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Section one listening comprehension directions.

In this part of the test you will hear a longer

conversation. After each conversation you will hear several questions. The conversations and
questions will not be repeated. After you hear question read for possible answer on your answer
sheet and select the best answer. Now listen to the audio to answer number 125. Hi are you
new students of architecture department. Yes I am I'm Elizabeth hill are you a new student
to. Ross I'm James Roberts it is all O. B. E. R. T.. Are you waiting Mister poll class. I heard that
he teaches a city design doesn't he. No I'm waiting this is Susan's class urban
architecture. Today is Monday isn't it and Mister Paul will be on Tuesday for technology of
building oh my god today is Monday it is Mrs Susan class I think today's Tuesday. So sorry
Elizabeth thank you for meeting me it doesn't matter James. Number one what is James
complete name. Number 2 who are in the conversation. Number 3 what subject will they study
on Tuesday. Number 4 who is Mister Paul. Number 5 where does the conversation probably
take place. Questions number 6 to 10 based on the following conversation. What can I do for
you. Sure I'm looking for room H. 201. Wait let me check first. Aha room H. 201 is on the second
floor are you going to join this is Ronan's class of course I want to join interior design class. She
told me that she would hold the meeting in room H. 201. Sorry can I have your students called
Mrs Raman told me that I have to check and collect students card before entering to the
room. She added for the students who bring smart phone it should be on silent mode. It's okay
here's my students card. Okay so your name is Dave Dave Matthews. Well I have checked it
thank you. You're welcome. Number 61 subject is Dave want to join. Number 7 which room will
the meeting be held. Number 8 what should the students do before coming to the room. Number
9 where does the conversation probably take place. Number 10 what can be inferred about the
woman. This is the end of listening section. Go on to the next part of the test thank you

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