PRE IELTS Textbook - June15

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I. Thì hiện tại đơn (present simple):.......................................................................................................5
II. Thì quá khứ đơn giản (Past simple)...................................................................................................7
III. Thì tương lai đơn (Future simple)....................................................................................................9
IV. Thì hiện tại tiếp diễn (Present Continuous)...................................................................................11
V. Thì quá khứ tiếp diễn (Past Continuous).........................................................................................13
VI. Thì hiện tại hoàn thành (Present Perfect) và hoàn thành tiếp diễn (Present Perfect Continuos)...15
VII. Thì quá khứ hoàn thành và quá khứ hoàn thành tiếp diễn............................................................18
VIII. Thì tương lai tiếp diễn, tương lai hoàn thành và tương lai hoàn thành tiếp diễn........................19
PASSIVE VOICE................................................................................................................................21
EXPRESSION OF QUANTITY..........................................................................................................35
SUBJECT – VERB AGREEMENT.....................................................................................................39
ADJECTIVES AND ADVERBS.........................................................................................................45
MODAL VERBS.................................................................................................................................61
CONDITIONAL SENTENCES...........................................................................................................67
RELATIVE CLAUSE..........................................................................................................................81
BIG HOMEWORK 1A - TENSES......................................................................................................91
BIG HOMEWORK 1B – TENSES......................................................................................................95
BIG HOMEWORK 2 – PASSIVE VOICE.......................................................................................100
BIG HOMEWORK 3 – TENSES, PASSIVE, ARTICLES, QUANTIFIERS...................................104
BIG HOMEWORK 4 – COMPARISIONS/ MODAL/ CONDITIONAL.........................................110
BIG HOMEWORK 5 – COMPLEX SENTENCE............................................................................114
BASIC ENGLISH PRONUNCIATION............................................................................................149
BÀI TẬP NGUYÊN ÂM ĐƠN + NGUYÊN ÂM ĐÔI.....................................................................161

BÀI TẬP PHỤ ÂM............................................................................................................................163
HOBBIES & INTEREST...................................................................................................................165
DESCRIBE PEOPLE.........................................................................................................................170
WORK : DUTIES, CONDITIONS AND PAY.................................................................................179
LISTENING PRACTICE...................................................................................................................182


I. Thì hiện tại đơn (present simple):

Who is he? Where is he? What does he do?
Hank is a cowboy. He lives on a farm. He has a horse named Ginger. Hank loves Ginger. He rides
Ginger every day. Sometimes they walk slowly, and sometimes they run fast. They always have a
good time.
Ginger is Hank's horse. She is light brown. Her tail and mane are dark brown. She is three years old.
She lives in the stable by the house.
Ginger waits for Hank every morning. She enjoys their time together. Often, Hank gives her apples.
After long rides, Hank always washes and brushes Ginger. He usually brushes her tail. Then he gives
her food and fresh water. Ginger loves Hank.

B. Rewrite the following sentences as negative sentences, yes/no questions, WH-questions

(using the underlined word or phrase) and tag questions.
Examples for the sentence “Jack sweeps the floor.”

Negative: Jack does not sweep the floor.

Yes/No Question: Does Jack sweep the floor?

WH-Question: Who sweeps the floor?

Tag Question: Jack sweeps the floor, doesn’t he?

1. Hank loves Ginger.

2. She is three years old.

3. She enjoys their time together.

Exercise 1: Điền dạng đúng của từ trong ngoặc

She (not study) ………. on Saturday. He (have) ………. a new haircut today. I usually (have)
……….breakfast at 6.30. Peter (not/ study)………. very hard. He never gets high scores. My
mother often (teach)……….me English on Saturday evenings. I like Math and she (like)
……….Literature. My sister (wash)……….dishes every day. They (not/ have)……….breakfast
every morning.

Exercise 2: Viết lại câu hoàn chỉnh

Eg: They / wear suits to work? =>Do they wear suits to work?
she / not / sleep late at the weekends =>________
we / not / believe the Prime Minister =>________
you / understand the question? =>________
they / not / work late on Fridays =>________
David / want some coffee? =>________
she / have three daughters =>________
when / she / go to her Chinese class? =>________
why / I / have to clean up? =>_______

Exercise 3: Hoàn thành đoạn hội thoại sau bằng cách điền đúng dạng từ:
My cousin, Peter (have)……….. a dog. It (be)……… intelligent pet with a short tail and big
black eyes. Its name (be)………..Kiki and it (like)………..eating pork. However, it (never/ bite)
………..anyone; sometimes it (bark)………..when strange guests visit. To be honest, it (be)
………..very friendly. It (not/ like)………..eating fruits, but it (often/ play)………..with them. When
the weather (become)………..bad, it (just/ sleep)……… his cage all day. Peter (play)………..
with Kiki every day after school. There (be)………..many people on the road, so Peter (not/ let)
………..the dog run into the road. He (often/ take)………..Kiki to a large field to enjoy the peace
there. Kiki (sometimes/ be)………..naughty, but Peter loves it very much.

II. Thì quá khứ đơn giản (Past simple)
Dấu hiệu nhận biết thì quá khứ đơn:

Trong câu có các trạng từ chỉ thời gian trong quá khứ:

– yesterday (hôm qua)

– last night/ last week/ last month/ last year: tối qua/ tuần trước/ tháng trước/ năm ngoái

– ago: Cách đây. (two hours ago: cách đây 2 giờ/ two weeks ago: cách đây 2 ngày …)

– when: khi (trong câu kể

Exercise 1: Cho dạng đúng của động từ trong ngoặc.

1. My sister (get) married last month.

2. Daisy (come) to her grandparents’ house 3 days ago.

3. My computer (be ) broken yesterday.
4. He (buy) me a big teddy bear on my birthday last week.
5. My friend (give) me a bar of chocolate when I (be) at school yesterday.
6. My children (not do) their homework last night.
7. You (live) here five years ago?
8. They (watch) TV late at night yesterday.
9. Your friend (be) at your house last weekend?
10. They (not be) excited about the film last night.

III. Thì tương lai đơn (Future simple)
Who is she? What will she do?

What is going to happen?

On Saturday, Katie will be one year old. Katie's parents are going to have a birthday party. The
party is going to begin at noon on Saturday. Many people will be at the party. Katie will have so
much fun!

Katie's dad is going to cook hamburgers. Katie's grandmother is going to bring ice-cream.
Katie's aunt is going to bake a cake. It will be a chocolate cake. Katie will love her cake!

All of Katie's relatives will bring presents. Katie is going to open her presents after lunch.
Then, everyone will eat cake and ice-cream. Katie is going to have a good first birthday!

IV. Thì hiện tại tiếp diễn (Present Continuous)

Who are they? Where are they? What are they doing?

Now Janet is in her house. She is sitting on a wooden chair. She is holding a coat. She is fixing it.

James is Janet's husband. He is sitting in front of her. He is fixing clothes too.

Elizabeth is sitting next to James. She is Janet's sister. Right now she is helping Janet and James.
They are working together. They are fixing clothes.

At this moment a man is coming in. He is wearing dark clothes. He is carrying a pile of clothes.
They are all working very hard.

Exercise 1: Cho dạng đúng của động từ trong ngoặc.

1. Look! The car (go) so fast.
2. Listen! Someone (cry) in the next room.
3. Your brother (sit) next to the beautiful girl over there at present?
4. Now they (try) to pass the examination.
5. It’s 12 o’clock, and my parents (cook) lunch in the kitchen.
6. Keep silent! You (talk) so loudly.
7. I (not stay) at home at the moment.
8. Now she (lie) to her mother about her bad marks.
9. At present they (travel) to New York.
10. He (not work) in his office now.

Exercise 2: Complete the sentences. Use Simple Present or Present Progressive.

1. I (live)   in London.

2. This weekend, I (visit)   my friends in Brighton.

3. The train to Brighton (leave)   London at 6.45 in the morning.

4. In the early afternoon, we (want)   to go on a sightseeing tour.

5. In the evening, we (go)   to a concert.

6. The concert (start)   at 8 o'clock.

7. I (come)   back to London on Sunday.

8. My train (arrive)   in London at 7.50 in the evening.

Exercise 3: Complete the sentences. Use Simple Present or Present Progressive.

1. Maria (want)   to improve her English.

2. Therefore, she (do)   a language course in London at the moment.

3. She (stay)   with a host family and (must)   take the tube to get to her
language school.

4. It (be)   only a five-minute walk to the nearest tube station.

5. The tube (leave)   at half past eight.

6. The first lesson (begin)   at 9 o'clock.

7. In the afternoons, the school (offer)   sightseeing tours in and around London.

8. Tomorrow, the students of the language school (go)   to Windsor.

V. Thì quá khứ tiếp diễn (Past Continuous)
Dấu hiệu nhận biết thì quá khứ tiếp diễn
Trong câu có các trạng từ chỉ thời gian trong quá khứ kèm theo thời điểm xác định.
– at + giờ + thời gian trong quá khứ (at 12 o’clock last night,…)
– at this time + thời gian trong quá khứ. (at this time two weeks ago, …)
– in + năm (in 2000, in 2005)

– in the past (trong quá khứ)
+ Trong câu có “when” khi diễn tả một hành động đang xảy ra và một hành động khác xen vào:
While (trong khi); When (Khi); at that time (vào thời điểm đó);

Exercise 1: Look at these sentences and identify which activity happened first..
1. I was walking into the house when I heard the noise.
2. I walked into the house when I heard the noise.
3. We left the party when the police arrived.
4. We were leaving the party when the police arrived.
5. I made the beds when Joan and Ian got here.
6. I was making the beds when Joan and Ian got here.
7. I was getting into my car when I heard the shot.

VI. Thì hiện tại hoàn thành (Present Perfect) và hoàn thành tiếp diễn (Present Perfect
Dấu hiệu nhận biết

just, recently, lately: gần đây, vừa for + N – quãng thời gian: trong khoảng (for a year, for a long
mới time, …)

already:  rồi since + N – mốc/điểm thời gian: từ khi (since 1992, since June,
before: trước đây
yet: chưa (dùng trong câu phủ định và câu hỏi)
ever:  đã từng
so far = until now = up to now = up to the present: cho đến bây
never: chưa từng, không bao giờ giờ

Recently, it has snowed in Maria's town. In the last week, it has snowed three times. Maria has
always loved the snow. She has played in the snow many times before.

Maria's dog, Sparky, has never played in the snow. This is Sparky's first snow. He has not felt the
cold yet.

Maria has just received a new sled for Christmas. She puts on her warm clothes and snow boots. She
pulls the sled up the hill. Sparky has run outside with Maria. Sparky has followed Maria up the hill.
He feels good!

Maria has finally reached the top. She sits on her sled. She rides down the hill. Sparky runs beside
the sled. They have finally reached the bottom. Sparky has followed Maria all the way down the hill.
Sparky has decided that he likes the snow too!

Exercise 1: Cho dạng đúng của động từ trong ngoặc:

1. She already ( watch) this movie.

2. He (write) his report yet?

3. We (travel) to New York lately.

4. They (not give) his decision yet.

5. Tracy ( not see) her friend for 2 years.

6. I (be) to London three times.

7. It (rain) since I stopped my work.

8. This is the second time I (meet) him.

9. They (walk) for more than 2 hours.

10. You (get) married yet?

Exercise 2: Viết lại câu sao cho nghĩa không đổi sử dụng từ gợi ý trong ngoặc:
1. She started to live in Hanoi 2 years ago. (for)

2. He began to study  English when he was young. (since)

3. I have never eaten this kind of food before. (This is)

4. I have never seen such a beautiful girl before. (She is)

5. This is the best novel I have ever read. (before)

Exercise 3: Chia các động từ sau đây sang thì hiện tại hoàn thành hoặc hiện tại hoàn thành tiếp
I (try) to learn English for years.

I (wait) for two hours, but she (not come ) yet.

She (read) all the works of Dickens. How many have you (read)?

I (wait) hare nearly half an hour for my girlfriend Joana; do you think she (forget) to come?

Mary (rest) in the garden all day because she (be) ill.

Although john (study) at the university for five years he (not get) his degree yet.

Jack (go) to Switzerland for a holiday; I never (be) there.

We (live) for the last five months, and just (decide) to move.

You already (drink) 3 cups of tea since I (sit) here.

That book (lie) on the table for weeks.You (not read) it yet?

VII. Thì quá khứ hoàn thành và quá khứ hoàn thành tiếp diễn

Exercise 1: Cho dạng đúng của động từ trong ngoặc.

1. They (come) …………….. back home after they (finish) ………………… their work.

2. She said that she (meet) ……………………. Mr. Bean before.

3. Before he (go) ………………………….. to bed, he (read) ………………………… a novel.

4. He told me he (not/wear) ………………………… such kind of clothes before.

5. When I came to the stadium, the match (start) ………………………………….

6. Before she (listen) ………………….. to music, she (do)……………………. homework.

7. Last night, Peter (go) ………………….. to the supermarket before he (go) …………………

Exercise 2: Put the verb into the most suitable form, past continuous (I was doing) past perfect
(I had done) or past perfect continuous (I had been doing)
1 It was very noisy next door. Our neighbors were having (have) a party.

2 John and I went for a walk. I had difficulty keeping up with him because he … (walk) so fast

3 Sue was sitting on the ground. She was out of breath. She … (run)

4 When I arrived, everybody was sitting round the table with their mouths full. They … (eat)

5 When I arrived, everybody was sitting round the table and talking. Their mouths were empty, but
their stomachs were full. They … (eat)

6 Jim was on his hands and knees on the floor. He … (look) for his contact lens.

7 When I arrived, Kate … (wait) for me. She was annoyed with me because I was late and she …
(wait) for a long time.

VIII. Thì tương lai tiếp diễn, tương lai hoàn thành và tương lai hoàn thành tiếp diễn
Dấu hiệu nhận biết thì tương lai hoàn thành

– by + thời gian trong tương lai

– by the end of + thời gian trong tương lai

– by the time …

– before + thời gian trong tương lai

Exercise 1: Cho dạng đúng của động từ trong ngoặc

1. By the time you arrive, I (write) the essay.

2. By this time tomorrow they (visit) Paris.

3. By the time he intends to get to the airport, the plane (take) off.

4. By the year 2012 many people (lose) their jobs.

5. I know by the time they come to my house this evening, I (go) out for a walk.

6. I hope they (finish) building the road by the time we come back next summer.

7. By 2020, the number of schools in our country (double).

8. These machines (work) very well by the time you come back next month.

Exercise 2: Chia động từ trong ngoặc ở thì tương lai hoàn thành tiếp diễn
1. Your sister (get) pregnant for 7 months?

2. My grandfather (write) this novel for 2 months by the end of this month.

3. She (work) for this company for 5 years by the end of this year.

4. I (do) my homework for 2 hours by the time my father gets home from work.

5. My mother (cook) dinner for 3 hours by the time our guests arrive at my house


I must get my hair cut.

I must have my hair cut.

When are you going to get that window mended?

We're having the house painted.

Complete the table with the passive voice forms of the verbs

Tenses active passive

Present simple I make (it) it is made

Present continuous I am making (it)

Past simple I made (it)

Past continuous I was making (it)

Present perfect I have made (it)

Present perfect continuous I have been making (it)

Past perfect I had made (it)

Past perfect continuous I had been making (it)

Future (will) I will make (it)

Future (will) continuous I will be making (it)

Modals I can/must (etc.) make (it)

Infinitive to make (it)

Exercise 1: -infinitive form of Passive

Change the following sentences into the passive.

1. They say that he is a strict disciplinarian.

2. People believe that he is in favor of the change.

3. People say that this plant is a remedy for cancer.

4. They say that his company is in trouble.

5. They told us not to come back.

6. They say that these kinds of dogs are very aggressive.

7. They did not allow me to visit my husband.


The ceiling needs painting.

The ceiling needs to be painted.

My hair needs cutting.

My hair needs to be cut.

That faucet needs fixing.

That faucet needs to be fixed.

Exercise 2: Passive voice with modal verbs

1. I can answer the question.

2. She would carry the box.

3. You should open the window.

4. We might play cards.

5. You ought to wash the car.

6. He must fill in the form.

7. They need not buy bread.

8. He could not read the sentence.

9. Will the teacher test our English?

10. Could Jenny lock the door?


Jim had his car stolen last night.

Jim's car was stolen.

They had their roof blown off in the storm.

Their roof was blown off in the storm.


I. Định nghĩa và phân loại danh từ

Danh từ là từ để gọi tên một người, một vật, một sự việc, một tình trạng hay một cảm xúc. Danh từ
có thể được chia thành hai loại chính:

Danh từ chung (common nouns): là danh từ dùng làm tên chung cho một loại như:

table (cái bàn), man (người đàn ông), wall (bức tường)…

Danh từ riêng (proper nouns): là tên riêng như: Peter, Jack, England…

Danh từ trừu tượng (abstract nouns): happiness (sự hạnh phúc), beauty (vẻ đẹp), health (sức

II. Danh từ đếm được và không đếm được (countable and uncountable nouns)
Danh từ đếm được (Countable nouns) – Ở dạng số ít thường đi kèm với mạo từ a, an, the hoặc
tính từ….

Ví dụ: a boy (cậu bé), apple (quả táo), my book (quyển sách), under the tree (cây)…

Danh từ không đếm được (Uncountable nouns)

Ví dụ: meat (thịt), ink (mực), chalk (phấn), water (nước)…

Danh từ không đếm được thường gồm các danh từ:

- chỉ chất lỏng:

- một tổng thể gồm nhiều phần nhỏ:

- hiện tượng thời tiết, ngành nghiên cứu, chất liệu, từ trừu tượng, môn thể thao, thú vui tiêu

III.Số nhiều của danh từ đếm được:

1. Thông thường danh từ lấy thêm S ở số nhiều.

Ví dụ: chair - chairs ; girl - girls ; dog - dogs

2. Những danh từ tận cùng bằng O, X, S, Z, CH, SH lấy thêm ES ở số nhiều.

Ví dụ: potato - potatoes ; box - boxes ; bus - buses ; buzz - buzzes ; watch - watches ; dish – dishes

IV. Các trường hợp đặc biệt



II. All/ most / no / some + plural N/ uncountable N
All cars have wheels.

Some cars can go faster than others.

(on a notice) No cars. (= no cars allowed)

III. All of / Some of... / most of... / none of... + the / this / that / these / those / my / his / Ann's/
Some of the people, some of those people (but not 'some of people')

For example:

Some of the people I work with are very friendly.

None of this money is mine.

All my friends live in London, hoặc All of my friends...

Half this money is mine hoặc Half of this money...

So sánh all... and all (of) the...:

All flowers are beautiful. (= all flowers in general)

All (of) the flowers in this garden are beautiful. (= a particular group of flowers)

'How many of these people do you know? 'None of them.' / 'A few of them.'

'Do you like this music? 'Some of it/Not all of it.'


I. Trường hợp động từ luôn chia số ít

1.1. Each/every
- Every/ Each + N số ít được theo sau bởi động từ và đại từ số ít:

Every applicant sends his photograph in.

Each car has its registration number listed.

- Every/ Each + Singular noun + and + Every + Singular noun + Singular verb

Every teacher and every student has his own work.

1.2. Khoảng cách, khoảng thời gian, số tiền, sự đo lường

“To build a fire” was written by Jack London. Ten dollars is a high price to pay.

Five years is the maximum sentence of that offence.

1.3 Các đại từ phiếm chỉ

Each/Either/Neither + Of +

Any+ singular noun No + singular noun Some+ singular noun Every+ singular noun

Anybody Anyone Anything Nobody No one Nothing Somebody Someone Everybody Everyone
Something Everything

1.4. V-ing/To do
Dieting is very popular today.
Writing many letters makes her happy.

1.5. Một mệnh đề danh từ làm chủ ngữ

Who, What, Where, Why, How ….

What you are doing is difficult.

1.7. Danh từ là tên riêng (như tên công ty, sách, báo) (dù ở số nhiều)
The Flowerists opens very early

II. Trường hợp động từ luôn chia số nhiều

2.1. Cấu trúc both….and… + V

Both Betty and Joan are cooking for their dinner party.

2.2. (The + adj) = danh từ + V

The poor need help.

2.3. (Plural nouns) People / Police/ Cattle + V

The police are searching to find the thieves.

2.4. Các danh từ luôn dùng dạng số nhiều

Các danh từ sau bao giờ cũng ở hình thức số nhiều vì chúng gồm hai thực thể trở lên, nếu nuốn đề
cập số ít thì phải dùng a pair of

Scissors: kéo Trousers: quần Shorts: quần sooc Pants: quần dài Pliers:
tây Jeans: quần jeans Eyeglasses: kính mắt cái kìm Tongs: cái kẹp
Tweezers : cái nhíp

III. Trường hợp đặc biệt

3.1. All, Some, Plenty, None, Half, Most, A lot, lots, plenty, Percentage, majority, minority, the
last, the rest, the remainder, part, half of + N
Chia theo N đứng sau of

All of the books are interesting.

All of the book is interesting.

3.2. Các danh từ tập thể

Example: organization, family, team, jury, group, army, class, crowd, club, public…

- S + Singular verb: xem như một đơn vị

The public is having its annual celebration.

- S + Plural verb: chỉ từng cá nhân tạo nên tập thể

The public are arguing over the new proposals.

3.3. There, Here+ be + Noun

There are two sides to every problem. There is a picture on the wall.

IV. Chú ý các trường hợp Chủ ngữ đứng tách khỏi động từ
1. Ngăn cách bởi 1 cụm giới từ

The little girl in the light blue jumper and matching tennis shoes is crying.

2. Ngăn cách bởi một mệnh đề quan hệ

The new board members who decided to vote down the proposed stock split are renegotiating their

3. Ngăn cách bởi một cụm danh từ

The chairman- the soul of the meeting- should make the final decision

4. Ngăn cách bởi một Independent Clause

The project, I have no idea about it, needs to be reviewed

Exercise 1:
The picture of the soldiers (bring / brings) back many memories.

The quality of these recordings (is / are) _ not very good.

If the duties of these officers (isn’t / aren’t) _ reduced, there will not be enough time to finish the

The effects of cigarettes smoking (have / has) been proven to be extremely harmful.

The use of credit cards in place of cash (have / has) increased rapidly in recent years.

Advertisements on television (is / are) becoming more competitive than ever before.

Living expenses in this country, as well as in many others, (is / are) at an all-time high.

Mr. Jones, accompanied by several members of the committee, (have / has) proposed some changes
of the rules.

The levels of intoxication (vary / varies) from subject to subject.

Exercise 2:

Anyone who (have / has) _ lost his ticket should report to the desk.

A number of people (is / are) gathering in front of the Trade Union Agency.

A large number of reporters (was / ware) at the meeting yesterday.

Most meat (is / are) expensive.

Either of the policemen (are / is) trying to catch the robber.

Most of us (feel / feels) the same about the war.

Most people (agree / agrees) with my attitude.

There (is / are) still lots of snow in the garden.

All I want (is / are) a room somewhere.

Half of six (is / are) three.

There (was / were) a few flowers in this garden last summer.

A great deal of machinery (was / were) _ sent to the exhibition.

A lot of furniture in her room (is / are) _ new.

That man, along with his friends (are / is) playing cards in living room.

Making new friends in a new school (is / are) _ not easy at all.

Writing many letters (make / makes) _ my sister happy.

The crowd (was / were) wild with excitement.

Our team (is / are) going to win the game.

Nobody (work / works) harder than John does.

The number of books on the shelf over there (was / were) bought long time ago.

Exercise 3:
There (be) _ three storms and a heavy rain since the beginning of the year.

Being cordial (be) one of his greatest assets.

The army (have) eliminated this section of the training test.

Two miles (be) _ too much to run in one day.

A pack of wild dogs (have) frightened all the ducks away.

The number of days in a week (be) seven.

What (be) the supernatural phenomena?

A number of the applicants (have) _ already neen interviewed.

The pliers (be) _ on the table.

No problem (be) harder to solve than this one.

The number of residents who (have) been questioned on this matte is quite small.

The pairs of scissors (be) _ dull.



Exercise 1:
1. Detroit is renowned for the………….. of cars. PRODUCE

2. If you make a good……………… at the interview, you will get the job. IMPRESS

3. Teaching and medicine are more than…………………., they're professions. OCCUPY

4. My history teacher has a vast…………………. of past events. KNOW

5. You are never too old to go to college and gain some……………. QUALIFY

6. My greatest…………….. was graduating from the university. ACHIEVE

7. The weatherman said there is a strong…………… of rain today. POSSIBLE

8. Some old laws are no longer……………….. EFFECT

9. Athens is…………………. for its ancient buildings. FAME

10. He was caught shoplifting so now he has a……………….. record. CRIME

11. Despite her severe………….., she fulfilled her goals in life. DISABLE

12. Being……………. is the worst thing that can happen to someone. EMPLOY

13. If you buy presents in the summer your…………………… can be very high. SAVE

14. Due to the pilot's…………………, the copilot managed to land safely. GUIDE

15. It's important to also see the less………………… sides of the job. DESIRE

16. I was surprised at his………………… to give up. REFUSE

17. Children are by nature………………….. of danger. AWARE

18. She is always……………. towards her parents. RESPECT

19. The hospital has the best medical……………. and fast ambulances. EQUIP

20. You can relax in the comfortable………………….. of the hotel. SURROUND

21. The…………………….. looked dark and there were hardly any other guests. ENTER

22. Artists must be…………………., otherwise they just repeat what they see or hear. CREATE

23. Why are you so……………… of his work? He's just doing his best. CRITIC

24. Have you made up your mind? We need to know your ……………as soon as possible. DECIDE

25. He's too shy to look people …………………… when he talks to them. DIRECT

26. Have they put the Christmas………………….. yet? DECORATE

27. They put too many unnecesary ……………………… in food. ADD

28. I ……………… think that there's no point in arguing with him. Just ignore him. HONEST

29. Extraterrestrial life has not been…………………. proved yet. SCIENCE

30. Why don't you call the …………………. if the lights don't work? ELECTRIC

31. Music and television are forms of………………… ENTERTAIN

32. The concert didn't live up to our………………… EXPECT

33. The electric company admitted their ………………… for the blackout. RESPOND

34. Did you use to have …………………… as a child? ALLOW

35. I don't like those trousers, no matter how …………………….. they are. FASHION

36. Life ……………….. varies according to country and gender. EXPECT

Exercise 2:
1) We need to find a __________ to the problem as soon as possible. (solve)
2) Juan speaks English fluently and makes very few __________ mistakes. (grammar)
3) The teacher keeps a record of every student's __________ . (attend)
4) Air-conditioning is a ___________ if you live somewhere like the south of Spain. (necessary)
5) Don't be afraid of the dog. He's absolutely __________ . (harm)
6) The company is trying hard to improve customer __________ . (satisfy)
7) Measures were taken around the world to __________ airport security after the 11 September
attacks. (tight)
8) We're going to change our suppliers as they have become very __________ in the last year. (rely)
9) Patricia's very __________ . She writes short stories, paints and makes mosaics. (create)
10) We need your __________ at the bottom of the page. (sign)


Type If - clause Main clause

1 – Có thật Thì hiện tại đơn will

S+V(s/es)+O can
+ V (ko chia)
S+am/is/are+N/Adj should

Thì hiện tại đơn: Chỉ sự thật, qui luật

hoặc thói quen

If it doesn’t rain, we will have a picnic.

If you heat ice, it turns to water.

2 – Không có thật Thì quá khứ đơn would

S+V(ed)+O could + V (ko chia)
S+were+N/Adj might

If I were you, I wouldn’t buy that house.

Quá khứ hoàn

3 – Không có thật thành would
S+had+V(PII)+O could + have V(PII)

If I hadn’t eaten that bread, I wouldn’t have had a stomachache.

Các từ, cụm từ khác trong câu điều kiện

Unless (Trừ khi; nếu...không)

Unless you study hard, you’ll fail in the exam.

(= If you don’t study hard, you’ll fail in the exam.) My grandmother can’t see unless she wears
glasses. (=My grandmother can’t see if she doesn’t wear glasses.)

Exercise 1: Choose the best answer to replace “if” in each sentence.

1 'I'll give you $100 if you say nothing about this.’ (provided that, what if, unless)

2 'If your company went bankrupt, what would you do?' (just suppose, on condition, as long as)

3 If you had to live in another country, where would you go? (on condition, unless, imagine)

4 'Well let him out of prison if he reports to the police station every day. (supposing, as long as.

5 'I'll take them to court if they don't pay me what they owe.’ (imagine. provided that, unless)

6 'If you won a million pounds - what would you do with it?' (providing, as long as, unless, imagine)

7 'If they keep to the agreement, I'll give them the money: (what if, imagine. so long as)

8 You'll be alright if you take some travellers' cheques. (provided that. imagine, what if)

9 'I'll complain to the manager if you don't give me a different room.’ (as long as, unless, imagine)

10 'If all the hotels were full, were would we stay?' (provided that, as long as. suppose)

Exercise 2: Write these sentences, putting the verbs in brackets into the correct form and
adding 'll/will, or 'd/would if necessary.

1 If you give me your phone number, I (call) 'll call you.

2 I (drive) 'd drive to work if I had a car.

3 If I (lose)__________my job, I'd go back to university.

4 If it (rain) __________ tomorrow, we'll cancel the barbecue.

5 Where would you live if you (can) __________ choose?

6 If the weather (be) __________ good, we often have lunch outside.

7 My mother (worry) __________ about me if I didn't phone her every week.

8 If you finish before 5 o'clock, I (come) __________ and pick you up.

9 If we (hurry) __________ , we'll get to the shops before they close.

10 I don't know what she (do) __________ if she couldn't go on working.

11 What would you do if he (ask) __________ you to marry him?

12 He always (complain) __________ if I'm late.

13 If I knew the answer to that question, I (tell) __________ you.

14 If you come to the party, you (meet) __________ Jim.

15 The students usually work hard if they (have) __________ a test.

Exercise 3: Rewrite sentences

Exercise 4: Put the verbs into the correct form.

If you (find) a wallet in the street, what would you do with it?

I must hurry. My friend (be) annoyed if I (not/ be) on time.

If I (be) a bird, I (not/ want) to live my whole life in a cage.

I didn't realize that Gary was in hospital. If I (know) he was in hospital, (go) to visit him.

If you (pour) oil on water, it (float) If the phone (ring), can you answer it?

If I (have) wings, I (not/ have to) take an airplane to fly home.

Ken got to the station in time to catch his train. If he (miss) it, he (be) late for his interview.

A: What.shall we do tomorrow?

B: Well, if it (be) a nice day, we (go) to the beach.

A: You look tired.

B: Well, if you (not/ wake) me up in the middle of the night, I (not/ be) tired.

This soup isn't very good. It (taste) better if it (not/ be) so salty.

Unfortunately, I didn't have my address book with me when I was in New York. If I (have) your
address, I (send) you a postcard.
I think there are too many cars. If there (not/ be) so many cars, there (not/ be) so much pollution.

I think I left my watch at your house. Have you seen it?

Mark and Carol are expecting us. They (be) disappointed if we (not/ come).

The accident was your fault. If you (drive) more carefully, it (not/ happen).

A: Why do you read newspapers?

B:Well, if I (not/ read) newspapers, I (not/ know) what was happening in the world.

If you (have) enough money to go any where in the world, where (you/ go)?

This box has got to be in Chicago tomorrow. I'm sure if I (send) it today by express mail, it (arrive)
in time.

People (be) able to fly if they (have) feathers instead of hair.

Last night Alex ruined his sweater when he washed it. If he (read) the label, he (not/ wash) it in hot

Exercise 5: Write these sentences in full, using the words given. Put the verbs into the correct

1 What / would / you / done / if / I not / lend / you / the money? What would you have done if I
hadn't lent you the money?

2 If / you / asked / me for tickets / I / could / get / you some. If you had asked me for tickets, I could
have got you some.

3 I / not / marry / him / if / I / know / what he was like.


4 I / not / hire / a car / if / I / know / how expensive it was.


5 If / we / got / to the cinema earlier / we / not / miss / the start of the film.


6 If / I / be born / a year earlier / I / have to do / military service.


7 If / you / asked / me / I / would lend / you my car.


8 If / I gone / to university / I / get / a better job.



Simple sentences:

A simple sentence has only one clause:

The children were laughing.

John wanted a new bicycle.
All the girls are learning English.

Combine the sentences by making a compound subject.

1. Jessica rode the train. Mark rode the train.

2. Elizabeth likes to eat vegetables. Kevin likes to eat vegetables.

3. Mom wrapped the presents. Ian helped mom wrap the presents.

4. Pam went swimming in the pool. Her sister went swimming in the pool, too.

5. Jordan plays basketball. Kelvin plays basketball.

Combine the sentences by making a compound verb.

6. Jeff went to the carnival. Jeff rode the roller coaster.

7. Mary sat down at the table. Mary ate pizza for dinner.

8. Will brushed his teeth. Will combed his hair.

9. Mrs. Jones sat in her chair. Mrs. Jones read a book.

10. The dog barked at me. The dog wagged his tail.

Compound sentences:

A compound sentence has two or more clauses:

(We stayed behind) and (finished the job)

(We stayed behind) and (finished the job), then (we went home)

The clauses in a compound sentence are joined by co-ordinating conjunctions:

John shouted and everybody waved.

We looked everywhere but we couldn’t find him.
They are coming by car so they should be here soon.

The common coordinating conjunctions are:

and – but – or – nor – so – then – yet

3 ways to make compound sentence

1, Compound sentence with coordinators

IC 1, + coordinator + independent clause

2, compound sentence with conjunctive adverbs

IC1; + conjunctive adverbs, + IC2

For To add a reason

And To add a similar, equal idea Also, besides, furthermore, in

addition, moreover, as well

Nor To add a negative equal idea

But To add an opposite idea On the other hand, in contrast

Or To add an alternative possibility

Yet To add an unexpected or surprising However, nevertheless,

continuation nonetheless, still

So To add an expected result Therefore, thus, hence

Exercise 1: Underline the conjunctive adverb in each sentence.

1. We were supposed to have a game tonight; however, there is a thunderstorm.

2. Pam is the best player on the team; therefore, the award should go to her.

3. You should pick up the paper that you dropped on the floor; otherwise, we might all get in trouble.

4. The party is supposed to be a surprise; in other words, don’t tell Chris!

5. I am trying to get my homework done; meanwhile, my sister gets to play outside.

Exercise 2: Use FANBOYS (for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so) to write one compound sentence
using the two simple sentences.

Peter drove to visit his friend. They went out for dinner. - Show a sequence of events

Mary thinks she should go to school. She wants to get qualifications for a new profession. - Provide
a reason

Alan invested a lot of money in the business. The business went bankrupt. - Show an unexpected

Doug didn't understand the homework assignment. He asked the teacher for help. - Show an action
taken based on a reason

The students didn't prepare for the test. They didn't realize how important the test was. - Give a

Susan thinks she should stay home and relax. She also thinks she should go on vacation. - Show
additional information

The doctors looked at the x-rays. They decided to operate on the patient. - Show an action taken
based on a reason

We went out on the town. We came home late. - Show a sequence of events

Jack flew to London to visit his Uncle. He also wanted to visit the National Museum. - Show

It is sunny. It is very cold. - Show a contrast

Henry studied very hard for the test. He passed with high marks. - Provide a reason

I would like to play tennis today. If I don't play tennis, I would like to play golf. - Give a choice

We needed some food for the week. We went to the supermarket. - Show an action taken based on a

Tom asked his teacher for help. He also asked his parents for help. - Show addition

Janet doesn't like sushi. She doesn't like any kind of fish. - Show that Susan doesn't like either sushi
or fish

Spelling is hard for many people. There are techniques for improving spelling.

Tony is an excellent student. He received a scholarship.

The library is a quiet place to study. Many students prefer to study at home.

Some rivers are endangered. Many people are working to protect them.

Wear your seatbelt. You might be injured.

Exercise 3: Use a conjunctive adverb from the list above to join the two sentences.
1. I don’t really need new shoes; ______________, they cost too much anyway.
2. I have Mrs. Jones for science; ______________, I have Mr. Cape for math.
3. You probably shouldn’t jump off of that ledge; ______________, it’s a really dangerous thing to
4. I am very disappointed in your behavior; ______________, you are grounded for a week.
5. Mrs. Niles was not happy with us for being angry at the substitute; ______________, I think she
understood what made us mad.

Exercise 4: Read these sentences. Determine if they are simple or compound. Write “simple”
or “compound” on the line provided.
1. The grass is getting long, so Dad will have to cut it this weekend.
2. Our class is going to the library today, and I need a new book.
3. Marissa and Jan are coming to my birthday party tomorrow.
4. Today is a holiday; I am going to sleep late. __________
5. I got a glass out of the cabinet and poured a drink. __________
6. Mrs. Jones likes to give us homework on Mondays. __________
7. I want to go to the movies, but Pam wants to play soccer. __________
8. The apples and bananas are in the same bowl on the table.

Exercise 5: Write one compound sentence using the simple sentences below.
1. The phone was ringing. No one answered it.
2. James’ birthday is today. I got him a new soccer ball.
3. It is picture day. I am trying not to get dirty.
4. I am very hungry. Dinner is almost finished.

Write “simple” for simple sentences; write “compound” for compound sentences.
5. I walked through the grass, and I stepped in ants. __________
6. Can we go to the store and buy cookies for dessert? __________
7. Jessica and her sister Ann take ice skating lessons. __________
8. Today for lunch, we are having spaghetti or chicken sandwich. __________
9. Can you help me with number fifteen on the homework? __________
10.I had fun at recess; now I am hot and tired. __________

Combine these simple sentences to make a compound sentence. Make sure to punctuate
9. Tanner fell down. Marvin went to get the teacher.
10. Tomorrow is Friday. Our class is going on a field trip.



Complex sentences:

A complex sentence has a main clause and one or more adverbial clauses. Adverbial clauses
usually come after the main clause:

Her father died when she was very young

Her father died (main clause)
when (subordinating conjunction)
she was very young (adverbial clause)

She had a difficult childhood because her father died when she was very young.
She had a difficult childhood (main clause)
because (subordinating conjunction)
her father died (adverbial clause)
when (subordinating conjunction)
she was very young (adverbial clause).

Some subordinate clauses can come in front of the main clause:

Although a few snakes are dangerous most of them are quite harmless
Although (subordinating conjunction)

some snakes are dangerous (adverbial clause)
most of them are harmless (main clause).

A sentence can contain both subordinate and coordinate clauses:

Although she has always lived in France, she speaks fluent English because her mother was
American and her father was Nigerian
Although (subordinating conjunction)
she has always lived in France (adverbial clause),
she speaks fluent English (main clause)
because (subordinating conjunction)
her mother was American (adverbial clause)
and (coordinating conjunction)
her father was Nigerian (adverbial clause).

1) Quan hệ Concessions (mặc dù) - Although/(even) though/in spite of/despite

Cách kết hợp:

Although / (even) though + mệnh đề

In spite of / despite + N/V-ing

Câu mẫu:

Although Tom got up late, he got to school on time.

=> Despite / in spite of getting up late, Tom got to school on time.

Although the rain was heavy, we went out anyway.

=> Despite / in spite of the heavy rain, we went out anyway

2) Quan hệ Reason (nguyên nhân) - As / Since / Because / Because of / Due to / Owing to

Cách kết hợp:

As / Since / Because + mệnh đề

Because of / Due to / Owing to + N/V-ing

Câu mẫu:

We didn't enjoy the day because the weather was so awful.

We didn't enjoy the day because of the awful weather.

The restaurant's success was due largely to its new manager.

As it was getting late, I turned around to start for home.

The game was cancelled owing to torrential rain.

3) Quan hệ Purpose (mục đích) - In order to / So as to / So that

Cách kết hợp:

in order (not) to / so as (not) to + V infinitive

in order that / so that + mệnh đề

Câu mẫu:

He took the course in order to get a better job.

Trees are being planted by the roadsides so as to reduce traffic noise.

I wrote down her name so as not to forget it.

Advice is given in order that students can choose the best course.

I gave up my job so that I could take care of my children.

Exercise 1: Read the following complex sentences. Underline the dependent clause in the
1. When Jessica arrived at my house, we decided to go swimming.
2. You can play outside until the sun goes down.
3. Before you watch television, you must finish your homework.
4. While my brother practices football, I am going to read my book.
5. I cannot wait to go fishing when Grandpa gets home from work.
6. Since it is too cold to go swimming, let’s play a game instead.

Determine if the sentence is simple, compound, or complex. Write S for simple, write CD for
compound and write CX for complex.
7. We are going to buy me a new jacket since the old one is too small. _______
8. Mom made spaghetti for dinner, but I was too sick to eat any. _______
9. I left my backpack and my notebook on the bus yesterday. _______
10.If I finish this book today, I will take it back to the library. _______

Exercise 2: Read each sentence and determine the structure. If it is simple, write S. If it is
compound, write CD. If it is complex, write CX.
1. I cannot go outside to play until I finish my homework. _______
2. The dog is barking a lot, so I will take him a bone. _______
3. Do you know how to make a cake from scratch? _______
4. All of these boxes are empty, but mom is saving them anyway. _______
5. Because we were not good for the substitute, we cannot go outside today.
6. Elizabeth and Willa are my best friends at school. _______

7. The book order is due today, but I forgot to bring my money. _______
8. Mom gave me $2.00 because I helped her with chores around the house. _______
Read the sentences and combine them to make a compound sentence.
9. I woke up late this morning. I am going to be late for school.
Read the sentences and combine them to make a complex sentence.
10. I cannot go with you to the amusement park. I have to visit my grandmother.

Exercise 3: Combine the short sentences by using items in a series.

1. Charlie plays basketball. He also plays baseball. He plays soccer as well.
2. For dinner, we had hamburgers. We had chips with our hamburgers. We also had beans.
3. Jessica is in my class. Heather is in my class. Tom is in my class.
4. At the zoo, I saw a giraffe. I also saw an elephant. Finally, I saw a bear.
5. This summer, Joey went to the beach. Karen also went to the beach. Paul went to the beach.
6. Tonight, I have to go to ball practice. I have to do my homework. I also have to take a bath.
7. Mrs. Harris is a great teacher. Mr. Jones is a good teacher, too. Mrs. Smith is good also.
8. If we go outside, we can play in the sandbox. We can swing. We can also slide.
9. Mom washed the dishes. Mom swept the floor. Mom cleaned the bathrooms.
10. I grew marigolds in a pot. I also grew zinnias in a pot. I grew tomatoes in a pot, too.

Exercise 4: Combine the short sentences by using the subordinating conjunction provided to
create a complex sentence.
1. Finish eating your breakfast. Brush your teeth. After
2. I have to stay for tutoring. I failed the quiz in math. Because
3. We won’t have practice today. It is raining. Since
4. I woke up. I saw that it was snowing! When
5. You eat your vegetables. You cannot have dessert. Until
6. I was taking a quiz in science. The power went out. While
7. You practice. You will not get any better at basketball. Unless
8. The sun rises in the morning. A rooster crows very early. Before
9. You need to study your vocabulary words. You can do well on the quiz. So That
10. You have cookies left over. Can I have one? If

Exercise 5: Choose 'despite', 'however' or 'although'.

1) ______________ the rain, we still went to the park.

2) ______________it was raining, we still went to the park.

3) It was raining. ______________, we still went to the park.

4) John bought the watch, ______________the fact that it was expensive.

5) John bought the watch. ______________, it was expensive.

6) ______________it was expensive, John bought the watch.

7) I finished the homework. It, ______________, wasn't easy..

8) I finished the homework, ______________it wasn't easy.

9) ______________the fact that it wasn't easy, I finished the homework.

10) She went for a long walk, ______________being cold.

11) ______________she was cold, she went for a long walk.

12) She was cold. ______________, she went for a long walk.

13) The restaurant has a good reputation. ______________, the food was terrible.

14) ______________the restaurant's good reputation, the food was terrible.

15) ______________the restaurant has a good reputation, the food was terrible.

16) ______________we are a small company, we sell almost a hundred machines a month.

17) ______________all the difficulties, the project started on time and was a success.

18) ______________we were warned against doing so, we went ahead with the project.

19) ______________ his lack of experience, he became a successful businessman.

20) ______________being by far the oldest player, he scored three goals.

21) ______________ he's a millionaire, he drives a second-hand car.

Exercise 6: Rewrite these sentences

Many people began to wearing jeans because they were cheap.

=> Because of……..

Since he was careless, Tom lost the game.

=> Because of……..

Although she behaves well, no one loves her.

=> Despite……..

Because of the cold weather, the crops are late this year.

=> Because ……..

In spite of his good salary, Tom gave up his job.

=> Although….

Tom walked slowly because his leg was bad.

=> Because of……..

I came here because I want the English course.

=> Because of……..

I went to school although it was hot.


Tom was admitted to the university although his grades were bad.

=> Despite ….

Because of too much smoke, We have to wear masks .

=> Because ……..

Exercise 7: Add SO, BUT, THEREFORE, HOWEVER where appropriate

The wind was howling outside, _______ it was warm and comfortable indoor.

The highway was under construction, _______ we had to take a different route to work.

You could fly via Singapore; _______, this isn’t the only way.

There is still much to discuss. We shall, _______ return to this item at our next meeting.

It isn’t that he lied exactly, _______ he did tend to exaggerate.

I thought the plane would be delayed; ________ , I bought a lot of magazines to read.

Jackson was going to study all night, ________ he declined our invitation to dinner.

We thought the figures were correct. ________ , we have now discovered some errors.

Cars have become much more complicated. ________ , mechanics need more training than in the

We arrived at the theater late _________ the play had not yet begun. We were quite surprised.

Prices have been rising. It is unlikely, ________, that this increase will continue.

The bread was old and stale, _______ Martha ate it anyway.

The holiday had been a complete disaster. We, _______, decide to fly home early if we could.

He failed the exam, _______ he had to do the job he didn’t like.



Exercise 1.Use the verbs in the box in either Simple present or Present continuous tense. 

enjoy laugh talk get look

make spend hate tend wear

1. When children become teenagers, they ---- more time with their friends.

2. Rick admires those girls who ---- red dresses.

3. I agree that Jane is a good person to be with, but she ---- to be aggressive now and again.

4. Mary ---- going to parties and she herself often gives one as well.

5. The kids ---- along well with each other now, but they may start to quarrel anytime.

6. Susan ---- waiting, so don't keep her waiting no matter what the reason is.

7. What I really like about Melissa is that she ---- amazing cakes.

8. Tracy has just been to the hairdresser's, but her hair ---- as if it hasn't been done.

9. I don't know what or who she ---- at. I don't think there is anything funny.

Exercise 2.Use the verbs in the box in Simple present, Present continuous, Simple past or Past
continuous tense. 

visit try book enjoy see

fascinate take build travel overlook

1. I ---- a lot of horse-drawn carriages in rural areas while I ---- through Bulgaria.

2. Every year, tens of thousands of tourists ---- the Blue Mosque, which ---- by the Romans in the
sixth century.

3. Helen ---- the crowded streets at all as there were a lot of people who ---- to sell souvenirs to
tourists, which she found really annoying.

4. Be silent, please. I can't hear anything. I ---- a holiday in Virginia with the travel agency at the

5. I ---- so many clothes with me when i go for a short vacation because I hate carrying around a lot
of luggage.

6. Our hotel room ---- the beach and we could also see the whole area of the hotel from there.

7. The natural and historical riches of Turkey ---- millions of visitors from around the world.

Exercise 3.Fill in the blanks with Simple Past or Past Perfect Tenses.

When I (1)         (arrive) home last night, I (2)         (discover)

that Jane (3)         (prepare) a beautiful candlelight dinner.
When I (4)         (turn) the radio on yesterday, I (5)         (hear) a song
that was popular when I was in high school. I (6)         (not hear) the song for
years, and it (7)         (bring) back some great memories.
Last week, I (8)         (run into) an old friend of mine. We (9)         
(not see) each other for years and both of us (10)         (change) a great deal.
When Emilio (11)         (enter) the room, I (12)         (not
recognize) him because he (13)         (lose) so much weight and (14)     
 (grow) a beard. He (15)         (look) totally different.
When Oprah Winfrey (16)         (get) her own TV show in 1986, she (17)     
 (work) as a news reporter for a long time.
In 1976, 60% of families (18)         (be) couples with children but by 1996, this (19)     
 (fall) to 51%.
Several senior employees (20)         (leave) the company by the time the new manager
(21)         (arrive) last week.
Until the new software (22)         (purchase), the staff (23)     
(struggle) to keep the accounts up to date.
I (24)         (see) that movie three times last year
When my supervisor (25)         (pop in) my office the other day, I (26)     
 (work) on the project for nearly three hours.

Exercise 4: Put the verbs in brackets in the correct form.

1. You look really great! (you, work) _______________ out at the fitness center recently?
2. A: What (you, do) _______________ when the accident occurred?
3. I (have) _______________ the same car for more than ten years. I'm thinking about buying a
new one.
4. If it (snow) _______________ this weekend, we (go) _______________ skiing near Lake
5. A: What do you call people who work in libraries?
6. I came to England six months ago. I started my economics course three months ago. When I
return to Australia, I (study) _______________ for nine months and I (be) _______________ in
England for exactly one year.
7. Sam (arrive) _______________ in San Diego a week ago.
8. Samantha (live) _______________ in Berlin for more than two years. In fact, she (live)
_______________ there when the Berlin wall came down.
9. If Vera (keep) _______________ drinking, she (lose, eventually) _______________ her job.
10. The Maya established a very advanced civilization in the jungles of the Yucatan; however,
their culture (virtually/disappear) _______________by the time Europeans first (arrive)
_______________ in the New World.
11. Shhhhh! Be quiet! John (sleep) _______________.
12. It (rain) _______________ all week. I hope it stops by Saturday because I want to go to the
13. Listen Donna, I don't care if you (miss) _______________ the bus this morning. You (be)
_______________ late to work too many times. You are fired!
14. I am sick of rain and bad weather! Hopefully, when we (wake) _______________ up
tomorrow morning, the sun (shine) _______________.
15. I have not traveled much yet; however, I (visit) _______________ the Grand Canyon and
San Francisco by the time I leave the United States.
16. I (see) _______________ many pictures of the pyramids before I went to Egypt. Pictures of
the monuments are very misleading. The pyramids are actually quite small.
17. In the last hundred years, traveling (become) _______________ much easier and very
comfortable. In the 19th century, it (take) _______________ two or three months to cross North
America by covered wagon. The trip (be) _______________ very rough and often dangerous. Things
(change) _______________ a great deal in the last hundred and fifty years. Now you can fly from
New York to Los Angeles in a matter of hours.
18. Joseph's English (improve, really) _______________, isn't it? He (watch) _______________
American television programs and (study) _______________ his grammar every day since he first
arrived in San Diego. Soon he will be totally fluent.
19. When I (arrive) _______________ home last night, I discovered that Jane (prepare)
_______________ a beautiful candlelight dinner.
20. If you (need) _______________ to contact me sometime next week, I (stay)
_______________ at the Sheraton in San Francisco.

Exercise 5: Read this letter to a newspaper. Then choose the correct answer for each blank

A few days ago, I (1)___ that someone plans to knock down the White Horse Inn. This pub (2)___
the center of village life for centuries. It (3)___ at our crossroads for 500 years. It

(4)___ famous in the old days, and Shakespeare once (5)___ there, they say. I (6)___ in Brickfield all
my life. The villager (7)___ about the plans for less than a week and already there’s a ‘Save Our
Pub’ campaign. Last week we (8)___ happy, but this week we (9)___ angry. We (10)___ them,
you’ll see.

1. a. had learned b. learned c. has learned d. learn

2. a. has been b. had been c. was d. is
3. a. stood b. is standing c. stands d. has stood
4. a. has been b. is c. was d. had been
5. a. had stayed b. stayed c. stays d. has stayed
6. a. lived b. am living c. was living d. have lived
7. a. have known b. knew c. had known d. know
8. a. are being b. has been c. were d. had been
9. a. are b. were c. has been d. are being
10. a. are stopping b. will stop c. stop d. are going to stop



Exercise 1: Dùng các từ sau để hoàn thành câu

ship pick drink take dry roast prepare sell sort plant





There are 26 letters in the English alphabet.


There are five vowel letters. A E I O U

And there are 21 consonant letters. B C D F G H J K L M N P Q R S T V W X Y Z

But there are more than 40 vowel and consonant sounds in English.



1. Các nguyên âm đơn

Ví dụ: lip /lɪp/ (n.): môi seat /siːt/ (n.): chỗ ngồi
decide /dɪˈsaɪd/ (v.): quyết định sleep /sliːp/ (v.): ngủ
repeat /rɪˈpiːt/ (v.): nhắc lại convenient /kənˈviːniənt/ (adj.): thuận

six, kid, tea, three, visit, pretty, village, secret, leaves, these

Ví dụ: bread /bred/ (n.): bánh mì cat /kæt/ (n.): con mèo
project /ˈprɒdʒekt/ (n.): dự án bag /bæɡ/ (n.): túi
any /ˈeni/ (adj.): bất kỳ candle /ˈkændəl/ (n.): nến
red, man, jacket, when, friend, bank, wet, thank, check

Ví dụ: lucky /ˈlʌki/ (adj.): may mắn glasses /ɡlɑːsɪz/ (n.): kính mắt
Colour /ˈkʌlər/ (n.): màu sắc father /ˈfɑːðə(r)/ (n.): bố
Cup /kʌp/ (n.): chiếc cốc card /kɑːd/ (n.): thẻ
large, love, summer, partner, mother, artist, bus, come

Ví dụ: want /wɒnt/ (v.): muốn Door /dɔːr/ (n.): cửa

Forgot /fəˈɡɒt (v.): đã quên Walk /wɔːk/ (v.): đi bộ
Office /ˈɒfɪs/ (n.): văn phòng Autumn /ˈɔːtəm/ (n.): mùa thu
Horse, small, lock, holiday, awesome, watch, box, daughter

Ví dụ: put /pʊt/ (n.): đặt, để Group /ɡruːp/ (n.): nhóm
Pull /pʊl/ (v.): kéo School /skuːl/ (n.): trường học
Cookbook /ˈkʊk.bʊk/ (n.): sách dạy nấu ăn Blue /bluː/ (n.): màu xanh dương
Two, ballon, push, fruit, cushion, good, truly, would

Ví dụ: absent /ˈæb.sənt/ (adj.): vắng mặt Bird /bɜːd/ (n.): con chim
Brother /ˈbrʌð.ər/ (n.): anh (em) trai Nurse (n.): y tá
Magazine /ˌmæɡ.əˈziːn/ (n.): tạp chí World (n.): thế giới
Agree, girl, dirty, often, family, dancer, learn, purple

2. Các nguyên âm đôi

Ví dụ: deer /dɪər/ (n.): con hươu chair /tʃeər/ (n.): ghế
beer /bɪər/ (n.): bia bear /beər/ (n.): con gấu
hear /hɪər/ (v.): nghe share /ʃeər/ (v.): chia sẻ
Near, volunteer, hair, atmosphere, there, wear, ear

Ví dụ: cold /kəʊld/ (adj.): lạnh cow /kaʊ/ (n.): con bò

folder /ˈfəʊldə(r)/ (n.): thư mục clouds /klaʊdz/ (n.): đám mây
toe /təʊ/ (n.): ngón chân mouth /maʊθ/ (n.): miệng

Close, town, loud, know, follow, flower, road, mountain

Ví dụ: late /leɪt/ (adv.): muộn five /faɪv/ (n.): số 5
train /treɪn/ (n.): tàu hỏa sunshine /ˈsʌn.ʃaɪn/ (n.): ánh
great /ɡreɪt/ (adj.): tuyệt vời nắng mặt trời
neighbour /ˈneɪbər/ (n.): người hàng xóm idea /aɪˈdɪə/ (n.): ý tưởng
Plane, kite, rain, try, favourite, buy, cake, find

Ví dụ: boil /bɔɪl/ (v.): sôi

toy /tɔɪ/ (n.): đồ chơi
coin /kɔɪn/ (n.): tiền xu
cowboy /ˈkaʊbɔɪ/ (n.): cao bồi

3. Các phụ âm

Ví dụ: pizza /ˈpiːt.sə/ (n.): bánh pizza Book /bʊk/ (n.): cuốn sách
Perfect /ˈpɜː.fekt/ (adj.): hoàn hảo Build /bɪld/ (v.): xây dựng
Sleep /sliːp/ (v.): ngủ Curb /kɜːb/ (n.): lề đường
Beach, peach, big, pig, bar, people

Ví dụ: tail /teɪl/ (n.): cái đuôi Day /deɪ/ (n.): ngày
Water /ˈwɔː.tər/ (n.): nước Holiday  /ˈhɒl.ə.deɪ/ (n.): kỳ nghỉ
Cute /kjuːt/ (adj.): đáng yêu Read /riːd/ (v.): đọc
White, take, good, address, tiny, bite

Ví dụ: coffee /ˈkɒf.i/ (n.): cà phê Garden /ˈɡɑː.dən/ (n.): vườn
Kitchen /ˈkɪtʃ.ən/ (n.): nhà bếp Go /ɡəʊ/ (v.): đi
cook  /kʊk/ (v.): nấu ăn dog  /dɒɡ/ (n.): con chó
Grey, key, like, egg, girl, cupcake

Ví dụ: five /faɪv/ (n.): số 5 Visit /ˈvɪz.ɪt/ (v.): đến thăm

forest  /ˈfɒr.ɪst/ (n.): rừng Seven /ˈsev.ən/ (n.): số 7
Thief /θiːf/ (n.): kẻ trộm Of /əv/ (pre.): của

Leave, farmer, feel, reveal, love, photo

Ví dụ: thank /θæŋk/ (v.): cảm ơn The /ðiː/ /ðə/: cái, con, người (mạo từ)
Health /helθ/ (n.): sức khỏe Mother /ˈmʌð.ər/ (n.): mẹ
Nothing  /ˈnʌθ.ɪŋ/ (pro.): không thứ gì Breathe  /briːð/ (v.): hít thở
There, thin, sixth, clothes, three, thirty, father, wealth

Ví dụ: sea /siː/ (n.): biển Zoo /zuː/ (n.): sở thú

Next /nekst/ (adj): tiếp theo Music  /ˈmjuː.zɪk/ (n.): âm nhạc
Sister  /ˈsɪs.tər/ (n.): chị (em) gái Lazy  /ˈleɪ.zi/ (adj.): lười biếng
Dozen, rose, sing, is, smile, jazz, daisy, sky

Ví dụ: short  /ʃɔːt/ (adj.): ngắn Television /ˈtel.ɪ.vɪʒ.ən/ (n.): tivi

Wash /wɒʃ/ (v.): giặt Asia /ˈeɪ.ʒə/ (n.): Châu Á
Machine  /məˈʃiːn/ (n.): máy móc Garage /ˈɡær.ɑːʒ/ (n.): nhà xe
Leisure, sure, usually, she, dish, pleasure, she, occasion

Ví dụ: cheap  /tʃiːp/ (adj.): rẻ Journey  /ˈdʒɜː.ni/ (n.): chuyến đi

Lunch  /lʌntʃ/ (n.): bữa trưa Enjoy  /ɪnˈdʒɔɪ/ (v.): tận hưởng
Picture  /ˈpɪk.tʃər/ (n.): bức tranh Gym  /dʒɪm/ (n.): phòng tập thể dục
Teacher, choose, job, June, teach, jeans

Ví dụ: high  /haɪ/ (adj.): cao Love  /lʌv/ (v.): yêu

Help  /help/ (v.): giúp đỡ Feel /fiːl/ (v.): cảm thấy

Ví dụ: Me  /miː/ /mi/ (pro.): tôi One  /wʌn/ (n.): số 1
Some /sʌm/ /səm/: một vài Need  /niːd/ (v.): cần

Ví dụ: king  /kɪŋ/ (n.): nhà vua Year  /jɪər/ (n.): năm
Singer /ˈsɪŋ.ər/ (n.): ca sĩ Use /juːz/ (v.): sử dụng
Uncle  /ˈʌŋ.kəl/ (n.): chú, bác Student /ˈstjuːdənt/ (n.): sinh viên

Ví dụ: warm /wɔːm/ (adj.): ấm Roll /rəʊl/ (v.): cuốn

Sweet /swiːt/ (adj.): ngọt Present /ˈprez.ənt/ (n.): món quà
What  /wɒt/: cái gì Wrap  /ræp/ (v.): gói, bọc


1. Write “X” on the correct box which the word contains the same sound with the


2. Put the following words into the correct columns according to the pronunciation

of the bold parts:

3. Write the vowel sound /ᴐɪ/, /eɪ/, or /aɪ/ for each of the words below.

4. Circle the word with the underlined letters pronounced differently from those of

the others:

5. In this story, there are 12 incorrect words. The correct word is pronounced the same as the
incorrect one, but the spelling is different. Correct them using the words from the box.
meat son some way threw pears
send week buy piece road two

Last weak, I cent my sun Jamie to the Shops to bye sum food. He got a peace of meet and too pairs. On
the weigh home, the bag broke. The food fell on to the rode and got dirty. In the end, Jamie through
the food in the bin.

1. Put the following words into the correct columns according to their pronunciation.

thing other nothing author there fifth

that breathetogether think smooth math

/θ/ /ð/

2. Write the consonant sound /ʃ/, /ʒ/, /tʃ/ or /dʒ/ for each of the words below.

Lunch ________ Treasure ________ Education

She ________ Chair ________ Occasion ________
Machine ________ Television ________ Washing ________
Children Crash ________ Treasure ________
Pleasure ________ College ________ Vision ________
Foolish ________ Short ________ Large ________
Judge ________ Church ________ Watch ________

3. Circle the word with the underlined letters pronounced differently from those of

the others.

Free time activities

Put the following hobbies in the right groups

Watching TV Reading Cooking Playing tennis

Playing basketball Going swimming Going jogging Doing yoga
Playing tennis Doing boxing Doing judo Going climbing
Taking photos Relax with family Going shopping Writing stories
Hang out with friends Painting

Indoor activities Sports Social activities Creative activities

Complete these sentences with a suitable verb.

1 How often do you ..................... jogging?

2 She .. ....hiking because she wanted to get more exercise.
3 She loves …… because it's good for her mind
4 I often…..out with my friends at coffee shops near my house
5 I often………….rock climbing when I'm on holiday.
6 I learnt to ..................... the piano when I was at school

Saying what you like or do not like something

Correct the sentences

1. I sometimes love go swimming in the pool near my house

2. I absolutely hate go shopping because it’s very money-consuming
3. I really enjoy take photos of the city where I live
4. I really like to go jogging in the park because it is very healthy

Adding more details

Matching ending of these sentences

1. I like playing sports a, I only do it once or twice a year

2. I absolutely hate reading books b, I don’t get the chance to do it often
3. I really like taking wildlife photos in the c, I try to cook as often as I can
forest but d, I do yoga every Wednesday morning
4. I really enjoy cooking and

Make your own sentence: I really like….. I do it……

Choose the correct answers

1. I love hanging out with friends because it’s really…..

A, exciting B, excitement C, excited D, excitedly

2. I love doing yoga because it’s so….

A, relaxation B, relaxing C, relax D, relaxed

3. I really like taking photos because it is….

A, creativeness B, creativity C, creative D, creatively

4. I don’t like running because I find it very….

A, tired B, tiring C, tireness D, tiresome

5. I hate watching TV because I find it….

A, boring B, bored C, boredome D, boreness

6. I started going swimming since I was 10. My dad…. Me into going swimming

A, took B, put C, did D, got

Listen to the video and fill in the missing words

I really (1) playing tennis. I play every (2) at the park near my house. Sometimes I play
with my (3) or sometimes with a friend. My brother (4) me into it, because he loves
sports and he needed someone to (5) with. I did not like it at first, because it was (6) and
I lost all the time, but now I (7) it, especially when I beat (8) brother.

I love taking (1) . Once or twice a month, I (2) to different areas of the (3) and
look for interesting pictures to (4) . I’ve been interested (5) photography since I
was young, when my (6) got me a camera for my (7) . I like it because it’s (8)
and I can express myself through my (9) . Anyone can use a camera, but you need to use
your imagination to find (10) picture.


I. Family tree
1. Watch the video and Use these words below to fill in the gap

aunt grandfather grandsons uncle grandmother nephew

niece granddaughters cousins

1. Your parents' parents are your ....... and your ........

2. Your father's brother and sister are your. . . . . . . and your ........

3. Your aunt's and uncle's children are your

4. Your brother's son and daughter are your. . . . . . . and your .......

5. Your children's children are your ........and your .............

II. People in your family
Complete your own sentence

1. How many people are there in your family?

There are…. In my family. I have…. Brothers and…. Sisters.

2. How many brothers and sisters do you have? Who are you in the family? (choose your own

- I have…….. older/ younger brothers and…..older/ younger sister.

- I just have …….sister/ brother who is…..years older/ younger than me
- I’m the middle child. My brother/ sister is…… years older than me and a brother/ sister who
is…..years younger than me.
- I’m the only child so I don’t have any siblings

III. Types of family
Choose the correct type for each description

a. a nuclear family

b. an extended family

c. a single-parent family

d. a couple who adopted a child

e. a couple with no children

1. We're married with three kids. Our eldest son, Simon, has just started secondary school, our
daughter, Lisa, is eight and our youngest son, Luke, is only five.

2. We've only been married for a year. We're not planning to start a family just yet.

3. I'm a single mum. I bring up my son Josh on my own

4. We share the house with my mother and father and my wife's sister and her kids. Everyone helps
to look after all the children.

5. We couldn't have children of our own so we decided that adoption was the only answer. Lily came
to live with us two years ago. She seems very happy at the moment but we realise that she might
want to find her real mother one day.

IV. Relationship with your family

Rearrange those scrambled words to make meaningful English words

1. I’m very CELSO to my family. We have dinner together every weekend. She always cook
something CDUOISLIE

2. I ESE my younger sister twice a week. We join a karate club together

3. I SEPND as much time as possible with my grandparents. They are getting older every day.

4. We are having a big family UINOER for Tet holiday. That’s the only time of the year we can get

IV. Listen to the sample at the end of the video and fill in the gap
1. There are ……(1)….people in my …….(2)….family although my…(3)…family is quite large. I
have…..(4)…sisters, both younger, so I’m the oldest …..(5)…. Child. I don’t have ….(6)…kids

yet but I’d like to have a ….(7)…family one day. I see my parents and my sister quite….(8)...
because we all live near each other, although I don’t see my other….(9)…. That much.
2. I come from a big family: I’m the…..(1)…child and I have …(2)…brothers and….(3)…sister.
They’re all…(4)…close to each other in age, but there’s a big gap between them and me. I don’t
have …(5)…children, but I have lots of…(6)… and …(7)….! I don’t see my family ….(8)….
Often because I live in a different country, but I speak to…(9)… regularly and we all get…(10)
…once or twice a year, which is always noisy but lots of fun.


I. Match the pairs of sentences with the pictures on the right

1. My brother is quite tall and well-built.

2. My friend Lia is of medium height and really slim. She has a lovely figure
3.Craig, who I work with, is short and a little overweight.
4. He’s very pale and thin
5. She’s a bit overweight
6. He isn’t very tall. He ‘s quite short.

II. Describe Rihanna’s hair in the pictures
Mention: Length, style and color. Ex: she has long curly brown hair

II. Fill in the blank with a suitable phrases

A younger version of A scar A lovely figure
A striking feature Handsome Lovely complexion

1. Miss Mexico won the first prize in Miss

Universe 2021. She really has….
2. Cruz Beckham looks just like his famous father.
He is ………..his father.
3. Most Korean actors are very……. I wish I could
have a boyfriend like one of them.
4. He has a…. on his forehead. It is the result of a
small accident last year.
5. She often go to the gym to work out to keep
6. Keith’s new girlfriend must spend a lot of money on face cream to have such a……..

III. Choose the words to describe each person. You can use more than one word for each

kind funny reliable cheerful

considerate fun honest positive
Warm/ sweet entertaining straightforward optimistic

1. My close friend often smiles a lot and is usually in a good mood

2. His wife always say what she thinks and never gossips about other people
3. People in the family are always there when you need them
4. She knows a lot of jokes.
5. I really enjoy spend time with my cousins. They keep me in a good mood.
6. My mother always thinks about other people’s needs first.
7. My father often looks on the bright side of everything.
Make your own sentences to describe someone you know
 My brother is really _______ .
 My friend Lia is a very ________ person.
 Craig is such an _______ guy

IV. Here are some opposite words of the words given in the previous exercise. Check the
meaning and choose a suitable description phrase. You can use more than one
word for each description.

unkind Serious unreliable Moody

inconsiderate Boring dishonest Negative

1. She never keeps her promises.

2. My younger brother only put himself first and never cares about how other people
3. He doesn’t know even a joke.
4. They tell lies about their escape
5. He’ll be fine one minute, then suddenly he starts acting like he hates everyone. It
makes him quite difficult to be around.
6. She always think about the worst case
7. Some people are quite unfriendly to strangers.

Make your own sentences to describe someone you know with negative
 My brother can be a little _______ sometimes.
 Sometimes I feel that she’s a bit ________.


1. I didn't know you were coming to the party. I am ___________

2. I studied a lot and I got a good mark in my test. I'm quite  
3. I can't wait for lunch. I'm ______________ I need to eat something.
4. My teacher didn't come to school yesterday because she was
   ______________ I think she had a cold.
5.  When my sister sees a mouse she is _____________ and she starts screaming.
6. I want to go to bed. I'm tired and _____________
7. My friend Helen is ____________ with me because I forgot to
    call her for her birthday.
8. The girl is ___________ because she can't find her dog.

  scared       happy       hungry        sleepy        sad       thirsty      great         ill         

                    surprised          nervous           angry           in love     


I. Read the dialogue and answer the questions below

A. When do small children in Vietnam go to

B. Usually at the age of 3.
C. How long is the pre-school stage ?
D. In principle, 3 years, but it depends.
A. You mean it’s according to the child’s ability?
D. Right.
C. When do children start the primary education?
A. At the age of 6.
D. Well. Can children start their primary education before 6 if they have enough ability? I mean
they can read and write even at the age of five.
A. I’m afraid they cannot, in principle.
C. Oh! What’s the level of education after the primary education?
B. It’s the Secondary education. And this level is divided into two stages: lower and upper
secondary schools.
A. Is there any examination between these two stages?
B. Yes. To enter the upper secondary schools, students must take the recruitment exam.
C. How long is normally the secondary education?
B. Seven years.
D. At the end of the upper secondary education do students have to take any exams?
A. Sure. They must take an exam called “Tu Tai” Diploma.
C. I see. One more question. Must students pay tuition fee for their study in state schools?
D. Certainly they must. They must pay tuition fee for every stage of education and some
additional fees.
C. Oh, really? Thank you for your answers.
D. My pleasure.
Answer the following questions:

 When do small children in Vietnam go to nurseries?

 How long is the pre-school stage ?
 When do children start the primary education?
 Can children start their primary education before 6 if they have enough capacity such as: read
and write even at the age of five?
 What’s the level of education after the primary education?
 Is there any examination between these two stages?.
 How long is normally the secondary education?

II. Listen to the conversation between Jenny and Gavin and fill in the blank with one suitable
word (

 Jenny: Look, these are (1)…… about how you got on at school? Shall we just go through
 Gavin: Yes, let’s.
 Jenny: OK, so did you always work very (2)……?
 Gavin: Well, I certainly worked pretty hard at the (3)…. I enjoyed. Yes, I did. What about
 Jenny: Yes, I did. Actually, I think I worked very hard, yeah. Now let’s come to the next
 Gavin: Did, yeah, did you always (4)….. carefully to your teachers?
 Jenny: No, I don’t (5)……. I did. No, I think I was quite disruptive, actually. What about
 Gavin: Well, I think I did listen to the (6)……. certainly when I got to the level where I was
doing the subjects that I enjoyed.
 Jenny: Yeah, Ok, the next question is, did you always behave (7)…..?
 Gavin: I don’t think I (8)….. behaved well. I was a bit, er, a bit of a tearaway.
 Jenny: Um. Well, I think I was pretty well-behaved on the whole, so I ‘d say (9)….., yeah.
 Gavin: Good for you.! Did you pass your (10)….. easily?
 Jenny: No, I can’t say I did. No, I, I found them quite a struggle, actually. What about (11)
 Gavin: I didn’t pass them that easily, though I worked hard I found it very (12)… answer
all that lone questions in a short time.
 Jenny: Yeah, yeah, exactly. What about this one, then? Did you always (13)….. slowly and

 Gavin: Quite slowly. Essays took a long (14)…… to write and I suppose I took a bit of care,
 Jenny: Yes. I agree. I was also. I was very (15)….. and erm, yeah, yeah I was quite
 Gavin: And did you think your school days were the best days of your (16)…..?
 Jenny: Um, no, no. I can’t say they were. What about you?
 Gavin: No, I went away to a boarding school when I was quite (17)….. and I didn’t like that.
No, they weren’t the (18)…. days of my life.

*** What were your favorite subjects at school?

Some university courses

medicine economics human resource Business

law architecture agriculture administration
philosophy politics
engineering psychology

If you want to go to university, you must first pass examinations that most students take at the age
of eighteen. Most students take three examinations in three different subjects and they must do well
in order to get/obtain a place at university because the places are limited. At the moment,
approximately 30% of young adults go to university in Britain. If you get a place at university, the
tuition is free, and some students also receive a grant (= money to pay for living expenses, e.g. food
and accommodation) as well. Students at university are called undergraduates while they are
studying for their first degree. Most university courses last three years, some courses last four years,
and one or two courses, e.g. medicine, may be even longer. During this period students can say that:

- I’m doing/studying history,

- I’m doing / studying for a degree in history
- I’m studying for a bachelor’s in economics.

When they finish the course and pass their examinations, they receive a degree. This can be a BA (=
Bachelor of Arts) or a BSc (= Bachelor of Science)

V. Listen to the video and fill in the blank.

 I’m studying for an International Baccalaureate. I like it but it’s (1)….. work, because we have to do
five different (2)…… and there’s a lot of work for each one, so I don’t have much (3)…. time.
 I’m doing an FCE course. It’s quite (4)….. because I have to use my English in new ways, and
having the exam to (5)….. for gives me the motivation to (6)….. more than I would otherwise.
 I’m studying to (7)….. an accountant. To be honest it’s very (8)…. and I find it quite (9)….. I can
already do everything—I just need the qualification!

VI Watch the video and make some sentences about your education:
 I study at…….. I’m studying for a degree in………I’m in my……year. I have …….more years to
go. I find it quite…… because……..

I. Watch the video and fill in the gap
1. I work in a store or in a restaurant. People give me money. I’m a ________________.
2. I’m looking for a job with a high ________________. I want to make a lot of money.
3. I travel to many different countries for my job. I fly an airplane. I’m a ________________.
4. I don’t like my job. I want to ________________.
5. I play a guitar. I’m a ________________.
6. My company wants to _______________ new workers.
7. I type letters and answer the telephone for my boss. I’m a ________________.
8. Last week I had a ________________. A man asked me a lot of questions, and later the
company hired me!
9. I work in a restaurant and I take people’s orders and serve them food. I’m a
10. I want to find a job, but I don’t have any ________________. I’ve never worked before.
11. I have a good job, but I have to drive for an hour to get to work. I don’t like to
________________ so much.
12. I love my job! I use my camera to take pictures of lots of interesting things. I’m a
13. I work in a big company and I have to go to a lot of meetings. I’m a ________________.
14. I work in a library. I’m a ________________.
15. You can see me when you watch news on television. I’m a TV news ________________.
II. Use the phrases below to describe some jobs in Practice 1
Example: I’m a cashier. I work in business. I work for a supermarket which sell all kinds of
goods. I’m responsible for getting the money of the customers when they check out.
I’m a_________
I work in _________
I work for _________which _________
I have to _________
I’m responsible for _________
Most of my time is spent _________
III. Descibe your jobs in more details
Daily duties
I have to go to/attend a lot of meetings
I visit/see/ meet clients
I advise clients
It involves doing quite a lot of paperwork 
Most workers are paid every month. My salary is $30000 a year or I earn $30000 a year. I can
receive holiday pay and sick pay. 
There are times I work different jobs then the total amount of money I receive in a year is
called income. I have to pay income tax

Working hours
Many people who work in the office work nine-to-five, others may work flexi-time and some
have to do shiftwork. Some people also work overtime if they have a lot of work to do. 
IV. Match the verbs on the left with nouns or phrases on the right

Earn Overtime
Work Meetings
Pay A shop
Go to Clients
Deal $5000
with income tax

V. Rewrite each of the sentences using the vocabulary learned so that the basic meaning
must stay the same
1. I’m a banker. I work in……
2. What do you do? What’s…..
3. I earn $50000 a month. My…..
4. I get $2000 from my teaching job and another $1000 from writing. My toal….
5. In my job, I have to look after all the computers. My job involves…..
6. I’m responsible for one of the departments in my company. I’m in …..
7. I start my work at 9 and I finish at 5. I work……
8. I can start work and finish work whenever I want. I work…..
9. Part of my income are paid to the government. I pay….
10. I can get some money from my company when I am sick. I get….

VI. Match each job with suitable adjectives

Jobs Adjectives
pilot boring
waiter rewarding
taxi driver difficult
electrician interesting
policeman fascinating
journalist dangerous
hotel receptionist challenging
computer programmer fantastic

V. Listen to the video and answer the questions

1. Life is good
I am (1) _____. I have many (2) _____. I have a (3) _____ family. I have four brothers and four
sisters. I am in the (4) _____. Four brothers are (5) _____ than me. Four sisters are (6) _____ than
I go to school. I am in the (7) _____ grade. I like my (8) _____. My teachers like me. I have friends
in (9) _____ class.
My (10) _____ class is (11) _____. I like to (12) _____ about history. History is a story about our
(13) _____. Soon we will (14) _____ history. Then (15) _____ in school will read about (16) _____.
I hope they like our (17) _____.
My (18) _____ friend is Bobby. Bobby and I do many things (19) _____. We (20) _____ together.
We play (21) _____ together. We ride our bikes together.
I have many other friends. We all go to the mall on (22) _____. We go to movies. We go to
restaurants. We tell (23) _____. We laugh. We have fun. Life is (24) _____!

2. Piano player
Donald plays the (1) _____. He (2) _____ the piano. He has a (3) _____ piano in his (4) _____ room.
His piano is (5) _____ and black. It has three (6) _____. He (7) _____ on a (8) _____ to play the
The bench has (9) _____ legs. His piano has (10) _____ keys. The keys are (11) _____ and (12)
_____. Donald has (13) _____ fingers. His ten fingers play (14) _____ on the 88 piano keys.
The piano (15) _____ has three (16) _____. Donald uses his two (17) _____ on the three pedals. He
uses (18) _____ of his hands and both of his feet to (19) _____ the piano. He also (20) _____ both of
his (21) _____ to play the piano.

3. New shoes
Lisa (1) _____ to go (2) _____. (3) _____ she is going shopping. She (4) _____ a new (5) _____ of
(6) _____.
She wants to (7) _____ a pair of (8) _____ shoes. She thinks red shoes are (9) _____. She will buy a
pair of shoes at the (9) _____. Lisa (10) _____ (11) _____ at the mall.
The mall is (12) _____ a (13) _____ from her (14) _____. She just (15) _____ to the mall. It only
takes her (16) _____ minutes. Tomorrow she will go to (17) _____ different shoe (18) _____.
Tomorrow is (19) _____. The mall always has (20) _____ on Saturday. If the sale (21) _____ is (22)
_____, Lisa might buy (23) _____ pairs of shoes.

4. If we hold on together
Don't (1) _____ your (2) _____
With each (3) _____ day
You've come so (4) _____
Don't (5) _____ it away
Live (6) _____
(7) _____ are for weaving
(8) _____ are waiting to start
Live your (9) _____
Faith, hope & (10) _____
Hold to the (11) _____ in your heart

If we hold on together
I know our dreams will never (12) _____
Dreams see us through to forever
Where (13) _____ roll by
For you and I

(14) _____ in the wind

Must learn how to mend
Seek out a (15) _____
Hold on to the end
(16) _____, mountain
There is a fountain
Washes our (17) _____ all away
(18) _____ are swaying
Someone is praying
Please let us come home to stay

If we hold on together
I know our dreams will never die
Dreams see us through to forever
Where clouds roll by
For you and I

When we are out there in the (19) _____

We'll dream about the (20) _____
In the dark we'll feel the (21) _____
(22) _____ our hearts, everyone

If we hold on together
I know our dreams will never die
Dreams see us through to forever
As high as souls can (23) _____
The clouds roll by
For you and I

5. Water and an apple
Susan likes to eat (1) _____. She likes to eat big (2) _____ apples.
She likes to (3) _____ a blue (4) _____. She (5) _____ a big blue hat on her (6) _____. She wears a
hat and (7) _____ an apple.
She (8) _____ some water from a white (9) _____. Susan drinks (10) _____ and eats apples.
She doesn’t (11) _____ the apple with a (12) _____. A knife is (13) _____. She (14) _____ eats the
apple. She (15) _____ the apple in her (16) _____. She (17) _____ into the apple with her (18)
She (19) _____ her lips. She drinks (20) _____ water. She wipes her (21) _____ with her hand.

6. Buy a new car

Linda wants to (1) _____ a new (2) _____. She has an (3) _____  car. Her old car is a (4) _____
Linda (5) _____ to buy a new (6) _____. She wants to buy a new (7) _____ Honda. She has saved
(8) _____. She will (9) _____ $1,000 to (10) _____  buy the new car. She will (11) _____ $1,000 to
the Honda (12) _____.
The Honda dealer will give her a (13) _____  to (14) _____. The contract will (15) _____ her to pay
(16) _____ a month for (17) _____ years. Her new red Honda will (18) _____  Linda a lot of (19)
_____. But that’s (20) _____, because Linda makes a lot of money.

7. A thin man
Richard is a (1) _____ eater. He doesn’t eat (2) _____. He isn’t a (3) _____ eater. He (4) _____ a
light breakfast, a light (5) _____, and a light dinner.
Richard is not (6) _____. He is (7) _____. He will (8) _____ be thin, because he is a light (9) _____.
He eats a (10) _____ of (11) _____ for breakfast. He eats a bowl of cereal with (12) _____. He eats
(13) _____ for lunch. (14) _____ it’s a (15) _____ sandwich. He (16) _____ fish.
He eats (17) _____ and (18) _____ for dinner. (19) _____ he eats for dinner is rice and vegetables.
He will (20) _____ get fat.

8. Thank you Mom

I love my (1) _____. She took (2) _____ of me when I was very (3) _____. She took care of me
when I was (4) _____.
She (5) _____ me how to (6) _____. She taught me how to get (7) _____. She taught me how to (8)
_____ my shirt. She taught me how to (9) _____ my (10) _____. She taught me how to (11) _____
my teeth.
She taught me to be (12) _____ to others. She taught me to tell the (13) _____. She taught me to be
(14) _____. She took me to (15) _____ on my (16) _____ day of school. She (17) _____ my hand.
She helped me with my (18) _____. She was (19) _____ to all my friends. She always cheered me
Next year I will (20) _____ from high school. I will go to (21) _____. I will do well in college. I will
do well (22) _____ college. My mom has taught me well.

9. Try to sleep
Norma (1) _____ to (2) _____. It was (3) _____ o’clock. She turned (4) _____ the (5) _____.
She (6) _____ in bed. It was (7) _____. It was (8) _____. She couldn’t (9) _____. She closed her
eyes. She (10) _____ to sleep, but she couldn’t.
She turned the (11) _____ back on. She opened her (12) _____. She started to (13) _____ her book.
It was a (14) _____ book. She read (15) _____ page. Then she read another (16) _____.

After a (17) _____, she felt (18) _____. She (19) _____ the book. She turned out the light. She
closed her eyes. She went (20) _____ to sleep.

10. Red, white and blue

Tracy (1) _____ at the (2) _____. The flag is (3) _____, white, and (4) _____. It has (5) _____ white
(6) _____.
The white stars are on a blue (7) _____. The flag has (8) _____ white (9) _____. It has seven (10)
_____ stripes. All the stripes are (11) _____. They are not (12) _____. The stripes do not go (13)
_____ and down. They go from (14) _____ to right.
Tracy (15) _____ her flag. It is the (16) _____ of her (17) _____. It is a (18) _____ flag. No (19)
_____ flag has 50 stars. No other flag has (20) _____ stripes.

11. Washing her hands

Fay …... into the ……….. She …….. on the …….. water. She turned on the hot ,........ . …….. water
……….. out of the faucet
She …….. her hands ……... the warm water. She rubbed her hands ……... She picked up a bar of
……. ……... She …….. the …….. with her …….. She …….. the soap …….. She ……... her hands
for ……. a ……...
……... she rinsed her ……... with the water. She …….. …... the …….. water. She turned off the
……. ….... She ……. her hands with …. ……...

12. Season in the sun

Goodbye to you my ……... friend
We've ……... each other since we were nine or ten
………. we've climbed hills and trees
Learned of ……. and ABC's
Skinned our ……... and skinned our knees
Goodbye my friend it's …... to die
When all the birds are ……….. in the sky
Now that ……... is in the air
Pretty girls are …………...
……... of me and I'll be there
We had joy, we had …...
We had seasons in the ……...
But the ……. that we climbed
Were just seasons out of ……...
Goodbye Papa ………. pray for me
I was the black sheep of the ……...
You tried to teach me right from ………..
Too much wine and too much song
…………. how I got along
Goodbye Papa it's hard to …...
When all the ……... are singing in the sky
Now that the spring is in the air
Little . ……... everywhere
When you …… them, I'll be there
We had joy, we had fun
We had seasons in the …….
But the wine and the song

Like the seasons have all ……..
We had joy, we had fun
We had ………. in the sun
But the …….. and the song
Like the seasons have all gone
Goodbye Michelle my... ……. one
You gave me love and helped me …….. the sun
And every time that I was ……..
You would always come around
And get my feet back on the ………..
Goodbye Michelle it's hard to die
When all the birds are singing in the sky
Now that the spring is in the air
With the flowers everywhere
I wish that we …….. both be there

13. A piece of paper

Jimmy ……….... a …….. of ……. on the …….. He bent …... and ……. it up. He folded the piece of
paper in ….... He ……. it on the ……....
He picked up a …….... He …….. a …….. …….. on the piece of ……... He put the pencil on the
He picked up the ……... He …….. up the …….. of paper. He …….. the paper in …….. He put
…….. - half of the ……. on the …….... He put ……. …….. half with the phone ……... in his ……...
pocket. He put the ………. on the ………

14. Cold weather

Thomas was not …….. He was not ……... either. He was ……..
The …………. was not hot. The weather …….. not warm …….... The weather ……... ……...
Thomas did not ……... to be cold. He ……... for his …….... He ……... his jacket. He …….. on his
……….. But he was …….. cold.
He ………. at the ………… . ………. all the ……….. closed? Yes, they …….... They were all
……… . ……... of the windows were ……....
He looked at the …….... The door ………. open. It …….. closed. He was ……….. cold. He ……...
for a ………. ………..

15. In love
Donna …….. her husband. Her …….. loved Donna. They ……. in love with ……. ……...
She ………... to …….. him a ………. …….... He was ……... to be 40 ………. old …….. week.
She ………. what to ……. him. ……... she give him a ……...? Should she ……. him a ……...?
Should ……. give ……. a new ……..? ……... should she give him?
She …….. him what he …….. for his …….... He said he ……... want ………. for his birthday. “Oh,
you ……. want ……...!” she said. “You’re ……...,” he said. “I want your love ……....”

16. A storm
Laura ……... out the ……... A ……... was …….... The …….. was getting ……….... The ……... was
……... to ……... Some …….. were ……….. Leaves were ……... through the …….. It was getting
She ……... all the windows. She ……... outside. Her ……. was in the ……….. She closed the
……... in her car. She ……... her car. She went back into her ……....

She ………. on the TV. She ……... to see the …….. about the storm. The TV …….. said it was a
…….. storm. He said it ……... rain a lot. He told ……... to …….. ………

17. Take me to your heart

,..………. from the rain and snow
Trying to ……….but I won't let go
Looking at a ……….. street
Listening to my own ……... beat
So many people all …………. the world
………. me where do I find ……….. like you girl
……….. me to your heart take me to your ……..
Give me your …….. before I'm old
……... me what love is - haven't got a ……...
Show me that ……... can be true
They say nothing lasts ……...
We're only ……... today
Love is now or ……...
Bring me …... away
Take me to your …….. take me to your soul
Give me your hand and ………. me
Show me what love is - be my guiding …….
It's ……. take me to your heart
Standing on a ……….. high
Looking at the moon through a ……. blue sky
I should go and see some ……..
But they don't really…………….
Don't …….. too much talking …….. saying anything
All I need is …….. who ……. me want to sing
Take me to your heart take me to your soul
Give me your hand before I'm old
Show me what love is - …….. got a clue
Show me that wonders can be true

18. Eggs and an apple

Emma …….. to the ………... She ………. to buy …….... She needed ……... eggs.
She ………. a carton of brown ……... She ……... at the eggs. …….. of them were …….... None of
…….. were …….... All the …….. were …….... She ………. the carton.
She put the ……... of eggs in her ……….. cart. She …….. red ……... She looked at a …….. of
……. apples.
She looked for …….. spots on the …….... She looked for worm …….. in the apples. She …….. see
any dark …….. or …….. holes. She …….. the bag of ……. in her shopping ……..

19. Work, work

It was ……. for …….. Edward was very …….. He …….. off the TV. He turned ……. his ……....
He turned off the ……. room ……..
He …….. into the ………….. He ……... his …….... He went into the ……………... He ………. on
his ……….. He …….. into ….... He put his ……….. on the ……….. He pulled the ……….. up to
his …………...

He …………. about all the ………. he had ……... that day. He ………. about all the work he had to
do the ……... day. He ……….. his …….... He thought about his ……... in three …….... That would
be so ………..

20. You took my heart away

………. at the ,,,,,,,,,, so blue
……... all my ………. to you
I was ……….. hopes or ………...
I ,,,,,,,,,, to dull an inner ……. but you
……... me through
You took my …….. away
When my whole world was …….
You………. me everything
And a …….. bit more
And when it's ……... at night
And you sleep by my side
You become the ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,of my life
Living in a ……... so cold
You are there to ,,,,,,,,,, my soul
You came to ………. a ……... heart
You gave my life a ………. new …….. and now
I'm in love
You took my heart away
When my ……... world was gray
You gave me everything
And a little bit more
And when it's cold at night
And you sleep by my side
You become the meaning of my life
……... your hand
I won't ……. tomorrow
Here where we ……...
We'll never be ,,,,,,,,,,
You took my heart away
When my whole world was gray
You gave me ……...
And a little …….. more
And when it's cold at night
And you ……. by my ……..
You become the meaning of my life
You become the meaning of my life
You become the meaning
You become the meaning of, my life

21. Write a letter

Christopher …….. a ………. to his sister. His sister ……….. in ………... city. His ………. did not
have a ……….. . Neither did he. His sister ………... like to ……... the …….... . ………... did he.

He ……….. his sister a ………. letter. He ………. her the ……... in his ……….. He told her that he
………. a new ……... He told …….. that he had a new …………... He told her that he had a new
…….... He had ……. of ………. for his sister.
She ………... be ………. to ……... his letter. ……... she would …….. him a letter. Her ………….
would ……... lots of …….., too.

22. Fly away

Greg …….. the …….. out of his pants ……... He took his ……. out of his ……... pocket. He took
his …….. ……... out of his pants pocket. He took his ………... out of his pants pocket.
He ………. everything into a ……….. tray. He took his ……... off. Greg was at the ……….. He had
to …….. on the …….... But he ……... to …….. through ……….. first. He passed ………. security.
He …….. his …….. and ………. back into his …….... He …... his cell …….. and ………. back
…….. his pocket. He …….. his shoes …….. on his …….... He ……... on the airplane.

23. Go to work
Patricia did not have (1) _____. It (2) _____ to go (3) _____. She did not want to (4) _____ (5)
_____. She would (6) _____ if she (7) _____.
She finished (8) _____. She drank the (9) _____. She put the (10) _____ in the (11) _____. She (12)
_____ the (13) _____. She poured (14) _____ the cup. She (15) _____ the faucet.
She (16) _____ (17) _____. The keys (18) _____ the (19) _____. She (20) _____ her (21) _____.
Her gray coat was (22) _____. (23) _____ was (24) _____ the (25) _____. She (26) _____. She (27)
_____ her _____ with her (28) _____.

24. Fresh fish

Mike (1) _____ (2) _____. It was (3) _____. He (4) _____ get (5) _____ the (6) _____.
The (7) _____ he was (8) _____. Fish (9) _____ early. They (10) _____ food early in (11) _____.
They (12) _____ food (13) the day. The (14) _____ to fish is (15) _____ in (16) _____. That (17)
_____ the fish (18) _____.
Mike set (19) _____. He (20) _____ alarm for (21) _____. The (22) _____ he would (23) _____ at
(24) _____. He (25) _____ catch (26) _____ fish. (27) ___ he _____ four or (28) _____, he could eat
(29) _____ (30) _____. Fresh fish is (31) _____ fish. Mike went (32) _____.

25. Proud of you

Love in (1) _____
(2) _____ by (3) _____
Going on (4) _____
(5) _____ the nights
Hold me up Hold (6) _____
Lift me up (7) _____ (8) _____
Teaching me to (9) _____
(10) _____ open (11) _____
I (12) _____
(13) _____ that I can fly
To give (14) _____ of mine
Till (15) _____ of (16) _____
Believe me I can fly
I'm proud that I can fly

To give the best of mine
(17) _____ in the sky
Stars in (18) _____
Wishing (19) _____ a time
(20) _____ Make me smile
Till the end (21) _____
Hold me up Hold me tight
Lift me up to touch the sky
Teaching me to love with heart
Helping me open my mind
I can fly
I'm proud that I can fly
To give the best of mine
Till the end of the time
Believe me I can fly
I'm proud that I can fly
To give the best of mine
The heaven in the sky
Can't you believe that you (22) _____ my way
(23) _____ how that ease (24) _____
I'll never lose (25) _____
(26) _____ fly
I'm (27) _____ fly (28) _____
Show you the best of mine
Till the end of the time
Believe me I can fly
I'm (29) _____ the sky
Show you the best of mine
The heaven in the sky
(30) _____ stop me
(31) _____ wings (32) _____

26. The shoe shine

Danny (1) _____ his (2) _____. (3) _____ old (4) _____. They needed (5) _____. It (6) _____ (7)
_____ his brown shoes.
He got (8) _____. He got a (9) _____. He got (10) _____ (11) _____. He (12) _____ the (13) _____
polish. He put (14) _____ around (15) _____. He (16) _____ (17) _____ of polish with (18) _____.
He (19) _____ polish (20) _____ the (21) _____. He brushed the (22) _____. He (23) _____ and
brushed it.
The shoe (24) _____ shine. It (25) _____ a (26) _____. Then Danny (27) _____ on the (28) _____.
He brushed the (29) _____ until it (30) _____ a (31) _____.


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