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Seventh Semester
Mechanical Engineering
ME 2220 –Energy Systems and Technologies
(Regulation 2017)


Course Outcomes (COs):
At the end of the course the students should be able:
CO1: To study the basic energy sources, types, working and performance of boilers.
CO2: To study various components and working of hydraulic and gas turbine power plants.
CO3: To study the method of biomass, solar and wind energy conversion systems.
CO4: To study the working of geothermal, tidal, OTEC and MHD power plants.
CO5: To study types and working of nuclear power plant and also study economic and pollution.
Blooms Levels: L1 – Remember, L2 – Understand, L3 – Apply, L4 – Analyze, L5 – Evaluate.
Q.No. Marks
What is primary source of energy?
1 2
Energy available in nature is called primary source of energy.
What is secondary source of energy?
2 Energy derived from primary source of energy is called secondary 2
source of energy.
Compare primary source of energy and secondary source of energy.
Energy available in nature is called primary source of energy, Energy
3 2
derived from primary source of energy is called secondary source of
Differentiate conventional source of energy and Non-Conventional
sources of energy.
Conventional sources are finite and exhaustible. Once consumed,
these sources cannot be replaced by others. It is also called non-
4 2
renewable energy, e.g. coal, fossil fuels.
Non-Conventional sources of energy are renewable energy, e.g.
wind, solar and biomass.

Define the term equivalent evaporation of boiler.

5 It may be defined as the amount of water evaporated from water at 2
100oC to dry and saturated steam at 100oC.
Define the term boiler efficiency.
6 It is defined as the ratio of heat utilized in generation of 1 kg of steam 2
to heat value of fuel used.

List four heat losses occur in boiler.
Heat loss due to flue gas, heat loss due to incomplete combustion, heat
7 loss due to unburnt gas and heat loss due to unaccounted are occur in 2

What is boiler blow down?

8 The removal of concentrated solid precipitates at boiler drum bottom 2
is called boiler blow down
What is subcritical boiler?
9 It is a water tube drum type boiler operates between 130 and 180 bar 2
steam pressure.
What is supercritical boiler?
10 It is a drumless once through boiler operates at 240 bar pressure and 2
What is the difference between the boiler mountings and boiler
Boiler mountings – It is necessary to operate the boiler. It is not
possible to operate the boiler without boiler mounting for the purpose
11 2
of safety.
Boiler accessories - It is possible to operate the boiler without boiler
accessories. It is used for the purpose of increasing efficiency of
Write any four advantages of supercritical boiler.
High heat transfer rate, it is possible to achieve higher thermal
12 efficiency and maintain more stable pressure level and also problems 2
of erosion and corrosion are minimized due to the absence of two-
phase mixture.
What are the purpose of economizer and super-heater?
Economizer: To increase feed water temperature by flue gas this in
13 interns increases the efficiency of the plant. 2
Super-heater: To increase temperature of saturated steam by flue gas
this also increases the efficiency of the plant.
Name important impurities present in feed water.
14 Visible impurities, Dissolved gases, Minerals and salts, Mineral acids 2
and Hardness.
What are the troubles of impurities present in feed water?
15 2
Scale formation, Corrosion, Carry over and Embrittlement.
What are limitations of chimney or natural draught systems?
The natural draught will not be sufficient to generate enough draught
as is required by large steam generation plants. Draught varies with
the variation of the climate conditions.
Name four circuits of coal based thermal power plant.
Coal and ash circuit, Air and ash circuit, Feed water and steam flow
1 2
circuit and
Cooling water circuit.

What is surge tank?
Surge tank is a small reservoir in which the water level rises or falls to
2 2
reduce the pressure changes so that they are not transmitted to the
penstock, like in the case of sudden closure of the valve.
What is a draft tube?
The draft tube allows the turbine to be set above the tailrace to
3 2
facilitate inspection and maintenance and by diffuser action regains
the major portion of the kinetic energy or velocity head at the outlet.
What is the purpose of spill way in HEPP?
The excess accumulation of water from dam is stored in a structure
4 2
near to the dam is called spillway. It is used to safe guard the
What is penstock in HEPP?
5 2
It is a closed conduit for supplying water under pressure to the turbine.
Define cavitation in HEPP.
6 2
Pitting of metal surface is caused by the formation of local pressure.
Give important advantages of hydro electric power plant.
7 No fuel charges, maintenance and operating cost is very low, long life, 2
less staff required and cost of land is low.
Give important disadvantages of hydro electric power plant.
8 High initial cost, erection and commission take long time, insufficient 2
availability of water, transmission losses are high.
Define water hammer in HEPP.
9 2
Sudden increase of water pressure is called water hammer.
List down essential components of hydro power plant.
10 Reservoir, penstock, surge tank, turbine, power house, generator and 2
draft tube.
Name essential components of a gas turbine power plant?
Compressor, combustion chamber, gas turbine and generator and heat
11 2
exchangers are the essential components of the gas turbine power
What is the advantage of using inter-cooler, re-heater and regenerator
12 in gas power? 2
An additional improvement in efficiency is achieved.
Name important methods to improve efficiency of Gas turbine power
13 2
1. inter-cooling,, 3.regeneration, 4.supercharging and
What is combined power cycle?
A high temperature power plant is superimposed as topping unit with
14 a steam power plant to obtain higher energy conversion efficiency is 2
called a combined power cycle. Combination of two power plants are
called combined power cycle power plant.
What is Cogeneration?
Cogeneration is simultaneous generation of electricity and heat.

List down essential components of Diesel power plant.
16 Diesel engine, air intake system, exhausts system, cooling system,
lubricating system, governing system and generator.
Give important advantages and disadvantages of Diesel power plant.
Advantages: Higher efficiency (43-45%) than thermal power plant, it
starts quickly, less space and water requirements, respond to varying
17 2
Disadvantages: Its capacity is limited to 50 MW, noise, less life (2 -5
Name four routes of bio-conversion.
1 They are direct combustion, thermo mechanical conversion, 2
biochemical conversion and agro-chemical conversion.
What are the routes of bio-chemical conversion?
2 2
Anaerobic digestion, fermentation
What is anaerobic digestion?
Anaerobic digestion is the bacterial decomposition of of organic
3 2
matter in the absence of air or oxygen to produce methane and carbon
dioxide I a roughly 2:1 ratio.
What is fermentation?
Fermentation is the breakdown of complex molecules in organic
4 2
compounds with the help of ferment such as yeast, bacteria, enzymes,
Why biomass is being converted in to bio-fuels?
The biomass has modest thermal content, high moisture, low-bulk
density, physical form is not homogeneous. It is required for the
5 2
purpose of reducing its water content, increase thermal values,
improve handling characteristics the biomass is being converted in to
What is briquetting?
Production of solid fuel by squeezing out moisture from biomass,
6 2
breaking down of its elasticity and compressing it under die at high
temperature and pressure is called briquetting.
What is pelletization?
7 It is the process in which wood is compressed and extracted in the 2
forms of rods.
What is solar cell?
8 Energy conversion devices which are used to convert sunlight into 2
electricity by the use of the photovoltaic effect are called solar cells.
Define photovoltaic effect.
9 It is defined as the generation of an electromotive force as a result of 2
the absorption of ionizing radiation.
What is solar array?
10 Arrangement of different number of solar modules to increase the 2
power output is called solar array.

What is solar module?
11 Arrangements of solar cells to increase electrical power output is 2
called solar module
What is Betz’s limit?
12 It is theoretical efficiency of wind turbine generators and it value is 2
Define coefficient of performance of wind turbine generator.
C.O.P = PMax / PW
13 2
PMax –Maximum power produced by the turbine
PW - Power available in the wind
Define lift force and drag force.
14 The lift force act perpendicular to the air flow, while drag force act in 2
the direction of flow.
Define stalling in wind turbine.
15 Phenomenon of decreasing lift and decreasing drag force on wind 2
turbine blade is called stalling.
Name any four important methods of hydrogen production.
They are catalytic steam reforming natural gas, chemical reduction of
1 2
coal, partial oxidation of heavy oil, electrolytic decomposition of
water, thermal decomposition of water and industrial photosynthesis.
What is reforming?
2 2
What is electrolysis?The process of separation of hydrogen from
hydrocarbons through application of heat is known as reforming.
3 2
The process of separation of hydrogen from water through application
of electrical current is known as electrolysis.
Define geothermal energy.
4 The thermal energy contained in the interior of the earth is called the 2
geothermal energy
What is geothermal field?
In a few locations of the world geothermal fluids such as hot water,
5 2
hot brine, wet steam, minerals are available at a depth of 300m to
3000m inside the earth are called geothermal field.
List any four applications of geothermal energy.
6 They are hot water for baths therapy, hot water irrigation in cold 2
countries, air conditioning, green house heating and process heating.
Write types of geothermal power plants.
7 They are dry-steam system, wet-steam system or liquid dominated 2
system, hot dry rock system and magmatic chamber system.
What is ocean tide?
The periodic rise and fall of ocean water level occurring twice in each
8 2
day due to gravitational forces of the moon and the sun on ocean
water is called ocean tide.

What is tidal range?
The difference in ocean water level at hide tide and low tide is called
9 2
tidal range. It varies widely from one location to another. (R= 0.25 m
to 10 m)
What is spring and neap tide?
The maximum tide range on full moon and new moon are called
10 spring tide. 2
The minimum tidal range on first quarter and third quarter moon are
called neap tide.
Give important limitations of tidal power generations.
They are: the amount of energy available is very high but it is limited
11 2
to few locations in the world, less efficiency, sea water corrosive,
construction in sea is found difficult and high cost
Expand the terms OTEC and MHD.
12 OTEC – Ocean Thermal Energy conversion, MHD- Magneto Hydro 2
What is the principle of operation of OTEC power plants?
13 The principle is to utilize the heat available in the ocean waters in heat 2
exchangers and this heat is utilized in a heat engine to generate power.
Mention the advantages and disadvantages of the OTEC thermal
power plant.
14 2
Large amount of heat is available in the oceans and OTEC power
plant also can produce fresh water from the sea water.
What is MHD?
15 An MHD generator is a device for converting heat energy directly into 2
electrical energy without conventional electric generator.
What is the purpose of adding seeding material in MHD power plant?
16 It is added for the purpose of increasing the electrical conductivity of
What is EGD?
It is electro gas-dynamic generator. It uses the potential energy of a
high pressure gas to carry electrons from a low potential electrode to a
high potential electrode to produce high voltage power
What is nuclear fission?
1 Fission is the splitting of a heavy, unstable nucleus into two lighter 2
What is fusion?
2 2
Fusion is the combination of two lighter atoms into a heavier one.
List different types of nuclear power plant.
They are: pressurized-water-reactor power plants, boiling-water-rector
3 2
power plants, gas-cooled-reactor power plants and heavy-water-
reactor power plants.

What is half-life?
A common way of representing decay is by the use of half-life. This is
4 2
the time during which one-half of a number of radioactive species
decays or one half of the ir activity ceases.
What are the advantages of gas-cooled reactors?
Gases are safe relatively easy to handle, plentiful, cheap and have low
5 2
macroscopic neutron cross section and may be operated at high
temperature without high pressurization.
What is fixed cost?
Fixed costs consists of annual costs of interest, depreciation, insurance
6 2
and taxes on property and estimated income as a percentage of the
capital investment.
What is variable cost?
7 2
Cost vary with respect to time, maintenance cost
Define capacity factor?
8 Capacity factor is the ratio of average load to rated capacity of the 2
What is plant load factor?
9 Plant load factor is the ratio of average load over a given time interval 2
to peak load during the same time interval.
What is demand factor?
10 It is defined as the ratio of actual maximum demand to the total 2
connected demand.
Define diversity factor.
Diversity factor is the ratio of the sum of the maximum demands of
11 2
the individual consumers and the simultaneous maximum demand of
the whole group during a particular time.
What is reserve factor?
12 2
Reserve factor is the ratio of load factor to capacity factor.
What are the effects of pollution on environment?
13 They are: suffocation, poisoning, throat and eye irritation, respiratory 2
problems, asthma, lung cancer and material corrosion.
Give important norms for control and monitor of pollution.
14 Euro-norms- Europe, Bharath norms-India and environmental 2
protection agent-USA
What is FGR?
15 It is flue gas recirculation. It is used to reduce NOx formation from 2
power plants.

What is high pressure boiler? And describe any one modern high
pressure boiler with neat diagram.
HPB: It is forced circulation water tube boiler which produces steam
at 80 bar pressure and above. [2 marks]
Description: [6 marks]
A boiler is an enclosed vessel in which water is heated and circulated,
either as hot water, steam, or superheated steam for the purpose of
heating, powering, and/or producing electricity. The furnace of the
boiler is where the fuel and air are introduced to combust; fuel/ air
mixtures are normally introduced into the furnace by using burners,
where the flames are formed. The resulting hot gases travel through a
series of heat exchangers, where heat is transferred to the water
flowing though them. The combustion gases are finally released to the
1 atmosphere via the stack of exhaust section of the boiler. It has no 16
boiler drum.
Diagram: [8 marks]

What is fluidized bed combustion? And also describe any one types of
fluidized bed boiler with neat diagram and its advantages.

FBC: The bed of solid particles behaves as fluid. [2 marks]

Description: [4 marks]
The bed becomes fluidized when air or other gas flows upward at a
velocity sufficient to expand the bed. At low fluidizing velocities (0.9
to 3 m/s) relatively high solids densities are maintained in the bed and
only a small fraction of the solids are entrained from the bed. Water
tubes are immersed inside the bed. All the tubes are gaining uniform
temperature. Dolomite or limestones are added in-order control
pollution. The efficiency of this plant is higher than other types of
Advantages of fluidized bed boiler: [4 marks]
High heat transfer rate, less size, low cost, less combustion
2 temperature and pollution is controlled by addition of dolomite or 16
Diagram: [6 marks]

Mention various impurities available in boiler feed water and describe

their troubles.

Impurities: [8 marks]
3 16
Visible impurities, dissolved gases, minerals and salts, mineral acids
and hardness.
Troubles: [8 marks]
Scale formation, corrosion, carry over and Embrittlement.

Name the different methods of boiler feed water treatments and
explain the method of thermal treatment.
Different methods of boiler feed water treatments [4 marks]
Mechanical treatment, thermal treatment, chemical treatment,
4 demineralization and Blow down. 16
Thermal treatment [12 marks]
Deaeration: The process of removing dissolved oxygen is known as
deaeration, If the water is heated to a temperature of about 110oC with
subsequent agitation the dissolved oxygen is expelled.
List different types of draught control system adopted in thermal
power plant and describe forced and induced systems with neat

Forced draft Induced draft

5 Types of draught control system: [2 marks] 16
Forced draft, induced draft, and balanced draft
Description: [3+3=6 marks]
The pressure of the gases in the stack must be carefully controlled to
insure that all the gases of combustion are removed from the
combustion zone at the correct rate. This draft pressure can be positive
or negative depending of the boiler design; natural draft, balance draft,
and forced draft boilers are the most commonly used in the industry.
Forced draught system:
The fan is located before the furnace, Corrosion and erosion of fan
blade is not possible, It discharges air under pressure into the furnace
to chimney, Less power required, less size.
Induced draught system:
The fan is located near the chimney It draws the burnt gases from the
furnace and blows into the chimney, more power required.
Diagram: [4+4=8 marks]

The following readings were obtained during a boiler trial of 6 hours
Mean steam pressure = 12 bar, Mass of steam generated = 40,000 kg,
Mean dryness fraction = 0.85, Mean feed water temperature= 300C,
Coal used= 4000 kg, C.V. of coal = 33,400 kJ/kg. Calculate:
(i). Factor of equivalent evaporation.
(ii). Equivalent evaporation from and at 1000C and
6 16
(iii). Efficiency of boiler.
Given data: [2marks]
Factor of equivalent evaporation. = (h-hf1 )/ 2257 = 1.045 Ans.
Equivalent evaporation from and at 1000C
= ms (h-hf1 )/ 2257 =10.45 kg of steam/kg of coal. Ans. [4 marks]
Efficiency of boiler= [ms (h-hf1 )]/ C.V = 70.63% Ans. [4 marks]
With a neat sketch, explain the working principle of Sudgen’s
Fig shows Sudgen’s super heater installed in a Lancashire boiler. It
consist of two headers to which are attached solid drawn U tubes of
steel. These are arranged in groups of 4 and one pair of the headers
generally arries ten of these groups or totally of 40 tubes. The steam
from the boiler enters and leaves the headers as shown by arrows. Fig
also show how the steam pipes may be arranged so as to pass the
steam through the super heater or direct to the main steam pipes.
When the steam is taken from the boiler direct to the main steam
pipes, the valves v1 and v2 are closed and v3 is opened. When the
super heater is in action, the valve v3 is closed , the valve v1 and v2
are opened. The path of gases is controlled by damper which is
operated by hand wheel.
7 16


Draw layout of steam power plant and its operation with advantages
and disadvantages.

Operation: [5 marks]
It has four circuits: coal and ash circuit, air and ash circuit, feed water
and steam flow circuit and cooling water circuit. A thermal power
station is a power plant in which the prime mover is steam driven.
Water is heated, turns into steam and spins a steam turbine which
drives an electrical generator. After it passes through the turbine, the
steam is condensed in a condenser and recycled to where it was
heated; this is known as a Rankine cycle.
Advantages and disadvantages: [5 marks]
Advantages: Plant can be located nearer to load centre and hence
transmission losses and its associated cost is less. Construction and
commissioning of TPP requires less time than that of hydel plant.
Power generation does not depend on the natural phenomena. Initial
cost is lesser than HEPP.
Disadvantages: Fuel used is a fossil fuel and hence may be exhausted
by gradual use.
1 Efficiency of the plant decreases with time. Life is hardly less than 16
that of HPP. Air pollution is a major problem. Transportation of fuel
and ash disposal are the major difficulties. Power generation cost is
Layout : [6 marks]

What are the essential components of Hydro Electric Power Plant and
explain its operation with a neat sketch.

Components: [2 marks]
Reservoir, Penstock, Surge tank, Turbine, Power house, Generator and
draft tube
Description and operation: [6 marks]
Potential energy is converted into kinetic energy (K.E), K.E is
converted into mechanical energy (M.E.), and M.E is converted into
electrical energy.
Dam: It diverts flow from river to turbine, it increases the head. It is
made of concreat or stone masonry.
Spill way: The excess accumulation of water from dam is stored in a
structure near to the dam is called spillway. It is used to safe guard the
Conduit: It is a channel which leads water to a turbine. It may be open
or close. Open conduit is called cannel or flume. Closed conduit is
called tunnels, pipeline, penstock.
Surge tank: A surge tank is a small reservoir in which the water level
raises or falls to reduce the pressure changes so that they are not
transmitted to the penstock, like in the case of sudden closure of the
valve. It is used to avoid water hammer.
2 Penstock: It is a closed conduit for supplying water under pressure to 16
the turbine.
Hydraulic turbine: It is a machine which converts K.E of water into
mechanical energy at the shaft.
Draft tube: The draft tube allows the turbine to be set above the
tailrace to facilitate inspection and maintenance and by diffuser action
regains the major portion of the kinetic energy or velocity head at the
Generator: M.E. is converted into electrical energy.
Diagram: [8 marks]

Explain construction and working of Gas Turbine Power Plants with
neat diagram and advantages and disadvantages.
Construction: [4 marks]
The simple gas turbine power plant mainly consists of a gas turbine
coupled to a rotary type air compressor and a combustor or
combustion chamber which is placed between the compressor and
turbine in the fuel circuit.
Working: [6 marks]
Compressor:A compressor is a device that is used to supply
compressed air to the combustion chamber.
Combustor: A combustor is a device inside which the combustion of
fuel takes place. For an efficient operation of gas turbine plant, it is
necessary to ensure good combustor performance
Generator:It is a device that generates electricity. It is coupled to the
same shaft of turbine and runs at same speed to that of the turbine
Turbines are used to generate mechanical Power. Turbine output
shaft is connected to generator electrical energy is produced.
Advantages of gas turbine engines [ 1mark]
Very high power-to-weight ratio, compared to reciprocating engines,
3 smaller than most reciprocating engines of the same power rating, low 16
operating pressures, high operation speeds, low lubricating oil cost
and consumption can run on a wide variety of fuels.
Disadvantages of gas turbine engines [1 mark]
Cost is very high, less efficient than reciprocating engines at idle
speed, Longer startup than reciprocating engines, Less responsive to
changes in power demand compared to reciprocating engines
Diagram: [4 marks]

Describe working of Diesel Power Plants and its advantages and
disadvantages with neat layout.
Diagram: [6 marks]

4 Description: [6 marks] 16
Air intake system is used to supply air for combustion and starting.
Fuel supply system is used to fuel to engine through filter, pump,
Diesel engine Is used to convert chemical energy available in the fuel
into mechanical energy. Fuel is injected at end of compression then
combustion takes place.
Cooling system, lubricating system and governing system are used to
remove heat from engine parts, to lubrication and controlling purposes
Generator: Electricity is produced.
Advantages: [2 marks]
Higher efficiency (43-45%) than thermal power plant, it starts quickly,
less space and water requirements, respond to varying loads.
Disadvantages: [2 marks]
Its capacity is limited to 50 MW, noise, less life (2 -5 years).

Narrate the working of a regenerative gas turbine power plant having
intercooler and re-heater with the help of diagram.

Description and working: [10 marks]

It consists of the following essential components such as compressor,
combustion chamber, turbine, generator and heat exchangers.
Efficiency of gas turbine power plant is improved by the following
methods: Inter- cooling and Re-heating. The purpose of inter- cooling
is to decrease temperature of compressed air there by it reduces work
of compression. An additional improvement in efficiency is achieved
by the use of re-heater Regenerator is used to preheat the air entering
the combustion chamber. It reduces fuel consumption. Hence,
5 efficiency is increased. 16
Diagram: [6 marks]

Write brief notes for the following: cavitation, water hammer and
factors to be considered for the construction of HEPP.
Cavitation: [4 marks]
When water pressure becomes below vapour pressure water gets boils
and large numbers of bubbles are formed then these condences then
form cavity then liquid from all directions rushes towards the centre
then local pressure is produced which is more than 7000 atm. This
causes pitting of surfaces. Pitting of metal surface of water tube
which is caused by the formation of local pressure due to low pressure
of water is called cavitation
Water hammer [4 marks]
6 Sudden increase of pressure in the vicinity of valves due to sudden 16
closing and opening of valves is called water hammer. It is avoided by
the use of surge tank.
Factors [8 marks]
Quantity of water, amount of water stored and methods of storage,
availability of water, head after construction, underground water
movements, topography of the earth surface, narrow outlet of water,
foundation, free from earth quake damage, free from mineral
deposits, submerged vegetation and algae, less sediment collection,
important historic, cultural and natural aspects of the sites to be
preserved, distance from load centre access to site for men and

Name four technologies for the biomass conversion and also explain
any one technology in details.
Technologies [4 marks]
Physical conversion techniques, agrochemical conversion techniques,
thermo chemical conversion techniques, bio chemical conversion
Diagram [6 marks]

1 16

Description [10 marks]

Physical conversion techniques- densification- briquetts- pelletization.
Agrochemical conversion techniques- Fuel extraction.
Thermo chemical conversion techniques- Pyrolysis- Gasification.
Bio chemical conversion techniques- Alcoholic fermentation-
Anaerobis digestion

Describe the construction and working principle of biogas digester
with neat diagram.
Construction [5 marks]
It contains mixing pit, inlet pipe, partition wall, gas holder, outlet pit
Working [5 marks]
Biogas is generated when bacteria degrade biological material in the
absence of oxygen, in a process known as anaerobic digestion. Since
biogas is a mixture of methane (also known as marsh gas or natural
gas, CH4) and carbon dioxide it is a renewable fuel produced from
waste treatment. Biogas is a clean and renewable fuel (similar to LPG)
that you can make yourself. You will be able to cook all of your
normal meals with it. ... The main part of a biogas system is a large
tank, or digester. Inside this tank, bacteria convert organic waste into
methane gas through the process of anaerobic digestion. Biogas
typically refers to a mixture of different gases produced by the
breakdown of organic matter in the absence of oxygen. Biogas can be
produced from raw materials such as agricultural waste, manure,
municipal waste, plant material, sewage, green waste or food waste.
2 Biogas is a renewable energy source. The waste generated from 16
kitchen and sewage from the hostels is given as feedstock to produce
600 m3 of biogas per day with cow dung as byproduct. The methane
gas generated from biogas is purified and this is used for power
Diagram [6 marks]

List different types of solar cells and describe the working principle of
single crystal solar cell with correct diagram.
Types: [4 marks]
Single crystal solar cell, thin film solar cell, amorphous Si solar cell,
tandem solar cell and concentrating solar cell,
Description [6 marks]
The solar cell changes sunlight into electrical energy which can be
stored or used to power appliances. When light hits the top electron-
rich layer more electrons are released, however they cannot pass
through the junction to reach the spaces available for them on the
other side, so instead they travel through a wire connecting the n-type
and p-type layers. This creates a flow of electrons in the wire –
3 Diagram [6 marks] 16

Enumerate the construction and working principle of a horizontal axis
wind turbine with a neat diagram.
Construction [5 marks]
Blades, anemometer, controller, generator, high speed shaft, gear box,
brake, low speed shaft, nacelle, hub, yaw System, wind vane, tower.
Horizontal axis means the rotating axis of the wind
turbine is horizontal, or parallel with the ground. These turbines have
the main rotor shaft and electrical generator at the top of a tower, and
must be pointed into the wind. Most have a gearbox, which turns the
slow rotation of the blades into a quicker rotation that is more suitable
to drive an electrical generator.
Diagram [6 marks]

4 16

Working [5 marks]
Wind turbines operate on a simple principle. The energy in
the wind turns two or three propeller-like blades around a rotor. The
rotor is connected to the main shaft, which spins a generator to create
electricity. When wind with high energy passes over specially shaped
wind turbine blades, it induces a lift force. Tangential component of
lift force will make the blade rotate. Low speed rotation will be
transformed to high speed rotation, with help of gear mechanism
inside nacelle. A generator in nacelle will transform mechanical
energy so obtained to electrical energy.

Explain the working principle of a vertical axis wind turbine with neat
Diagram [6 marks]
Savonious type VAWT Darious type VAWT

5 16
Construction [5 marks]
Rotor: The rotor has three blades which are arranged in a y-shape on
each of the two support arms.Gearbox. The wind power station has a
multi-stage gear.Generator: An asynchronous motor is used as
generator which is connected with the gearbox via a clutch and a
lantern, Supporting structure and Control.
Working [6 marks]
A vertical axis wind turbine has its axis perpendicular to the wind
streamlines and vertical to the ground. A more general term that
includes this option is "transverse axis wind turbine" or "cross-flow
wind turbine." For example, the original Darrieus patent,
Drag-type VAWTs such as the Savonius rotor typically operate at
lower tip speed ratios than lift-based VAWTs such as Darrieus rotors
and cycloturbines.

Elaborate the ethanol production process from biomass with neat
Diagram [6 marks]

6 16

Description [10 marks]

Ethanol, also known as ethyl alcohol or grain alcohol, is a flammable,
tasteless, colorless, mildly toxic alcohol having a fairly distinguishable
odor. Ethanol is produced from biomass mostly via a fermentation
process using glucose derived from sugars (sugar cane, sugar beet and
molasses), starch (corn, wheat, grains) or cellulose (forest products) as
raw materials. Synthetic ethanol can also be produced from non-
renewable sources like coal and gas.

List down different types of Geothermal Power Plant (GTPP) and
describe a vapour dominated steam GTPP with diagram, application,
advantages and disadvantages.
Types: [2 marks]
Hydrothermal convective systems: Vapour – dominated or dry steam
Liquid – dominated system or wet steam fields, Hot – water fields.
Geo-pressure resources: Petro-thermal or hot dry rocks (HDR),
Magma resources and volcanoes.
Working: [4 marks]
Geothermal fluid is dry steam. Fluid temperature is between 180 and
240oC. Low content impurities of particulate dissolved solid. Mass
flow rate/well is 10kg/s. Power rating/well is 6 MWe. Temperature
and pressure of steam at the bottom of the well are approximately
280oC and 35 bar. Pariculate matters are removed in a centrifugal
separators and steam is admitted directly into a steam turbine.
Electrical energy is produced in the generator.
Application [2 marks]
Generation of electric power, space heating for buildings, industrial
process heat.
The major benefit of geothermal energy is its varied application and
Advantages: [2 marks]
1 Geothermal energy is cheaper. It is versatile in its use. It is the least 16
polluting as compared to other conventional energy sources. It is
amenable for multiple uses from a single resources. Geothermal power
plants have the highest annual load factors of 85 percent to 90 per cent
compared to 45 per cent to 50 per cent for fossil fuel plants.
Disadvantages: [2 marks]
Low overall power production efficiency (about 15% as compared to
35% to 40% for fossil fuel plants). Drilling operation is noisy. Large
areas are needed for exploitation of geo-thermal energy.
Diagram: [6 marks]

Describe the working principle of tidal power plant with neat diagram,
advantages and limitations.
Diagram : [6 marks]

Description: [6 marks]
Principle of tide is periodic rise and fall of water level of the sea.
Tides occur due to the attraction of sea water by the moon. Tides
contain large amount of potential energy which is used for power
generation. When the water is above the mean sea level, it is called
flood tide. When the water level is below the mean level it is called
2 ebb tide. A dam is constructed separating the tidal basin from the sea 16
and a difference in water level is obtained between the basin and sea.
During high tide period, water flows from the sea into the tidal basin
through the water turbine. The height of tide is above that of tidal
basin. Hence the turbine unit operates and generates power, as it is
directly coupled to a generator. During low tide period, water flows
from tidal basin to sea, as the water level in the basin is more than that
of the tide in the sea. During this period also, the flowing water rotates
the turbine and generator power.
Advantages: [2 marks]
Tidal power is completely independent of the precipitation (rain) and
its uncertainty besides being inexhaustible. Large area of valuable
land is not required. When a tidal power plant works in combination
with thermal or hydro-electric system peak power demand can be
effectively met with. Tidal power generation is free from pollution.
Limitations: [2 marks]
Due to variation in tidal range the output is not uniform. Since the
turbines have to work on a wide range of head variation (due to
variable tidal range) the plant efficiency is affected. There is a fear of
machinery being corroded due to corrosive sea water.

Explain the construction and working principle of Ocean Thermal
Electric Conversion power plant with neat diagram.
Diagram: [6 marks]

3 Construction and working: [10 marks] 16

The concept of ocean thermal energy conversion is based on the
utilization of temperature difference between the heat source and the
sink in a heat engine to generate power. The temperature gradient
present in the ocean is utilized in a heat engine to generate power.
This is called OTEC. In this cycle, the seawater plays a multiple role
of a heat source, working fluid, coolant and heat sink. Warm surface
water enters an evaporator where the water is flash evaporated to
steam under particle vacuum. Low pressure is maintained in the
evaporator by a vacuum pump. The low pressure so maintained
removes the non-condensable gases from the evaporator. The steam
and water mixture from evaporator then enters a turbine, driving it
thus generating electricity. The exhaust from the turbine is mixed with
cold water from deep ocean in a direct contact condenser and is
discharged to the ocean.

What is Magneto Hydro Dynamic (MHD) power plant? Explain the
working principle of any one MHD power plant with neat diagram
and advantages.
Working: [6marks]
The fluid conductor is typically an ionized flue gas resulting from
combustion of coal or another fossil fuel. Potassium carbonate, called
“seed,” is injected during the combustion process to increase fluid
conductivity. The conductive fluid flows through the magnetic fields,
inducing an electric field by the Faraday Effect. The electric field is
orthogonal to both the fluid velocity and magnetic field vectors. As a
result, a potential difference is developed between the two walls of the
duch. The direct current (dc) generated is converted to alternating
current (ac) by a solid-state inverter
Advantages: [2 marks]
It is more reliable since there are no moving parts. In MHD system
the efficiency can be about 50% (still higher expected) as compared to
4 16
less than 40% for most efficient steam plants. Power produced is free
of pollution. The size smaller, Less overall operational cost.
Diagram: [8marks]

Describe the working principles of thermoelectric converters and
thermionic converters with neat diagrams.
Thermoelectric converters: [8 marks]
The Thermoelectric Converter uses a series of semiconductor
thermoelectric cells to convert thermal energy into electrical
energy. A thermoelectric generator (TEG), also called a See-
beck generator, is a solid state device that converts heat flux
(temperature differences) directly into electrical energy through a
phenomenon called the See-beck effect (a form
of thermoelectric effect). Thermoelectric materials generate
electricity while in a temperature gradient. In a
thermoelectric material, electrons do the same thing. The extent to
which electrons flow from hot to cold in an applied temperature
gradient is governed by the See-beck coefficient, also known as the
thermo power. The voltage produced by TEGs or See-
beck generators is proportional to the temperature distance.

5 16

Thermionic converters: [8 marks]

Thermionic power converter is a device that converts heat energy into
electrical energy.
Thermionic emission is the basis for the working of this system. The
thermionic emission is the emission of electrons from metal surface
due to heat. A thermionic energy converter (or) thermionic power
generator is a device consisting of two electrodes placed near one
another in a vacuum. One electrode is normally called the cathode, or
emitter, and the other is called the anode, or plate. Thermionic effect is
the ejection of electron from the heated metal surface and forms as
electron cloud at the cathode. The number of electron emitted from the
metal surface depends on temperature and work function. The
electrons within a metal can be treated as “electron gas" in which
individual outer most electrons are capable of moving freely under the
influence of a field. This movement of electrons is responsible for the
function of electric circuits.

What is Electro Gas dynamic Generator? Describe it with neat
diagram and its advantages over MHD.
Diagram: [6 marks]

6 Definition: [2 marks] 16
The EGD generator uses the potential energy of a high pressure gas to
carry electrons from a low potential electrode to a high potential
electrode, thereby doing work against an electric field.
Working: [6 marks]
Carona electrode’ at the entrance of the duct generates electrons. This
ionised gas particles are carried down the duct with the neutral atoms
and the ionized particles are neutralised by the ‘collector electrode’, at
the end of the insulated duct. The working fluid in these systems are
commonly, either combustion gases produced by burning of fuel at
high pressures, or it is a pressurised reactor gas coolant. The
maximum power output from EGD is about 10 to 30 W per channel.
Hence, several thousand channels are connected in series and parallel.
The voltage produced is very high, of the order of 1,00,000 to
2,00,000 V. Thus, it needs very good high voltage insulators
(Beryllmm Oxide is generally used).
Advantages over MHD: [2 marks]
EGD systems operates at relatively low temperature. No need for
injection and recovery of seed material. It is self contained since it
does not need a steam generator. Enery can be extracted till the gases
reach almost the stack temperature.

Describe the construction and working of boiling water reactor with
neat diagram.
Description [8 marks]
Enriched uranium used U235, water as coolant, take the heat from
core and convert to steam, water also as moderator.
Advantages: [2 marks]
Heat exchanger circuit is eliminated. There is use of a lower pressure
vessel for the reactor. It is more efficient than pressurized water
Disadvantages: [2 marks]
The turbine is radioactive contamination. More elaborative safety
precautions are needed which is costly. Wastages of heat on part load
1 condition. 16
Diagram [4 marks]

Describe the working principle of pressurized water reactor with neat

Description: [8 marks]
Enriched uranium used U235, Water as moderator and coolant, Water
remains in liquid state (hot water) in the primary circuit because of
pressuriser. A pressurizing tank keeps the water at about 100kgf/cm2
so that water will not boil in the primary circuit.
Steam is produced in the secondary circuit. Heat is transferred from
primary circuit to secondary circuit through heat exchanger. Primary
circuit is radioactive. Secondary circuit is non radioactive.
Diagram : [8 marks]

2 16

Explain fast breeder reactor with neat sketch.
Description [8 marks]
U235 or PU239 as fuel, No moderator is used. Liquid metal or Helium
as coolants to absorb heat from the reactor. Two coolants-Liquid
sodium as primary and Sodium potassium as secondary coolant.
Neutron shielding is provided by the use of light water, oil or graphite.
Diagram [8 marks]

3 16

Briefly describe about economics of power plants.

Fixed cost: [4 marks]

The fixed costs of power generation are essentially capital costs and
land. The capital cost of building central station generators varies
from region to region, largely as a function of labor costs and
"regulatory costs," which include things like obtaining siting permits,
environmental approvals, and so on. It is important to realize that
building central station generation takes an enormous amount of time.
In a state such as Texas (where building power plants is relatively
easy), the time-to-build can be as short as two years.
Operating cost: [4 marks]
Operating costs for power plants include fuel, labor and maintenance
costs. Unlike capital costs which are "fixed" (don't vary with the level
of output), a plant's total operating cost depends on how much
electricity the plant produces. The operating cost required to produce
each MWh of electric energy is referred to as the "marginal cost." Fuel
costs dominate the total cost of operation for fossil-fired power plants.
4 For renewables, fuel is generally free (perhaps with the exception of 16
biomass power plants in some scenarios); and the fuel costs for
nuclear power plants are actually very low. For these types of power
plants, labor and maintenance costs dominate total operating costs.
Variable cost : [4 marks]
Variable costs, recall, refer to the costs of power generation that
change as the amount of electricity is generated. The simplest model
for variable cost of power generation is: Marginal cost of generation
($/MWh) = Marginal cost of Fuel + Variable operations and
maintenance costs. The marginal cost of generation for power plants
that run on fossil fuels plants (coal, oil, gas) is dominated by fuel
Cost of generation: [4 marks]
In electrical power generation, the distinct ways of
generating electricity incur significantly different costs. Calculations
of these costs can be made at the point of connection to a load or to
the electricity grid. The cost is typically given per kilowatt-
hour or megawatt-hour. It includes the initial capital, discount rate, as
well as the costs of continuous operation, fuel, and maintenance.
5 Describe any two pollution control methods being adopted in power 16
Description: [6 marks]
Cinder catchers:
These are ash particles of diameters of 100 microns or more. The
above particulates, in any system of controlling the particulate
emission, are to be effectively collected from the flue gases. Sudden
decrease in gas velocity makes the particulates separate and fall. A
sudden change in the direction of flow of flue gas throws the
particulates away and can be collected.
Electrostatic precipitator:
In this device a very high voltage of 30 kV to 60 kV is applied to the
wires suspended in a gas-flow passage between two grounded plates.
The particles in the gas stream acquire a charge from the negatively
charged wires and are then attracted to the ground plates.
The grounded plates are periodically rapped by a steel plug which is
raised and dropped by an electromagnet and dust is collected in the
Wet scrubber:
The term wet scrubber describes a variety of devices that
remove pollutants from a furnace flue gas or from other gas streams.
In a wet scrubber, the polluted gas stream is brought into contact with
the scrubbing liquid, by spraying it with the liquid, by forcing it
through a pool of liquid, or by some other contact method, so as to
remove the pollutants.
Diagram: [10 marks]

A 60 MW power station has an annual peak load of 50 MW. The
power station supplies loads having maximum demands of 20 MW, 17
MW, 10 MW and 9 MW. The annual load factor is 0.45. Find the
following: average load, energy supplied /year, diversity factor and
demand factor.
Average load: [4 marks]
Load factor= average load/ Maximum load
Average load= 0.45x50= 22.50 MW
Energy supplied /year: [4 marks]
6 Energy supplied = Average load x hours in one year 16
= 22.50 x103 x 24x365 = 197.1 x106 Kwh.
Diversity factor: [4 marks]
Diversity factor= Sum of individual maximum demands/
maximum demand
= (20+17+10+9)/50 = 1.12
Demand factor: [4 marks]
Demand factor= Maximum demand/ Connected load
= 50/(20+17+10+9) = 0.89

A power plant supplies the following loads to the consumers

Time in 0-6 6-10 10-12 12-16 16-20 20-22 22-24

Load in 20 50 60 40 80 70 40
Estimate (1). load factor and (2).Use factor of the plant.
Average load = Total energy/Time period = E/t
7 Total energy=
E=20x6+50x4+60x2+40x4+80x4+70x2+40x2=1140MWhr. [4 marks]
Average load =E/t =1140/24=47.5MW
[2 marks]
(i).Load factor = Average load /Maximum load
= 47.5/80 = 0.594 Ans.
[5 marks]
(ii).Use factor of the plant= Energy generated/ (Capacity of the plant
X number of hours)
= E/(Cxt )= 1140/(80x24)= 0.59375 Ans. [5 marks]
Calculate the generating cost per unit supplied from a power plant
having the following data; Plant capacity = 50 MW, Capacity cost
= Rs. 25x 106, Annual load factor = 45 %, Annual cost of fuel,
taxation, oil and salaries= Rs. 3200,000, Interest and depreciation =
10% of capital cost.
Interest and depreciation = 10% of capital cost= (10/100) x25x 106
=25x105 [4 marks]
8 Annual cost of fuel, taxation, oil and salaries= Rs. 3200,000
Total cost= 25x105 + 3200,000 = 57x105 [4 marks]
Load factor = Average load /Maximum load= Pavg/Pmax
Average load = Pavg = Load factor x Pmax
= 0.45x 50x103 = 22500 kW [4marks]
Average load =E/t
E/year= Average load x time=22500x8760=1971x105kWh [3 marks]
Cost of energy generated/year=Total cost/energy produced per year
= 57x105/1971x105 = 0.0228= 2.8 paise/Kwh. Ans [4 marks]


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