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Design of Raft foundation

3.50 0.30 span 10.77 FL 27.710


3.00 Bottom of26.920
0.23 Bottom of26.695
Pier cap

HFL 25.54
0.90 0.16

0.80 LBL 22.28


0.90 0.60


Total no of piers = 4
Total no of abutments = 2
Total length of foundation = 3.00 X 10.77 + 2.00 X
( 10.77 + 0.30 + 0.03 +
0.00 + 0.80 )
= 56.11 m

0.90 7.50 8.40

Calculation of Dead Load
Dead Load from super structure on abutment = 92.00 t
Dead Load from super structure on pier = 184.00 t
Formation Level = 27.71 m
Dirt Wall Size = 0.79 X 0.30 x 8.45 m
Width of Abutment = 8.45
Unit weight of concrete = 2.50 t
Unit Weight of submerged Concrete = 1.50 t
Thickness of return wall = 0.60 x 0.60
Thickness of return wall at HFL level = 0.60 m
Thickness of wing wall = 0.30 m
Unit weight of soil = 1.80 t
Submerged Weight of soil = 1.00 t
Width of Foundation = 9.10 m

1.B Design data and material Specification

Concrete Grade = M 30 N/mm2
Characterisitic compressive strength of concrete Fck = 30.000 N/mm2
Design of compressive strength Fcd = 13.400 N/mm2
Tensile strength of concrete,fctm fctm = 2.5 N/mm2
Strain at reaching characteistic strength = 0.002
Ultimate strain = 0.0035
Ecm = 31111 N/mm2
Clear cover = 50 mm
Ecm = 31110.6 N/mm2 1
Steel grade = 500 N/mm2
Yield strength of steel fyk = 500 Mpa
Design yield strength of steel fyd = 434.78 Mpa
Modulus of elasticity of steel Es = 200000 Mpa
Dry weight of concrete = 25 Kn/m3
Submerged weight of concrete = 15 Kn/m3 0.663
Dry weight of soil = 20 Kn/m3
submerged weight of soil = 10 Kn/m3
Permissible crack width = 0.3 mm
Maximum compressive stress under concrete = 0.446 X fck
= 13.38 N/mm2
2.00 2.a = 2.50 X ( 0.90 + 1.50 ) X2.21 X 8.45
Dead Load of Abutment in Dry
= 112.02 t
2.b = 2.50 x ( 0.90 + 1.06 ) x 0.58 X 8.45
Dead Load of Abutment inHFL
condition + 1.50 X ( 1.06 + 1.50 ) X 1.63 X 8.45

= 76.74 t
2.c Height of Return Wall
= 5.43 m
Dead Load of Return wall in Dry
condition = (
0.70 X ( 0.60 + 0.60 ) X 0.50 X 5.43
X 0.80 ) X 2.00
= 3.65 t

Lever arm from abutment

= 0.40 m

2.d Dead Load of Return wall in = ( 0.70 X ( 0.60 + 0.60 ) X 0.50 X 2.17
X 0.80 +
0.50 X ( 0.60 + 0.60 ) X 0.50 X 3.27
X 0.80 ) 2.00
= 3.02 t

Lever arm from abutment = 0.40 m

Dead load of wing wall

2.e "= ( ( 2.50 X 3.50 x 3.00 X 0.30 ) - ( 2.50 X
2.70 X 0.30 X 3.20 X 0.50 ) ) X 2.00
= 9.27 t

Dead load of Retained Soil in Dry

2.f Conidtion
= 1.80 X 9.10 X 5.43 X 0.80 x 1.00
= 71.21 t

Dead load of Retained Soil in HFL

2g = ( 1.80 X 9.10 X 2.17 ) + ( 1.00 X 9.10
X 0.80 X 3.27 X 0.80

= 52.19 t

Dead load of Dirt wall

2.h = 8.45 X 0.30 X 0.71 X 2.50

= 6.43 T
2.j Dead Load from pier in DRY = 2.50 X 4.42 X ( 7.50 X 0.90 )

+ 2.50 X pi() X 0.90 X 0.90 / 4

X 4.42
= 81.60 t
2.k Dead Load from pier in HFL
= 57.48 t
2l Dead Load from pier cap in DRY = 2.50 X 0.23 X ( 7.80 X 1.20 )

+ 2.50 X pi() X 1.20 X 1.20 / 4

X 0.23
= 5.90 t

Seismic coeff Z = 0.16

Ah = Z x I X Sa
2.00 x R g

= 0.16 x 1.20 x 2.50 = 0.08

Summary 2.00 x 3.00
Dry Condition- Abutment
Dead Loads Load value Seismic force about
Acting at foundation
Load from super structure 92.00 t 7.36 t 27.32 44.45
Load from Dirt wall 6.43 t 0.51 t 27.32 3.11
Load from Abutment 112.02 t 8.96 t 24.49 28.76
Load from Abutment cap 4.75 t 0.38 t 26.81 2.10
Load from return wall 3.65 t 0.29 t 24.99 1.09
Load from wing wall 9.27 t 0.74 t 27.71 4.77
Load from soil weight 71.21 t
Sum 299.34 t 84.28

HFL Condition

Dead Loads Seismic force
Load value Acting at foundation
Load from super structure 92.00 t 7.36m 27.32 44.45
Load from Dirt wall 6.43 t .51m 27.32 3.11
Load from Abutment 76.74 t 6.14m 24.49 19.70
Load from Abutment cap 4.75 t .38m 26.81 2.10
Load from return wall 3.02 t .24m 24.99 0.90
Load from wing wall 9.27 t .74m 27.71 4.77
Load from soil weight 52.19 t .00m 0.00 t m
Sum 244.41 t .00m 75.03

Additional moment/m = 8.94 tm

Dry Condition-pier
Dead Loads Load value Seismic force about
Acting at foundation
Load from super structure 184.00 t 14.72 t 27.32 88.89
Load from pier cap 9.58 t 0.77 t 26.81 4.24
Load frompier shaft 81.60 t 6.53 t 24.49 20.95
Additional moment/m = 13.23 tm
3. Earth pressure
Formation Level = 27.710


Top of foundation = 22.28 2.91

Bottom of foundation = 21.28


Angle of Shear Resistance = 30 m/s

Ka = 0.297

Width of Abutment

Lateral Pressure Acting on abutment on DRY Condition

= 0.5 X 3.44 X 6.43 X 8.45
= 93.60 t Acting RL 23.98

Active Pressure on Abutment due to live

load surcharge = 8.450 X 6.434 X 0.642
= 34.91 t Acting RL 24.993

Moment about
bottom of
foundation( tm)
Earth load Force(t) Acting at Rl

Active earth Force on abutment due to

93.60 23.98
eathfill 252.93
Active earth force on abutment due to
34.91 24.99
live load surcharge

sum 128.51

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