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Reading and Writing 3 Q: Skills for Success

Unit 7 Student Book Answer Key Second Edition

The Q Classroom Activity B., p. 161

Activity A., p. 158 Answers will vary.
Answers will vary. Sample answers: Activity C., p. 161
1. Yes, I’ve given money during an Answers will vary.
emergency/ to strangers on the
street / in response to a mailed WORK WITH THE READING
request / to a local organization that Activity B., pp. 163–164
helps children / by buying a product 1. d
at the store. It made me feel good / 2. b
useful. 3. g
2. Large charities; schools; youth 4. h
activities / teams; clinics and 5. e
medical organizations; cultural 6. i
organizations; political 7. a
organizations; environmental 8. f
groups. How donated money is 9. c
used: provide food, clothing, or 10. j
sports/ medical equipment to Activity D., p. 165
people who need it; host museum 1. 2
exhibits and cultural events; pay for 2. 4
campaign expenses; help animals 3. 7
near extinction, etc. 4. 5
Activity B., p. 158 5. 8
Answers will vary. Sample answers: 6. 6
1. I agree with Felix. Donating a small Activity E., p. 165
amount of money could mean that 1. c, f
someone is able to afford the things 2. d
they need to survive. 3. e, j
2. Some examples are water, food, 4. g, i
shoes, and shirts. 5. h, b
6. a
PREVIEW THE UNIT Activity F., p. 166
Activity D., p. 160 1. F Beatrice was confused when she
F education B honey E silk learned about receiving a goat.
D eggs A milk C wool 2. T
Activity E., p. 160 3. T
Answers will vary. 4. F Beatrice was older than all the
other students and was an excellent
READING 1 student.
PREVIEW THE READING 5. F Two women met Beatrice and
Activity A., p. 161 decided to write a book about her,
 an animal called Beatrice’s Goat.
6. F The biggest adjustment to studying

Reading and Writing 3 Q: Skills for Success
Unit 7 Student Book Answer Key Second Edition

in the United States for Beatrice was many people in need in the area where my
the weather. college was located, and I had gotten to
7. T know a few of them, so my ambition was to
8. T use my background in economics to help
them. My approach was very simple: I tried
WRITE WHAT YOU THINK to collect unwanted items from individuals
Activity A., p. 166 and businesses. I worked with a(n) network
Answers will vary. Possible answers: of businesses in the area, both small and
1. The money paid for school. The big. Working with these businesses enabled
story of Beatrice and her goat me to get donations of computers, books,
inspired the writers. The popularity and office supplies, as well as clothing and
of the book led to a book tour. The furniture. Every Saturday I set up a market
book tour led to meeting a woman in an empty building for people to purchase
who helped Beatrice get a the goods. With the money I earned, I was
scholarship to a preparatory school. able to purchase items needed for start-up
The preparatory school studies led businesses. I wanted to encourage people
to a scholarship to college. to follow their dreams, and in the process,
2. Answers will vary. to have a source of income. My first
3. Answers will vary. recipient was a single mother who made
READING SKILL beautiful clothes in her home. With the
Activity A., pp. 167–168 money I loaned her, she was able to
1980: Newman and Hotchner bottle salad purchase a sewing machine and expand her
dressing for gifts. business. Soon she was selling her hand-
1982: Profits are close to $400,000. made clothes on the Internet. I tried to aim
1988: The Hole in the Wall Gang camp is my assistance at those who most needed it.
founded. The impact I had on the neighborhood was
2008: More than 40 Newman’s Own not only amazing, but also measurable.
products are sold. There were eight new businesses that
started, thanks to my donations. I worked
READING 2 under the assumption that people are not
PREVIEW THE READING poor by choice, and, if given the
Activity A., p. 168 opportunity to provide for themselves, they
how much money you should give to would jump at the chance.
Activity B., p. 168 Activity D., p. 172
Answers will vary. 1. a small amount; in the right way
Activity C., p. 168 2. the impact
Answers will vary 3. someone’s future or ambitions
WORK WITH THE READING 4. it keeps growing
Activity B., pp. 171–172 5. several guidelines
When I was in college, I decided to start a 6. Heifer International
nonprofit organization to help people in 7. Opportunity International
need in my neighborhood. There were 8. Trickle Up


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