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Name: Sulaiman khan (48879)

Course Title: Philosophy and critical thinking

Submitted to: Dr. Noorunnisa khan

Date of Submission: 21 may, 2020


Q1) for each image identify if it is beautiful or not. Provide reason for your answer. For
example if you find it beautiful, what makes it beautiful?

A) For image 1:

I don’t find it beautiful because to me it is not appealing in any sense.

For image 2:

I find it very attractive and beautiful because it’s a portrait of a very innocent and cute lady,
Very appealing to me.

For image 3:

It is just a logo of a very famous fast food chain, nothing attractive or beautiful for me.

For image 4:

It’s a nicely photoshopped image of Mr. Bean and a baby but not beautiful at all but very
Funny though.

For image 5:

It’s a very beautiful image of two snakes with very bright colors, very soothing to eyes.

For image 6:

I don’t find it beautiful because most of the people in this image looks frightened and
Depressed, nothing beautiful for me.

For image 7:

I know most of the people will say that it’s not attractive at all but for me it’s a beautiful
Image of a very innocent black girl, beauty is in the eyes of a person and I find this image
Very beautiful.
For image 8:

I didn’t understand this image at all but strangely, somehow I find this image very attractive
And appealing because of its bright colors.

For image 9:

In my opinion it is a very beautiful portrayal of how an artist’s night looks like. Very
Soothing and attractive as well.

Q2) for each identify if it is an art or not. Justify your answer with reasons.

A) For image 1:

Definitely it’s an art, an abstract one because it is painted by an artist. It’s not a photo.

For image 2:

Yes it is also art because it is a portrait of a very beautiful lady painted by an artist.

For image 3:

I will also consider it art because it’s a logo of a very famous food fast food chain and
Designing logo is also considered an art.

For image 4:

It’s a very beautifully photoshopped image of Mr. Bean and a baby but it does not fall
Into the category of art.

For image 5:

A very beautiful picture of two snakes with very bright colors and what makes this picture
An art is the timing of the shot and as photography is also a form of art so it is also considered
An art.
For image 6:

If this is not considered art than what will? It’s an abstract art with a very deep meaning
Which only an artist can understand.
For image 7:

Although it is a beautiful picture but for me it is not an art because it’s just a picture and
Photographer is not expressing any idea or emotion through her so, it is not an art.

For image 8:

I think its graffiti art because artist is expressing his ideas over here so it’s definitely
Considered an art.

For image 9:

Again a beautiful representation of an artist’s night would look like so definitely an art.

Q3) how do you define art?

A) Art is generally understood as any activity or product done by people with a

communicative or aesthetic purpose, something that expresses an idea, an emotion or, more
generally, a world view.
It is a component of culture, reflecting economic and social substrates in its design. It transmits
ideas and values inherent in every culture across space and time. Its role changes through time,
acquiring more of an aesthetic component here and a socio-educational function there.
Q4) who decides what art is and what is not?

A) It is simple as that, only people who develop finer acumen can see what is fake, what is
glass, what is plastic and what is poor- medium- good quality and between real and artificial
Needless to say it is same with Art, Artist decides it including which type it belongs to. The
judge, who is the beholder, decides to accept artist's premise or not, including the type, and
standard of the art.
That's the beauty of it. And that's why it is art not science or math.
Q5) can anything be art?

A) The answer is both “no” and “yes”.

Art cannot be everything, otherwise it would be nothing at all; on the other hand, the only limit
to art is in the imagination of the artist.
If you take a hammer and use it to pound nails, that’s one thing but if you take a hammer and put
a frame around it, it’s “art,” because it’s now become an abstraction representing the concept of
Similarly, if you throw your arms out or walk slowly or swat a fly, it’s just moving around, but if
you do that on a stage, it’s called dance and becomes an abstraction representing the concept and
possibly the emotion of “fly swatting.”
So all you have to do to make everything you do art is to shift your point of view from the
mundane to the abstraction of “what is.”

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