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11/30/21, 8:29 PM R1-3ASS-CSE-DO2-AN-VP

R1-3ASS-CSE-DO2-AN-VP Switch account

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1. Asteya Means.? * 1 point

a. Non stealing

b. Stealing

c. Non violence

d. Moderation


2. Which of the following is not the reason of worries? 1 point

a. Anger

b. Love

c. Jealousy

d. Hate

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11/30/21, 8:29 PM R1-3ASS-CSE-DO2-AN-VP

3. The word 'Revenge' denotes which of the following Bad temperament? 1 point

a. Vanity

b. Greed

c. vengeance

d. anger

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4. Morality describes the principles of _ 1 point

a. Behaviour

b. Bad habits

c. Falsehood d. Society issues

d. Society issues

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5. Clarity means_ 1 point

a. Impluse

b. Confusion

c. Clear state

d. Thinking

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11/30/21, 8:29 PM R1-3ASS-CSE-DO2-AN-VP

6. Social intelligence Refers To A Person's_____ to understand & manage 1 point

interpersonal relationship?

a. Stupidity

b. Disability

c. Greedliness

d. Ability

Other: Capability

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7. Always 'service to humanity' must be? 1 point

a. Conditional

b. Unconditional

c. Mechanical

d. Economic

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8. Benefits of practicing Tapas is.? 1 point

a. Body Control

b. Control of Mind and Senses

c. Breath Control

d. Food Control

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11/30/21, 8:29 PM R1-3ASS-CSE-DO2-AN-VP

9. The desire which is not moralized is ? 1 point

a. Vanity

b. Miserliness

c. Greed

d. Vengeance


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10. Service To Humanity Is Given High Importance Because.? 1 point

a, It’s A Vedic Injunction

B. It’s Forced Traditional Activity

c. Both A And B Are Righ

D. None Of The Above


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11/30/21, 8:29 PM R1-3ASS-CSE-DO2-AN-VP

11. Svadhaya means? 1 point

a. Pranayama

b. Meditation

c. Self study

d. None of the above

Other: Self Introspection

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12. Benefit of Practicing IswaraPranidhana (Surrender to GOD) is.? 1 point

a. Progress in Asana

b. Progress in Pranahyama

c. Progress in Chanting

d. Final state of Complete Absorption (Samadhi) is Achieved.


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13. Select a Spinal Twist asana? 1 point

a. Vakrasana

b. gomukasana

c. pachimottasana

d. padmasana

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11/30/21, 8:29 PM R1-3ASS-CSE-DO2-AN-VP

14. Which asanas is an forward bending asanas * 1 point

a. Padahastasana

b. trikonasana

c. vrksasana



15. Why we have to be aware of the thoughts, Words and actions.? 1 point

a. Because I understand every action has an equal and opposite reaction

b. My actions affect myself

c. My actions affect others

d. All of the above.

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16. What is the learning from Maslows theory of self actualization.? 1 point

a. Self actualization is possible only if all the below conditions satisfy

b. Self actualization is possible only if all the below conditions doesn’t satisfy

c. Self actualization is possible irrespective of the other pyramids

d. None of the above

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11/30/21, 8:29 PM R1-3ASS-CSE-DO2-AN-VP

17. Chanting Mantras and observing its sound improves.? 1 point

a. Self Awareness

b. Concentration

c. Attention to detail

d. All of the above


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18. Self Awereness is improved by being 1 point

a. Being aware of the present

b. By being aware of the past

c. By being aware of the future

d. By being aware of all the three.

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19. Karma yoga means 1 point

A. Path of action

b. path of devotion

c. path of wisdom .

d. self-realization


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11/30/21, 8:29 PM R1-3ASS-CSE-DO2-AN-VP

20. Self actualization is? 1 point

a. Realization of one’s potential

b. Full development of One’s abilities

c. Appreciation of life

d. All of the above

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