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Assignment on Final Exam

MIS & Decision Making Techniques

Course Code: 522
Sec: 01

Submitted To:
Asma Akter
Lecturer of Southeast University
Southeast Business School

Submitted By:
Md. Mehedi Hasan Mohit
ID: 2020210004055
Batch: 37
MBA Program (1 Year)

Date of Submission: 04.02.2021

ID 202021004055
Course Title MIS & Decision Making Techniques
Code & Sec 522.1

Answer To the Question No-01

E-commerce sites are different from E-business sites are given below:

S. E-commerce E-business
01. E-Commerce refers to the performing online E-Business refers to performing all type of business
commercial activities, transactions over activities through internet.

02. E-Commerce is a narrow concept and it is E-Business is a broad concept and it is considered
considered as a subset of E-Business. as a superset of E-Commerce.

03. Commercial transactions are carried out in e- Business transactions are carried out in e-business.

04. In e-commerce transactions are limited. In e-business transactions are not limited.

05. It includes activities like buying and selling It includes activities like procurement of raw
product, making monetary transactions etc. materials/goods, customer education, supply
over internet. activities buying and selling product, making
monetary transactions etc. over internet.

06. It usually requires the use of only a website. It requires the use of multiple websites, CRMs,
ERPs that connect different business processes.

07. It involves mandatory use of internet. It involves the use of internet, intranet or extranet.

08. E-commerce is more appropriate in Business to E-business is more appropriate in Business to

Customer (B2C) context. Business (B2B) context.

09. E-Commerce covers outward/external business E-Business covers internal as well as external
process. business process/activities.
ID 202021004055
Course Title MIS & Decision Making Techniques
Code & Sec 522.1

Yes, there are many pure e-commerce in Bangladesh. Name in given below:
a. BDJobs: It is a largest online job site in Bangladesh. People can be finding out the all kind of jobs in here.
b. Daraz: It is an online shopping in Bangladesh. People can find out all kind of product in here of low price.
c. BoiMela: It is an Online Bangla Book Store. People find out all kind of Bangla books in this website.
d. Rokomari: It is a best online bookshop in Bangladesh. People find out here story-book also.
e. Foodpanda: It is a best delivery service in Bangladesh. People can order foods by foodpanda.
f. Chaldal: It is a best online grocery shop in Bangladesh.
g. Sohoz: It is a best ride share services in Bangladesh.
h. Clickbd: It is a largest online tack related business in Bangladesh. Find out all kinds of phone, laptop, sound
box etc.
i. Bikroy: It is a best online buy and sells service in Bangladesh.
j. Bagdoom: It is a currently trending website for online shopping in Bangladesh.

Eight unique features of E-commerce sites focusing on Bangladesh audience with example are given below:

E-commerce sites focusing Business Signification Example

Ubiquity: Internet/web technology The market place is extended Clothes and shoes are usually
is available everywhere: at work, at beyond traditional boundaries and directed to encourage customers to
home, and elsewhere via mobile is removed from a temporal and go somewhere to buy. E-commerce
devices. geographic location. “Market is ubiquitous meaning that it can be
space” anytime is created; everywhere. E-commerce is the
shopping can take place anywhere. world’s reduce cognitive energy
Customer convenience is enhanced required to complete the task.
and shopping costs are reducing.
Global reach: The technology Commerce is enabling across This new market space is online,
reaches across national boundaries cultural and national boundaries and encompasses every single type
around the earth. seamlessly and without of business you can imagine, from
modification. The market space Amazon which sells a little bit of
includes, potentially, billions of everything, to much more focused
consumers and millions of businesses such as Lighting
businesses worldwide. manufacturers.
Universal standards: There is one With one set of technical standards If you want to know how much a
set of technology standards, across the globe, disparate 55″ LCD flat screen TV is going to
namely internet standards. computer systems can easily cost you, you simply type in the
communicate with each other. brand you want in a search engine
and *poof*, seconds later you are
presented with all the options you
could possibly want. Nearest store
location, online prices, other
features of the unit you’re looking
for etc.
Richness: Video, audio and text Video, audio and text marketing It’s about as rich as television
messages are possible, messages are integrated into a technology.
single marketing message and
consumer experience.
Interactivity: The technology work Consumers are engaged in a dialog Amazon is great example. Every
through interaction with the user. that dynamically and make the time you buy something, you have
consumer a co-participant in the the option to rate your experience
process of delivering goods to the with not only the product, but also
market. the seller. This tells future
customers whether or not they will
be given fair pricing, quick shipping,
and intact products.
Information Density: The Information processing, storage Mission Bicycles, in San Francisco.
technology reduces information and communication costs drop They allow you to create your
costs and raises quality. dramatically, whereas currency, entire bicycle from the frame up,
accuracy, and timeliness improve choosing colors, handlebars, seat
greatly. Information becomes style, chains, pedal you name it!
plentiful, cheap and more accurate. Depending on what kind of product
you’re looking for, you’ll most likely
find a way to customize it online so
that it fits your idea of perfection.
Personalization: The technology Personalization of marketing Mission Bicycles, in San Francisco.
allows personalized messages to be messages and customization of They allow you to create your
delivered to individuals as well as product and services are based on entire bicycle from the frame up,
groups. individual characteristics. choosing colors, handlebars, seat
style, chains, pedals you name it!
Depending on what kind of product
you’re looking for, you’ll most likely
find a way to customize it online so
that it fits your idea of perfection.
Social technology: User content New internet social and business Sites like Facebook, Twitter,
generation and social networking. models enable user content LinkedIn, Pinterest, Instagram, and
creation and distribution and so on, are not merely there for
support social network. your entertainment.
ID 202021004055
Course Title MIS & Decision Making Techniques
Code & Sec 522.1

Answer To the Question No-02

Customer relationship management (CRM): CRM is a technology that allows businesses both large and small to
organize, automate, and synchronize every facet of customer interaction. CRM system examples include marketing,
sales, customer service, and support.
When it comes to maintaining relationships with customers beyond the sale, customer relationship management
(CRM) software is a real boon. Because it helps companies stay on top of what’s happening with a given customer,
companies spend less time researching and more time connecting in ways that really matter. There have some
business growth strategies and showing how companies can maintain relationship with customer using CRM
I. Make highly targeted offers to the right clients: Gone are the days where companies had no choice but to
send a blanket email offer to all customers. Now companies can use customer’s preferences (recorded in
CRM) to send emails with offers they’re more likely to take up on. For Example, if companies know company
got customers who recently bought rain boots, company can send them an offer for a matching raincoat or
II. Segment List in a Way that Makes Sense: If company sells products online, company may have specific
under groups of customer’s, like those who buy baby clothes for boys, those who buy baby clothes for girls,
those who buy baby gifts for friends etc. Company can set up the email marketing lists in companies CRM
based on criteria define. That will help you target company’s offers.
III. Stay in Touch with Social: Company don’t have to search through Twitter and LinkedIn to see what
companies contacts are up to; company can link directly to their profiles in companies CRM system. Being
able to quickly scan a customer’s recent interactions on social could provide with an opportunity to connect.
For example, if a client tweets that he’s changing Jobs Company can send him well-wishes via email and ask
if you can do anything to help the transition.
IV. Track opportunities so none fall through the cracks: When companies doing a lot in their small business, it
can be too easy to forget to follow up on potential business. The right CRM tools can help company stay on
top of potential sales. For example, company can track opportunities with Insight, assign a dollar value,
forecast a close date, and then assign tasks to ensure the lead is properly nurtured.
V. Remember birthday: This is such a simple strategy, yet one many small businesses overlook. By entering a
customer birthday in companies system, company can get a reminder and send a card by mail or email.
Everyone likes to be remembered.
ID 202021004055
Course Title MIS & Decision Making Techniques
Code & Sec 522.1

VI. Divide and conquer: If companies got sales staff, CRM is great for helping company assign leads or client
relationships so everyone knows what they’re responsible for. Assign tasks with deadlines so staff does not
miss a customer wither on the vine.
VII. Work smarter, not harder, on email marketing: With a top-notch CRM, company can integrate with email
marketing platforms like Mail-Chimp for even more dynamic email lists and groups.
VIII. Keep better Customer Records: If companies ever called a customer service line and been frustrated
because there were no notes in the system about their last call, the company probably didn’t use CRM.
Being able to record notes on phone calls and attach emails means company and everyone on company’s
team has an accurate history of customer communication.
IX. Spend less time juggling data and more time building relationship: Storing customer information in an old-
fashioned spreadsheet means companies wasting time managing that data that they could put toward
growing their customer relationships. Because CRM does the heavy lifting for companies in terms of sorting
contacts and housing other files, they spend less time on tedious admin tasks.
X. Focus on companies big money clients: CRM offers valuable financial data, such as how much revenue a
given customer brings in. When company can identify heavy spenders, they can allot more attention to
them in an effort to encourage more repeat business.
The analytical and operational technologies of CRMS focusing on the benefits with example are;
Operational CRM: Operational CRM is a platform that focuses on simplifying sales and marketing interactions with
clients. Operational CRM also offers automation of the process, specifically, the ability to perform tasks more
effectively and with fewer steps. Operational CRM refers to programs that assist different business processes of the
‘front office’ in helping companies take care of their clients. For an effective operational CRM strategy, focusing on
the importance of the customers is crucial. Different customers must be handled differently, so that information on
variables such as the rating of customers, real value, and future value is of strategic importance. Operational CRM
can help streamline the operations of sales, marketing, and service over the entire consumer journey:

• Sales: Sales functionality includes company’s sales team’s roles, as they operate through a lead list. From
the leads, the team recognizes prospects that then become the to-do-list of sales reps to turn all prospects
into purchasing and loyal customers.
• Marketing: This portion involves identifying the marketing team on the lead list and how best to target
• Service: Service includes the support staff that manages contact and customer communications from time
to time to answer questions, address issues that occur, and process requests for assistance.
ID 202021004055
Course Title MIS & Decision Making Techniques
Code & Sec 522.1

For example; Sales force CRM provides valuable tools for different parts of your business, specifically sales,
marketing, community management, and customer service. It is also one of The Blueprint's highest-rated CRM
software options for small businesses.
Operational CRM focusing on the benefits are given below:
I. Improve marketing processes: Drill down precision focused data into your client. Learn more about likely
buyers, and then start campaigns to attract similar buyers. Using the consumer data in your CRM, you can
analyze purchasing trends and customer preferences to configure the best marketing strategies possible.
II. Increase internal communication: It’s no surprise; departments that don’t connect usually don’t function
for the same purpose. When a company has access to the same data, it places all of them on the same field
and plays the same game. The operational CRM capability to collect, store, and disseminate data makes it
an excellent tool for interdepartmental communication and information sharing.
III. Enhance upselling and cross-selling: Operational CRMs start collecting data from your customers from the
first touch point and retain those records through the customer’s lifecycle, recording every transaction,
contact, and problem. This prepares the sales team for the right opportunities to upsell and cross-sell. Sales
reps may use sales strategies customized for each customer with purchasing experience available to them.
IV. Increase in Revenue: For every $1 invested in them, operational CRMs are known to generate more than $8
of value. You can’t go wrong with a CRM to your company at an 8:1 ROI. Scaling up your sales team and
giving them tools to better sell and close would undoubtedly increase your business revenue.
V. They increased Customer Satisfaction: If you can’t help your clients, they won’t hang around if you can’t
give them excellent service. That’s why your CRM system is critical to have in place. Customers tend to
repeat themselves, so arming the employees with a centralized CRM system would almost immediately
boost customer service.
Analytical CRM: Analytical CRM is a subset of CRM in which a company collects data about its customer
interactions, to increase customer satisfaction and customer retention rates. Analytical CRM is a behind-the-scenes
process; the client is not aware of the capture and analysis of their actions and interactions with the company.
Analytical CRM is an essential part of managing customer relations. Analytical CRM accumulates and analyzes
consumer data of various kinds, including:

• Sales data: purchase and return history, brand preferences, etc.

• Financial data: payment and credit history, including payment type, credit scores, etc.
• Marketing data: customer response rates to marketing campaigns, customer satisfaction data, retention
data, etc.
ID 202021004055
Course Title MIS & Decision Making Techniques
Code & Sec 522.1

For example; Hub-Spot CRM has built-in dashboard reporting and analytics features that let you gauge the
performance of your entire sales funnel. If you want even more powerful analytics, you can pair Hub-Spot CRM
with Marketing Hub, Sales Hub, or Service Hub, which all have their own reporting and analytics capabilities.
Analytical CRM focusing on the benefits are given below:
I. Better lead conversation rate.
II. Improved market analysis before running a marketing campaign. Boost customer loyalty and satisfaction.
III. More accurate financial forecasting and planning.
IV. The suggested actions come from vast amounts of consumer data that would be too difficult for one person
to handle.
V. Automatic processes allow analytical CRM to conclude future customer behavior, customer buying power or
customer needs.
VI. Understand the customers better, and boost sales performance.
VII. Better focus your sales efforts by using precisely those products and communication strategies that suit the
audience you want to sell.

Answer To the Question No-03

Describe the business value and probable challenges of automating business processes in a firm with enterprise
systems with example;
Business Process Automation (BPA): BPA is a process of managing information, data and processes to reduce costs, resources
and investment. BPA increases productivity by automating key business processes through computing technology.

Challenges of Traditional Work Process: The nature of the workplace is changing, and the enterprise is adapting to meet new
challenges and profit from new opportunities. Nowadays the bandwidth of accommodating the traditional manual processes
is very narrow which eventually generates below challenges as well:

• Delay in Approval
• Lots of Paper Works
• Tons of Internal Processes
• Higher cost and man-hour involvement
• Lack of E2E control & monitoring
ID 202021004055
Course Title MIS & Decision Making Techniques
Code & Sec 522.1

Use Cases for Business Process Automation (BPA): One of the main goals of business process automation is to increase the
productivity and stability of a company by integrating software solutions. A vast range of area where BPA can be applicable:

• Invoice management system

• Delegation of Authority (DOA) approval
• Claim and expense management
• Business case approval
• Auction, Write off & Procurement approval
• Stationary management
• Delegation of authority (DOA) management
• HR Process management (like leave management, Travel management etc.)

A More Uniform Organization: Companies can use enterprise system to support organizational structures that
were not previously possible or to create a more disciplined organizational culture. For example, they might use
enterprise system to integrate the corporation across geographic or business unit boundaries or to create a more
uniform organizational culture in which everyone use similar processes and information. An enterprise-enabled
organization does business the same way worldwide.
More Efficient Operations and Customer-Driven Business Processes: Enterprise systems can help crest the
foundation for a more customer-driven organization. By integrating separate business processes in sales,
production, finance, and logistics, the entire organization more efficiently respond to customer requests for
products or information, forecast new products, build and deliver them as demand requires.

Firm Wide Information for Improved Decision Making: Enterprise system also improves organization-wide
reporting and decision making. Enterprise systems create a single, integrated repository of fate for the entire firm.
The data have common, standardized definitions and formats that are accepted by the entire organization. Senior
management can more easily find out at any moment how a particular organizational unit is preforming. . For
example, an enterprise system might help management immediately determine which products are most or least

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