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Other antenna integrated on SOI, having higher effi-

ciency, is designed by the author [10]. This antenna is a part of
on chip design using CMOS SOI technology to be used in the
codesign process for a Frond End transceiver.

1. T.F. Huang, et al., Analysis and design of coplanar waveguide-fed
slot antenna array, IEEE Trans Antenn Propag 47 (1999).
2. N. Segura, et al., On-wafer radiation pattern measurements of inte-
grated antennas on standard BiCMOS and glass processes for 40–80
GHz application, IEEE Int Conf Microelect Test Struct 18 (2005).
3. D. Corson, et al., Why all the buzz about SOI?
4. S. Sierra-Garcia, et al., Study of a CPW inductively coupled slot
antenna, IEEE Trans Antenn Propag 47.
5. M. Barakat, et al., 60 GHz slot antenna integrated on SOI, In: Mo-
bile optical wireless week, 14–16 May, Budapest, Hungary, 2007.
6. J. Papapolymerou, et al., A folded slot antenna on low resistivity
Si substrate with a polyimide interface layer for wireless circuits,
Figure 10 Gain pattern of the slot antenna at substrate level using In: Topical meeting on silicon monolithic integrated circuits in RF
transfer function method systems, Digest of papers, 2001, pp. 215–218.
7. C.A. Balanis, Antenna theory analysis and design, 2nd ed., John
substrate level. The proposed method used for the extraction of Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York, NY, 1997.
8. H.S. Tsai, et al., Multi-slot 50 X antennas for quasi-optical circuits,
the gain at substrate level is described in the following steps
IEEE Microwave Guided Wave Lett 4 (1995).
9. G.H. Huff, et al., Frequency reconfigurable CPW-fed hybrid folded
slot/slot dipole antenna, In: IEEE/ACES digest of papers, 2005,
• Extract the radiated field of the antenna from the simula- pp. 574–577.
tion obtained by CST-MWS (EhA, EuA), the antenna is 10. M.H. Barakat, Dispositif Radiofréquence Millimétrique pour Objets
excited at radiofrequency pads. Communicants de type Smart Dust, PHD Thesis, Université Joseph
• Extract the radiated field for the entire structure (antenna Fourier, Grenoble, France, 2008.
with support, EhB, EuB) obtained from simulation, the 11. R.B. Marks, et al., Characteristic impedance determination using
structure is excited at V connector level. propagation constant measurement, IEEE Microwave Guided Wave
• Define and calculate a transfer function H ¼ Lett 1 (1991), 141–143.
  12. T. Weller, et al., Single and double folded-slot antennas on semi-
EhB =EhA 0
infinite substrates, IEEE Trans Antenn Propag 43 (1995), 1423–1428.
0 EuB =EuA 13. N. Daniele, Etude d’un système de transmission radio courte portée
• Extract the measured field of the antenna with the support à 60 GHz par étalement de spectre, PHD Thesis de L’INPG,
at V connector level (EShA, ESuA) Grenoble, France, 1995.
• Finally, to obtain the measured field at the SOI chip level,
divide the global field of (EShA, ESuA) by the transfer func- V
C 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

tion H

Figure 10 shows the comparison of the gain pattern for the H DESIGN OF A COMPACT MULTIBAND
plan. We almost recover the simulated diagram gain obtained INTERNAL ANTENNA FOR MOBILE
from the extraction. A maximum measured gain of 6.5 dBi is APPLICATION
founded for h ¼ 0. The simulated maximum gain is 5.5 dBi.
Jianxing Li, Yansheng Jiang, Anxue Zhang, Juan Chen,
The 1 dB difference between the simulated and gain pattern val- and Xiong Sheng
idates the method used for gain extraction. School of Electronic and Information Engineering, Xi’an Jiaotong
The simulated efficiency of the double slot antenna is about University, No. 28, Xianning West Road, Xi’an, Shaanxi 710049,
25%. Using the extraction method, based on transfer function, People’s Republic of China; Corresponding author:
and with this little difference between the simulated and meas-
ured gain diagram, we can say that our antenna have about 20%
of measured efficiency. The radiation efficiency of this antenna is Received 14 March 2011
low, which explains the low gain of the slot antenna at 60 GHz.
ABSTRACT: A compact multiband internal antenna for global system
for mobile communication, digital cellular system, and wireless local
6. CONCLUSIONS area network services is proposed. The proposed antenna is composed
This paper has presented the design and measurement results for of a multiple input and multiple output (MIMO) antenna and a dual-
band printed inverted F antenna. In particular, projected ground
a 60 GHz double slot antenna integrated on SOI. At 60 GHz the
structure is adopted to improve isolation characteristic between the two
antenna exhibits exhibit a good impedance matching to the 50 X
elements of the MIMO antenna. The experimental results show that
probe feeding with 13 dB of return loss. A novel method for sufficient bandwidths, reasonable radiation patterns, and antenna gains
extracting the radiation pattern for the antenna on chip is pre- are achieved for each frequency band. V C 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
sented. A radiation efficiency of 20% and a gain around 6 dBi Microwave Opt Technol Lett 53:2865–2868, 2011; View this article
are obtained. The purpose of the design of the antenna is to vali- online at DOI 10.1002/mop.26413
date the conception procedure on 0.13 lm SOI from STMicroe-
lectronics. Though the retrieved efficiency is low, the design Key words: multiband internal antenna; MIMO antenna; dual-band
feasibility of such antenna on high resistivity SOI substrate is inverted F antenna; GSM/DCS; WLAN

DOI 10.1002/mop MICROWAVE AND OPTICAL TECHNOLOGY LETTERS / Vol. 53, No. 12, December 2011 2865
antenna is placed on FR4 dielectric substrate having volume of
40  80  0.8 mm3 and relative permittivity of 4.4, which is
commonly adopted as the system circuit board of modern
A projected ground patch having dimension of 12  16 mm2
is inserted between the two closely arrayed elements of the
MIMO antenna to reduce the mutual coupling between the two
elements and guarantee the performance of the MIMO antenna
system. On the other hand, the separate dual-band printed IFA is
located at the opposite edge of the ground plane to maintain
high-isolation characteristic with the two elements of the MIMO
antenna. The simulated scattering parameter characteristics are
shown in Figure 2, which shows the proposed antenna is well
tuned for the whole design bands and high-isolation characteris-
tics are maintained between different antennas. The commercial
Figure 1 Geometry of the proposed multiband antenna. [Color figure
can be viewed in the online issue, which is available at
electromagnetic simulation software CST Microwave Studio is] used to design and optimize the geometric parameters of the
proposed antenna. Additionally, the coplanar waveguides with
impedance of 50 X are applied to feed all the antennas, which
also can facilitate the connection between antennas and other
1. INTRODUCTION RF modules in mobile handsets.
The multiple input and multiple output (MIMO) antenna sys-
tem is one of effective and practical approaches to improve 3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
channel reliability and enhance channel capacity without
The proposed antenna is fabricated as shown in Figure 3.
increasing bandwidth. However, two or more antennas could
Figure 4 shows the measured scattering parameter characteristics.
be placed in quite limited space of modern handsets to con-
struct a MIMO antenna system, which might induce great mu-
tual coupling between so closely arrayed antenna elements. In
turn, the mutual coupling between antenna elements can
decrease the performance of a MIMO antenna system enor-
mously [1]. Therefore, high-isolation characteristic between
antenna elements is prerequisite to promising performance of a
MIMO antenna system. Recently, several techniques such as
small N-section resonators in form of slots on the ground
plane [2], projected ground plane [3], and inverted L-shaped
ground branches [4] have been reported for improving isolation
In this article, a compact multiband internal antenna which
can cover global system for mobile communication (GSM, 890–
960 MHz), digital cellular system (DCS, 1710–1880 MHz), and
wireless local area network (WLAN, 2400–2483 MHz) bands
for mobile handsets is proposed. Due to its compact size, high
isolation, and easy manufacturing, the projected ground structure
is used to improve isolation characteristic between the two
MIMO elements [1]. To begin with, the design of the proposed
antenna is introduced and illustrated. Then, the simulated results
are obtained. Finally, the proposed antenna is fabricated and
measured, and the envelope correlation coefficient of the two
elements of the MIMO antenna is calculated. Details of the
design considerations and experimental results will be presented
and discussed in the following sections.

The geometry of the proposed multiband internal antenna is pre-
sented in Figure 1. It is composed of a MIMO antenna with two
identical shorting printed meander line elements and a separate
dual-band printed inverted F antenna (IFA). The former is for
WLAN service and the latter is for GSM and DCS services. The
two elements of the MIMO antenna are located symmetrically at
the two corners of the bottom edge of ground plane. Each ele-
ment has the size of 12  12 mm2. While the dual-band printed Figure 2 Simulated scattering parameter characteristics: (a) return
IFA is located at the top edge of the ground plane, the size of loss, (b) isolation. [Color figure can be viewed in the online issue, which
GSM and DCS dual-band printed IFA is 40  14.5 mm2. The is available at]

2866 MICROWAVE AND OPTICAL TECHNOLOGY LETTERS / Vol. 53, No. 12, December 2011 DOI 10.1002/mop
Figure 3 The fabricated multiband antenna. [Color figure can be
viewed in the online issue, which is available at]
Figure 5 Envelope correlation coefficient calculated from measured
scattering parameters. [Color figure can be viewed in the online issue,
which is available at]
It can be seen that the measured scattering parameter characteris-
tics agree well with the simulated ones in Figure 2. From the
measured results, the return losses of the two elements of the
MHz) for DCS band are achieved for the dual-band printed IFA.
MIMO antenna are below 10 dB over the whole WLAN band
The mutual coupling between the two elements of the MIMO
(2400–2483 MHz). And, the 6 dB impedance bandwidth of 88
antenna is no more than 13 dB over WLAN band. Higher isola-
MHz (887–975 MHz) for GSM band and 300 MHz (1600–1900
tion characteristics of above 15 dB between the printed IFA and
the two elements of MIMO antenna are obtained over the whole
frequency band of interest.
Typically, the diversity capability of multiantenna system
is evaluated by envelope correlation coefficient. Diversity
gain could be obtained only when envelope correlation coef-
ficient is less than 0.5 [5]. Therefore, envelope correlation
coefficient should be minimized to achieve good diversity
capability. As a matter of convenience, envelope correlation
coefficient is usually calculated from scattering parameters
rather than 3D radiation patterns [6]. The envelop correlation
coefficient qen is calculated using Eq. (1), which is presented
in Figure 5. Over the whole WLAN band, it can be observed
that qen of MIMO antenna is always less than 0.1. Conse-
quently, good diversity capability for MIMO antenna is vali-

S S12 þ S S22 2
qen ¼   11
1  jS11 j2 þjS21 j2 1  jS22 j2 þjS12 j2

The measured far-field radiation patterns are shown in

Figure 6. Figures 6(a) and 6(b) show the measured radiation pat-
terns for the two elements of the MIMO antenna at 2450 MHz
[Figs. 6(a) for Port1 and 6(b) for Port2]. As the projected
ground patch operates as a reflector of each element, the two
elements radiate in approximately orthogonal directions in
E-plane (X–Y), which illustrates poor radiation pattern coupling
and envelope correlation coefficient. From H-plane (Y–Z), it is
confirmed that the two elements have patterns close to omni-
directional over the WLAN band. The radiation patterns for the
dual-band printed IFA at 925 and 1800 MHz are shown in
Figures 6(c) and 6(d), respectively. The dual-band printed IFA
has an omni-directional pattern in H-plane and an 8-shape pat-
tern in E-plane at 925 MHz. While typical IFA radiation pattern
Figure 4 Measured scattering parameter characteristics: (a) return can be observed at 1800 MHz.
loss, (b) isolation. [Color figure can be viewed in the online issue, which The measured peak gains are 2.24 dBi at 925 MHz and 3.54
is available at] dBi at 1800 MHz for the dual-band printed IFA, 3.94 dBi

DOI 10.1002/mop MICROWAVE AND OPTICAL TECHNOLOGY LETTERS / Vol. 53, No. 12, December 2011 2867
Figure 6 Measured radiation patterns at: (a) and (b) 2450 MHz, (c) 925 MHz, and (d) 1800 MHz. [Color figure can be viewed in the online issue,
which is available at]

(Port1) and 4.33 dBi (Port2) for the two elements of MIMO 3. D.J. Kim, K.S. Min, Y.M. Moon, and Y.E. Kim, Compact 2-chan-
antenna at 2450 MHz. nel MIMO antenna for WiBro handy terminal application, Asia-Pa-
cific Microwave Conf, Yokohama, Japan, 2006.
4. CONCLUSIONS 4. H. Chung, Y. Jang, and J. Choi, Design of a multiband internal
In this article, a compact multiband internal antenna for GSM, antenna for mobile application, IEEE Antenna and Propagation So-
DCS, and WLAN services is proposed. The measured results ciety International Symposium, Charleston, America, 2009.
indicate that return loss characteristics are well satisfied, and 5. R.G. Vaughan and J.B. Andersen, Antenna diversity in mobile
communication, IEEE Trans Veh Technol 36 (1987), 149–172.
high-isolation characteristics of no more than 13 dB are
6. S. Blanch, J. Romeu, and I. Corbella, Exact representation of
obtained over the frequency bands of interest, and reasonable antenna system diversity performance from input parameter
radiation patterns and antenna gains for each frequency band are description, Electron Lett 39 (2003), 705–707.
achieved. Therefore, the proposed antenna is suitable for modern
mobile application. V
C 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

This work was supported by National Natural Science Foundations
of China (Nos. 61001039 and 60501004) and also supported by the
Research Fund for the Doctoral Program of Higher Education of Marı́a C. Velázquez-Ahumada, Manuel J. Freire,
China (20090201120030). and Ricardo Marqués
Department of Electronics and Electromagnetism, Faculty of
REFERENCES Physics, University of Seville, Avda. Reina Mercedes s/n, 41012
Sevilla, Spain; Corresponding author:
1. P.N. Fletcher, M. Dean, and A.R. Nix, Mutual coupling in multi-
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capacity, Electron Lett 39 (2003), 342–344. Received 20 February 2011
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2868 MICROWAVE AND OPTICAL TECHNOLOGY LETTERS / Vol. 53, No. 12, December 2011 DOI 10.1002/mop

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