Task 2 Daily Activity J1A121204 Sri Ulina Manik

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NIM : J1A121204



After waking up in the morning I pray (during quiet) then I make my bed. Then I take a
shower and clean the house.

Sometimes I like jogging first. After that I prepare breakfast because I don't live with my parents.

After finishing breakfast, sometimes I go to offline lectures, sometimes I go to online

lectures, and do the assignments given by the lecturer

Then after finishing the afternoon lecture, don't forget to take a break and eat again.

But usually the class schedule includes only two courses in one day or even one course of
one heart. So if I have free time, I don't go to college, I have breakfast in the morning to arrange
my business program. Because after college I did business instead of wasting my time just
playing games and sleeping in the boarding house.

Then that afternoon that afternoon I took a shower, after that I cleaned the house again.
Sometimes I like to sit in the afternoon enjoying the sunset.

And in the evening after eating, I check back on unfinished tasks. And sometimes I
evaluate the night before at my business basecamp. And usually I sleep at 23/00. And back again
the next morning doing activities. Thank you

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