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Scars are the roadmap to the soul.

We are all shadows on the wall of time.

Baby, you’re a firework.

Love is a battlefield.

You ain’t nothin’ but a hound dog, cryin’ all the time.


Oreo: Milk’s favorite cookie

Fear knocked on the door. Faith answered. There was no one there

Good morning, America, how are you? Don't you know me I'm your native son?

The car was suffering and needed some attention.

The stars were dancing playfully in the sky.

The bread jumped out of the toaster.

The wind whispered through the tall reeds.

My alarm clock loves to disturb me every morning.


The Manchester side won all its previous games

We will swear loyalty to the crown.

The White House will be making an announcement around noon today.

My dear, you have all of my heart.

It seems like people will do whatever Hollywood says is cool.

Tell me about your first date. I’m all ears!

The team needs some new blood if its going to win next season.

A boy has been admitted to the hospital. The nurse says, “He’s in good hands.”

Give us our daily bread.

Lend me your ears.

He has many mouths to feed.

Can I buy you a glass?

Nice wheels!


Looking at her son's messy room, Mom says, "Wow, you could win an award for cleanliness!"

On the way to school, the school bus gets a flat tire and the bus driver says, "Excellent! This day couldn't
start off any better!"

A person finishes a huge meal only to have a friend show up with a pizza for the two of them to share.
The very full person says, “Wow, perfect timing.”

Two marriage therapists got divorced from each other.


Mr. Grumps doesn’t want to listen to anyone, and definitely doesn’t want to help anyone.

He’s such a good guy. I enjoy his company so much! I just hope he’s Mr. Right.

I told you we could count on Mr. Old-Time Rock and Roll!


Ivan IV, the Terrible

Sitting by his side, I watched the peaceful dawn.

My careful steps reached the attic.

Her stifled laughter made everybody nervous.

You pusillanimous lily-livered yellow dog coward.


Controlled chaos

Honest thief

Terrible beauty

Strangely familiar

Awfully good

Big baby


He lost his coat and his temper.

You held your breath and the door for me.

The farmers in the valley grew potatoes, peanuts, and bored.

She killed time and the mailman.

The storm sank my boat and my dreams.

In quick succession, Susan lost her job, her house and her mind!


A pessimist's blood type is always B-negative.

I've been to the dentist many times so I know the drill.

A pyrotechnician should know how fireworks.

I wondered why the baseball kept getting bigger. Then it hit me.
John Lemon


She moved like a deer.

He’s as hungry as a wolf.

He is as strong as an ox.

This contract is as solid as the ground we stand on.

They are as different as night and day.

Last night, I slept like a log.

My love for you is as deep as the ocean.

They fought like cats and dogs.

Sweet as sugar

As cold as ice

As tall as a giraffe



We have to let you go, Tyler.

He’s big boned.

She’s a curvy woman.

Jimmy was sent to a correctional facility.

We’ve lost her.


I’m so hungry that I could eat a horse.

I Love You to the moon and back.

That dog is the cutest thing alive.

That song is the worst thing I have ever heard

This suitcase weighs a ton.

She is more beautiful than the moon and stars.

She nearly drowned in her tears.


There’s some water in the Atlantic Ocean.

The storm brought us a little bit of rain today.

Looks like we’ve got a bit of trouble on our hands, huh?

I know a little about running a company.

She has some money

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