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WARNING: Playing Bad People may

cause laughter, tears, and irreparable
damage to friendships and egos.
3 – 10 Players


160 Question Cards
10 Player Identity Cards
100 Voting Cards
10 Double Down Cards

The object of the game is to be the first player to score 7 points. Laughing, crying, screaming, drinking, and being
a jerk is not only accepted - it’s encouraged!

STEP #1: Each player chooses a Player Identity Card (Gray) and places it face up in front of them. This identifies
every player with a picture for voting purposes, for when you vote for your friends.

STEP #2: Each player collects a picture Voting Card (Black) for every person playing the game, including one for
himself/herself that matches their player identity card.

STEP #3: Each player collects a Double Down card (Green).

STEP #1: The last person to arrive begins as the Dictator.  The Dictator draws a Question Card and reads it out

STEP #2: The Dictator casts their vote by silently choosing one of the players, then placing the corresponding
Voting Card face down in front of them. The Dictator cannot vote for themselves.

STEP #3: After the Dictator votes, each player must also cast a silent vote by guessing who the Dictator voted for.
Players place the corresponding Voting Card face down in front of them. The object of each round is to cast your
vote for who you think the Dictator voted for, and not necessarily for who you would personally choose.

STEP #4: Once every player has voted, each player must then reveal their vote one-by-one starting with the
player to the left of the Dictator. The Dictator is the last person to reveal their vote.

STEP #5: After the scores have been written down, play another round! The player to the left of the Dictator
becomes the new Dictator.

1 point is given to each player who voted the same as the Dictator. If the Dictator chooses a player that no-one
voted for, then everyone who voted for the most popular answer receives 1 point. The Dictator cannot earn
points on their round.

A player can use their Double Down Card in any round by placing it with their Voting Card. If a player uses their
Double Down Card and votes the same as the Dictator they get 2 points. But if they’re wrong, they lose their
Double Down card for the rest of the game (so use it wisely!).

If you still don't understand how to play the game, please hand the
instructions to someone smarter than you.


Most likely to Most likely to Most likely to Who will have
be childhood ask an burn down the most
friends with overweight their home for divorces by
Hitler? woman if the insurance the time
she's money? they're 80?

Who would In their lifetime, Most likely to Who
be the best who's most have a naked masturbates
stripper? likely to picture of the most to
perform sexual themselves on former
acts for money? the Internet? lovers?

Who will be Most likely to Who has slept Most likely to
the most have a secret with someone secretly run a
difficult old sexual fetish? in the shortest meth lab?
person to be amount of
around? time after

Most likely to If we were all Most likely to Most likely to
join a cult? in prison, who get too kinky impregnate
would rise to on a first date someone (or
prison gang hook-up? get pregnant)
leader? tonight?


Who would If we were all If a private If I decided to
charge the prostitutes, investigator did rob a bank,
most as a who would a background who's the last
hitman? charge the check on all of person I'd
most? us, whose choose to
would be the help me?

Who would Least likely to Most likely to Who has the
be the worst give up their tip less than best chance
teammate seat on the bus 10% at a of cheating a
on the for an elderly restaurant? lie detector
Amazing person? test?

Most likely to Who would I In the event of Who will be
gain weight call if I needed a zombie the next
after help burying a apocalypse, person to get
marriage? dead body? who would punched in the
sacrifice face?
everyone here
to save

Who would I If we were all Most likely to Most likely to
trust the least on Survivor™, want to build support
with a who would be a wall polygamy?
newborn the first between
baby? person voted Mexico and
off the island? the U.S.?


Most likely to Most likely to Most likely to Whose funeral
become a get a tattoo steal from their will have the
liability after they will later employer? smallest
two drinks? regret? attendance?

Most likely to If we were all Most likely to In their
get upset stand-up create a scam lifetime, who
playing Bad comedians, who business? will have the
People? would get the least positive
least amount of impact on the
laughs? human

Most likely to Most likely to Most likely to Whose face
sell out their commit a hit- follow-through looks most like
family and and-run? on a revenge an animal's
friends for plot? face?

Who would Who would be Who  would  Most likely to
be the worst the worst _________ for appear on the
reality TV phone sex the least "NO FLY LIST"?
show star? operator? amount of
(Dictator fills in blank)


Least likely to Most likely to Who should be Most likely to
tell a new marry for banned from "cock block" a
sexual partner money? creating friend?
that they have offspring?
an STD?

Most likely to Who's the last Who thinks Most likely to
purchase a person I'd want they're more accidentally
mail-order to be trapped in attractive shoot
wife/husban an elevator than they themselves?
d? with? actually are?

Most likely to Most likely to Most likely to Who has
Facebook® RSVP "yes" to give a drunk, secretly done
creep a new a party but train wreck something
love interest never show speech at a VERY
for several up? wedding? illegal and
hours? gotten away
with it?

Most likely to Who has Most likely to Who takes the
murder their probably turn up drunk most “sick days
spouse for the successfully to pre-drinks? off” without
insurance blackmailed actually being
money and someone? sick?
get away with


If I decided to Most likely to If I were on Least likely to
kidnap talk their way Who Wants to be a target for
someone, out of a Be a identity theft?
who's the last speeding Millionaire™,
person I'd ask ticket? who's the last
to help me? person I'd call
as a lifeline?

Who's least Most likely to Least likely to Who would
affected by enter as a be be the most
“save the contestant on remembered successful
children” The at a party? serial killer?
ads? Bachelor®/The

Most likely to Most likely to Most likely Least likely to
have a mid- pay for sex? to end shave their
life crisis? up broke due genital area?
to a gambling

Most likely to In their Most likely to Who's the
appear as a lifetime, who's get fired for most high
guest on most likely to _________ ? maintenance
Maury®? be committed (Dictator fills in blank) in a
to an insane relationship?


Least likely to If we were all In their If everyone
sacrifice their homeless lifetime, who committed
life for a family panhandlers, will most likely _________, who
member? who would need a liver would be the
make the transplant? last person to
least amount get caught?
of money?
Dictator fills in blank)

Most likely to Most likely to Most likely Most likely to
enjoy being show up to an to go  ________ fall for a
dominated Emergency ___ with pyramid
in the Room with a Donald scheme?
bedroom?  _________ up Trump?
their ass? Dictator fills in blank)

Dictator fills in blank)

Who was the If a big fire Most likely to Most likely to
last person to broke out become a try ____________
piss on a sexual right now, vegetarian with Charlie
partner? who would because their Sheen?
push partner
everyone out wanted them (Dictator fills in blank)
of the way to to?
get out first?

Least likely to Who will be Most likely to Most likely to
try the next join ISIS? break up with
_____________ person to someone
?     (Dictator have a because
fills in blank) threesome? __________ ?    
(Dictator fills
in blank)


If we were all Who would be Who was the Least likely to
therapists, who the worst last person to end a
would person to masturbate? relationship
probably sleep work for? with someone
with their if they
patients? __________ ?
Dictator fills in blank)

Most likely to Least likely to Who has seen Who has had
become a send a sext? the most a sexual
liability after people in this dream about
eating a pot room naked? ____________?
brownie? Dictator fills in blank)

Who could In their Most likely to Who has done
never say no to lifetime, who's have had sex the most
_____________? most likely to in the back of a "walks of
become a taxi? shame"?
(Dictator fills in blank)
pimp or

Least likely to Who is most Who would Most likely to
believe in like their racial get the most lie to someone
global stereotype? enjoyment to get
warming? from being a something
member of they want?
the opposite
sex for a day?


Who would sell Most likely to If I was the Most likely to
their soul for fake an ruthless convince the
the least orgasm? dictator of a group to play
amount of country, who strip poker?
money? would I choose
as my second-

They say, "You Most likely to Most likely to Who has the
can't judge a "not get the cheat while largest porn
book by its joke"? playing a collection?
cover." Who did board game?
I misread when
we first met?

Most likely to Most likely to Most likely to Most likely to
crack a beer laugh if they say, "I'm not fart and blame
during a saw a blind racist, but ... "? it on someone
eulogy? person trip? else?

Most likely to Who has had Who is the Most likely to
shout the sex in the worst person have sex with
wrong name most random to call for a homeless
during sex? place? relationship guy because
advice? they thought
he was a


Who would Most likely to Most likely to Most likely to
tattoo a end up on the steal from a tip create a fake
teardrop on FBI's Most jar? social media
their face for Wanted List? account to
the least spy on
amount of someone?

Who has gone Most likely to Who is "never Who really
the longest borrow the problem" needs to start
without something with in a making New
showering? no intention of relationship? Year's
returning it? resolutions?

Who would be Most likely to Who was the Most likely to
the easiest to lie on their oldest person leave a party
kidnap? resume? to lose their by blowing
virginity? glitter in your
face and

Who would Who has the Most likely to Most likely to
take the worst "game"? shed the next accidentally
longest to be drunken tear? have drugs on
reported to them while
the police as going through
missing? airport


Most likely to Who was the Who was the Most likely to
draw a dick on last person to last person to say "I love you"
a passed out have a drink be drunk/high too early?
friend? thrown in at work?
their face?

Most likely to Who has the If we were all Most likely to
wake up worst poker police officers, run into a
tomorrow not face? who would be former lover
knowing where the dirty cop? and not
they are? remember
their name?

Who can't go 10 Most likely to If we were all Most likely to
minutes rat me out if characters in a sleep their way
without looking they were horror movie, to the top?
at themselves under who would get
in the mirror? pressure from killed first?
the cops?

Most likely to Most likely to Most likely to Most likely to
puke and have a secret have a secret sleep with a
rally? body piercing sex tape? co-worker?
or tattoo?














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