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‫الصف الخامس‬

Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d: -

1- Did you …………… the pots?
a- wash b- washed c- washing d- washes
2- She …………… at my jokes last week.
a- laugh b- laughed c- laughs d- is laughing
3- Did you listen to stories? – Yes, I …………
a- do b- didn’t c- did d- don’t
4- They didn’t …………… cards yesterday.
a- played b- plays c- playing d- play
5- It’s time …………… breakfast.
a- in b- for c- at d- with
6- Did they …………… a mountain.
a- cut b- clean c- climb d- cook
7- She …………… to my stories.
a- laughed b- looked c- played d- listened
8- Did she watch the sunrise? – No, she …………
a- did b- don’t c- didn’t d- isn’t
9- She puts the fish on a ……………
a- fork b- spoon c- book d- dish
10- We fly kites and play on the ……………
a- sky b- slide c- book d- sea
11- When did he wash the pots and ……………?
a- cakes b- flowers c- pans d- books
12- I listened to ………… before going to bed.
a- mountains b- stories c- sunrise d- cards
13- What’s ……………… lunch today, mum?
a- of b- to c- for d- by
14- I’m ……………. I want to eat.
a- thirsty b- hungry c- angry d- happy
15- ………… up, Mamdouh. It’s seven o’clock.
a- Walk b- Sleep c- Draw d- Wake
16- They have …………… in the morning.
a- breakfast b- lunch c- dinner d- supper
17- She can’t …………… her bag?
a- found b- finds c- find d- finding
18- Mamdouh wants some water. He is ……………
a- hungry b- happy c- sad d- thirsty
19- Wake …………, Mona. It’s time for breakfast.
a- in b- up c- at d- on
20- ………… your sister cook lunch yesterday?
a- Are b- Do c- Did d- Is
21- Mamdouh …………… the pans yesterday?
a- washed b- listened c- climbed d- laughed
22- Ahmed and Mona won a ………………
a- smile b- prize c- plane d- tree
23- He went on a ………………
a- kite b- price c- flower d- ride
24- She ………… eat cotton candy last Friday.
a- don’t b- isn’t c- didn’t d- doesn’t
25- …………… good. I’m hungry.
a- Small b- Smile c- Smiles d- Smells
26- They didn’t go ……… a ride.
a- on b- in c- at d- under
27- I’m thirsty. I need some ……………
a- food b- meat c- water d- salad
28- I didn’t …………. cards.
a- play b- plays c- played d- playing
29- We …………… at jokes yesterday.
a- laugh b- laughs c- laughed d- laughing
30- She …………… tickets.
a- drank b- went c- chopped d- bought
31- What kind of ……… do you want? – Orange juice.
a- food b- juice c- colour d- sport
32- That’s okay. It’s my ………….
a- time b- kind c- treat d- feed
33- We ………… a show last night.
a- see b- saw c- seeing d- sees
34- I don’t have …………… money.
a- too b- some c- enough d- many
35- I’m …………. I need juice.
a- thirsty b- hungry c- okay d- careful
36- Mamdouh is going to eat ………… candy.
a- fish b- meat c- cotton d- bread
37- Ahmed watered the ………… and brushed his hair.
a- planes b- plants c- chairs d- clocks
38- He didn’t ………… the film last Monday.
a- watched b- wash c- watch d- watching
39- Ahmed ………… the bed yesterday.
a- make b- makes c- made d- making
40- What did she …………… for lunch?
a- cooked b- cook c- cooking d- cooks
41- Be………… The box is heavy.
a- watch b- help c- problem d- careful
42- Let me ………… you, Mum.
a- helps b- helping c- help d- helped
43- What kind ………… juice do you want?
a- to b- at c- for d- of
44- My mother …………… the laundry yesterday.
a- fed b- took c- did d- swept
45- We …………… the table for dinner.
a- swept b- set c- laugh d- roasted
46- Mamdouh ……………up the clothes yesterday.
a- hung b- hang c- hanging d- hangs
47- I didn’t ………… the cat. I’m sorry.
a- feeding b- fed c- feed d- feeds
48- They …………… flowers.
a- roasted b- counted c- planned d- planted
49- What did she …………… yesterday?
a- does b- is c- do d- did
50- They are …………… out the rubbish.
a- taking b- took c- take d- takes
51- Mamdouh is putting away the ………………
a- laundry b- garbage c- table d- groceries
52- What …………… he hang up?
a- do b- did c- is d- was
53- Hanan …………… the floor yesterday.
a- sweep b- sweeps c- swept d- sweeping
54- My mother ………… the table for dinner.
a- went b- set c- hung d- did
55- Did Mona …………… the floor?
a- sleep b- send c- sweep d- set
56- I can do the …………… every day.
a- laundry b- rubbish c- bed d- table
57- My mother hangs up the ………………
a- rubbish b- pens c- groceries d- clothes
58- The box is very ………….I can’t carry it.
a- happy b- heavy c- strong d- thirsty
59- No …………….I’m strong.
a- heavy b- careful c- watch d- problem
60- She is going to ……………… the floor.
a- sweeps b- swept c- sweeping d- sweep
61- We ………… going to ride the bus.
a- is b- are c- am d- was
62- She is ……………… to take a taxi.
a- go b- goes c- going d- went
63- He is going to ……………… an email.
a- send b- sent c- sending d- sends
64- The children …………… going to watch TV.
a- is b- have c- has d- are
65- He’s going …………… tickets.
a- buys b- buy c- to buy d- buying
66- Excuse …………. I’m looking for the museum.
a-my b- me c- mine d- am
67- How …………… you like your hair?
a- does b- is c- are d- do
68- Turn right. It’s …………… the left.
a- in b- at c- on d- between
69- Excuse me. I’m …………… for the library.
a- looking b- talking c- drawing d- cooking
70- Do you …………… turn right or turn left?
a- says b- saying c- say d- said
71- Mamdouh is going to …………… a haircut.
a- send b- see c- ride d- get
72- She’s going to …………… a friend.
a- send b- visit c- buy d- eat
73- I ………… going to ride a bus.
a- ’s b- ’ve c- ’re d- ’m
74- She is thirsty. She wants a ………… of water.
a- beetle b- battle c- bottle d- lake
75- They are ………… to have some orange juice.
a- go b- goes c- going d- went
76- ………… is going to have some barbecued chicken.
a- She b- We c- I d- They
77- What is she going to ………………?
a- having b- have c- has d- had
78- What ………… you going to have?
a- is b- was c- are d- am
79- Try some …………… . It’s delicious.
a- kebab b- leaves c- art d- show
80- You want kebab. Me,……………
a- to b- two c- too d- for
81- Chicken is my favourite ………………
a- juice b- salad c- dessert d- food
82- I like kebab. It’s ………………
a- hungry b- delicious c- angry d- happy
83- What is he …………… have?
a- going b- goes c- going to d- go to
84- How about some French …………?
a- spaghetti b- salad c- juice d- fries
85- What are you ……………?
a- eat b- eating c- eats d- ate
86- …………… some fried rice.
a- Try b- Trying c- Tries d- Tried
87- Hey. …………… delicious.
a- Its b- It c- It’s d- is
88- …………… time for art class.
a- It b- They c- It’s d- They’re
89- What’s your ……………… subject?
a- middle b- little c- roasted d- favourite
90- Go straight. It’s …………… from the art class.
a- next b- across c- to d- in
91- I go to the beach in the ………… because it is hot.
a- summer b- winter c- fall d- spring
92- We ………… pick apples in the fall.
a- am b- are c- will d- is
93- I …………… plant flowers in the spring.
a- am b- has c- are d- will
94- He won’t …………… skiing in the winter.
a- goes b- go c- going d- went
95- It’s across …………… the music room.
a- from b- over c- to d- on
96- I …………… English. It’s my favourite subject.
a- come b- like c- put d- swept
97- Mamdouh goes skiing in the ………………
a- winter b- spring c- summer d- fall
98- Ahmed will …………… in the leaves in the fall.
a- swim b- fly c- play d- go
99- They’ll …………… a sand castle in the summer.
a- play b- go c- pick d- build
100- Mamdouh will ………… flowers in the spring.
a- planted b- plant c- planting d- plants

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