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Chapter 5B: Ecology

Question Answer Additional guidance Mark

1(a) A small part/selection taken to be representative of a larger (1)
area/thing (1)
1(b) ● Any area of grass field has an equal chance of being (3)
sampled. (1)
● Avoids bias. (1)
● Choose coordinates to use by generating random numbers.
1(c) Quadrat that covers a known area (1) (1)
1(d) ● Greater number of insects/more insects/fewer spiders (1) (2)
● Greater number of herbivores are needed to support a
smaller number of carnivores. (1)
1(e) ● Consistent sampling method (1) Accept equivalent wording. (4)
● More samples taken (1)
● Only sampled each area once (not more than once) (1)
● Data samples from group A are less variable. (1)
(Total for Question 1 = 11 marks)

Question Answer Additional guidance Mark

2(a) C 1 and 3 only (1) (1)
2(b) One from: taiga/desert/tundra/high mountain/polar ice (1) (1)

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3(c) An explanation that includes any three of the following (3)
 (Sandy soil) drains easily (1)
 so minerals are leached (1)
 which reduces number of plant/producer species (that can
survive). (1)
 Which in turn reduces number of consumer/animal species
(that depend on plants/producers). (1)
(Total for Question 2 = 5 marks)

Question Answer Additional guidance Mark

3(a) Measure of the extent to which data is spread out around the (1)
mean (1)
3(b) ● Different because the mean of X is less than the mean of Y (3)
● Different because the mean in each area lies outside the
standard deviation of the other area (1)
● Not significantly different because the standard deviation of
each mean overlaps the other (1)
(Total for Question 3 = 4 marks)

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Copying permitted for purchasing institution only. This material is not copyright free. This document may have been altered from the original.

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