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Name: Shehroz Akhter

Roll No: 2354-BC-2017

Subject: Operation Management

Submitted to: Sir Ali Hussain Farrukh

Section: (B)

Semester: (7)

Government College University Lahore.

1. Explain the actions of Pakistani textile
manufacturers in the last decade for developing
quality products, process, services, and systems
and how does a nation’s ability to compete affect
its quality of life?

Pakistan textile industry Some problem face is following:

Absence of examination and improvement (R&D) in the cotton area:

The nonappearance of innovative work (R&D) in the cotton zone of Pakistan has achieved
second rate nature of cotton interestingly with rest of Asia. Considering the subsequent low
profitability in cotton crops, farmers are moving to other cash crops, for instance, sugar stick.
It is the nonappearance of genuine R&D that has provoked such a state.

Nonappearance of Modernize Equipment:

Likewise, savants fight that the material business has obsolete stuff and equipment. The
weakness to helpful modernize the equipment and mechanical assembly has provoked the
reduction of Pakistani material power. Due to old advancement the cost of creation is higher
in Pakistan when diverged from various countries like India, Bangladesh and china.

Cash Bill to Burden Industry Further:

All Pakistan Textile Mills Association (APTMA) has educated that organization's exercises
are not planning with its words for the material business. As shown by him, restored
presentation of lowest cost on local arrangements would invite unavoidable liquidity issue,
which is currently reached to the upsetting level. He said the material business was standing
up to negative time of resources due to unnecessarily costly build rate from one perspective
and exceptional inadequacy of energy supply and unimaginable power demand for industry.

Growing Cost of Production:

The cost of making of material risings on account of various reasons like growing financing
cost, twofold digit expanding and reducing assessment of Pakistani rupee. The general
clarification extended the cost of formation of material industry which make issue for a
material industry to battle in overall market.

Internal issues Pose a Larger Threat for Pakistan's Textile Industry:

Pakistan's material industry is encountering probably the hardest period in numerous years.
The overall slump which has hit the overall material genuinely hard isn't the lone reason for
concern. The huge cost of creation coming about in view of a second rise in the energy costs
has been the fundamental driver of stress for the business. Decay of Pakistani rupee during a
year back raised the cost of imported data sources. Additionally, twofold digit extension and
tremendous cost of financing has genuinely influenced the improvement in the material
business. Pakistan's material admissions have gone down during latest three years as
exporters can't sufficiently publicize their things since buyers are not visiting Pakistan due to
opposing the travel industry cautioning and it is getting progressively harder for the exporters
to travel abroad.

Enegy Crisis:

Because of weight shedding the material creation cutoff of various sub-territories has been
reduced by up to 30 percent. The joint get-together of APTMA and other related affiliation
was held at APTMA House to shape a joint framework to address the upsetting force crisis
being looked by the material business. The social affair reliably decided to contain a joint
working get-together of force the chiefs for the material business in the greater interests of
the value chain of the material business. The joint working social event will meet right away
to design a clear game plan to seek after the going with goals; Immediate supreme exemption
from Electricity load shedding for the material business regard chain; Rationalization and
diminishing of force demand.

Raw material Prices:

Costs of cotton and other raw material utilized in material industry vacillate quickly in
Pakistan. The fast expansion in the value raw material impacts the expense of creation
gravely. The increment in raw material costs vary quickly dur to twofold digit swelling and
instable interior state of Pakistan.


The public authority is contemplating remedial measures on the proposals of accomplices to

address the issues and issues looked by the material business of the country for overhauling
its creation and admissions. The public authority is presumably going to pronounce material
game plan in like manner called National Textile Strategy in the mid of current month to help
advance the material territory of the country, sources told APP. With the ultimate objective of
this, the Textile Ministry has directed all material zone affiliations and the workplaces of
exchange and industry.

As of late, provider purchaser linkages, whose primary object was to obtain materials, have
been reached out into plan, datag trade, unique administrations, dispersion and advertising.
Co-makership is a cycle whereby providers and purchasers work to build up a solid
association with a couple of providers dependent on data sharing and trust (Flynn and Flynn,
2005). Co-makership endeavors can lessen process duration, increment stock turnover and a
higher on-time conveyance rate. Co-creator transport energizes quality administration
practice usage and store network upgrades through provider assessment, supply base
decrease to encourage long haul connections, coordinated effort on item plan exercises, The
public authority is presumably going to pronounce material course of action moreover called
National Textile Strategy in the mid of current month to help advance the material region of
the country, sources told APP. With the ultimate objective of this, the Textile Ministry has
advised all material zone affiliations and the workplaces of exchange and industry. Because
of weight shedding the material creation cutoff of various sub-zones has been decreased by
up to 30 percent. The joint social occasion of APTMA and other related affiliation was held
at APTMA House to frame a joint framework to address the upsetting force crisis being
looked by the material business. The social occasion reliably decided to contain a joint
working get-together of force the chiefs for the material business in the greater interests of
the value chain of the material business. The joint working social affair will meet in the
blink of an eye to design a distinct course of action to seek after the going with targets;
Immediate total special case from Electricity load shedding for the material business regard
chain; Rationalization and reduction of force demand.

• Cure anyway Foreign Direct Investment (FDI)

• Image Building of Pakistan to Attract Foreign Direct Investment (FDI)

• Focus on Value Addition

• Technology Up-degree and Capacity Building

• Human Resources Development

• Reducing the cost of cooperating in Pakistan

• Need for Improving Textile Production

• Improvement in proficiency

• Awareness of International Quality Standards

• Introducing thought of at work planning

• Introducing compelling organization methodologies

• Subsidy departure should be taken a back

• Interest rate should be pitiful to persevere through this industry

• Electricity and gas demand

• Removal of Energy Crisis

• Exploration of new Export MarketsReference

 Ahmad, Sohel, and Roger G. Schroeder. "Refining the Product-Process

Matrix." International Journal of Operations and Production Management 22, no.
1 (2002): 103–124.

 Anupindi, Ravi, Sunil Chopra, Sudhakar D. Deshmukh, Jan A. Van Mieghem, and Eitan
Zemel. Managing Process Business Flows. 2nd ed. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson
Prentice Hall, 2006.

 "The Dynamics of Process-Product Life Cycles." Harvard Business Review, March-April

1979, 27–136.

 Finch, Byron. Operations Now. 2nd ed. Boston: McGraw-Hill Irwin, 2006.

 Hayes, Robert, and Steven C. Wheelwright. "Link Manufacturing Process and

Product Life Cycles." Harvard Business Review, January-February 1979, 133–140

What does the product-process matrix tell us? How
should the production unit of garment factory be
He item measure framework is instrument for dismembering the association between the
thing life cycle and the inventive life cycle. The Dynamics of Process-Product Life Cycles."
The makers used this grid to dissect market-creating congruity issues and to energize the
perception of the fundamental choices available to an association. The real lattice contains
two estimations, thing structure/thing life cycle and cycle structure/measure life cycle. The
creation cycle used to make a thing goes through a movement of stages, comparative as
the periods of things and markets, what begins with a significantly versatile, massive cost
cycle and advances toward extending standardization, mechanization, and automation,
completing in an unflinching yet functional cycle. The cycle structure/measure life cycle
estimation portrays the cycle choice work shop, bundle, successive development
framework, and relentless stream and cycle structure obfuscated stream, separated line
stream, related line stream and endless stream while the thing structure/thing life cycle
depicts the four periods of the thing life cycle low volume to high volume and thing
structure low to high standardization. Later creators with respect to the issue to a great
extent implant an additional stage in the silly upper-left corner of the cross section: the
An association can be portrayed as including a particular zone on the lattice. This zone is
directed by the organization's stage in the thing life cycle and the organization's choice of
creation measure. At the upper left ridiculous, firms are depicted as cycle arranged or
focused while the lower right unprecedented holds firms that should be thing locked in. The
decision of where a firm arranges on the system is constrained by whether the creation
structure is facilitated by get-together resources around the cycle or the thing. Note from
the figure that the vertices of the organization achieve four undeniable kinds of exercises
depicted by the reasonable cycle choice arranged on the inclining of the system.
There are four types of product process:
 Process focuses
 Product focus
 Repeat focus / production line
 Mass customization

Process focus

Cycle Focus "A creation office coordinated around cycle to encourage low volume, high
assortment creation". Low volume, high assortment items in spots called job Shops.

Product focus

Item center is a way to deal with business that characterizes methodology, activities and
measurements regarding items. This is related with assembling and firms that consistently
improve items to remain pertinent in an industry. ... In any case, item center is an incredibly
normal methodology that works for certain organizations.

Production line

A creation line of machines and laborers in a manufacturing plant that an item moves along
while it is being assembled or delivered. Each machine or specialist plays out a specific
occupation that should be done before the item moves to the following situation in the line. Mass

Mass customization is the route toward passing on market items and undertakings that are
changed to satisfy a specific customer's necessities. Mass customization is an exhibiting and
amassing methodology that joins the versatility and personalization of uncommonly planned
things with the low unit costs related with enormous scope fabricating. Various names for mass
customization join uncommonly made or attempted to-mastermind.

How could the creation unit of article of clothing manufacturing plant structure?

Piece of clothing creation is an organized activity including successive cycles, for instance,
laying, stepping, cutting, sewing, checking, completing, crushing and packaging. This is a
pattern of changing over rough materials into finished things. It will be difficult to keep up the
business if creation isn't, adequate if the preproduction time of preparation of material isn't
fittingly finished. Arranged to wear clothing or garment manufacturing incorporates many taking
care of steps, beginning with the idea or plan thought and getting done with a finished thing.
Apparel manufacturing measure incorporates Product Design, Fabric Selection and Inspection,
Patternmaking, Grading, Marking, Spreading, Cutting, Bundling, Sewing, Pressing or Folding,
Finishing and Detailing, Dyeing and Washing, and so on

Accepting industrial facility:

Garment creation lines get surface from abroad material creators in gigantic shocks with
cardboard or plastic center cylinders or in loads or packs. The surface usually appears in steel
business steel trailers and is unloaded with a forklift. Piece of clothing creation lines every now
and again have a stockroom or committed area to store surface among appearance and amassing.

Spreading, structure format and cutting:

After the texture has been free, it is moved to the spreading and cutting region of the garment
creating office. The texture is first to cut into uniform uses and a short time later spread either
genuinely or using a PC controlled structure fully expecting the cutting cycle. allow
administrators to recognize texture abandons; control the pressure and slack of the texture during
cutting; and ensure each employ is precisely adjusted on top of the others.


Lay colossal pieces first and a while later fit in the more unobtrusive ones It is viable in laying
the model and cutting. To be sure, even a restricted amount of material saved in a singular layer
will help with accomplishing a gigantic putting aside of money as many layers of surface will be
laid and cut at the same time. When laying, the length of the garment should be comparing to the
selvedge of the material. Be sure the model is set in the correct grain. texture wrap and fall better
on the longwise grain and besides last more.


The marker coordinator uses full-size plans and driving forces them in a traditionalist manner on
marker paper. This is an exceptionally printed paper having pictures on it which enable the
marker coordinator to apparently control the arranging of portions according to decided grain
lines. Markers conveyed on paper are fixed to surface with pins, staples or on a concrete paper
which is heat fixed to the top layer of the texture.


This is the huge movement of the cutting room when they spread and cut into articles of clothing.
Of the large number of exercises in the cutting room, this is the most unequivocal, considering
the way that once the surface has been cut, practically no ought to be conceivable to address
veritable distortions

Weaving and screen printing:

Weaving and screen printing are two cycles that happen just if clearly showed by the customer;
as such, these cycles are generally subcontracted to off-site workplaces. Weaving is performed
using motorized equipment, habitually with various machines all the while weaving comparable
model on different pieces of clothing. Each creation line may join some place in the scope of 10
and 20 weaving stations. Customers may request weaving to put logos or various embellishments
on articles of clothing. Screen printing is the route toward applying paint-based representations
to surface.


 Iqbal M.S., Shaikh F.M., Mahmood B., Shafiq K. Development of textile

industrial clusters in Pakistan, In: Asian Social Science, 2010, 6(11), pp. 123–140.
 Khan A.A., Khan M. Pakistan textile industry facing new challenges, In: Research
Journal of International Studies, 2010, 14, pp. 21–29.
 Jaleel R., Ashfaq A., Saleem A., Sami T. SWOT analysis of textile industry in
Pakistan, In: Asian Journal of Research in Business Economics and Management, 2014,
4(9), pp. 76–87.
 United Nations Comrade, International Trade Statistics Database, (Date of Access: July 2017).
 SITC Revision Code 72 Explanation,
regcs.asp?Cl=14&Lg=1&Co=72 (Date of Access: July 2017).
 Shanghai Cooperation Organisation, About The Shanghai Cooperation
Organisation, about_sco/ (Date of Access: July 2017).
 Michel C., 2017, It’s Official: India and Pakistan Join Shanghai Cooperation
Organization, 2017/06/its-official-india-and-pakistan-join-
shanghai-cooperation-organization/ (Date of Access: July 2017).
 International Monetary Fund, World Economic Outlook, April 2017: Gaining
Momentum? Publications/WEO/Issues/2017/04/04/world-
economic-outlook-april-2017 (Date of Access: July 2017).
The World Bank, Global Economy in 2017: Hope and Uncertainty, opinion/2017/02/15/global-economy-in-2017-hope-and-
uncertainty (Date of Access: July 2017).

What is the relationship between design of a
manufacturing process at a Textile Unit (Garments
Manufacturing Unit) and the firm’s strategic competitive
‘'Administrations and items associations zeroed in on the nature of those
administrations and items, which its thusly accomplish the consumer loyalty and meet
assumptions through nature of plan of the item or administration notwithstanding the
nature of the actual assistance' Numerous affiliations work to achieve high type for
their organizations or things to remain and consistent working in the resistance
market. Uses quality as a contraption for competition anticipates that affiliations
should consider the quality as the section to satisfy customers, not comparably as a
way to deal with deal with issues and reduce costs.Upplier confirmation programs
consolidate quality and conveyance factors into the merchant choice cycle, which
improves quality and conveyance while diminishing expenses. Also, when applied to
inventory network measures, a certificate cycle helps with provider choice and supply
base enhancement, a cycle to locate the ideal number and blend of providers. At
Alcoa, a world chief in aluminum and related items creation, a thorough provider
accreditation program mutually improves quality and lessens costs for Alcoa and
their providers (Monczka etAny affiliation can be achieve a greater slice of the pie
and a high speed of benefits on endeavor, and achieve buyer faithfulness, despite
control the expenses of organizations gave through the plan of high type

Lead time

The speed of service and reaction to client request has become one of the factors
of competitions between companies this is connect to the customer's willingness to
pay higher expenses for the services or products he\she needs in a timely.


In the association's capacity to give an assortment and various levels in the objective
market through its capacity to stay up with improvements in innovation, and plan
items and administrations as per client assumptions. is change administrations to react
to clients' prerequisites and to evade their grumblings and afterward to accomplish
significant degrees of consumer loyalty. Notwithstanding that, the association's
claimed a biggest piece of the pie than different contenders, to lessen the general
expenses. Notwithstanding the capacity of the associations react to the adjustments in
the client request either increments or diminishes. The adaptability is significant
measurements for the motivations behind rivalry by quick responding to the
customer's needs.

1. Ministry of Health in Jordan, (report, 2010), "The annual report for the
Jordan, Amman.23-25.
2. Albakri,Thamer,(2005),health services marketing,dar-alyazoriy
publishers co.,Jordan,amman,p.112-119.
3. Thompson, Arther, and Striekl and, A.J., (1999),Strategic management concepts
and cases,11th ed,Row publishers,p.,108.
4. Pride and Ferrell,(2006),marketing, Houghton Mifflin co.,p.200-206.
5. Albakri, Thamer,(2008),strategic marketing, dar-alyazoriy publishers
6. Alrebawi, Saadoun,(2000),strategic planning for marketing to achieve the
competitive advantages, B.S.c in Business administration presented to business
administration collage – Bagdad university,Iraq,p.25-26.

Question no 1

Explain the relationship between quality and competitiveness

for Pakistani textile companies

The present study finalizes companies’ quality and competitiveness using were get
together via benefit sampling. The data research was conducted using PLS-SEM. As well,
the outcome of studies appear that information technique was found insignificant towards
firm quality and competitiveness. However, the information strategy was significantly
affecting the logistics coordination effectiveness. Moreover, logistics coordination
effectiveness was significantly affecting the firm quality and competitiveness. The market
strategy was significantly affecting firm competitiveness. Additionally, market strategy
was significantly affecting the logistics coordination effectiveness. Also, process strategy
was not significantly affecting the firm competitiveness; however, process strategy was
significantly affecting the logistics coordination effectiveness. Moreover, logistics
coordination effectiveness was significantly mediating the relationship between all three
strategies namely market strategy, process strategy and process strategy and firm
As discussed, there is a positive and direct relationship between quality and supply chain
management. While the quality management movement started in the United States in the
1970's, the supply chain management movement is much 'younger', gaining momentum
with the turn of the 21st century. Within a supply chain, important business processes
affect customer satisfaction: design, production, delivery, support, and supplier-customer
relationship processes. What quality techniques and tools are available to drive supply
chain management improvements

Plan for manufacturability gives a strategy to planning parts that are not difficult to
produce and collect, with cost and process duration decrease and quality enhancements
therefore. Proceeding in this vein of concurrent movement, an accentuation on
synchronizing item plan choices with inventory network the executives choices, broadens
the idea of plan for gathering to 'plan for store network' (Hulta and Swan, 2003; Joglekar
and Rosenthal, 2003; Lee and Sasser, 1995) and 'plan for coordinations' (Simchi-Levi et
al., 2008). Plan for store network tends to the concurrent plan for materials across the
distinctive production network levels, while plan for coordinations accentuates thought
during plan to the cycles used to move the things through the production network, for
example, bundling, transportation, timing of significant worth added cycles and
normalization. The main key in expanding intensity is the human asset in an advanced
worldwide commercial center, quality is the way to seriousness. At the point when
organizations allude to these costs they stay with these classes or take a gander at four

Internal Failure Cost

The internal failure cost are those expenses of value related with item disappointments
that are found before an item leaves the manufacturing plant. These disappointments are
found through the association's inside review measures. Instances of inward
disappointment costs are: Failure investigation exercises

External Failure Cost

are those expenses caused because of item disappointments after
they have been offered to clients These expenses include Legal charges identified with
client claims. Loss of future deals from disappointed clients


 Iqbal M.S., Shaikh F.M., Mahmood B., Shafiq K. Development of textile

industrial clusters in Pakistan, In: Asian Social Science, 2010, 6(11), pp. 123–140.
 Khan A.A., Khan M. Pakistan textile industry facing new challenges, In: Research
Journal of International Studies, 2010, 14, pp. 21–29.
 Jaleel R., Ishfaq A., Saleemi A., Samin T. SWOT analysis of textile industry in
Pakistan, In: Asian Journal of Research in Business Economics and Management, 2014,
4(9), pp. 76–87.
 United Nations Comtrade, International Trade Statistics Database, (Date of Access: July 2017).
 SITC Revision Code 72 Explanation,
regcs.asp?Cl=14&Lg=1&Co=72 (Date of Access: July 2017).
 Shanghai Cooperation Organisation, About The Shanghai Cooperation
Organisation, about_sco/ (Date of Access: July 2017).
 Michel C., 2017, It’s Official: India and Pakistan Join Shanghai Cooperation
Organization, 2017/06/its-official-india-and-pakistan-join-
shanghai-cooperation-organization/ (Date of Access: July 2017).
 International Monetary Fund, World Economic Outlook, April 2017: Gaining
Momentum? Publications/WEO/Issues/2017/04/04/world-
economic-outlook-april-2017 (Date of Access: July 2017).
 The World Bank, Global Economy in 2017: Hope and Uncertainty, opinion/2017/02/15/global-economy-in-2017-hope-
and-uncertainty (Date of Access: July 2017).

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