Compass Survey: Department of Civil Engineering NIT Rourkela

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Compass Survey

Magnetic needle

Department of Civil Engineering

NIT Rourkela

Prismatic Compass
When the chain surveying is not suitable ( for
example, undulating, large area, crowded
area) Traversing , method is used

Traversing consists of chain survey (for

distance measurement) and angular
measurement using compass
• A compass is a small instrument essentially consisting of a graduated
circle, and a line of sight.

• The compass can not measure angle between two lines directly but can
measure angle of a line with reference to magnetic meridian at the
instrument station
Basic Principle

• A freely suspended magnetic needle

lies along the magnetic lines of force.

• The magnetic lines of force are

horizontal at the equator.

• The magnetic lines of force are inclined

away from equator as they converge to
the poles.

• A magnetic needle giving the direction Magnetic compass

of magnetic lines of force is used in
compass survey
Principle of Compass Survey
• The principle of compass survey is traversing (To cover or extend over an
area or time period or travel across), which involve series of connected
• The magnetic bearing of the lines are measured by prismatic compass
and distance are measured using chain or tape.

• In this survey does not require formation of triangles

Geographical north (true north)
• The earth rotate about the
geographic north-south pole
• The geographic north and south
poles are the zone where line of
longitude (meridians) converge
• The geographical north pole
located in the middle of arctic
• geographical South pole located
on continental land mass known
as Antarctica

• Since ice on the top of Antarctica

moves a only a few meter a year,
United State Antarctica program
has installed a marker here to
delineate the true south pole
Magnetic North Pole
• Earth is big magnet
• Magnetic north pole (north
Dip) is a point on Ellesmere
Island in Northern Canada
(here, northern line of
attraction enter the earth)
• If a compass needle rests
freely it align to the earth
magnetic field

• so magnetic needle pointed

How much difference between to the north pole which is
magnetic north pole and
different from the
geographic north pole ?
geographic north
How the Earth Magnetic pole changes and what will
be the effect of it?

• the universe is in dynamic • Over last 150 years, the

motion and earth is changing magnetic pole has crept north
every day approximately 1500 km (
• tectonic plate pushes the approximately 10 km/ year)
continents apart, sea level
fluctuate up and down, • lately, the speed has
volcanoes erupt etc. are the accelerated to 40 km/year and
indication of dynamic motion could reach to Siberia in a few
of the system decades

• Earth’s magnetic pole is also

How the Earth Magnetic pole changes and what will
be the effect of it?

• If we hold a compass at the • Pole reversal

geographic north pole, it will • It takes 200,000- 300,000 years
points towards the northern for earth's magnetic pole
Canada at Ellesmere Island, (500 reversal,
km away) • the magnetic needle which is
• The difference between the showing north pole now will
magnetic north and geographic show south pole.
north is called magnetic
Why does the earth have a magnetic
• Earth is made up of solid iron
• surrounded by hot liquid of
• the liquid metal flows in Earth’s
core creates electrical currents
which create earth’s magnetic
• Unlike a solid fridge magnetic, a
liquid metal surrounding the
inner core moves freely
• Thus, magnetic pole can migrate
• However, geophysist can-not
measure the inner core directly,
it is a belief that due to floating
Important definitions
• True meridian: a line or plane passing through geographical north and
south pole is known as geographical meridian or true meridian
• The direction of true meridian at a station is invariable

• The direction of true meridian at any point can be determined by either

observing the bearing of the sun at 12 noon or by sun’s shadow

• Meridian: An imaginary great circle on the surface of the earth

passing through the north and south poles at right angles to the equator; (all
points on the same meridian have the same longitude
True meridian
• Therefore, is of considerable importance for large survey (it may save much
time while retracing the of lines during final location and construction

• The true meridian of various point are not parallel but converge to a point

• However, for small survey area it is assumed to be parallel

Important definitions
• Magnetic Meridian: when magnetic needle is suspended freely and
balanced properly and unaffected by magnetic substances, it shows a
direction. The direction is known as magnetic meridian
• a angle between the magnetic meridian and any reference line is
known as magnetic bearing or simply the bearing of the line ( simply
Arbitrary meridian: sometimes for small area, a convenient direction of
assumed as a meridian, known as the arbitrary meridian
Some times starting line of survey is taken as arbitrary meridian

Grid meridian: for preparing a map, some state agencies assumed several lines
parallel to the true meridian for a particular zone
• The bearing wrt the grid meridian is known as grid bearing
Magnetic bearing

• B e a r i n g i s t h e a n g l e t o a l i n e f r o m a ny r e fe r e n c e d i r e c t i o n

• When the reference direction is the magnetic ‘North-South’, the angle is

magnetic bearing

θ θ

Reference direction S
Azimuth: when survey is conducted on a large area then earth curvature need
to consider. , the bearing of lines are termed azimuth

• Since the meridian through different points on the earth surface is not parallel
(converge at pole) azimuth of the same straight line are different at different

The azimuth of a line is determined from the azimuth of a celestial body.

• Azimuth is called geographic if it is measured from geometric meridian

It is measured clockwise from the north of the reference meridian
(typically from true meridian)

• It is measured from 0 to 360 degree

• The azimuth of a celestial body is the angle between the vertical plane
containing it and the plane of the meridian

Meridian: An imaginary great circle on the surface of the earth passing through
the north and south poles at right angles to the equator; (all points on the
same meridian have the same longitude
• Whole Circle Bearing (WCB): magnetic bearing of a line measured clockwise
from the north pole towards the line is known as whole circle bearing of that
• Such bearing may have any value between 0 degree to 360 degree
Quadratic bearing (QB)
•Quadratic bearing: quadratic bearing of a line measured clockwise or
anticlockwise from the North pole or south pole towards east or west
•This is consists of four quadrants: NE,SE,SW,NW

• Reduce Bearing: when whole circle bearing is

converted to quadrant bearing, it is known as
reduced bearing
Example 1 : WCB and QB
Q2. The WCBs of a traverse are recorded as given below. Convert these
to reduced bearings.

Bearing 70 30’ 120 45’ 223 30’ 320 47’

Q3. The reduced bearings of the lines of a traverse are given below.
Convert these to whole circle bearings of lines.

Bearing N60 25’E S85 30’E S25 45’W S64 30’W

Line EF FA
Bearing N82 45’W N28 14’W
Fore bearing and back bearing
• Every line has two bearing: one is observed along the progress of the
survey line or forward direction, is called fore bearing

• And second is observed in the reverse or opposite direction is called back

EXAMPLE : Plotting a Compass Traversing using bearing and length

Line Length Bearing

AB 402 60° 45’

BC 398 190° 30’
Include angle can
CD 430 202° 30’
be calculated if FB
DE 490 278° 15’ and BB is provided
EA 274.5 343° 38’

Plotting by bearing Plotting by include angle

Relationship between FB and BB

• If we use WCB
• Then BB= FB +/-180o
• (+) if FB is less than 180o; (-) sign if
FB more than 180o

If we use QB system:
FB and BB are numerically equal
Direction N will be replaced by S and
vice versa
E will be replace by E and vice versa
FB N30oE = BB S30oW
Included angle considering WCB
• Included angle= BB of the previous line - FB of
forward line (considering WCB)
Magnetic declination and isogonic and agonic line
• Magnetic declination: horizontal angle between magnetic meridian and
true meridian is known as magnetic declination

• Isogonic and agonic line : lines

passing through equal declination is
known as isogonics
Line passing through zero declination
is known as agonic lines
Example 4: Magnetic declination
• Since Magnetic bearing may change, it is normal practice to
measure wrt to geographical meridian (true meridian), using
information of magnetic declination
Magnetic dip

• In the northern hemisphere the end of needle deflected to


•South end deflecte4d towards down in southern hemisphere

•Needle remain in horizontal in equator

•To balance of the Dip a rider (brass or silver coil) is provided along
with it, The rider is placed over the needle at suitable position to make
it horizontal

• Presence of any magnetic materials like overhead electric

cables, iron ore, metallic objects affect the movement of the
needle. This is called Local Attraction.

• If the Fore Bearing and Back Bearing of a line do not differ by

180 degrees, even after repeated measurements, then, one
may suspect the presence of local attraction
Error in compass survey
 1. Instrumental errors
 2. Personal errors
 3. Errors due to natural

 1. Instrumental errors: They are those which arise due to the

fault adjustments in instruments.
• The needle not being perfectly straight
• Sluggish needle (Moving slowly)
 Improper balancing weight
 Blunt pivot point
 2. Personal errors:
 Inaccurate levelling
 Inaccurate centering
 Inaccurate bisection
 3. Natural errors
 Variation in declination
 Local attraction due to forces around
 Irregular variations due to storms
Error and its correction in Compass survey

 Error in measurement can occur due to local attraction

 First Method:
• Interior angle =(2n-4)x90o
• N is the number of sides traverse
• Here total error is calculate and equally distributed to the all

 Second method: in this method interior angle are not

calculated, unaffected line are first detected, then bearing of
other affected lines are corrected.
First Method:
• Interior angle =(2n-4)x90o
• N is the number of sides traverse
• Here total error is calculate and equally
distributed to the all angle
Type of traversing

• Closed Traverse: form a close circuit

• Open traverse: when a sequence of connected line extended
along a general direction and does not return to the starting
Plotting a Compass Traversing
Line Length Bearing

AB 402 60° 45’

BC 398 190° 30’
CD 430 202° 30’
DE 490 278° 15’
EA 274.5 343° 38’

Plotting by bearing Plotting by include angle

Example 5
Example 5
Example 5
Example 5
Second method: Correction considering each station

Step 1: Observe line whose FB and BB differ exactly 180 degree(

so end station are free from local attraction, hence correct)

Step2: Now BB of preceding line and FB of next line also will be

correct (since the end station is free from local attraction)

Step3: Next the corrected FB of the preceding line can be

calculated by adding 180 degree and corrected BB of the
preceding line can be obtained by subtracting 180 degree

Step 4: if is found that the measured bearing is more than the

calculated , error at the station is positive and correction will be
• bearing of such line is thus corrected one by one in succession
Example 6
Example 6
1. FB and BB OF AB

Correction at
C, is required ,
So corrected

Main Parts:
• Magnetic needle (1) – broad form, symmetrical, with rider weight
to remain horizontal
• Graduated ring(2) – aluminium, graduated to half minute, with
zero on south end
• Object vane (14) – metal frame, hinged for folding, with a fine
vertical thread or wire.
• Prism and eye vane (8,9)– for taking reading of the ring
• Agate cap and pivot- on which the ring and needle move.

Main Parts …
• Box and glass cover (6) – The assembly set in a box and has glass
cover on top.
• Lifting lever (13) - lifts the needle off the pivot to reduce wear and
• Brake Pin(7) – to reduce oscillations of needle
• Screw head – To screw the compass on to a tripod
The reading is taken from the prism end.
When the line of sight is in the direction of
magnetic meridian, the reading, must be zero.
The reading is done at the south end and
hence the zero is marked there.

Prismatic compass gives whole circle bearing.

The ring is marked with zero at south end and
up to 360 degrees clockwise
Old form not commonly used.
Prismatic Compass Surveyor’s Compass
1. Broad needle 1. Edge-bar needle
2. Ring moves with needle 2. Ring fixed to box
3. Graduations 0 to 360 clockwise 3. 0°at N and S to 90° at E and W
4. Whole circle bearings in four quadrants; E and W
5. Numbering inverted interchanged.
6. Eye vane and prism used to 4. Measures RB
read 5. Numbering erect
7. Reading taken at south end 6. Eye vane not used for reading
8. Can be used hand-held 7. Reading taken at north end
9. Sighting and reading 8. Has to be used with tripod
simultaneous 9. Object sighted first; then move
around to take reading
Home task

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