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Recall Clues Record

How to read a paper? 1. Read the methods section. This explains what they did.
2. Try to predict what the results will be.
3. Read the results section. This lists the results without any
interpretation from the
4. If your prediction was inaccurate, think about why this was
the case.
5. Read the introduction, which should discuss prior literature
on the topic, and then
the conclusion, which has the interpretation of the study’s
findings from the authors.

types of scientific publications randomized controlled trial (RCT)

cohort studies
case-control study
case study or report

A single well-
designed RCT can provide stronger evidence than a meta-
of 10 low-quality studies
research  Cross-over design
design structures (p.41)  Cross-sectional research
 Longitudinal research
 Observational research
 Epidemiology

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