Shalini P - Questions With Answer On Deccan School

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Questions on Deccan School of Miniature Painting

Section A- Knowledge/ Understanding

1. ‘Deccan’ (Deccan School of Miniature Painting) pertains to the area:
A. Kerala
B. Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka (plateau region in south, between the Narmada
and Krishna rivers)
C. Maharashtra-Goa
D. Tamil Nadu- Pondicherry
Ans: B) Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka (plateau region in south, between the Narmada and
Krishna rivers)
2. The Deccan School of Miniature Painting rendered during the period:
A. 16th Cen. B.C. - 19th Cen. B.C.
B. 16th Cen. A.D. - 19th Cen. A.D.
C. 7th Cen. A.D - 12th Cen. A.D.
D. 2nd Cen. A.D - 4th Cen. A.D.
Ans: B) 16 th Cen. A.D. - 19th Cen. A.D.
3. What is the other name of Deccan School of Art?
A. Dakhani School of Art
B. Southern School of Art
C. Gwalior School of Art
D. Pahari School of Art
Ans: A) Dakhani School of Art
4. Which of the following influence is not seen in Deccan art?
A. Lapakshi frescoes and Hampi
B. Persian art
C. Ottoman Turkish
D. Pahari art
Ans: D) Pahari art
5. In whose time period the Golconda School established?
A. Muhammad Quli Quta Shah
B. Mohammad Nizam
C. Muhammad Ali Shah
D. Ali Adil Shah
Ans: A) Muhammad Quli Quta Shah
6. The fascination of artists for feminine beauty ideals resulted in almost all faces
looking identical. Identify the painting that relates to this statement.
A. Marriage Procession of Dara Shikoh
B. Kabir and Raidas
C. Chand Bibi Playing Polo
D. Hazrat Nizamuddin Auliya and Amir Khusro
Ans: C) Chand Bibi Playing Polo
7. Which of the following statement is false with regard to the painting – Chand Bibi
Playing Polo ( Chaugan)?
A. This painting shows liberal lifestyle of the women of Deccan
B. The ball is surrounded by all six polo sticks and it creates center of interest
C. In the foreground, there is a silvery-gray lotus lake with white aquatic birds
D. The princess and her companions are on white, black, dark brown and pale-
yellow horses.
Ans: B) The ball is surrounded by all six polo sticks and it creates center of interest
8. The Halo behind----------------‘s head has triangular rays and his face is that of a
peaceful old man away from the materialism of daily life.

A. Hazrat Nizamuddin Auliya

B. Amir Khusro
C. Saint Kabir
D. Sultan Abdullah Qutb Shah
Ans: A) Hazrat Nizamuddin Auliya
Section B – Application Based (Analytic & Calculative)

9. Which is the earliest example of Deccani painting?

A. A volume of poems, celebrating the reign of Hussain Nizam Shah I
B. Ragmala paintings
C. The translated and illustrated version of Mahabharata
D. Richly illustrated encyclopedia known as the Nujum al-Ulum
Ans: A) A volume of poems, celebrating the reign of Hussain Nizam Shah I
!0. Bijapur-Golconda painting style is known as a part of …………………
A. Mughal School
B. Hindu school
C. Deccan school
D. Pala school
Ans: C) Deccan school
11. Tick True/False for the statements pertaining to the art of Deccan School.
i. In Deccan Miniatures, women are slender and delicate.
Ans: True
ii. Paintings of lepakshi and Hampi had major influences on Deccani miniature
Ans: True
iii. The decoration of horses, ornamentation and dresses of the horse riders were
according to their status in the painting ‘Chand Bibi Playing Polo’.
Ans: False
iv. Both the figures in the painting Hazrat Nizamuddin Auliya and Amir Khusro
symbolize the devotion of human soul to God.
Ans: False
v. The painting “ Lady with the Myna Bird” belongs to Golconda and was painted in
1605 A.D.
Ans: True
vi. The manuscript “Tarifa-in-Hussain Shahi” has been assigned to the time 1560-62
A.D. and is preserved in the Bharat Itihas Mandala, Manipur.
Ans: False
vii. Only green, brown, blue and yellow colours were used in the Deccani Painting
Chand Bibi Playing Polo (Chaugan).
Ans: False
12. The earliest five miniatures, identified as Golconda work, were bound up in the
year…………………….. in Diwan of Hafiz.
A. 1463
B. 1561
C. 1674
D. 1860
Ans: A) 1463
13. Paintings from Bijapur in the sixteenth century have a richly illustrated encyclopedia
known as the Nujum al-Ulum dated 1570. How many miniatures were illustrated in it?
A. 270
B. 688
C. 876
D. 750
Ans: C) 876
14. Where is dargah of Hazrat Nizamuddin Auliya ?
A. Nasik B. Chamba
C. New Delhi D. Ajmer
Ans: C New Delhi
15. What does ‘Anwar-e-Sunaheli’ mean?
A. A Book of Nature
B. A Book of Fables
C. A Book of History
D. A Book of Painting
Ans: B) A Book of Fables
16. Which colour was used in Deccani painting for showing Architecture, Sky, Costumes
A. Silver
B. Golden
C. Red
D. White
Ans: B) Golden
17. The conical crown painted in the miniature paintings is a typical feature of which
sub- school of Deccan.
A. Ahmadnagar
B. Tanjore
C. Bijapur
D. Hyderabad
Ans: B) Tanjore
Section C- Higher Order Skills
In question 18, 19 given below, there are two statements marked as Assertion (A) and Reason (R). M
your answer as per the codes provided below:
1. Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.
2. Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A.
3. A is true but R is false.
4. A is false but R is true

18. A: ‘Hazrat Nizamuddin Auliya and Amir Khusro’ is a portrait study of two saints.
B: This composition in the painting makes it an example of informal balance.
Ans 2 Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A.
19. A: In Deccani paintings, the Persian influence can be seen.
B: Polo game, a popular royal sports of that time.
Ans 2 Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A.
20. Match the Table A with the suitable statement of Table B:
Table-A Table- B
(i) Yusuf-Zulekha and Anwer-I Suhali were (a) preserved in Chester Betty Library, Dublin,
(ii) Chand Bibi Playing Polo was painted in (b) the rhythmic delicacy of Persia

(iii) ‘Lady with Myna Bird’ painting is (c) the legends of the period Quli Intab Shah

(iv) Deccani miniatures reveal (d) 1750 A.D. in Golconda style

(a) i-c, ii- d, iii-a, iv-b (c) i-d, ii-a, iii-c, iv-b
(b) i-d, ii- c, iii-b, iv-a (d) i-a, ii- b, iii-d, iv-c

Ans: (a) i-c, ii- d, iii-a, iv-b

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