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NĂM HỌC 2021 – 2022

I. Vocabulary (Từ vựng)

- Unit 1:
+ School things and activities
+ Verb (play, do, have, study) + Noun
- Unit 2:
+ Types of house
+ Rooms and furniture
- Unit 3:
+ Body parts and appearance
+ Personality adjectives
- Unit 4:
+ Places in a neighbourhood
- Unit 5:
+ Things in nature
+ Travel items
- Unit 6:
+ Things and activities at Tet
II. Grammar (Ngữ pháp)
1. The present simple tense (Thì hiện tại đơn)
a. Form
* Tobe: is, am, are * Normal verb (động từ thường):
(+) S + is/ am/ are + O/ N. (+) S + V(s, es) + O
(-) S + isn't/ am not/ aren't + O/ N. Ex.He ( live) lives in Can Kiem.
(?) Is/ Are + S + O/ N ? They (live) live in Can Kiem.
Yes, S + is/ am/ are. (-) S + don't/ doesn't + V + O
No, S + isn't/ aren't/ am not. Ex.He ( not live) doesn't live in Binh Phu.
Ex. She (be) is twelve years old. They (not live) don't live in Can Kiem.
Ex. I (not be) am not in Dong Truc. (?) Do/ Does + S + V + O?
Ex. Is she (be) twelve years old? Yes, S + do/ does.
Yes, she (be) is. No, S + don't/ doesn't.
Ex. Does He (live) live in Binh Phu?
Do They (live) live in Can Kiem?
Usage (cách dùng): Thì hiện tại đơn dùng để diễn đạt một hành động mang tính thường
xuyên, thói quen hoặc hành động lặp đi lặp lại có tính quy luật, những chân lí luôn đúng.
b. Dấu hiệu nhận biết của thì hiện tại đơn:
- Trạng từ chỉ tần suất: always, usually, often, sometimes, rarely, seldom, never.
- Các trạng từ chỉ thời gian: every + time (every day), today, nowadays, Sundays.
2. The present continuous tense (Thì hiện tại tiếp diễn)
a. Form
(+) S + tobe(am/ is/ are) + V-ing
(- ) S + tobe + not (‘m not/ isn’t/ aren’t) + V-ing
(?) Tobe + S + V-ing…?
Yes, S + tobe(am/ is/ are).
No, S + tobe + not (‘m not/ isn’t/ aren’t)
b. Usage (cách dùng): Thì hiện tại tiếp diễn dùng để diễn tả 1 hành động đang xảy ra tại
thời điểm nói.
c. Dấu hiệu nhận biết của thì hiện tại tiếp diễn:
 Adverbs: now, at the moment, at present, right now
 Verbs: Look! Watch!/ Listen!/ Be (careful/ quiet)!
 Answer questions with “Where”
3. There is.... / there are.... (có)
a. There is
(+) There is + a/ an + n (danh từ số ít) + (in/ on/ at..... + place).
danh từ không đếm được
Ex. There is a book on the table.
There is some milk in the bottle.
(-) There isn't + a/ an + n (danh từ số ít) + (in/ on/ at..... + place).
danh từ không đếm được
Ex. There isn't a knife on the table.
There isn't some coffee in the cup.
(?) Is + there + a/an + n (danh từ số ít) + (in/ on/ at..... + place)?
danh từ không đếm được
Yes, there is/ No, there isn't.
Ex. Is there a knife on the table? Yes, there is.
Is there some coffee in the cup? No, there isn't.
4. Prepositions of place (các giới từ chỉ nơi chốn)
a. In front of: phía trước
Ex: I am standing in front of your apartment. Please open the door
(Tôi đang đứng trước cửa nhà em. Làm ơn mở cửa)
b. Behind: Đằng sau
Ex: He told something bad about me behind my back.
(Anh ta nói xấu sau lưng tôi)
c. Between: ở giữa
Ex: Between my house and his house is a long way
(Giữa nhà tôi và nhà anh ấy là một đoạn đường dài)
d. Across from/ opposite: Đối diện với…
Ex: I live across from a book store.
(Tôi sống đối diện với nhà sách.)
e. Next to/ beside: kế bên
Ex: Next to Sandra’s house is Disney Park. I’m so jealous with her.
(Kế bên nhà của Sandra là công viên Disney. Tôi vô cùng ghen tỵ với cô ta.)
f. Near/ close to: Gần đó (nó có ý nghĩa giống với next to/ beside nhưng giữa hai vật thể
này có một khoảng cách nhất định)
My house near a high school and a cinema.
(Nhà tôi gần trường học và rạp chiếu phim.)
g. On: Ở trên
Ex: Your English book is on the table.
(Sách tiếng Anh của bạn ở trên bàn.)
h. In: Ở trong (dùng với địa điểm lớn, từ thành phố trở lên)
I live in Canada.
(Tôi sống ở Canada
Look at the man in this picture. He is my brother-in-law.
(Nhìn người đàn ông trong ảnh này xem. Anh ta là anh rể của tôi đấy.)
i. At: Ở…
- At dùng để chỉ những địa điểm chính xác, cụ thể
Ex: I am waiting a bus at the bus stop. What’s up?
(Tôi đang đợi xe buýt ở trạm xe buýt. Có chuyện gì vậy?)
- Chỉ những địa điểm mà người ta tới đó để làm những việc cụ thể (khám chữa bệnh, học
hành, đọc sách, xem phim,..): at hospital, at school, at library, at movie theater,…
I’m working as a doctor at a local hospital.
(Tôi đang làm bác sĩ ở một bệnh viện địa phương)
l. Above/ over: ở trên, cao hơn cái gì đó
There is a ceiling fan above my head.
(Có một cái quạt trần trên đầu tôi.)
- “Over” còn có nghĩa sự bao phủ bề mặt một cái gì đó, thường dùng với từ “all” All over
Ex: There wine all over the floor.
(Rượu đổ đầy sàn nhà.)
m. Under/ below: Ở dưới, thấp hơn cái gì đó
Ex: Under my car is a little cat. It’s so lovely
(Phía dưới xe hơi cửa tôi là một chú mèo nhỏ. Nó rất dễ thương)
n. From: từ nơi nào đó
How far is it from your house to school?
(Nhà bạn cách trường bao xa?)
5. Describe appearance with "be" (miêu tả hình dáng với "be")
Ex. He is tall and handsome.
I + am
You/ we/ they/ Lan and
+ are + adj
She/ He/ It/ Lan + is
Ex. They aren't fat.
I + am not
You/ we/ they/ Lan and
+ aren't + adj
She/ He/ It/ Lan + isn't
Ex. Is she beautiful?
Am I + adj?
- Yes, you are/ No, you aren't
Are you/ we/ they/ Lan and Na + adj
- Yes, you/ we/ they are/ No, you/ we/ they aren't
Is She/ He/ It/ Lan + adj
- Yes, she/ he/ it is/ No, she/ he/ it isn't.
6. Describe appearance with "have"(miêu tả hình dáng với "have")
Ex. She has an oval face.
I/ you/ we/ they/ Lan and Na + have (a/ an) + adj + noun.
He/ She/ It/ Lan + has (a/ an) + adj + noun.
Ex. He doesn't have beard. (Ông ấy không có râu quai nón)
I/ you/ we/ they/ Lan and Na + don’t have (a/an) + adj + noun.
He/ She/ It/ Lan + doesn’t have (a/ an) + adj + noun.
Ex. Does she have small nose?
- Yes, I/ you/ we/ they do
(?) Do + I/ you/ we/ they + have (a/ an) + adj + noun?
- No, I/ you/ we/ they don't.
Does + she/ he/ it + have + (a /an) + adj + noun? - Yes, he/ she/ it does
- No, he/ she/ it doesn't.
7. Comparative (So sánh hơn)
1. short adj and long adjective:
* Tính từ ngắn (short adjective): là tính từ có một âm tiết.
Ex. good, small, hot, thin,…
* Tính từ dài (long adjective): là tính từ có từ hai âm tiết trở lên.
Ex. expensive, skillful, beautiful,….
a. Comparative with short adjective:
S1 + be (is/ am/ are) + short adj-er + than + S2
Ex. I'm taller than my brother.
b. Comparative with long adjective:
S1 + be (is/ am / are) + more + long adj + than + S2
Ex. This dress is more expensive than my dress.
* Note:
- Tính từ có hai âm tiết kết thúc bằng "y" thì ta đổi "y" thành "i" rồi thêm "er".
Ex. happy - happier easy - easier
- Tính từ kết thúc bằng "e" thì chỉ thêm "r"
Ex. large - larger
- Nếu tính từ ngắn có một nguyên âm đứng giữa hai phụ âm thì gấp đôi phụ âm cuối rồi
thêm "er".
Ex. hot – hotter; thin - thinner.
- Một vài trường hợp là tính từ bất quy tắc:
Tính từ So sánh hơn Nghĩa
good better tốt, hay, giỏi
bad worse xấu, tồi tệ
little less ít
many/ much more nhiều
far father/ further xa
8. Ask for and giving directions (Hỏi và trả lời về chỉ đường)
8.1. Asking the way:
Khi hỏi đường, chúng ta có thể dùng các cấu trúc câu hỏi sau:
- How do I get to + …………………..?
- Can/ Could you tell/ show me the way to + ………………..?
- Do you know where the + ………………….. + is?
- Where is the...?
8.2. Giving the way ( chỉ đường):
Khi chỉ đường chúng ta có thể dùng các câu và cụm từ sau:
- turn left/ right: rẽ trái/ phải.
- go straight: đi thẳng.
- go south/ east/ north/ west: đi về phía nam/ đông/ bắc/ tây.
- go along: đi dọc theo.
- pass: đi qua.
- cross: băng qua.
- It's around…: Nó ở xung quanh…..
- Take the first/ second street on the left/ right: rẽ trái/ phải ở đường thứ nhất/ hai.
- It's next to….: Nó ở bên cạnh…..
- It's at the end of …… : Nó ở cuối…..
- It's opposite…… : Nó đối diện…..
- It's on your left/ right: Nó ở bên tay trái/ phải của bạn.
- Turn right at the crossroad: Rẽ phải ở ngã tư.
9. Countable and uncountable nouns (Danh từ đếm được và danh từ không đếm
- Countable nouns are for the people and things we can count using numbers. Countable
nouns can be singular: a rock, an island ..., or plural: rocks, islands ...
- Uncountable nouns are for the things that we cannot count with numbers. They usually
do not have a plural form: cream, chocolate ...
- We use some, many, a few with countable nouns.
- We use some, much, a little with uncountable nouns
10. Modal verb: must
- Động từ khuyết thiếu must (phải) được dùng để đưa ra một mệnh lệnh, sự cấm đoán.
Ex. You must finish your homework before going to bed.
He must arrive here on time.
- Khi phủ định, chúng ta chỉ cần thêm " not" sau động từ "must". Có thể viết tắt là
mustn't. (cấm, không được phép)
Ex. You mustn't play with fire
We mustn’t go when the traffic light is red.
Chú ý:
- Ngoài động từ must thì các động từ khuyết thiếu thường gặp: can (có thể), should (nên),
may - might (có lẽ), ....
- Động từ khuyết thiếu không cần chia ở ngôi thứ ba số ít: She must; He must; ...
- Không có hình thức nguyên thể hay quá khứ phân từ giống như các động từ khác.
- Động từ chính đứng sau không chia, ở dạng nguyên thể .
Ex. They must follow the rules.
- Không cần trợ động từ trong câu hỏi, câu phủ định. Vì bản thân từ " must" đã là một trợ
động từ.
Ex. What must I do now?
11. Adverbs of frequency (Trạng từ chỉ tần suất): always, usually, often, sometimes,
rarely, never.
We use adverbs of frequency to show how often something happens. We often use
them with the present simple.
We usually place the adverb of frequency before the main verb.
Ex: Tom usually takes the bus to school.
They don’t often go to the cinema.
12. Possessive case (Sở hữu cách)
Sở hữu cách được dùng khi muốn chỉ ra rằng một cái gì đó thuộc về ai đó hoặc
một cái gì đó, chúng ta thường thêm dấu nháy đơn và chữ “s” (‘s) sau một danh từ số
ít hoặc một tên riêng. Sở hữu cách dùng để chỉ sự sở hữu.
Ex: This is Elena’s room.
This is my mum’s book.
13. Should, shouldn’t for advice.
Chúng ta dùng should (nên), shouldn’t (không nên) để đưa ra lời khuyên ai nên hay
không nên làm gì.
Câu khẳng định:
Chủ ngữ (S) + should + động từ (V)
Ex: You should see a doctor. (Bạn nên đi khám bác sĩ.)
Câu phủ định:
Chủ ngữ (S) + shouldn’t + động từ (V)
Ex: You shouldn’t eat too many candies.(Bạn không nên ăn quá nhiều kẹo.)
Câu nghi vấn:
Should + chủ ngữ (S) + động từ (V)...?
Ex: Should he go to the dentist? (Cậu ấy có nến đi khám ở nha sĩ không?)
14. Giving suggestions (Đưa ra lời đề nghị, gợi ý)
How about + V-ing?
Ex: How about putting a picture on the wall?
Let’s +V
Ex: Let’s go picnic.
15. Asking about appearance and personality (Hỏi về ngoại hình và tính cách)
15.1 Hỏi về ngoại hình:
What +do/does + S + look like?
Ex: What does your best friend look like?
15.2 Hỏi về tính cách:
What + am/is/are + S + like?
Ex: What is she like?
III. Pronunciation
Unit 1: Sounds / ɑː/ and ʌ/
Unit 2: Sounds /s/ and /z/
Unit 3: Sounds /b/ and /p/
Unit 4: Sounds /i/ and /iː/
Unit 5: Sounds /t/ and /d/
Unit 6: Sounds /s/ and /ʃ/
A. Language Focus
I. Find the word which has different sound in the part underlined:
1. A. funny B. lunch C. sun D. computer
2. A. photo B. going C. brother D. home
3. A. school B. teaching C. chess D. chalk
4. A. cold B. volleyball C. telephone D. open
5. A. meat B. reading C. bread D. seat
6. A. nice B. bicycle C. rides D. live
7. A. come B. month C. mother D. open
8. A. grandparents B. brothers C. uncles D. fathers
9. A. cities B. watches C. dishes D. houses
10. A. books B. rooms C. walls D. pillows
11. A. big B. wide C. quite D. exciting
12. A. cheap B. sleepy C. near D. peaceful
II. Choose A, B, C, or D for each gap in the following sentences:
1. We usually play football in winter ____________ it’s cold.
A. when B. where C. so D. time
2. Kien often ________ his bike to visit his hometown.
A. drives B. flies C. rides D. goes
3. It’s cold. The students __________ warm clothes.
A. wear B. wears C. wearing D. are wearing
4. Phuong is very good ________ English and History, but she doesn’t like Maths much.
A. with B. for C. to D. at
5. The children look very ____________ while playing games during break time.
A. excite B. excited C. exciting D. excitement
6. Look! The girls are _________ rope in the playground.
A. dancing B. playing C. skipping D. doing
7. Did you see _____ people in the park today?
A. much B. some C. many D. few
8. Would you like _____ sugar with your coffee?
A. some B. any C. a D. little
9. I ______ forget my key, or I won't get in.
A. must B. mustn't C. should D. don't have to
10. The sign at the check-in desk says: "Passengers _______ show their tickets."
A. might B. may C. must D. can
11. The doctor said to him: "You ______ exercise or you certainly have a heart attack
A. must B. mustn't C. don't have to D. may
12. My best friend ______ big brown eyes and a round face.
A. has B. does C. gets D. takes
13. Nam is such a/an ______ student. He joins many clubs in my school.
A. activity B. active C. activities D. actively
14. My Uncle seldom smiles. He is always ________.
A. serious B. seriousness C. series D. seriously
15. Thanh doesn’t have many friends. Mike has lots of friends. Mike is ______ than
A. more popular B. more careful C. older D. bigger
16. Phong is wearing a school .
A. shoes B. uniform C. bag D. hats
17. I am having a Maths lesson but I forgot my . I have some difficulty.
A. calculator B. bicycle C. pencil case D. pencil sharpener
18. Mai and Hoa their bicycles to school from Monday to Friday.
A. rides B. ride C. is riding D. are riding
19. Look! They badminton with their friends.
A. play B. plays C. playing D. are playing
20. My brother and I our bicycles to school now.
A. ride B. am riding C. are riding D. is riding
21. There four chairs and a table the middle of the room.
A. is - on B. is - in C. are - at D. are - in
22. There are some dirty dishes the floor.
A. in B. with C. on D. for
23. She is always at school, and helps other students with their homework.
A. hard B. hardly C. hard-working D. work hard
24. My brother has short hair.
A. a - straight B. ∅ - long C. ∅ - curly D. a – black
25. My new house is ______ than other one.
A. more convenient B. convenient C. the convenient D. most convenient
26. David's exam results are than Nick's.
A. good B. well C. better D. important
27. You take a lot of warm clothes when you go to Sa Pa in winter.
A. must B. mustn't C. can D. can't
28. Ha Long Bay is the number one in Viet Nam.
A. nature wonder B. natural wonder C. wonderful nature D. wonder nature
III . Choose the underlined part that needs correcting in each sentence below.
1. The film are more interesting than the book.
A. The B. are C. more interesting D. book
2. Watching a film is more fast than reading a book.
A. Watching B. is C. more fast D. a
3. The result of his final test was badder than that of his mid-term one.
A. his B. his C. badder D. one
4. The departure time of that train is more earlier than this passenger coach.
A. of B. more earlier C. this D. coach
5. I think Indian foods is the nicer than Chinese.
A. think B. the C. nicer D. Chinese
6. Much people like cooking but not many of them are very good at cooking.
IV. Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the most suitable
RESPONSE to complete each of the following exchanges.
1. “What would you like to drink now?” –“______________________”.
A. No, thank you B. Yes, please. C. I like to do nothing D. Orange juice,
2. - “What are you doing this afternoon?”- “I don’t know, but ____________.”
A. I like dogs B. I’d love to C. I may go swimming D. Thank you
3. “How are you going to get to Hung King Temple next weekend?” – “_____________”.
A. By bus B. For two days C. Sometimes D. Very much
I. Complete the letter using the words in the box.
4.number 5.until 3.get 6.turning
Dear Ha,
Let’s (1)____________on Sunday evening at Quynh Café on Tran Quang Dieu
Street. There’s a post office on the corner of the street. The café is next to the post office.
There’s a cinema opposite the café (2)_________we can see a film after we have coffee.
To (3)__________to the café, take bus (4)__________8 to Truong Thi Street. Get off at
the bus stop in front of a park. Go along the street (5)_________ you get to the traffic
lights and then turn right. Take the first (6)_________ on your right. Go straight ahead –
just about 500 metres and it’s on your left.
See you there!
II. Read the following passage and choose the option (A, B, C or D) that best answer
each of the questions below.
I have many friends, but Alex is my best friend. He studies in my class. We go to
school together. We also sit together to do our homework. He is good at studies, so he
helps the students who are weak in studies. Alex is the monitor of our class. He always
listens to and loves his teachers and parents. He is good at English. He has won many
prizes for our school. He comes from a middle-class family. His father is a teacher and
his mother is a housewife. He wears clean clothes. He leads a simple life. He is always
regular. He is never late for school. He wants to become a doctor. All the teachers of our
school love Alex. I am proud of him.
41. What is the topic of the passage?
A. My best class C. My best friend
B. My best teacher D. My best school
42. What is TRUE about Alex?
A. He often helps weak students. B. He plays sports very well.
C. He is a vice-monitor in the class. D. He sometimes comes to class late.
43. Alex has won some prizes in _______.
A. Maths B. Computer science C. English D. literature
44. The word “leads” in line 6 is best replaced by ________.
A. lives B. shares C. likes D. dreams
45. What does the author feel about Alex?
A. He is proud of Alex. B. He is reliable on Alex.
C. He is lucky to have Alex as his friend. D. He is excited about Alex.
I. Make sentences using the words and phrases given
1. Computer studies/ Nam’s favorite subject.
Computer studies is Nam’s favorite subject.
2. Mrs Thao/ our teacher/ English.
Mrs Thao is our teacher in English.
3. Where/ Mr Tan/ live?
Where does Mr Tan live?
4. Shall/ introduce you my best friend, An?
Shall I introduce you my best friend, An?
5. Trung/ like/ play soccer.
Trung likes to play soccer./ Trung likes playing soccer.
II. Complete each sentence so it means the same as the sentence above.
1. The car is in front of the bus.
-> The bus is behind the car.
2. A city is noisier than a village.
-> A village is more peaceful than a city.
3. It is wrong of us to throw rubbish.
-> We mustn’t throw rubbish.
4. It is essential that you do your homework before going to school.
-> You must do your homework before going to school.
5. Lan’s eyes are big and black.
-> Lan has big black eyes.
6. Mr. Tu rides bicycle to school with me.
-> Mr Tu goes to school with me by bicycle.

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