Undertaking Ragging Letter

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mfi{ fiil
oTfud lTlrfrq

il6,ffi FrqTr qRr{
(qrd srsn or qo siEfuo ftoru1
qms riqrffi fr6rs dzrfrq, qnd sFDn
{+dr qr,f, sdd {q,"{
qm: 011-26131497
{ : ms@aicte-india.org

(A Statutory Body of the Govt. of lndia)

Prof. Raiive Kumar
Ministry of Human Resource Development, Govt. of lndia
Member Secretary Nelson Mandela Marg, Vasant Kunj, New Delhi-110067
Phone: 0't1-26131497
E-mail: ms@aicte-india.org

F. N o. L- 1,04 / AICTE/ PG RC/An riraggin g/ 2021 Date:L1 .LL.202L

Subject: Revised procedure for students to file online Anti Ragging Affidavit-reg

Dear Sir/Madam,

As you are aware, in pursuance to the judgmeht of the Hon'ble Supreme Court
lndia and in compliance of All India Council for Technical Education (Prevention and
Prohibition of Ragging in Technical lnstitution, Universities including Deemed to be
Universities imparting technical education) Regulations 2009, it is compulsory for each
student and his/her parent/Guardian to submit an online undertaking each academic
year at either of the two designated web site3, namely, r,vr.vw.antiragging.irt and
tvlrrw.atna n ntoverncn t.or"g.

As part of UGC's initiative toward reduction of compliance burden of its

stakeholders, UGC has revised the procedure for students to file online Anti Ragging
Aff,idavit (A copy of the reviped procedure is enclosed).

The revised procedure is as follows:

Step 1: A student will submit his/her details on the same web sites (www.antiragging.in
and www.amanmovemenlorg) as before; read and confirm that he/she and
his/her parents/Guardians have read and understood the AICTE regulations on
curbing the menace of ragging.He / She will confirm & agree that he/she will not
engage in ragging in any form. (Step 1 is the same like before),

Step 2: The student will receive an e-mail with his/her registration number and a web
link. The student will forward the link to the e-mail of the Nodal Officer in his/her
university/college. (please note that the student will not receive pdf affidavits
and he/she is not required to print & sign it as used to be the case earlier).

Step 3: The Nodal Officer in the University/College can click on the linkof any forwarded
e-mails that he/she will received from any student of his/her college to get the list
of those students who have submitted Anti Ragging Affidavits/Undertakings in
his/her college. The list will be updated every 24 hours.

Universities and Colleges are requested to insert a mandatory column in their

university/colleges admission form as per the given format:
Ragging Undertaking Reference No.:
You are also requested to display the e-mail address and contact number of the
Nodal Officer of Anti Ragging in their website and campus areas like Admission Centre,
Departments, Library, Canteen, Hostel and Common facilities etc. to create awareness
about [he revised procedure for students to file online Anti Ragging Affidavit.

ln addition to this, you are requested to create e-admission booklet or

brochure, e-Leaflets giving details on guidance in case of ragging to admitted students
instead of print/hard copy.

In view of the above, you are requested to make necessary compliance on the
above revised procedure please.
Yours faithFully,

IProf. Rajive Kumar)
Member Secretary
The Vice-Chancellor/Principal/Director of all AICTE approved
Universities/Institutio ns

Encl: As above.

The Joint Secretary, Universily Grants Commission, Bahadur Shah Zaraf Marg, New
/ffi w#e"-

ftqqftqifrq eEEi{ €{l+T

Grcltts (emrniEsierr
qrnq, qrm vcan)
mq-Rsn ftS<.a
*\ :_q-^- -s_
qer+-{ wqd
{f,,{inisfiy of Eilurriiien, 6ovt, of lndiai

E-flS{ATIF qr,re H.r-rf, .r$ ffi-rroooZ

,.1t. (\rl.llpl ul*l
---N- Bqhcrdur Shqh Zqiror Morg, Nev Delhi-l 10002
Ph 0l I-2;?2;? 62891232J,/337
Fnof. Rajnish Jaiir ',
Fcrx,01 1.2323 BB58
E.riroil : s-"cy.ugc@r:!c.in

D" O" No. F'" 8-2f 2@2L (AIRA) @etoher, 2@2L

.SPEE3 iJS.?i t
Stxhjeet: Revised proeedir:n.e fer stt-:rieats':e fr.I.e enline Anti Ragging Afftdavit.
Dear iViadam/Sir,
As you are aware, in pursuance to the .Iudgme,nt of the Hon'ble Supreme Court of
India dated 8.5.2009 in Civil Appeal No. 887/2OOg, the UGC notifiLd "Regulations
on Curbing the lMenace of Ragging in Higher Educational Institutions, 2009" and in
compliance of tl:re 2"d Amendment in UGC Regulations, it is compulsory ior each
student and his/her parent/Guardian to submit an online undertaling each
academic year at either of the two d.esignated web sites, namely,
vvww. amt fl ra ggiaa g. fl m and \Fr$in;rr. au6{r anmol@ve nln e nt. or rg "
c\l As part of UGC's initiative tovuard-s reduction oi compliance bui-d.en of its
--_\ t
v\* stakeholders, UGC has revised the procedure i<lr students to iile oniine Anii
Ragging Affidavit.
NI-\ The revflsed is as fonnclws:
-\l: Xancaeedure

,+tr Step n: A student will submit his/her details on the same web sites
(www.amtf,raggiaag.im and v.vsuwr"emnaramovs)ryrenut.or.lg) as before; read and- confirm
tha't he/she and his/her parents/Guardians h.ave read and understood the
regulations on curbing the menace of ragging. He/She will confirm Br agree that
he/she will not engage in ragging in any form. (Step is the same like befoie).
Step 2: The student will receive an E MAIL with his/her registration number
and a. web li-nk. The student will forward the link to the E mail oi th. Nodal officer
in his/her university/colIege. (trnease mote thatt t&ae studeaat w*[n mot rteeeive
afffidevflts and nae/slae fls: rruot neqraflred to pr'flrrtt & sigm it as used tLo loe rr&re eirse

Step 3: The Nodal officer in the university/college can click on the link of any
forwarded e mails that he/she will receive from any siudent of his/her college to get
the list of those students who have submitted Anti Ragging Affidavits/Undeitakirigs
in his/her college. The list will be updated every 2a houis.

4-q' Contd.../-
* -,*
CCI NTfl N q"IAT'[O NI S tL{ E ET'



Universities ancl Colleges are requested to insert a maartdatory coluralnt in your

university/ colleges admission form as per the given format:

Ragging Undertaking R.eference no:

you are also requested, to displa5r. ihc email addi:ess and contact number of the
Nodal C)fficer of Anti Ragging cif your uriiversity/coltege in your website and campus
areas like Admission Centre, Departments, Library, Canteen, Hostel, and Common
facilities etc. to create awareness about the revised procedure for students to file
online Anti Ragging Affidavit"
In addition to this, you are also requested to create E-admission booklet or
brochure, E-leaflets' giving details on guidnnce in case of ragging to admitted
students instead of print/hard copy.
With kind regards,

Yours sincerel-5r,

(Rajnflsh Jaflrn)

T"lue Vflee-ehanee[flor, of ann l$miversities

The trrieeflpal-of aB[ Con'flegtes

Copy to:

ty:'" A11 Higher E<lucation Regulatory Bodies (As per list attached).
2. UGC Regional Offices.
3. Ms. Jasleen Kaur, Under Secretary (HE), Department of Higher Education,
Ministry of Education, Room No. 221, 'C' Wing, Shastri Bhawan, New
Delhi-110 OO1
4. Dr. Diksha trtajput, Deputy Secretary, UGC, New Delhi (for uploading on
UGC website).
5. Prof. Raj Kachroo, 689, Sector-23, Gurgaon, }iraryana'L22 Al7 (for
uploading the same on both the website: (1) website: www.antiragging.in
(2) www.amanmovement.org
(Dr. Arehana Ttrran<ur!
.Ioisat SeeretarY
fteeRqTmq WaE qTqlT
University Gronts eommissiom
(ftiur rxreq, qrrn woit)
{Biilri$il r'i EtlLierifian,6evt, oi lndkd
6rq-R-a.r{ G5ft'I)
-+ Ei-sE-t{n-B .lr.X qi.'i ai'rkd'r-r rCCCZ
(utllll -s--
tll. --:.s'-^= $l=i t-r.-.J..- 4r...t. l-.i-.. r.-...- \t- n-itt 11n^,-..-!
L,(::l'.ri.rr,'l 'l'r:.. 11 lUi(l f.iC,g, l\=1? L/i:,rl-I lLiLlUl
Frof. Rajnisli ia!r:

Q'o QTo ft oQ' o 3-2t202i (q.sTr{.si) creq<,2021

frEq': iffiihi?qqkr-iq_ .,=-ilE{-isr

\i.l l': i_ -:l-:r.ilui?,
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Eq qttr"qTmfr--e'',

fr s{rq qiqt {, r?fto erqtfl {i-wr BB7/2009 fr' +re h qr{ftq'q'-{fq erqrsrq h

ftqi''6 8.5.2009 h fr0tq * ergtwr fr, ffiqrqq'e{-S{r{ efl*{r t "sq(-{ fq}eror {ienfr t
tfil {,1 ffi h ft'q r?ftqe., 2009" ii crffie ftET t ffi RTR defrer+ h eqwrr='t,
TAm. ft'flT-ff Bfu sq+' qrf,T-'fr-in'lwfigwpq+^ q] y-&t6 SeTfr:"F w$ fr www.antiragging.in etr
unnnrv.amanmorfrmen!.org. t t ffi F kv-qu qr eFfiflE ffi'Ff wr ffiFii :fu

EE+ vBqr m} env ffit

6q ftqB.errdrq qgfl-{ qrfrq' A ftvrrfltri h fu 3fffii6 ift
tleft qr-qer-q'a qT"R{q'w+ fr'q.hqT it {qfurrfl-'ftqr tr

{efrft'.fl sfuwftwq-{t:
qwr 1' C-q'rrff WFIT ftE<uT T{q?( (vuww.antiragging.in 3iT
www.amanmove-men-t.o.rg) aqqflqu xR q-elT stt
{q{"fi"S8 stt ft a
dq q'-6-s{

d{ sqh qttr'-frilr'TqfsrrrE+i fr tffirr qil r=H'h'ftq ftftqq+1 wqfr (E'T6

*< wq r?qr t, t w'e'rd fr qt gB fttt ft a ftffi ff sq tFf{r iil $rfuiT t
il$ €rt r (qqq' 1 q{t tur Stlr
g{qr2: fr'qrrfr fr s{ift q*-s<ur d-wr qt< \'6 +q Fts'h, ftq !16 t-+q vm'qhn'r
ftqT-fr e{qfr R@ if figq qfffi
h t-+at w fttr Brifr{
qisrt (T-!:w sqwAfu{MfrftSq*m emq'-qerwrw'e€f Arn srtrs+q+ffi€
s'G tr{ EKTH< s{-} fr qrqeqErffr rr-8 t ftrr ft' qte Cw wqilr qT1 r

T{q[ 3: ftqftercq I uqrku'rw h q]-sq erfffi sq ffif ff Wfi:n'w qri h

ft-q ftrdt w,t qqrheTvu. t tffirr q}fr $qu{ qr/ffit-E wr wliT frq t, ciqt
qErrRrrrcq h ffi fr Gqrtr fr qrs ffi fr eTd,ftT €tq * ftio q{ Gffi qF-{
{16A t, qfr A( 24 qt il e{q'ffi"fr qrq"ftr
ebrurnru ulAT,toht s FIEET,


ffi -H-ffiS* Rq q in.q h ws,.{ qq+ m,**.*rq,

tFfrr +sft fiqr{ ft ,Sq$,S,uqr: --

#ffiffisstr y wr* mffierrw + tFrTr r*ft qrsv

qorm, gtrslqq, ilt{, **r*'# #
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q:qTir s-{ft qiF{ sifi-
E-ft qyws siift H"rT vre[
# ;##*l#;rruffi
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*r{ v*sgd{ frqw ftfim ({te.w q,fi h Brdragt
2. G'q'ft"qrffr q5qfiry eilq-h.*.wrt
e.frq arq.r.erqr
3' t* qq-ft* +t<, qEq {r*'q',
vq* fQIH','r, wq.-dr flqyen
frwriT., flq}wr aiTrq.q,
221, ,&,F[sT, qr* vq.q., rt R"fr_r loool
4' qB{,
Hffi BTfa€rT-€rq B{-fd'm qrqtrr,
c ffi 1asff ilq{r*e q.
5. fro ErcT sTq6', 68g, Qeed-23,
gs.nl.iE, qfuwom_t
22 o1z q.+ ffi aq{nnd q< e*re.}s
wfr il ftq' (1) tqqr€, www.anriragging.in

( _.
(eto qgry1aT-${)
EfSSF qftq

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