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CELEBRATING Incredible sen WALUERRELABLTY but we fail to mention that often many wurancestors possessed long vy technolo ntions based on the knowledge jo take credit for m: thing but re-inv India has made many e which many modern sci mes. most advanced nations in the world Ind ja Was one of the In ancient times, made discove ries that no on could hink of back thos 10 made some mind-blowing nt some of the most prominent sages from India contributions 2 WAKERS OF w Fr eS inspiring life 2 xu Gobind Singh Jayant Lo kar Sankar Ponga Repub Day Maun Amawasya Basan Panchami Magi Purnia aa Shiva Hota Dahan to Navel Started GudiPadawa gaa in ew Yar uel Jayant Ramadan Start Ram Nav Durga Navan asa (i New Year Makai Jayat Good Fay Hananaa Jayant taster Parashuan Jayant Akshay Tvs Feu fr Buda Purina Ganga Dussetra Raja Sankar Gaya aye lagna Rat Vara Ewa uu Purima Haas) Ata, amie New Year Nag Panchami Rama Vrgman Mahaparv Mutarany Ashura Raksta Banchan Kal To Ingepencence Day Batam ayant isha Janmashia Hara Te Ganesh Usava sh Pancha Onan Anant Chaturdashi Matalaya Started stvtpaa Vat Piva Vian Nava Stared Durga Matastta Durga Mahanavari ‘aya Dashamy Dussehra Shara Purina de Mia, Mind © Nab Kawa Chau ‘Aol Asha Dnanrayodashi Nara Chaturcast Deepava Govardhan Pia -nakoat Bhayadoo) Chivagnt Pua Chath uj Nahay Keay) Cra uj (Lahanda& Ktama) Cat uj (Sandhya Arg) Chath uj (Usha a) Kartik Pura Snan Guru Nanak Jayant Dev Doopawa Ciismas bay ren ren mn stan ue ies 2a one ave see os aus ora Orage oer 136 sag zeae zeae 24g tsy lay say ay $a, sty stay in Sr ssn sin ein en ort ort at wd 2d 1.07 mg aug tag bay i aug 9809 289 5509 OBS 1556 780 250 25500 280 280 2350 250 toe bros tao eo tao trot Oboe bot sa08 3808 608 sot 708 wot 2108 or seh O1Dee axe eee ‘ode ze 2b Dee Stee ew Yee Naor Yue Day ‘ary Day ort Ye Day Wot Lars) Cay Wot CancaDay ari Oy Nort Stee bay Wot Weer Day Cameromeat ay ote Consume O2y Wore Foust Day Wore We Day ors Heros Ory Foo bay ‘Wore He Day Sings ay Jallanala ayn Massacre Day Wore Day Worg ah Day Wot Copy ay ‘Wore one Day May Day Wot auger Oay Wor Pres Feed Cay otc astray Wore rose Day Wore Meme ay* Wort Nase sy Wo Fam Oe ote lecommuiczon Day ‘Wot ebacza Uy Wore Enver Oay ‘Wore deans iy Wor a0 Dono Day Wot er use Amen Day Wore aers Day Wore Yous Day "Won A rg sy Wot Joe Day Wore Poston Day Wore eam Dy arg Vor Day Wor Hepat Day on east Feng Wek eesti Dy Frsip 0 agasoe Oy Son are Dag Wot Prtorapy Day aor Sperts ay ‘eaters Os Wore ey sy Engeers Oa stwakarna Wore aznners Day DaugiesDay Wot Dt Day Wort Tove Oey ots anes Day Wot ety Wore Oe Porn Day ‘Wot Vogetaran Day ‘Wore Non ieee Oy Wot a Day WorchatatDay Woe Sis Oy ban Are sy Wore os ome Day Wore Gs chi Day Wot Si Oy ote We Cane Day ‘Wore ua emer Dy Wore Sens Day Wort Fed oy Wore Poverty Eadeaton Day Wore erepas ay Woe osoposs Day Cs Day Woe anes Day Wor Mens Day Wot ADs Day Wore say Day aan ey Day Wo mss gy Wot Mersey 05) Kean Das Borg Day Eve Dew Yes Gor Gobind Singh 0/188 7701708 ‘Sram Vekanand 1183-74202 suthaah Chandra Bose 1697 Na ala aap a ois 171908 amatsha Parana rauy36- 108/885 stl Mahara 1fny180- 041680 Dr esta. esgnar 0189 2061940 baba BRAnbeahar og eat- 7721956 Aatedrana Tagore syst - 757941 ur arobng Shin 0895-644 kanya Tk 207/188 - 0041820 ‘Chandra Setar Are aT196 -2727881 Diya Chand 2091905 ogr2t97a DiS Rathakrshann jars req975 ‘SieM Mihvesbearaya ‘io 80- 1041962 stast cazryi08- 1owr966 uate Gandhi cazrytes9-ant948 174 Rol Kalas ssyrytat- 2772s Serdar atabba Pte! sitters 1/2950 nea yr 2rt96e na Ganon srt -airateee Defjedra Prasad ceyress- ara Madan Moban Maya syrah - riots ‘a aba Vlpyee sory yazar8 CELEBRATING ‘YEARS SERVICEQUALITY ALUEARELABLITY AKERS OF (a Cee tia) Rishi Agastya is known as the father of Batteries. Complete detail Decco enue Seah Light Bulb inventor Thomas Edison writes in one of his books that See ee ere ae cr ma realized in my dream the meaning and mystery of that Sanskrit word that helped me make bulbs” fe eal brats) Xo JANUARY 2022 Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat ——— Wott pe Bo eter 5 yRies feret & 6 te inate 9 yr wert: 0 awe teem fs Re a ar rane nae jy “ie wenn “92 39° 4°5°6 7 8 reser emery hemes degre emery ate, seers Sg 4011 13 14 46 17-18 19 20 21 22 mmm” 3 24°25 26 27°28 29 Tae wouperiye MEETS perc ET, ues RL AMEE 2945 sregwne Ia 14 15 18 17 18 19 2 2122 28 24 25 26 7 34 20 2 2 Pzean Op reeuty AKERS OF ‘GS |Z Ez www Incredible India Clee ZU) Se Mae cee ene Okc eg Gee uC a he a Pe oe ae acd CCM ee eae Cd Coe ee ee ns contain proof of the rules which they describe. The rule stated in ie nea Carte RS RELIG DRC R UDC roca " feo Salo btaca| 1m) Xo FEBRUARY 2022 ULTOXID Gm Hmm www Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat sonst e1 2 3 4°65 {wee Corser amet aes aes see ) poet oe can 67 9 10 11 12 1s ster arent, fer ara, pd ea 4 sears 8 omemre mea. amt) meee comer =~ 13° 14°15 (16 “17 °18 19 ote were: were, meee Oo grent | ween | eee 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 ee (Siac, oti Pere MRSS, PTET ESET Bat OnE + =F Ppl Incredible India 29 nérdic 5 5 lel ote ol ae 17312] clta) Maharshi Bhardwaj was one of the greatest Hindu Sere Se) eee een ns outstanding discoveries in aviation science, space Pee a eee ed categories of flying machines: () One that flies on Cen UR ee eC Sy Meee R una) Une Cau a ee a RE) MARCH 2022 Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat seth, ot fe an Shot =o 1.2 3 4 5 Sep PT SER eer Tete WepTS eyes eo fine i be smeeettoet geet, Sten Eonmenesih at meen" "6 7 BG 10 11 12 15 te ser eat Se ee os e713 1418. 18, 17. 18 “19 Sle 20 “21°22 23 24 25 26 2 shorty, ger se ot pers emmy teperey treme treme treme remy 0 freee mmm 2/7 28 29 30 31 ‘aaron, sree we he ee fem eet tee ee eee 12945 12 eres une S45 8789 19 14 18 18 17 1819 fo 12 19 4 15 16 2 21 22 23 24 25 26 17 18 19 20 21 2 23 a 25 25 27 28 29 30 AKERS OF @o Em Ea www Incredible aacharys charaka (6th - 2nd century BCE) Acharya Charaka has been crowned as the Father of Medicine. His renowned work, the “Charak Samhita’, is considered as an encyclopedia of Ayurveda. He has described the medicinal CMe eM e e nee Sr on human anatomy, embryology, pharmacology, blood circulation, and diseases like diabetes, tuberculosis is simply mind-blowing. He strongly proponents that diet has an Crue Cu CL Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 2 fear nt, rw eo oe wage, Merateeet "eae, ry 0 pid 3 era ter, TET Pecomren tRt 5 tee nn ep “ipo ie Dr 1 nae nea ea a sos Be oswam Sa USE 405 6°. 8 9 ene fry: tage frye tay 4 ett spt fe oes ye, so ee, = 11°12 °13 “15 16 tear, afte fr qe. eye ee ota ae tee | Cargtir tose, po er eT, a wire oy won oy wa eo er, ee ee i wecmmmen 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 19 et en forego, temp, tego: top tee rer trees 1M Scot “eee 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 1 de tn ren 7 apr e Se orci, | target ene gg | trees tere ee | tener ey thas 12a sreswne sew Bus BT Be Bere a a ae - aa st esr z Incredible 4 nrdic bei 1G RANE] ee aa) CME rou eC Ce the founding father of surgery. In his treatise Ses me ed are) surgical procedures and 125 surgical instruments, eee ae ea ea a ee ne Ra Re eee stitching methods; the use of horse's hair as thread CE acs one aa ar only in the field of plastic surgery but he also made Ree enue eee eMC nn arg ieee) he had prescribed an ethical code for medical practitioners. eae Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 stre fer i Bizieena tah nd a 5 ; Cerone 2 we. 4 °5 6° 7 ce ™ at ae ae 8 ae ety . ms 0 doeet WG Gn rir | aio masse x vse 8 9 10°11 12° 13 14 boxer area freee saree ¢ temae ¢ eee pe amar te emer gm ta is ie peti ret jor fener” sia rained wn m harensen 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 2 Sheet = fem er te fem; asp ary teem Aer poster sremnomr 22 23 24°25 26 27 = 28 1 eet sore eras ee a femme tee e tee Seems Reamer rem ee | Ree comm 29 (30 31 rae OEE epee yy Me an 1a 1238 a4se7e8 se 7e90H prea wis vow mt vewmane panzaus a 5 06 7m aren» AKERS OF z www Incredible f lic > rola "06 27 2 e sere POT} TUE FHT EHO TT TG SOT ETE 123 31 sewn S45 8789 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 wo 1112 19 14 15 16 RW 26 25 2 7 17 18 19 20 21 2 23 2 30 3 24 25 25 27 28 29-30 AKERS OF ns ee) | Incredible India nrdic inspiring ute Pole Tge RTT Cod} Tee Oe Rae ine cd the inventor of the atomic theory. However, he was Pee kee eC About 2,600 years ago, Acharya Kanad, an indian philosopher and a great thinker far ahead of his Nena Rea eu) AT eds MR Ad Coreen ecu enue ccd Ree meee et Leng bond together to form larger particles. He studied atomic theory and found the way atoms move and eek Ri Rs Mee cCLS eT = Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat view OT as Sa 3 4 5 68 7 8 8 ‘Sc. 101112 13 14-15 16 v=" "77-18 19 20 21 22° 28 27 28 29 30 23456 Tasuney 1415 16 17 18 19 20 21-22 28 24 25 26 2 wean ZOFLOM) oFLo-w [f surico-px| eer 2 be, mer gr, gsr tS oa some err para ae 1 gee geert ren seer ote, stn, ohn, ro, tho ne om 1a of, sep feer 1s. co, frente tt reves is enier 1 et 2 18 Shy et wet 2 marge ter Monto 26 eefneae a, ne ay 2 yee ee so fener stat 4 eet sa, i se foe seer a ec S45 6789 R19 484 19 20 21 22 5 28 27 30 Incredible India nrdic inspiring ke, (6th -7th century BCE) CT eS em kes A Ren ea a eR uu ea) Te ee uC Re had Rea en Aon is both matter and spirit are equally important. Wed 28S Te 8 1418 17 18° 20 21, 22 23, 24 28 26 27 20°20 3031 yar UI www Incredible (371-283 BCE) Chanakya or Vishnu Gupta or Kautilya served as a mae RTL) Cr em ee eae aca eer Cee Re SI ese aT eae ako ‘and political science and his work is thought of as Ren cereal caro ERS ce ene cd PEN ee hese Tokshashila, an ancient center of learning, ceri altered ata, eee awl Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 17 re, eww 4, et “SSE 11 12 13 14°" 16°17 a wn sberem 2 fete: feng: fier afer afer rg fier ae “Sse 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 24 ee moe rm, em es sherper caterer, fer per te afer rer er | oaterper ty oer gr es er pa ee a sa Geter MA rsisnd lta Jd aio ——e (6 27 28°29 30 ORR Tee met ere aera 2 sherpa fer afer TRY 123456 w 1 Taswnwss o45678 415 16 17 one 5 21 22 23 28 718 19 2 28 29 30 28 25 28 27 28 29 MMe z aap || www. oak) Incredible India 29 oorleelactall panini (6th-4th century BCE) Panini is known for his Sanskrit grammar, particularly for his formulation of the 3,959 rules of Sanskeit ‘grammar known as Ashtadhyayi. Panini’ grammar is the OCU r oS nour Ce Mca L a) subsequent development of mathematical logic. In Ce Mua uc cd “auxiliary symbols", in which new affixes are designated eee ue Rony ‘grammatical derivations. This technique, rediscovered SU eran the design of computer programming languages. OCTOBER 2022 Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Be MENTS 6 Ee 5 i ‘sis g A eanses, 2 | ee 10°11 12 13 14 ms sfferm, owftepme omfisgms iter offer fe rere 2 og ee cs iin i so “S59 2 Rees eae # es, estoy nr See 76 == "98 19 = cfispre onfferm, ite pare 20 21 "OA "3E 26 272 56 = e mr ceo te uae woe i — ‘ane hanwien Siwsen ew wma waa banaue m 25 26 27 28 28 30 27% 2 30 MMe ‘Cx (OFLOM rca | XEELINE | www.nordic.or Incredible India nrdic inspiring ute aacharya aryab Cy) Aryabhatta was a master Astronomer and Cre or ec Oe re oa te DORM hee ke the motion of planets and the time of eclipses. PCN Ua een round, it rotates on its axis, orbits the sun, and is See ae eee cle ia eon oe et ay Cee ie Cama e ess Pee ee eos Pu eau aac ae Peano cas Bhs Oe Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat == ale aS las 8. Se 8.7. 8 to 12 eo 33 "T7158, 16 “17. 18.8 Eu. 20 21, 22.123 24 25 26 atime 27 28 29 30 45678 on 1a 4 18 7 18 19 20 21 23 24 25 26 27 28 Ee cm www 23 9 10 15 16:17 2 21 2225 24 2 28 29 30 31 Incredible 29 n#rdic Ceara) Coe e eeu e an ka) CMe th eee rer ur hiy the first to discover gravity, 500 years before Sir Isaac Newton. In the surya Siddhant” he makes a note on the force of gravity Cee en MUR cto) Therefore, the earth, planets, constellations, moon, and sun are held inorbit due to this attraction.” Bhaskara accurately calculated the time that earth took to revolve Cre Cece modern acceptance of 365.2563 days. He is also considered to be a Pewee eed fee alo tara mo Mon Tue Wed Thu ere jg Wor is 4 er egret mt eee, 1 re 18 ed ret ered SF fg aan ‘oe en Frio it os wor ent whee wate LS 4°5°6°7 9 10 2s teeter sett ook ee termi dems i Grete epee ree mez 4112-13-14 16 17 geen | femme | tem teem femme eer dermis oo deem, teem, tems recommen | dea = Bete woe degre | degen degen odegmee degre eae tee, 123485 1234567 sreswne sewn. i416 18 7 8 BT BB ~ A DURBUB A zon 2000 mn Bae | a www

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