid is clearly higher than the one
nanofluid heat transfer behaviour. Several tests have been corresponding to nanofluid with 47 nm particles. Such a
carried out for Al2O3–water nanofluid with 47 nm aver- rather interesting result regarding the influence of particle
aged-diameter nanoparticles using the same closed fluid size on nanofluid heat transfer is believed to be the first
system as previously described in Section 2. The compari- of its kind.
son has been performed only for the particular particle
volume concentration of 6.8%. Figs. 6 and 7 show, respec- 4. Conclusion
tively, such a comparison on results obtained for the water-
block heat transfer coefficient and the convective Nusselt In the present experimental study, we have thoroughly
number. In spite of some dispersion due to experimental investigated the heat transfer enhancement and behaviour
uncertainties, these data have eloquently revealed that, in of a particular nanofluid, Al2O3 nanoparticle–water mix-
general, one can expect that, for nanofluids of the same ture, for use in a closed cooling system that is destined
family (i.e. same kinds of constituents), a nanofluid with for microprocessors or other heated electronic compo-
smaller particle size does provide a better heat transfer. nents. Data obtained have clearly shown that the inclusion
Thus, for the range of mass flow rate considered in this of nanoparticles into distilled water has produced a consid-
study and based on the tendency curves shown in Fig. 6, erable enhancement of the cooling convective heat transfer
one can clearly see that values of hw-block obtained with coefficient. For a particular particle volume concentration
of 6.8%, the heat transfer coefficient has been found to
900 increase as much as 40% compared to that of the base fluid.
We have observed that an increase of particle volume con-
centration has produced a clear decrease of the heated
hw-block (W/m² K)

block temperature. Experimental results have also shown
Particle Size
that a nanofluid with 36 nm particle size provides higher
convective heat transfer coefficients than the ones given
Particle Size
by nanofluid with 47 nm particles.

0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 The authors wish to thank the ‘Natural Sciences and
Mass Flow Rate (kg/s) Engineering Research Council of Canada’ and the Faculty
Fig. 6. Effect of particle size on hw-block for 6.8% particle volume of Graduated Studies and Research of the ‘Université de
concentration. Moncton’ for their financial support to this project.
1506 C.T. Nguyen et al. / Applied Thermal Engineering 27 (2007) 1501–1506

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