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Audit Report

Global Standard Packaging and Packaging Materials Issue 5: July 2015

Audit summary
Company name Tielman Sweden AB BRC site code 4103275

Site name Tielman Sweden AB

Hygiene Category High Hygiene

Audit scope
Scope of audit Manufacture of baking trays by flexo printing, punching and forming of grease proof
paper and carton for food industry.

Exclusions from scope None

Justification for exclusion Justifications

Voluntary modules included

Modules Result Details

Choose a module Choose an item

Choose a module Choose an item

Audit results
Audit result Certificated Audit type Announced

Audit grade AA Previous audit grade A

Number of non-conformities Major against SOI of Fundamental 0

Critical 0
Major 0
Minor 4

DNV GL Business Assurance Italia S.r.l. – Via Energy Park, Vimercate MB Italy
Tel +39 0396899905 - Fax +39 039 6899930 – e-mail: – web page

If you would like to feedback comments on the BRC Global Standard or the audit process directly to BRC, please contact or call the TELL BRC hotline +44 (0)20 7717 5959.

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Company details
Address Alkagatan 2, 582 77 Linköping

Country Sweden Telephone +46(0)13 12 97 30

Commercial Björn Tielman Email


Technical Maria Boman Email


Company profile
Plant size <10K sq.m No. of 51-500 No. of key 1-3
(square metres) employees processes

Subcontracted processes Yes

Other certificates held FSC Chain of Custody

Regions exported to None

North America
Choose a region
Choose a region

Major changes or auditor No major changes

observations since last BRC audit

Company description Tielman Sweden AB is a privately owned company, by the Tielman family who
is involved in the day to day work. Tielman Sweden AB was founded in 1993
with a history dating back to the 1930’s.
Customers are mostly industrial bakeries but also some stores. 85% of the
sales are exported to approximately 15 countries mainly in Europe and North
The products are baking forms, cake forms, pie forms, muffin forms, mini trays
for baking and cake plates made from paper, grease proof paper and/or carton
Development is part of the processes handled on site as well as production and
sales. The production process is in general printing, cutting, forming and
packaging on several equipment’s.
Production and storage areas cover approximately 4500 sqrm, and the no of
HACCP plans is one. The no of employees are appr. 65 working 3 shifts 5 days
per week and a night shift. Increased during the year due to increased
Company bought Finform AS in Denmark.
DNV GL Business Assurance Italia S.r.l. – Via Energy Park, Vimercate MB Italy
Tel +39 0396899905 - Fax +39 039 6899930 – e-mail: – web page

If you would like to feedback comments on the BRC Global Standard or the audit process directly to BRC, please contact or call the TELL BRC hotline +44 (0)20 7717 5959.

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Company profile

Lead Auditor is Finnish but speaks Swedish fluently, therefore no extra time for
language difficulties was added as no translator was needed.

DNV GL Business Assurance Italia S.r.l. – Via Energy Park, Vimercate MB Italy
Tel +39 0396899905 - Fax +39 039 6899930 – e-mail: – web page

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Product and process characteristics
Field of Audit 02 - Papermaking
(Glass 07 - Print processes
Paper Category
Metal Category
Rigid plastic Category
Flexible plastic Category
Wood and other Category
Chemical processes)

Products in production at Several types of baking trays and forms in different sizes; printed and with no print
the time of the audit

Audit duration details

Finish date 2017-03-24

Re-audit due date 2018-04-19 Previous audit date 2016-04-19

On-site duration 12 Duration of 3

production facility

Reasons for deviation from typical or No deviation

expected audit duration

Next audit type selected Announced

Audit duration per day

Audit days Date Audit start time Audit finish time
1 (start date) 2017-03-23 08:30 16:30
2 2017-03-24 08:30 12:30

Auditor information
Auditor number Auditor Name Role

053108 Pekka Sulkamo Lead Auditor


DNV GL Business Assurance Italia S.r.l. – Via Energy Park, Vimercate MB Italy
Tel +39 0396899905 - Fax +39 039 6899930 – e-mail: – web page

If you would like to feedback comments on the BRC Global Standard or the audit process directly to BRC, please contact or call the TELL BRC hotline +44 (0)20 7717 5959.

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Present at audit
Note: the most senior operations manager on site should
be listed first and be present at both opening & closing Opening Site Procedure Closing
meetings (ref: clause 1.1.7) meeting inspection review meeting
Name / Job Title
Björn Tielman / Managing Director x x
Maria Boman / Quality Manager, HACCP team leader x x x x
Christian Jakauby / Production Manager x x
Christer Riddersporre / Maintenance x
Kenth Åkesson / Storage x
Louise Lindström / Sales, new products x
Ingela Karlsson / Production x x
Alexander Jonsson / Production x x

DNV GL Business Assurance Italia S.r.l. – Via Energy Park, Vimercate MB Italy
Tel +39 0396899905 - Fax +39 039 6899930 – e-mail: – web page

If you would like to feedback comments on the BRC Global Standard or the audit process directly to BRC, please contact or call the TELL BRC hotline +44 (0)20 7717 5959.

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Non-Conformity Summary
Major non-conformity against statement of intent of a fundamental requirement
No. Requirement Details of non-conformity Critical or Major ? Anticipated re-
ref. audit date

No. Clause. Details of non-conformity Anticipated re-
audit date

Proposed preventive action plan Evidence provided document, Date Reviewed
No. Clause Details of non-conformity Correction reviewed by
(based on root cause analysis) photograph, visit/other

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Evidence provided
Proposed preventive action plan Date
No. Clause Details of non-conformity Correction document, photograph, reviewed
Reviewed by
(based on root cause analysis)
1 1.3.1 Last revision of organization Updated organization chart. Incomplete and old organizational Nonconfirmity No 1_RD 1.3 2017-04- Pekka
chart was 2014-01-01, since chart. Set to year clock to check it Organisationplan.pdf 07 Sulkamo
then production manager has in January.
left company.
Updated organization plan

2 4.11.5 Door #1 left open while forklift Changed opening times for Risk of pests or birds from entering Nonconfirmity No 2 Door.JPG 2017-04- Pekka
went to paper warehouse. the storage door to 28,5 the gate when it is open too long. 07 Sulkamo
seconds, then turns off Now the timing was set for too long
automatically. time.

3 4.11.8 No evidence on changing the Change of baits and light Uncertainties regarding Anticimex Nonconfirmity No 3 2017-04- Pekka
light bulbs on flytraps bulbs documented in the activities, pest and insect traps. Flytraps.pdf 07 Sulkamo
service report as well as the Agreement is revised to include
risk analysis. lregular yearly UV light tube
Anticimex service report
4 6.3.2 Shoes on floor underneath Optional rack placed under the The hygiene training needs to be Nonconformity No 4 Shoes on 2017-04- Pekka
lockers in both changing rooms cabinets. enforced, all persons will be given a floor.JPG 07 Sulkamo
refresser training on hygiene rules
with in May month.
Photo of shoes on the rack

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Comments on non-conformities – not tagged, just free text. This is to explain where a large number of NCs have been raised without a major

Voluntary Modules Non-Conformity Summary Sheet

No. Clause Details of non-conformity Anticipated re-audit date

If you would like to feedback comments on the BRC Global Standard or the audit process directly to BRC, contact or call the TELL BRC hotline +44 (0)20 7717 5959.

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Proposed preventive action plan Evidence provided: document, Date Reviewed
No. Clause Details of non-conformity Correction reviewed by
(based on root cause analysis) photograph, visit, other

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Proposed preventive action plan Evidence provided document, Date Reviewed
No. Clause Details of non-conformity Correction reviewed by
(based on root cause analysis) photograph, visit/other

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Detailed Section

1. Senior management commitment

1.1 Senior management commitment and continual improvement

Senior management commitment is in place and resources seem to be provided (both in terms of employees
and capital expenditure available) to support ongoing certification to the Standard.
There is a documented Quality and Hygiene policy which is signed by the CEO Mr Björn Tielman dated 2017-
02-14, included within the staff hand book, addressing product safety and quality. The policy outlines e.g. to
avoid contamination, commitment follow the requirements in BRC Packaging standard etc. After updating
the policy in February all employees signed off to have read the policy.
Objectives are documented and shared with staff.
Objectives are: complaints – max 89 kSEK (B 200kSEK), Waste for recycling 37,3% both were showing green
indicator in monthly follow up. Also objectives on more new products/designes, likewise on green.
Production staff interviewed during the audit was able to demonstrate awareness of these policies and
Evidence of ongoing human and financial resources available to team who are responsible for the
implementation and maintenance of the requirements of the Standard seen throughout duration of the
audit. The QA manager is responsible for ensuring that the organisation is informed of all new legislation and
regulatory requirements for the materials i.e. grease proof paper, ink etc. and finished products to ensure
conformance with legal compliance. Compliance with legislation demonstrated by DoC (declaration of
compliance) contents, ref to legislation, checked for article no 1051896 DAFGÅRD as part of the vertical
audit among other products on production during audit. Pdf copy of Issue 5 of the Packaging Standard
available on site. Audit conducted within due dates and this time the audit time window was changed to
avoid audits near the summer vacation. CEO Björn Tielman attended opening and closing meetings.
5 minor non-conformities from the previous audit were closed out and have not recurred at this audit.
Site is aware that for any NC raised and this and any subsequent audits, root cause analysis is required.

1.2 Management review

The management review is done by the CEO Björn Tielman and clear input and statistics is coordinated and
presented by the QA manager. There is an annual review with monthly progress review sessions with senior
management covering from 1 July to 30 June. Minutes of the annual management review meeting and
action plan from 2017 vk 21 reviewed and included all the required items. The monthly review meetings are
used to review progress and QA manager reports statistics and progress to the management, protocol seen
ex. from week 10 2017. Minutes include timescales and confirmation of completion, progress toward
agreed targets, e.g. customer complaints, which are then briefed to staff in the quality report displayed on
board in the production area.

1.3 Organisational structure, responsibilities and management authority

The management structure is documented within the quality manual “Organisationsstruktur, ansvar och
befogenheter” 1.3/1 dated 2016-01-30, with designated deputies in job descriptions ex. Production manager
is replaced by MD and production leader, QA manager is replaced by MD. The organisation chart has not
been updated. The senior management team is comprised of Production/Development Mananager, QA
Manager (also held the role of production leader), Marketing/Sales manager and Financial manager report
to the MD.
The production leader manages the 2 shifts, storage and maintenance.
Job descriptions are available for managers and supervisors and a competence matrix cover staff. Job
descriptions currently under review.
DNV GL Business Assurance Italia S.r.l. – Via Energy Park, Vimercate MB Italy
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Work instructions form part of the Quality Manual, ex checked “Styrning av grafisk design” 5.2/1 dated
2016-02-20, “Produktinspektion, provning och mätning” 5.6/1 dated 2016-02-21 among others. Daily shift
handover meetings take place coordinated by the production leader.
NC#1 1.3.1 Organisation chart was last updated 2014-01-01, changes have happened after this date.

Non-applicable clauses

2. Hazard and risk management system

2.1 Hazard and risk management team

A HACCP team has been established to review the hazard and risk management system.
The team is made up of 5 members, MD, Production manager, storage responsible, maintenance responsible
and if needed operators.
The team leader is the QA manager Maria Boman – who has received formal HACCP training as well as
experience also from the food industry.
Details of the qualification and experience of members of the HACCP team are documented in “Grupp för
analys av hälsofaror och risker” 2.1/1 dated 2016-02-01. Last training for team on Issue 5 demands was
01.10.2015. An overview of the experience of members of the HACCP team shows their experience and
knowledge for areas of the factory. The system is well laid out, demonstrating competence. Since senior
management also is members of the HACCP team changes and customer requirements is well covered.

2.2 Hazard and risk analysis

The documented hazard and risk analysis is set out clearly, available in folders held by the QA manager.
System lists scope of HACCP study, key members, training and experience of members, responsibilities, and
purpose of the study.
The hazard and risk management plan is mainly modular in approach based on the different process
activities and work stations ex. printing cutting dated 2016-02-24 but some generic hazard analysis as well
ex. staff hygiene and clothing dated 2016-02-24 all in excel file ref. RD 2.2
QA manager is supported subscriptions to keep up to date on legislation and news as well as agents in the
export countries.
Product descriptions were adequate and included all required items supported by a new database
connected to the business system Navision, checked for article no 1410166 (Baking Tray) as part of the
vertical audit as well as for art. No 10519 (Oreo muffin form) DoC dated 2016-04-08 among others. No
recycled content.
Flow chart viewed ref. RD 2.2/1 dated 2016-02-03, Verified by HACCP team latest 2017-02-15.
Process steps: receipt of raw materials (ex. paper, grease proof paper, carton, chemicals, ink) inspection,
storage, printing (not all products), storage, punching, storage, forming, storage, packaging, wrapping
pallets, storage, dispatch.
Processes shown on one flowcharts and an extensive excel file with risk analysis done as per step from
intake to dispatch.
Subcontracted processes also covered by the flow chart and hazard analysis. Subcontracted process is the
laminating of printed paper to corrugated paper regarding one specific product, a baking form. Art work (sub
contracted) and printing (in house) is likewise covered.
The hazard and risk management plan included a review of potential hazards – chemical, physical,
microbiological, allergens, quality or integrity, and potential for malicious intervention. Physical hazards
include foreign body contamination and out-of specification product (defects). Microbiological hazards
removed by pre-requisite controls as well as are quality or integrity hazards.
Each identified hazard was reviewed and given a risk rating to define the severity (scale 2-8) and likelihood
DNV GL Business Assurance Italia S.r.l. – Via Energy Park, Vimercate MB Italy
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(1-4) of a hazard occurring. E.g. physical contamination caused by oils and fats on equipment (food grade oils
used if pose a risk), quality hazards as wrong size, holes; or foreign body contamination. Assessment for
allergen risks covered as well but none found.
Suitable controls for each hazard were documented; in many cases these formed part of the prerequisite
programmes. E.g. hazard of equipment failure and subsequent physical contamination managed by
documented preventive maintenance programme.
Hazards linked to the use of raw materials are covered by supplier approval and purchasing requirements in
contracts as well as DoC, certifications etc. ex. for grease proof paper, inks. Foreign body contamination
hazards are covered by pre-requisite programmes: personnel disciplines, cleaning, equipment condition, and
maintenance and pest control. The study identified no critical control points. Review takes place each year
latest 2017-02-15 and report is input to the management meeting, all required points covered. Where a
significant issue occurs the team are reconvened to consider the hazard and risk management plan. Parts of
the HACCP team meets every week at QA/Production meetings and records from the meetings are in place
as per a fixed agenda, covering also other topics.

2.3 Exemption of requirements based on risk analysis

No exemptions on the basis of risk were identified.

Non-applicable clauses 2.2.8, 2.2.9, 2.2.10. No CCP identified.

3. Product safety and quality management system

3.1 Product safety and quality management system

The system is now following the structure of the BRC Packaging standard (numbers) but also with company
specific chapters.
The company has a paper based manual and the QA manager update and distribute documents (system on
server covered by back up improved last year), which addresses the entire product safety and quality
management system built up as folders with procedures (chapter 1-6) referring to related documents as the
hazard analysis and job descriptions, and other folders with related records (chapter 1-6). This covers all ex.
operation procedures, training, suppliers etc. No translations are required as the workforce is Swedish -
The system is part of the management review agenda.
All instructions and procedures are made available to the staff at line and accompany each work order as
needed. Supported by business system Navision creating product specific documents, “Produktkort”
(product card), for each production run.

3.2 Documentation control

The company has a paper based manual and the QA manager updates and distributes documents (system
documents on server covered by back up). All documents issued with an issue date, reference and
authorisation. The system was found to be working effectively since all documents is updated since last audit
when creating a new structure. The document reference library is in place in “Ledningssystem för
produktsäkerhet och kvalitet” 3.1/1 dated 2016-02-11, and changes is marked as red color. All documents
checked had issue date, reference and authorisation ex. Purchase procedure “Godkännande och bedömning
av leverantörer” 3.6/1 2016-02-07. Relevant parts of the system are accessible by all employees through
folders, production journals and the specific product cards for each production run . All revised
documentation signed off by authorized members of senior management to be incorporated into the

DNV GL Business Assurance Italia S.r.l. – Via Energy Park, Vimercate MB Italy
Tel +39 0396899905 - Fax +39 039 6899930 – e-mail: – web page

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Though the entire management system is updated and the structure changed, the work procedures and
content in general are the same as previous.

3.3 Record keeping

Hard copy records are archived on site; electronic forms are backed up daily and weekly, strongly improved
last year.
Records are initialled or signed by the relevant team leader or senior management representative. Records
kept for 3 years as standard. All documents seen are appropriately approved and procedures for storage of
documents forms part of the quality manual ref. Dokumentstyrning 3.2/1 and Redovisande document 3.3/1.
Alterations on ducuments was described in procedure and all checked records were filled appropriately.

3.4 Specifications

Specifications in place on raw material, intermediate and finished products.

A new database is place for finished products specifications connected to the business system i.e also to the
specific product card for each product.
Specs on finished products as product cards as per article containing all raw materials, process parameters
(temp. size etc) as well as packaging.
Specs on chemicals, paper, ink handled by QA manager.
All specifications are documented and include typical properties ex numerous parameters on size, as well as
intended use.
Specifications on finished gods built up from specific specifications on composition as well as Normpack
certificate on finished products all available on computer. Ex. art no 1051896 DAFGÅRD as part of the
vertical audit among others were reviewed and confirmed compliance with several regulations and industry
guidelines ex. EU regulations on food contact material.
Normpack cert dated 2016-05-07 seen as well as set of report dated 2016-04-11 and migration report dated
2016-04-11. Renewed every second year.
Specifications reviewed annually as part of the supplier review. Documented procedure 3.4/1 dated 2016-
Contracts are in place concerning service suppliers (e.g. pest control, maintenance, cleaning).

3.5 Internal audits

Risk-based system of internal audits in place. Scope of audits covers the quality system, PRPs and other
processes and procedures with regular audits covering all areas audited over a 12 month period spread over
the year on 6 occasions. Audits carried out by a team of 6 qualified auditors but mainly by the QA mngr, who
is trained externally for BRC as well as in house. Reports given to the Managers for the audited areas and
time set for corrective action and appropriate timescales agreed and actions followed up at next audit. Once
corrective action forms have been completed by the responsible Manager the auditor is responsible for
checking off actions. All documented on server and paper and managed by QA mngr. Detailed follow up at
management meeting. Checked all six reports and all were clear. Also hygiene rounds twice per year by pest
control company and approximately twice per month quality rounds by QA-manager supported by
checklists. Rounds ambitious and well handled.

3.6 Supplier approval and performance monitoring

Documented procedure “Godkännande och bedömning av leverantörer” 3.6/1 dated 2016-02-07 and
questionnaire ref. RD 3.6. All suppliers of products and services are approved by the management and
entered onto the list of approved suppliers by the QA manager before they can be used. Assessment is
based on hygiene and quality risk among other requirements with suppliers categorized A, B or C.

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Tel +39 0396899905 - Fax +39 039 6899930 – e-mail: – web page

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All relevant suppliers of raw materials are required to fill in a questionnaire every two year and some are
audited or certified to a GFSI approved bench marked standard. Raw material assessments at intake forms
part of the ongoing review of supplier performance. Annual performance review of suppliers.
Checked questionnaires and certificates, in general good. Raw materials for the vertical audit was supplied
by approved suppliers ex. Nordic Paper and Billerud Korsnäs. Purchases sought from non-approved suppliers
required to be approved by management involving QA mngr.

3.7 Management of subcontracted processes

Documented procedure ”Styrning av kontrakterade processer” 3.7/1 dated 2016-02-07.

The process to laminate printed paper to corrugated paper aimed for a specific product (baking tray) is sub
contracted to one company. Audit performed at the company as well as questionnaire. Records from last
visit at Frontpac seen dated 2016-01-28 by the QA and Production managers. All gods inspected by
operators before use. Specifications are used as the basis for agreement of work for the subcontractor. The
subcontracting of laminating forms is one of the modules of the hazard and risk management plan, as well as
packaging. Also art work is out sourced to an approved supplier with a shared web site used for cooperation.

3.8 Management of suppliers of services

Documented procedure Styrning av leverantörer av tjänster 3.8/1 dated 2016-02-07.

Contracts are in place concerning service suppliers (e.g. pest control Anticimex, cleaning ISS, transport
several accepted companies, waste Ragn Sells AB, laundry ISS). Viewed agreement of pest control agent
Anticimex origin 2006-11-14 is until further notice and priceds updated yearly.
The QA manager has a list of all approved suppliers as part of the management system ref. RD 3.6
“Leverantörsbedömning” covering both raw material, subcontractors and services.
Annual review by management.

3.9 Traceability

Auditor tested: prod nbr 1051896 DAFGÅRD CANDOR LF 70gr, size 90x25 papers 293566-2 and 315176-2
colours batches 379, 407, and 433 were easily found also production recordings and maintenance recordings
checked during vertical audit. Successful and all raw materials traced within an hour and delivery to
customer as well. All raw material id. registered in the business system or traceability excel file for inks, and
customer delivery in business system. The traceability system in place is supported by order number in the
business system, and internal journals. Based on a unique manufacturing order and time - bar codes on
pallets. Traceability of raw material including chemicals is based on delivery information from the supplier
lot no or date. Precise traceability to batches of raw materials in place by using excel file filled in with lot no
among other information connected to the order no and to internal batch no. Annual test of the recall
system done by the QA Manager includes test of traceability. Latest 21.03.2017 prod 1031389 Speedibake
tray color 344 paper 310200-03 as well as on the raw material paper order no 306919-1 from supplier
BillerudKorsnäs went totally 6 orders, time used totally 2 hours.
No rework.

3.10 Customer focus and contract review

There is a new marketing and sales manager since last audit as well as some new sales persons. The sales
persons communicate directly with some customers and via agents in some areas. For the North American
market most contacts via the company representative in Canada. All active or potential customers have an
appointed contact person within the sales department.
Customer requirements are communicated to production using clear product cards in the business system,
as packaging patterns etc. and reviewed as part of the review of specifications.

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Tel +39 0396899905 - Fax +39 039 6899930 – e-mail: – web page

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No performance requirement so far.

3.11 Complaint handling

Documented procedure Reklamationshantering 3.11/1 dated 2016-02-10.

All complaints logged on paper and in excel file by the QA manager, very thorough.
Report made for all complaints as input to management meeting. Monthly statistics and discusses at
management meetings as well as on daily operation meetings. The number of complaints is on a low level
since several years (appr. 30 to a cost of 0.235% of all sales) and no actual food safety related issues last
period. Mainly on size.
To reduce complaints is still one of the company objectives.

3.12 Management of product withdrawals, and incidents and product recalls

Documented procedure cover withdrawals, incidents and recall and describes the process including
responsibilities and contact list as well as return procedures and documentation; Hantering av incidenter och
återkallande av product 3.12/1 dated 2016-02-10.
The MD is responsible to call in the crises team, replaced by QA manager if not available.
Customer data is available in the business system and other external emergency contacts in the folder at the
QA office.
Annual test using a specific template for documentation, initiated by the QA manager, latest as part of the
traceability test and included contact with the customer (clearly stating it was a test), successful and timing
documented – Latest 21.03.2017 prod 1031389 Speedibake tray color 344 paper 310200-03 as well as on the
raw material paper order no 306919-1 from supplier BillerudKorsnäs went totally 6 orders, time used totally
2 hours.
No withdrawals or recalls last year, and no recalls for several years.

Non-applicable clauses

4. Site Standards
4.1 External standards

The plant is located in Linköping surrounded by some light industry and stores. Buildings from 2006 and in
good repair and well maintained with investment regularly planned. No local activities that would affect
product. The perimeter of the site is not fully fenced and gated but all doors locked with code at all times as
well as alarm system and security rounds. Condition of the site and buildings is checked by the maintenance
and QA regularly. Very orderly at the audit. No issues with drainage and site’s yard and driveways are
concrete and in suitable condition.
No outside storage.

4.2 Building fabric and interiors

Floors are constructed of coated painted concrete, maintained as part of the maintenance program. Floors
in the 2 separate storage buildings is partly asphalt
Protected fluorescent light tubes in use – no evidence of breakage. No evidence of water ingress. Glass
windows pose no risk since not near products.
Ventilation provided through built in ventilation system.

4.3 Utilities

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Water used for catering facilities and personnel is provided by the country council Linköping county, potable.
No water used in the process and cleaning is mainly dry cleaning. Oil free filtrated pressure air with
specifications is used. Ventilation managed by contractor via the land lord, filer type specified. Utilities are
part of risk assessment.

4.4 Security

No security issues were identified at the time of the audit and are part of the annual risk assessment.
The perimeter of the site is not fully fenced and gated but all doors locked with code at all times as well as
alarm system and security rounds by security company on weekends.
Site access is regulated. A code system is use to regulate access to areas where authorized personnel only
are permitted, not accessed without the correct code. All visitors sign in on entry and staff is encouraged to
report or challenge unidentified visitors.
All references supplied must be followed up ex. on new employees by manager.
External transport personnel are not permitted in production areas.
No outside storage tanks or silos.

4.5 Layout and product flow

The flow is U-shaped and seems appropriate, from receiving raw material, during production to loading –
Internal transports occur in a safe way between buildings. 2 storage magazines on the same lot mainly
containing packed raw material paper and some machine tools/equipment. Packed finished products
storage in the same building as production.
Storage of work in progress was seen to be satisfactory near the production in the hygiene area. All items
were uniquely identified.
All items properly labelled and protected, and the site is roomy and adequate space available for all
operations and movements.

4.6 Equipment

All equipment is suitable for the intended purpose, and suitably clean. Procedure for the installation of new
equipment in place as part of the investment procedure and includes notification to production and other
involved departments. In practice handle by the production manager and MD, but no new equipment last
year. Documented procedure Utrustning och konstruktionsutveckling 4.6/1 dated 2016-02-14.
Notice on production equipment rare but if used there cleanable.

4.7 Maintenance

Maintenance seems adequate. Paper based system covering all equipment. Planned maintenance mainly
cover lubrications and other maintenance based on rounds and inspections. Two building rounds per year by
QA and maintenance to inspect buildings since the building in practice not owned by the company.
Rules are in place to prevent contamination from maintenance activities signed off in the maintenance log.
There are two people working at maintenance full time, as well as contractors used.
Wooden equipment all in good conditions, and no engineering workshops open directly into production

4.8 Housekeeping and cleaning

A generally good level of housekeeping and cleaning was found during the audit and the site personnel all
took responsibility for maintaining cleanliness.
“Clean as you go‟ policies with an end of shift clean by operatives. More extensive cleaning every Thursday
by operators spending some hours to clean. Last year cleaning of production was outsourced but no back to
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be done by operators. Good standards of cleanliness at the time of the audit.
Cleaning procedures ref. Rengöring och skötsel 4.8/1 dated 2016-02-14 include all required detail. Records
maintained to manage cleaning, checked journals for January-April 2016. Verified by QA manager weekly as
well as at hygiene rounds visually, but at times using plates to test for microorganisms.
Mainly dry cleaning but some chemicals used for ex. printing equipment.
Material for cleaning to toilets, are in a separate room from the production and done by ISS sub contractor.

4.9 Product contamination control

4.9.1 Glass, brittle plastics, ceramics and similar materials control

Glass breakage procedure viewed, Styrning av kontaminering 4.9/1 dated 2016-02-14 covering glass and
brittle plastics, sharps including tools.
Cover also detailed procedure and reporting in case of breakage. No glass or brittle plastics breakages
recorded in last 12 months.
Use of glass minimized e.g. bulbs and strip lights protected against breakage.
Checks done by operators when starting the shifts, and by QA mngr at rounds twice per month records seen
from Jan-April 2016 . List of items updated by QA manager latest dated 2016-02-12 including check.

4.9.2 Sharps control

Sharps policy in place Styrning av kontaminering 4.9/1 dated 2016-02-14 covering glass and brittle plastics,
sharps including tools.
Knifes and blades managed by the production leader using a list of items (personal knives) and receiving old
blades and handing out new ones.
Notice board with magnets used.

4.9.3 Chemical and biological control

Hazard and risk analysis gave no need for food grade lubricants due to the nature of the process and
equipment except on a few places and food grade lubricants available. Also food grade silicone for transport
belt (checked Kem Silicone). List of chemicals including safety data sheets in place by subscription to a
service provided externally.
Microbiological hazards identified through hazard and risk management system.

4.10 Waste and waste disposal

Satisfactory systems in place. Designated refuse bins emptied by dedicated staff throughout shifts, waste
intended for recycling collected and stored. Trademarked goods are all destroyed on site by compressing but
a signed contract on no miss use also in place with the waste company. Established contractor used for
handling waste, Rangsells.

4.11 Pest control

The company continue to use the same pest control contractor as documented in previous audits –
Covers rodents and insects, both internal and external baits are used but no poison bates if not needed.
Contract dated 2006-11-14.
The service purchased is 4 routine visits per year and 2 more extensive hygiene rounds.
Checked reports from 2016-03-10, 2015-12-16 among others.
The QA manager is the contact person and keep reports, trends, follow up on findings etc. available by log in
to the Anticimex web site.
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No evidence of infestation was found or had recently been reported. No issues highlighted through trending
reports. Trends checked by QA manager.
Staff aware to report of pest activity.
NC#2 4.11.5 Door #1 left open while forklift went to paper warehouse.
NC#3 4.11.8 No evidence on changing the light bulbs on flytraps

Non-applicable clauses

5. Product and process control

5.1 Product development

There is a documented procedure and checklist covering product design and development also covering the
evaluation of potential risks - Produktutveckling 5.1/1 dated 2016-02-20. Well established since at present
approximately 2-5 new prints per week. At the weekly cross functional HACCP and quality meetings new
products are evaluated and approved. Product card on all new products as specifications, and cover process
parameters as temperatures, size, colour etc. Customer approvals kept at sales. Samples retained on all
batches as blue print. Reviewed product no 1031147 and 10519 among others.

5.2 Graphic design and artwork control

Procedure Styrning av grafisk design 5.2/1 dated 2016-02-20 specifies controls in place regarding graphic
design and art work to minimise loss of information/malicious intervention, assuring information is fully
legible and meeting customer specifications. The company receive a specification from the customer and
send this to an external company (millers) who do the graphic design and art work, the company review this
and send it to the customer for approval – approvals always documented. No changes without customer
approvals. This includes receipt of masters and colour standards.

5.3 Packaging print control

Print activity is assessed regarding risks. Rarely wording on content, mainly different colors and patterns.
Procedure in place and checks during printing documented in production journals and signed by operators.
Personnel are suitably trained in the required areas, and samples retained as reference. No actual mixed
prints but procedures in place on line clearance.
See minor NC on documented print check.

5.4 Process control

Procedures in place to ensure effective control of operations throughout the process including quality
assurance as well as food safety hazards. Extensive control of size and performance in packaging equipment.
Checks on colour and print as well, and on equipment settings as temperature.
Production specifications are available for all products which include equipment settings as temperatures
etc. as part of the product card/produktkort printed out at every production.
Control of intermediate and finished products done by operators during the production ex. on print, color,
size, function, numbers packed. No lab on site.
Every production is documented in the control journal as well as in the specific production card covering
controls, setting, cleaning and clearance etc. Paper based system archived at the production leader who also
verify the documentation. Reviewed several records ex Jan.-April 2016.
Observation of checks performed by operators on line were seen to be well performed and many checks
done every hour (weight, size, color, print) – staff knew the checks to be performed, had access to the
specifications (produktkort) to review the test results and understood the actions to be taken for making
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adjustments to equipment or informing the production leader in the event of issues.
Process checks were performed at regular and frequent intervals to ensure conformance of product.
Equipment used for these checks was available, appropriate for the activity and calibrated, ex scales.
Checks were documented in the production journals.
The clearance procedure is part of the control journal and production card. Lines and equipment are cleared
when changing articles.
All new products are grouped into the hazard and risk management plan, if appropriate. New modules
created as required. At present all product covered by the same HACCP plan. Signed off by QA team
approving specifications.

5.5 Calibration and control of measuring devices

Documented procedure Kalibrering och kontroll av mätutrustning 5.5/1 dated 2016-02-20 and list RD 5.5.
Identified equipment (e.g. balances, Pantone Matching System (PMS), metal detector, callipers) and subject
to calibration/checks in general twice per year. Scales, metal detector and PMS latest 2017-02-10.
Traceable weights latest 2013-01-23. Equipment such as balance is checked between formal calibrations
daily by qualified staff using a traceable master. Items viewed suitably protected. No in-line testing is used
(metal detector is off line and used manually only for one product).

5.6 Product inspection, testing and measuring

All regular checks done on-site. Control of intermediate and finished products done by operators during the
production ex. on print, color, size, function, numbers packed. Ex color checked to PMS standard. No lab on
site. External lab. Innventia used for analysis on finished products (every two years) and accredited.

5.7 Control of non-conforming product

Documented procedure Behandling av avvikande produkt 5.7/1 dated 2016-02-21.

Out-of-specification products seem well handled.
Identified, labelled including coloured tape and documented in journals and quarantined. Kept in specified
QA is involved in decisions regarding out of spec products. Followed up on management meetings.
No main issues but for some quality issues. Raw materials usually returned to supplier.

5.8 Incoming goods

Documented procedure Inkommande gods 5.8/1 2016-02-22.

Raw material transport arranged by suppliers and procedure in place to visually check loads prior to intake
into warehouse and sign off.
Goods in procedure validates delivery notes against purchase orders. Checked documents for January to
April 2016 among others.

5.9 Storage of all materials and intermediate and finished products

No external storage. One storage for raw material and finished gods but in separate areas in the same
building as the production. On the same lot two buildings are rented also used for storage started in 2013.
Storage of finished product on site normally for a short period due to produce as per customer order.
Intermediate goods stored at appointed area in the production. Conditions in general good.
Temperature/humidity controlled to some extent. Pallets wrapped in plastics.
Appropriate identification, no unidentified products/raw materials seen in warehouse. Hazardous chemicals
are stored in a separate room or cabinet to minimise risk of cross-contamination. No off-site storage used.

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5.10 Dispatch and transport

The company has no own trucks. Mainly road transport used.

Finished products transport is subcontracted to be managed by contractors, mainly DHL and Schenker
applying to hygiene requirements as well as products protected by plastic wrapping.
Sufficient identification and protection against hazards seen. Generally good condition of pallets seen. No
company owned vehicles but procedure in place to check hygiene of vehicles prior to loading, stamped and
signed delivery documents archived at storage office seen. Transport personnel have no access to

Non-applicable clauses 5.6.3 No in line equipment

6. Personnel
6.1 Training and competence

Documented procedure: Rutin för utbildning och kompetens 6.1/1 dated 2016-01-30. Good evidence of
appropriate levels of training and competence amongst all production employees at all levels. Induction
training programme for all new employees and temporary staff. Checklists used ex for new sales person
Louise Lindström dated 2016-01-11. All visitors accompanied. Records indicate that adequate training is in
place for personnel involved in activities relating to product safety, quality and legality. E.g. training of
printing staff (Alexander Jonsson, machine operatives (Ingela Karlsson) viewed. Training matrix maintained
detailing competency for all staff ref. RD 6.1.
Annual review by management for the need of retraining. Annual hygiene repetition training for all
operators latest 2015-09-16.

6.2 Personal hygiene

Documented procedure: Personlig hygien 6.2/1 dated 2016-01-30. No jewellery allowed except for wedding
ring and continuous loop earrings. All staff seem to apply. Hygiene policy also covers fingernails, eating and
drinking in production area, hand washing, and use of personal medicines in production area.

6.3 Staff facilities

Gender specific locker and changing rooms provided with appropriate lockers for segregation of personal
clothing and work wear, including toilets. Two lockers each for men and with dividing wall in women lockers.
No canteen but facilities for keeping, heating and eating food in place. 2 designated smoking areas available
outside of the main building. No evidence of eating, drinking etc. in locker rooms. Hand washing facilities
available at the entrance to the production areas for all staff and visitors with signage. No toilets opening to
Minor NC#4 6.3.2 Shoes on floor underneath lockers in both changing rooms

6.4 Medical screening

Staffs informed of medical policy in introduction training and return to work form following sickness and
travelling, documented as part of the hygiene rules ref. 6.2/1. Plasters are blue, detectable and available in
hygiene zones in special automates/stations filled by appointed persons. Visitors do a health declaration as
part of signing in procedure.

6.5 Protective clothing

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Company issued clothing cleaned on site by appointed person. Documented procedures and check in place
on temperature, cleaning agent, storage etc. Sufficient no of sets for all employees – no limit. Company
provided clothing is shoes, trousers, T-shirts, shirts and different types of scalp hair protection as well as
beard snoods. Visitors coat provided and hair net.
Protective clothing can be worn around the site, but must not be worn on travel to or from the site.
All staff seen wearing suitably clean clothing.

Non-applicable clauses

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