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Article II: The Teacher and the State

As a group, answer the following questions.

Article II

1. The schools are the “nurseries of the citizens of the state.” What are nurseries for? Why
are schools called the nurseries of the citizens of the state?”

2. “Each teacher is a trustee of the cultural and educational heritage of the nation and is
under obligation to transmit to learners such heritage.” In what ways can teachers do

3. In what ways can the professional teacher help elevate national morality, promote
national pride and cultivate love of country?

4. What steps do employers take to ensure that a teacher is physically, mentally and
morally fit?

5. Cite actions of a professional teacher that violates Section 5, article II.

6. How can a professional teacher violate Sec. 6 and Sec. 7 of Article II?

7. Every teacher shall enjoy academic freedom. What does academic freedom mean? Is
this academic freedom absolute?

What is the professional thing to do?

1. Teacher B has a brother candidate for the mayoralty race in their hometown. The
brother’s opponent has very good chances of winning and so teacher B starts secretly
campaigning for his brother. Is this Professional?

2. By means of a PowerPoint presentation show how a professional teacher should relate

to the state.

Article III: The Teacher and the Community


1. Below are key words which you have to locate in Article III of the Code of Ethics. Find
them and identify the section that contains the word/words.

- facilitator of learning - conducive environment

- leadership - harmonious official relations
- not use position to proselyte - disparaging the community
- social recognition - community informed

2. Prepare a skit to illustrate how a professional teacher should relate with the community.
In your skit you may want to present the contrast of teachers expected professional

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