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T e Lawrence

Is he a Hero or a fraudulent?

In Different views
T E Lawrence (1888-1940) is a controversial British intelligent officer who

joins the Great Arabs Revolt; in war action as well as in politics agreement in the Arabs

revolt. Churchill answer "I fear whatever our need we shall never see his like again." To one

asked him about Lawrence, but Lawrence him self descriptor his act in his book seven pillars

of wisdom "I risked the fraud on my conviction that Arab help was necessary to our cheap

and speedy victory in the East and that better we win and break our word than

lose."(Lawrence 49).so who is Lawrence? Is he a hero or fraudulent; and in who

perspective ?

T E Lawrence also known as Lawrence of Arabia born on Illegitimate

family; his father noble Baronet Thomas Robert Tighe Chapman did not marry his mother

Sarah Junner who work as a maid in house of his father ex-wife , that motivate Lawrence

accomplish hard tasks to improve and skill himself when he was a boy to in his thinking earn

the credit , the recommendation and the fame from his ancestors like Richard Lionheart

Lawrence idol is Richard who lead the crusaders in the holy war to occupy the

East, his idol! That mean he share the dream of occupying the East , the influence in

Lawrence personality is clear by the title of his research to earn master degree " Crusader

Castles: The influence of the Crusades on European military architecture - to the end of the

XIIth Century - T.E.Lawrence (1936).".Moreover, when Lawrence was in Azraq he was

fascinating with the castle then he starts to write poems about the greatness of his ancestors.

When Jerusalem was taken from Turkish Empire he left revolt army and gone to Jerusalem

Lawrence admitted his participation in the war for the seek of his name at the

first, to prove to the world he is the one who hold the good quality of his ancestor even he

can not be called in his father last name because the family I told you before. In any tales or

poem the hero do not do any thing for self; the hero is a hero because his denying him self for

bigger case helping others for free. I don’t talk about idealistic world; there are many good

examples in the past for that kind of heroes.

The condition of Lawrence when he was in the way of prince Faisal camp in

the first move the hero was frustrated because the death of his two brother for nothing. So

he was in big need of making his name as his idol like Richard lion hart never the less his

nationalistic emotions had raise in some point.

The war Lawrence been in was in Arabian army, for that his Loyalty must be

for Arabs only in any culture in any military in the world. But he clearly participated to seek

the fame and his homeland interest ; "I risked the fraud on my conviction that Arab help was

necessary to our cheap and speedy victory in the East and that better we win and break our

word than lose."(Lawrence 49) for him Arabs was a tool for the war wining not any thing


The Arabs who fought in the war fought for three things: freedom, unit and

independent. But Lawrence did not think Arabs earn these three things at all even he believes

in Arabs, this come on to me when he did not till his comrades about the conspires of

Splitting the Arabs land for the French and the British, even he know that Turkish troops

sent a good proposal for the army; he was in, giving the Arabs some sort of better deal they
get from British. But after all he is British and his only concern is for British not for the

Arabs; so do this man have the right of carrying the legendary names he got? some Arabs

glorify him as the founder of great Arabs revolution.

He for sure did not called “Lawrence of Arabia” because he is Arab or for

helping the Arabs as they need with out any dominate thoughts for any other one or people

interest are not for the seek of Arabs, but he join the war for his seek and his homeland

interest that is true British hero not Arab hero at all.

Lawrence participated in war with Arabs gang to accomplish fear in Turkish

troops in the right flank of British army; leaving the rest and pace days in Egypt riding camel

in the desert risking his life an his name.

‘Uncrowned prince of Mecca’ is one of the nickname he told his friend that

give him legacy in the west world, above all stander the prince of Mecca must be Muslim and

Lawrence is not, then the prince is inheriting social rank by blood not action, so he naturally

did not have the right of any name; only his birth name or what ever he like but with out any

relation to Arabs culture.

His Action in the revolt speak for it self, declaring him a hero of the revolt by

many action; he refreshing the weak revolution by asking supplies for the Arabs army from

money, Weapons and even Cigarette. He believes in Arabs from his live experience with

them, he wrote a book for some one called S.A .moreover, when he was in Egypt he argue

with British co-scholar because he hit Arabian man and call him ignorant..
He was the one who rise the bar and strike and Occupies Aqaba for the seek of

getting a reputation for the Arabs revolution, making Great Arabs revolt reliable of makings

wining and good statistic battles as well as any army in the world, but the question for who

interest he done that if it for Arabs he can be a hero for Arab.

Lawrence did all of that as he said in his book for Arabs interest and Skeptics

in the world on the Great Arabs revolution specially his fellow British officers. In that stage

he was a knowledge of the conspiracy he Involved in ‘Sykes-Picot’ conspiracy; but what did

this hero defend his army as he called; he keep lies to Arabs.

Lawrence was known as “if he believes in a matter he will do it right or

wrong” his friend Thomas loule said that. so he create an excuse for him , Lawrence did not

tells the Arabs about the conspiracy; because he know what to do to avoid the Sequences of

the shame to humanity conspiracy; was to take Damascus first before any other army in the

region; that is the solution for the hero; for every one participated in the war ;that was the

reason; to continuation the war for the seek of other who will divide the whole region for

them and the beginning of colonization era where people measured by the colors of there

skin regardless as the fact that human are the same from physically and emotionally .

Non a hero on the world accept been manipulate or scammed his comrade,

the one who interferes in combat risking his life to fulfill some case; after all sacrificing and

killing the Arabs was scammed by two filthy conspiracy we already know first ‘Sykes-Picot’

the other is Balfour Declaration why Split the body of Arab world in to two parts putting a

stick for foreign between Arab world, when in time it will be the biggest issue Arabs world

face until know days; that is the legacy T E Lawrence leave to Arabs beloved people whose

he called hero because of them and theirs Great revolution.

Lawrence Claimed to hid the conspires of the British government from Arabs;

for occupying Damascus will helps Arabs he need occupying and occupying he get; but did

that helped the Arabs who paid blood for that war? after no more than year French Army

colonized Damascus and all the north area what now called as Syria and Lebanon, lifting the

others south for British army Palestine, Jordan and Iraq. This is the legacy Lawrence left for

his Arab companions .

Lawrence wished after the revolution end is only "ask to leave" with a

permission to go to his home England but he do that no the story did not end here. The new

empires of the world is in big need to redraw the map of the world based in his interest

regardless of the people or the native wish. He was summoned by his superior to a new task

of cutting the land he familiar with Arab world.

Lawrence mix the two uniform; Arabs-British uniform in the negations of the

land in peace concert after WW1 end as he mix his intention in his all life ,he said his act was

out of sorrow he want to win a good deal for the Arabs as he think it Satisfied them. That left

him facing a problem with the French who claim many lies on him by calling him a mirage

by many writers where its credibility is by noticeable evidence.

French was disturbance by Lawrence attitude About France right in Syria and

Lebanon. However, he try to get Arabs what they and any one in the world believe as their

right; but his helping was late some kind. Lawrence spent his last years apologize from the

world he lived in; from telling lies to Arabs troops about freedom and his attitude from

French interest in the east.

Lawrence fame's is controversial as him. He was present to the world as

Lawrence of Arabia dressed as Arabs raiding on camel not for the heroic action he

accomplished , but for cover up the horror battles in Europe and to rise the intention of the
heroic action in the field of war to American so people accepts joining the war and for British

people as well.

Every hero have his own propaganda; his was from the good friend Thomas

lulu; whose happen to be a film making man, make a good short movie about Lawrence

making him “uncrowned prince of Mecca”.

No one can tell if he is a hero or a fraudulent; you and only you can decides

that fact to your and others. I am as a researcher restricted to be objectively. For his

homeland ,he is a hero but for Arabs he helped them in their revolution, that what he could

do, but he can not betrayed his homeland for Arabs or else. finally, History is made to take

lessons from that is all.

Thank you
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