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fib-news is produced as an integral part

of the fib Journal Structural Concrete.

2013 fib symposium in Tel Aviv:

Engineering a Concrete Future
Contents Issue 2 (2013)

2013 fib Symposium in Tel Aviv 185

2013 fib Medal of Merit and
Honorary Membership 187
2013 fib Achievement Award
for Young Engineers 188
fibUK meeting 188
Advances in Cement and Concrete
Technology in Africa 189
Report from the Norwegian
fib Member Group 190
Congresses and symposia 191

Scenes from the opening session, clockwise from top left: view from the stage, Gordon Clark, Avraham
Dancygier, certificate of merit for Avraham Pisanty (left to right: Gordon Clark, Avraham Dancygier, of holding the 2013 symposium in
Danny Marian, Itai Leviathan). Photos: Rami Haham and György L. Balázs. Israel, and thanked past presidents
György L. Balázs and Michael
The 2013 fib symposium took place structure Engineers, extended his Fardis, as well as Gordon Clark, for
in Tel Aviv, Israel, on the shores of own welcome and spoke about their invaluable support in the orga-
the Mediterranean, from 22 to 24 IACIE’s wide membership and inter- nization of the event. Thanks were
April 2013. While this was the first national presence, and Israel’s grow- extended to members of the orga-
major fib event to be held in Israel ing construction sector. nizing committee – local as well as
and also in the Middle East region, fib Secretary General Petra Schu-
many of those present remembered Gordon Clark, President of fib and macher. He also expressed his ap-
well the FIP symposium held in chair of the Scientific Committee, preciation and presented copies of
Jerusalem in 1988. The excellent or- then took the floor to present a sum- the Dead Sea scrolls to the lead re-
ganization, the quality of the presen- mary of fib activities with special viewers of the Scientific Committee.
tations given in the technical ses- emphasis on the fib Model Code for
sions and the pleasant seaside Concrete Structures 2010. He also Gordon Clark then returned to the
location combined to make an event gave an overview of pioneering pre- podium to present the 2013 fib
that was both greatly enjoyable and stressed concrete bridges, of World Medal of Merit to Jean-François
of high technical interest. Heritage sites and tall buildings in Klein and Honorary fib Member-
Israel, of Bauhaus architecture in ship to James G. Toscas (see full
On Monday 22 April, Avraham Tel Aviv, and of events taking place report on page 187).
Dancygier, Head of the Israeli fib in the Tel Aviv area following the
delegation, chairman of the Organiz- symposium, noting that the fib sym- Danny Marian and Israeli fib dele-
ing Committee and co-chair of the posium was in the good company of gation member Itai Leviathan pre-
Scientific Committee, opened the Barbra Streisand, Cliff Richard and sented a certificate of appreciation
symposium and welcomed the ap- the King Herod exhibition. to Avraham Pisanty, for his “dedi-
proximately 250 participants. Danny cated teaching of generations of un-
Marian, Chairman of the Israeli As- Avraham Dancygier recalled the dergraduate and graduate students
sociation of Construction & Infra- first discussions in 2010 on the idea in the field of reinforced concrete,

Structural Concrete 14 (2013), No. 2 185


engineering and codification for

concrete structures”. Avraham Dan-
cygier reported on the event’s statis-
tics: 256 participants (276 including
the accompanying persons), from 40
countries, and 40 sessions of techni-
cal paper presentations.

Upcoming events were highlighted

with presentations from the organiz-
ers of the 2014 fib Congress in
Mumbai, India (www.fibcongress, and the 2015 fib
Symposium in Copenhagen, Den-
mark (website to be announced).

The symposium proceedings can be

purchased for 150 € plus shipping
Scenes from the gala dinner at the Tel Aviv Port compound (bottom left: Gordon Clark and Danny
and handling; contact IACIE
Marian welcoming the guests). Photos: Rami Haham (engltd@

deep involvement as a leader in – Constitutive modeling of cementi- Technical Council and General
writing Israeli RC codes, and serving tious and composite materials Assembly
as the Israeli Head of Delegation to – Design concepts and structural
CEB in the years 1993 – 1998 and modeling The Technical Council and General
to fib in the years 1998 – 2001”. His – Punching and shear in RC and in Assembly met as usual during the
son Gideon accepted the certificate PC (prestressed concrete) weekend before to the symposium.
on his behalf, as Prof. Pisanty was – Challenges in bridge engineering The Technical Council’s main points
unable to attend due to illness. – Advances in precast and PC engi- of discussion included the forthcom-
neering ing hard cover and ebook editions
The session concluded with a short – Concrete structures under seismic of the fib Model Code for Concrete
film about Israel. and extreme loads Structures 2010 as well as proposals
– Pioneering structures and con- for the new structure for Commis-
In the plenary lecture session that struction methods sions, Task Groups and Special Ac-
followed, Silvian Marcus of WSP – Structural aspects of tunnel con- tivity Groups, which had been pre-
Cantor Seinuk, New York, spoke on struction and design pared for the TC during a meeting of
the “Superiority of Concrete Materi- the Commission chairs and SAG
al in Tall Slender Structures”, and One session was devoted to the pre- conveners held two days prior. The
Arnon Bentur of Technion of the Is- sentations by the winners of the discussions incluced a proposal for
rael Institute of Technology shared 2013 fib Achievement Award for a new group dealing with the Histo-
his thoughts on “Construction with Young Engineers, given every two ry of Concrete Design, for which
Concrete in an Era of Environmen- years to engineers under 40 (see full strong interest has so far been
tal Constraints”. The plenary lecture report on page 188). shown. In addition, contacts and
on Tuesday was given by Andrei collaboration with other internation-
Reinhorn of University at Buffalo- The social programme included the al organisations and associations
SUNY, New York, on “Seismic welcome reception on Monday were discussed, and there was an in-
analyses of damageable concrete evening, held at the symposium vited statement from the Norwegian
structures”. venue, and the gala dinner at the Tel National Member Group.
Aviv Port compound, with musical
The technical sessions that took accompaniment. The General Assembly approved the
place over the three days of the sym- 2012 balance, 2013–2014 budget,
posium dealt with a range of topics The event concluded with the clos- honorary membership for PCI Presi-
relevant to today’s engineers: ing session on Wednesday, with a dent James Toscas, and Honorary
plenary lecture by Michael Fardis of Presidency for the immediate fib
– Advanced and innovative cementi- the University of Patras, Greece: past president György L. Balázs.
tious materials and concrete “The European approach to seismic

186 Structural Concrete 14 (2013), No. 2


2013 fib Medal of Merit and Honorary Membership

The 2013 fib From left to right:
Medal of Sonia Klein, Jean-
François Klein, Gordon
Merit was Clark, Stacey Toscas,
awarded at Jim Toscas
the recent
fib sympo-
sium in Tel
Aviv. fib
Gordon Clark presented the medal
to Jean-François Klein during the
opening session of the symposium,
in recognition of his outstanding
contributions to the structural con-
crete and to fib. tion of many major structures in “Bridges” commission (1994–1998),
Switzerland, Europe, and around chair of fib Commission 1 “Struc-
Jean-François Klein’s involvement the world; for example the Ravine tures” (1998–2008), Member of fib
in fib goes back to 1988 at the FIP Fontaine bridge on Réunion Island Steering Committee (1998–2006),
symposium in Jerusalem, where he (conceptual design), the 100-m steel author of fib Bulletin 9, “Guidance
proposed to his mentor René pylon of the Papendorpse bridge in for good bridge design” (2000), and
Walther to form the FIP commission Utrecht (execution and detailed de- currently as convener of Task
on bridges. Created in 1990, it was sign), the replacement and strength- Group 1.2 “Bridges” and appointed
chaired by Michel Virlogeux until ening of the Geneva airport runway member of the fib Technical Coun-
1994, when Dr. Klein took over the over the Ferney tunnel, cited for cil.
chairmanship. Special Mention in the 2010 fib
Awards for Outstanding Concrete In addition, Honorary Membership
Jean-François Klein did his graduate Structures (conceptual designer and was bestowed on James G. Toscas,
work at the Swiss Federal Institute detailed design), the Lect urban rail- President of the Precast/Prestressed
of Technology in Lausanne, earning way bridge in Geneva (conceptual Concrete Institute (PCI), in recogni-
his PhD in 1990 with a thesis on the designer and detailed design), the tion of his significant personal con-
stability and behaviour of cable- curved arch “Pont de la base nau- tributions to fib, particularly his role
stayed bridges with slender decks. tique” in Rabat, Morocco (execution as representative of PCI in the fib
After working for several years for and detailed design), and the Third U.S. National Member Group, his
Prof. Walther’s consulting firm, he Bosporus Bridge in Istanbul,current- efforts to promote and support the
joined the Tremblet engineering of- ly under way (conceptual design and work of fib, including PCI’s long-
fice (later renamed T ingenierie) in design project manager). standing collaboration with fib
Geneva in 1993, and later became Commission 6, and his involvement
co-director of the company. He has actively particpated in the in the successful organisation of the
work of FIP and fib for over twenty 2010 fib Congress held in conjunc-
Jean-François Klein has been closely years, as member of the FIP Council tion with the PCI annual conven-
involved in the design and realiza- (1990–1998), chair of the FIP tion in Washington, D.C.

Left: “Pont de la base

nautique” in Rabat,
Morocco (Photo: Jacques
Durst, M. Mimram agency);
Right: replacement and
strengthening of the
Geneva airport runway
over the Ferney tunnel
(Photo: T engineering)

Structural Concrete 14 (2013), No. 2 187


2013 Achievement Award

for Young Engineers
From left to right: Concrete Structures 2010. He cited
Gordon Clark, Bente how publications by fib and the for-
Skovseth Nyhus, Aurelio
Muttoni, Fernando Stucchi mer FIP and CEB had for many
years been key documents to inform
technical design guidance notes
circulated within Arup. These
covered topics such as use of dow-
els, bond of reinforcement, strut
and tie action, high strength con-
crete, creep behaviour and use of

Since 2001 the fib Achievement was unfortunately unable to come to Chris Hendy of Atkins explained
Award for Young Engineers is given Tel Aviv to present his work and re- how fib Bulletins had assisted his
every second year at the fib Sympo- ceive his award in person. The work work on the complex replacement
sium to engineers under 40 years of realized for his thesis “Structural be- of the stay cables on Penang bridge,
age, in recognition of their outstand- havior of deteriorated concrete which included careful assessment
ing contributions to structural con- structures” was shown as a recorded of fatigue and required use of FRP
crete in the fields of research and of presentation. for local strengthening of the con-
design and construction. crete deck. He referred to fib Bul-
letin 30 and noted that it had signifi-
The 2013 fib Achievement Award
for Young Engineers was presented fibUK meeting cantly informed the contents of the
UK National Annex to EN1993-1-11
in a special session of the recent and had been used to assess the fa-
symposium in Tel Aviv. This edition “Adding value to structural projects tigue effects in the stay cables. He
of the award was sponsored by the through the application of fib resources” particularly commented on how
Swiss National Group of fib. helpful the guidance given in fib bul-
On 11 April 2013 fibUK held an letins is, going beyond current codes
The session was opened by Fernan- evening technical meeting based on and standards in assisting to solve
do Stucchi, chairman of the jury, case studies demonstrating how fib complex design issues.
who gave an overview of the history bulletins can help solve engineering
of the award, now in its seventh edi- design issues. About 50 engineers Jon Shave of Parsons Brinckerhoff
tion, and of the 25 candidates who attended the event, held at the Insti- described complex assessments of
had entered the competition. Aure- tution of Structural Engineers in bridge half-joints, where Bulletins 61
lio Muttoni, Head of the Swiss Na- London and comprised of three pre- and 45 enabled significant enhance-
tional Group in fib, then discussed sentations given by representatives ment of assessed capacity and re-
the life and accomplishments of of fibUK member companies with duction in strengthening over that
Swiss engineer Bruno Thurlimann an introduction by Prof Steve obtained using more conventional
(1923–2008), in whose honour the Denton (Chairman fibUK). methods of analysis, with direct ben-
award was presented. efit to the client. They also removed
Ian Feltham of Arup showed the the need to restrict loading on the
Bente Skovseth Nyhus (Norway) was audience his well-used copy of bridge joints.
the winner in the Design and Con- Model Code 90, held together by
struction category for her work on ad- cellophane tape, and welcomed the Questions and discussion followed
vanced structural concrete design for arrival of the fib Model Code for the presentations and the audience
the structural and marine engineering
From left to right:
firm Dr.techn.Olav Olsen AS. She
Chris Hendy (Atkins),
gave a presentation on her work enti- Ian Feltham (Arup),
tled, “Consistent practical design of Jon Shave (Parsons
concrete structures”. Ms. Nyhus’s Brinckerhoff)
award consisted a certificate of merit,
presented to her during the session,
and a € 2000 cash prize.

The Research category winner,

Kamyab Zandi Hanjari (Sweden)

188 Structural Concrete 14 (2013), No. 2


was informed about the forthcom- A recording of the lectures is freely tional standards and codes – also for
ing hardcover and e-book editions available on the Institution of African countries. He also took the
of MC2010 and the explanatory Structural Engineers website at opportunity to encourage interested
background papers shortly to African experts to join fib and to
be published in the journal Struc- centre/webinars contribute their expertise within the
tural Concrete, which were wel- international fib network.
comed. Gordon Clark
A highlight of the second day was a
special session for young re-
Advances in Cement and Concrete searchers within the context of the
German-South African Year of Sci-
Technology in Africa (ACCTA) ence. At the end of the session a
prize was awarded to the authors of
the best papers from young South
on Africa, developing countries as African and German researchers.
well as state-of-the-art techniques The evaluation was made by a jury
and new materials. of international experts. The win-
ners were Yared Assefa Abebe
Excellent Keynote speakers intro- (Leibnitz University Hannover) and
duced into the days’ focus topics. Suvash Chandra Paul (Stellenbosch
Karen Scrivener (EPFL Lausanne) University), who won a half year re-
and Arezki Tagnit Hamou (Univer- search visit at the University of the
sité de Sherbrooke) opened the Witwatersrand and the BAM Feder-
Karen Scrivener and Frank Dehn technical sessions of the conference al Institute for Materials Research
with the topic of new and innova- and Testing, respectively.
More than 200 scientists attended tive cements and binder materials.
the fib-supported First International In the afternoon Amde M. Amde The conference was characterised
Conference on Advances in Cement (University of Maryland) and Mark by very positive discussions and in-
and Concrete Technology in Africa Alexander (University of Cape tensive exchanges among the dele-
(ACCTA 2013), which was held Town) reported on durability issues gates. At the closing session, the
from January 28 to 30 at the Emper- from different angles of observation. continuation of ACCTA as a confer-
or’s Palace Resort in Johannesburg, Keynote speakers on the second day ence series taking place every two
South Africa. Delegates from all were Piet Stroven (TU Delft), Mo- years was confirmed; the next venue
continents of the world were pre- hamed Sonebi (Queens University will again be in sub-Saharan Africa.
sent during the three days of presen- Belfast), and Gideon P.A.G. van Zijl Organisations interested in hosting
tations in three parallel session un- (Stellenbosch University), who re- the 2015 edition are requested to ap-
der the focus topics “Materials and ported on a computational ap- ply by July 2013 at the address of
Mix Design”, “Structural Concrete proach on concrete technology, re- the Chairman Prof. Herbert Uzoegbo
and Durability”, and “Concrete and cent developments in the field of ( The pro-
the Environment”. self-compacting concrete, and crack posal should include suggestions on
formation in advanced materials, re- possible venue, availability of ac-
Among the 47 nations, most inter- spectively. The morning keynote ses- commodation for visitors, local or-
estingly, 20 African nations were sions of the third day focused more ganizing committee and possible
present, which reflected the aim of on ecologic and sustainable con- sources of sponsorship. The ACCTA
the Organising Committee to gener- crete; they were given by Sofiane secretariat is available to assist with
ate a high impact on the African Amziane (Université Blaise Pascal) logistics and advice.
continent. The conference proceed- and Boudewijn Piscaer (Univerde).
ings, edited by Herbert Uzoegbo In the afternoon Frank Dehn, Chair- Some photos, the book of abstracts
(University of the Witwatersrand) man of fib Commission 8 “Con- as well as some presentation videos
and Wolfram Schmidt (BAM Feder- crete”, reported about the new fib can be found via the conference’s
al Institute for Materials Research Model Code for Concrete Structures website, which
and Testing), which were peer-re- 2010 – in particular about chapter will also keep visitors informed
viewed by an international Scientific 5.1 and related aspects in chapter about the future progress of the con-
Committee, comprise 1218 pages 7.8. In his presentation he empha- ference.
with 134 papers related to cement sized the meaning of the new fib
and concrete technology with focus Model 2010 as a basis for future na- Wolfram Schmidt

Structural Concrete 14 (2013), No. 2 189


Report from the Norwegian fib Member Group

Reports from fib National Member and NCA constitutes the secretariat Hence, there is a strong pressure on
Groups is a new feature intended to of the Norwegian fib delegation. infrastructure and transport cost. As
share information and best practices The head of Norwegian fib delega- a result, the Norwegian Public
for the organization of these groups. tion is normally also the leader of Roads Administration recently start-
this activity group. ed a project to explore technological
This is a report on the Norwegian concepts for crossings of wide and
fib Member group, the Norwegian Another group works with NCA deep fjords, in order to make a ferry-
Concrete Association (NCA) and publications: guidelines, recommen- free, sustainable 1100 km long high-
the concrete industry in Norway. dations and best-practice based on way, “Route E39”, along the west
NCA is an independent organisa- national standards and regulations. coast.
tion, affiliated with Tekna – The The publications are prepared by
Norwegian Society of Graduate professionals appointed by the NCA Concrete is a key to meet these chal-
Technical and Scientific Profession- board, and their status is similar to lenges. A clear acknowledgement of
als. NCA has 900 members, 25–30 that of public standards. There are the importance of concrete in mod-
of which are currently involved in presently a total of 36 such publica- ern society, and of the quality and
fib work (Presidium, TC, Commis- tions (some also in English). NCA relevance of Norwegian concrete re-
sions, TG chairs and TG members). also acts as the secretariat for na- search, is that the Research Council
NCA’s income comes mainly from tional certification of personnel of Norway chose COIN (COncrete
member fees (individual and compa- within the concrete industry, issuing INovation centre,
nies), courses and conferences. Each certificate of competence in all lev- as the only “Centre for Research-
year NCA organises about 60 cours- els (9000 certificates in 2012). based Innovation” (CRI) in the
es and seminars, with approximately fields of materials technology and
2000 participants, and 1–2 interna- Every year, the Norwegian Concrete civil and environmental engineering.
tional conferences/symposia. The Association together with the Na- CRI is a tool to stimulate the indus-
profit is used for example to initiate tional Association of Norwegian try to further innovation, and the
and support projects that promote Architects grant the Norwegian objective is to support long-term re-
concrete’s economic, technical, en- Concrete Award for outstanding search that promotes innovation
vironmental or aesthetical qualities, concrete structures. Normally, one and the competitiveness of Norwe-
for scholarships to young scientist or more of the nominees are also gian industry. We invite you to
that have conducted research of suggested for the fib Awards for come to Oslo in June 2014 for the
high significance for the Norwegian Outstanding Concrete Structures. first Concrete Innovation Confer-
concrete industry, for travel grants ence, CIC2014 (www.cic2014. com),
to young professionals to make their Current situation of the Norwegian to hear more about this and much
first presentation at an international concrete industry more on the subject of concrete in-
conference, and to support interna- novation.
tional committee work. There is currently a building boom
in Norway. In fact, investment per The future of the concrete industry
The secretariat includes two full- capita in building and structures the in Norway looks prosperous...
time and three part-time positions. last couple of years has been, and
The many activities are based on still is, higher than ever seen in Eu- “Concrete under
voluntary work (approx. 8000 man- rope (according to “Prognosesentret the northern
hours a year). There are nine activity AS”, Norway). Still, the number of lights” is a publi-
groups, all reporting to the Board homes being built is lower than the cation produced
with members representing the con- demand. A particular challenge is to last fall on behalf
crete industry, research institutions find sustainable solutions in the al- of the Norwegian
and universities. ready densely populated areas, since fib group and the
there is a strong resistance to using Norwegian Con-
Among the activity groups is a spe- surrounding green belts. crete Association
cial activity group to advance Nor- (NCA), presenting the role of con-
wegian concrete technology interna- The main industries: oil/gas, aqua- crete in the Norwegian society.
tionally, to create bridges towards marine and fisheries, energy produc- v5/viewer/
international organisations and to tion, metal/process industry and files/viewer_s.aspx?gKey=zs00t27d
bring international competence to tourism, are mostly located along &gInitPage=1, or downloadable
the benefit of the Norwegian con- the typically steep and approximate- from
crete industry. fib is designated as ly 100.000 km long coastline (in-
the main organisation to work with, cluding all islands and fjords). Tor Arne Martius Hammer

190 Structural Concrete 14 (2013), No. 2


Congresses and symposia

Date and location Event Main organiser Contact

16–19 June 2013 Sixth Symposium on Strait Norwegian Public Roads
Bergen, Norway Crossings Administration (NPRA)

26–28 June 2013 11th Int. Symposium on Fibre University of Minho,
Guimaraes, Portugal Reinforced Polymers for ISISE
Reinforced Concrete Structures

23–25 September 2013 7th International Conference Hong Kong University of
Nanjing, China on Concrete under Severe - Science and Technology
Conditions (CONSEC13)

25–27 September 2013 Third International Workshop CSTB Paris, TU Delft, website to be announced
Paris, France on Concrete Spalling due to MFPA Leipzig
Fire Exposure (IWCS 2013)

1–3 October 2013 2nd International Symposium AFGC

Marseilles, France on UHPFRC

10–14 February 2014 4th International fib Congress fib group India
Mumbai, India and Exhibition

18–20 February 2014 58th BetonTage FBF Betondienst GmbH

Neu-Ulm, Germany

11–13 June 2014 Concrete Innovation Norwegian Concrete

Oslo, Norway Conference (CIC2014) Assocation

21–23 July 2014 10th fib International Ph.D. Université Laval
Quebec, Canada Symposium in Civil

15–18 September 2014 10th International symposium Beijing Jiaotong University
Beijing, China on Utilization of HS/HP

18–20 May 2015 fib Symposium (tenative title: Danish Concrete Society To be announced
Copenhagen, Denmark Concrete – innovation and (DBF)

6–12 October 2018 5th International fib Congress CIA To be announced

Melbourne, Australia and Exhibition

The calendar lists fib congresses and symposia, co-sponsored events and, if space permits, events
supported by fib or organised by one of its National Groups. It reflects the state of information
available to the Secretariat at the time of printing; the information given may be subject to change.

Structural Concrete 14 (2013), No. 2 191

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