Write Essay Template

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Write Essay Template:

Background (1-2 sentences)
The (TOPIC) is …
Paraphrase the prompt (1 sentence)
While some people advocate that…, others believe that…
Regarding (TOPIC), some may argue / assert / reason / claim / suggest / elucidate that…
Thesis Statement
In this essay, I will argue that…
This essay will argue that…
This essay will first discuss both sides of the argument, then demonstrate why / how /
(Opinion) …

Body paragraph #1:

Topic sentence
With regard to (TOPIC), many may agree that there are more positives than negatives /
drawbacks / hindrances…
It is irrefutable that…
Statement / Reason #1
One of the main / major arguments is that…
One can debate that…
Elaboration / Example #1
For example, / instance…
To illustrate…
Statement / Reason #2
Another reason is that…
One may further argue that…
Elaboration / Example #2
That is to say / In other words…. (linking)
This is because / The reason is that … (giving reasons)
As a result / consequence / Therefore…. (describing result)
(+/-) Closing Sentence
There is a general agreement that…

Body paragraph #2:

Topic sentence
However, another angle on this debate suggests that…
In contrast to the advantages / (MAIN POINT OF BODY 1), an alternative perspective
illustrates that…
On the other hand, some may suggest / contest / debate that…
Besides (BODY #1), ________ also…
Statement / Reason #1
Elaboration / Example #1
Statement / Reason #2
Elaboration / Example #2
(+/-) Closing Sentence

Paraphrase your thesis statement
Therefore / overall / to conclude / hence / thus, it is my opinion / standpoint / viewpoint
Taking into account the aforementioned ideas, I believe that…
This essay has discussed both sides of the argument regarding (THE TOPIC), reaching the
conclusion that…
Further implications / general statement / relate topic to present day / prediction /
It is recommended that …
It is predicted that…

1. The majority of television news being reported is bad news:

wars, famines, accidents and crime. Some people think that
television news should be a mixture of good and bad news.

Choose whether you agree or disagree with this statement and

discuss why you chose that position. Support your point of view
with details from your own experiences, observations or

2. Climate change is a phenomenon that affects countries all over

the world. Many people strongly believe that it is the
responsibility of individuals, rather than corporations and
governments, to deal with this problem.

To what extent do you agree?

3. Some people believe that academic subjects such as chemistry,

physics, and history should be taught in schools, while others
believe that students will derive more benefit from studying
practical subjects, such as motor mechanics and cooking.

Discuss both views and give your opinion.

4. Recently the freedom to work and live anywhere has become the
main trend due to the development of communication
technology and transportation.

Do the advantages of these developments outweigh the

disadvantages? Give your own opinion.

The media is responsible for the way we receive information from all
around the world. Some people think that the news we view should be
a mixture negative current events and ones that represent a better view
of humanity. In this essay, I will argue that a balance of positive and
negative news items is the best option for us.

As human beings, we need a positive view of ourselves portrayed in

the media. We need to see models of good human behaviour so that
we can emulate the behaviour in accordance with our value systems.
For example, displaying humans treating each other with kindness
and respect may lead to an audience acting on these positive ideas. By
reporting positive news stories we may build a more resilient and
robust society.

Bad news is often a record of the violent and dangerous behaviour

and actions that are occurring around the world minute by minute. It
is a realistic display of the way humans treat each other and showing
it on the news reminds us of the dangers that many people face every
day. For example, continuing wars, political turmoil, incurable
diseases, natural disasters are events that are constantly present. If we
are to solve these problems, we need to be constantly reminded that
they exist.

This essay has argued that a realistic portrayal of world events may be
necessary to remind us daily of the ongoing problems many humans
face but presenting examples of positive solutions may bring about a
positive change in our society more effectively. In my opinion, the
balance of television news should good rather than bad to be more
reflective of current events and more effective in moulding society.

Climate change is a very real danger that threatens not only our lives
but also the quality of life of future generations. To combat this I
strongly disagree that individuals need to take responsibility because
governments, in cooperation with private companies have both a
greater responsibility and capacity in this matter.

Climate change cannot simply be the responsibility of private citizens

because they do not have the ability to affect large systemic changes
in the way that governments in conjunction with corporations do.
People can only contribute in small ways; for every person who
recycles there are several people who do not and there is no certain
way to change this. Governments, on the other hand, can enact
legislation requiring both individuals and large corporations to abide
by certain restrictions. Laws for corporations are the real solution as
they contribute by far the most to climate change and by reducing
how much waste produced and how they treat that waste, climate
change can be seriously countered.

The second reason governments should be responsible for combating

climate change is that governments are responsible for global
problems while individuals should only have to deal with local and
personal problems. A person should only concern themselves with
their job and personal life because that is the extent of their
responsibility. Governments are responsible for various things related
to their citizens including security, health care in some cases, and
education. Included in security is the environment because it impacts
citizen’s well-being; therefore this falls under the remit of
governmental responsibility.

Individuals will never be able to have the effect government will and
it is not their responsibility at any rate. In my opinion, governments,
by taking measures to rein in corporate and private waste are taking
up their rightful burden.

Some individuals are of the opinion that subjects such as physics and
history should be taught at secondary education level. However,
others disagree and state that more emphasis should be given to
practical skills such as cooking and mechanical. I will analyze both
these views, before coming up with my opinion in the following

To begin with the first school of thoughts, which is to teach academic

subjects in school. Children should be taught these primary subjects
so that they understand the basic science principles applicable in their
day to day life rather than becoming superstitious. For example, if
people will know that eyelid flickers due to tension in the vein, they
will not consider it to be a sign of good or bad luck. Next, it is
pointless to teach practical skills in schools itself as not everybody
wants to do a job in the future. There are only a few students who
acquire only secondary level education.

Another school of thought thinks practical subjects are more

beneficial for the individuals. Firstly, by studying these subjects,
students can become ready to acquire job just after completion of their
primary education. Apparently, they can then work simultaneously, to
ease off the financial stress of their parents, and gain tertiary
education. Secondly, studying such subjects is advantageous for
children who study only until secondary school. Even if they are
unable to study afterward, they can still get a job and survive

In conclusion, both academic and practical subjects have their benefits

for the children, but I believe that more emphasis should be given to
the topics which will be truly worthwhile in real life. Schools should
not stuff children will only theoretical knowledge.

Currently, people have the liberty to reside and work anywhere due to
the recent advancements in the modes of commuting and
communication. This freedom has allowed people to spend more time
with their family as they can work from home. However, excess use
of transportation has led to increase in pollution. I will discuss merits
and demerits of progressions in communication and traveling

There are some reasons why development in telecommunication and

transportation is advantageous. First of all, people now require just a
laptop and internet connection to work from home. Using the internet,
they can converse with their colleagues and bosses and finish their
work by sitting at their home. Resultantly, they can spend more time
with their family members. Next, easy availability of public
transportation has made it possible for people to travel to the remote
area. They can also commute to and from work quickly and be back
home by the end of the day.

On the other hand, such progressions have many disadvantages.

Firstly, people have become lazy. They rely on vehicles, even to
travel to nearby places. Due to this, they not only become inactive but
invite many diseases as well. Secondly, by working from home,
people have no social life. They sit inside their house, do their work
and spend time with their family. Other than that, they do not have
any social life, which affects their personality in the longer run.

Furthermore, advancements in modes of transportation have elevated

the level of pollution globally. These days, families have a number of
vehicles than the number of family members, just to show off their
status in the society. As a result, pollution has increased manifolds.

In conclusion, I believe that there are more demerits than merits of

progressions in communication and transportation mediums. People
should use these services in limit and focus more on healthy living.

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