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Legal Digest

in Plain Sight
A Peek into the
Witness Security Program

© Mark C. Ide

n mid-July 2003, a fisher- members in jail, and word soon member were faced with a di-
man on the Shenandoah spread that she was an informant, lemma—using her unsworn
River in Northern Virginia which caused her to be “green- statements may violate the Sixth
found the body of Brenda lighted,” or targeted for murder Amendment guaranteeing a de-
“Smiley” Paz. She was an intelli- by fellow MS-13 gang mem- fendant the right to cross-exam-
gent, energetic 17-year-old who bers.3 Paz entered the Witness ine the witness. Prosecutors
was 17 weeks pregnant and a Security Program (Program) in availed themselves of this highly
former gang member.1 She had March 2003, but, due to the lure unusual tactic by arguing that
an “encyclopedic knowledge” of of gang life, Paz voluntarily left Denis Rivera, Paz’s former boy-
Mara Salvatrucha (MS-13), a the Program in June. Within 3 friend and member of MS-13,
violent Salvadoran gang, and weeks, her body was found in the may have ordered Paz’s execu-
educated investigators of its his- river.4 tion.5 Rivera was facing a murder
tory, structure, and operations.2 Prosecutors wanting to use trial in which the victim was
Paz knew her only viable way her testimony in the September stabbed several times, his head
out of MS-13 was to help put its 2001 murder of a rival gang nearly severed, and his throat

May 2004 / 25

the Program, including the iden-
tities of the protectors and wit-
The U.S. Supreme nesses, specific names and loca-
Court’s position on tions cannot be discussed in this
the constitutionality article. Indeed, no agency, entity,
of identification of or person associated with the
protected witnesses Program is permitted to release
began in 1931.... any information concerning spe-
cific operations of the Program

Mr. Kash serves as a senior attorney for the DEA in Arlington, Virginia, and
represents the United States in actions filed by confidential informants.
and its participants.9 With lim-
ited exceptions, release of Pro-
gram-related information, in-
cluding that which pertains to
current or former protected wit-
nesses, even to that very witness,
and esophagus removed.6 The September 11, 2001. The U.S. is prohibited except at the writ-
prosecution argued that because Department of Justice, Criminal ten direction of the director of
Rivera allegedly was involved in Division, Office of Enforcement the Program, the attorney gen-
the witness’ (Paz) execution, he Operations (OEO) oversees the eral, or the assistant attorney
cannot use the protection guaran- Program. The U.S. Marshals general.10
teeing him the right to examine Service (USMS) administers the
Paz. On October 7, 2003, the day-to-day operation of the Judicial Protections
judge ruled that Paz’s state- Program for witnesses relocated Somewhat ironically, the
ments, through the recollection in the community and the Fed- need to provide for the safety of
of the court appointed guardian, eral Bureau of Prisons adminis- witnesses results from the con-
ad litem (for purposes of the suit) ters the day-to-day operation of stitutional protections afforded
can be used, though the court had the Program for witnesses who criminal defendants. The Sixth
not determined other issues, such are incarcerated. Amendment of the U.S. Consti-
as relevancy.7 On November 20, Traditionally, the Program tution provides, in part, that “in
2003, Rivera and a fellow gang has been used to protect wit- all criminal prosecutions, the ac-
member were convicted of mur- nesses and their families in cases cused shall enjoy the right…to
der and later sentenced to life in involving organized crime, nar- confront the witness against
prison.8 This case demonstrates cotics, motorcycle gangs, prison him….” Such protections were
not only the necessity of the gangs, and public corruption. extended by the U.S. Supreme
Program but the real dangers Due to the September 11 attacks Court to defendants in state
facing those who choose to leave and the consequent investiga- prosecutions through the Due
its protective umbrella. tions into domestic and interna- Process Clause of the Fourteenth
The Program, also some- tional terrorist groups, people Amendment. Some states re-
times referred to as WITSEC with pertinent terrorist-related quire prosecutors to identify ev-
or the Witness Protection information have undoubtedly eryone “known by the govern-
Program, is one weapon in considered availing themselves ment [who has] knowledge of
the war on crime that has taken of the protection this Program the relevant facts, while other
even greater significance since offers. Due to the sensitivity of states limit such disclosure only

26 / FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin

to persons who will testify in the defense from asking the courts require the defense to
trial or pretrial proceedings.”11 “most rudimentary” questions of demonstrate the necessity and
Consequently, to protect wit- a witness’ name and address ef- materiality of witness informa-
nesses pre- and posttrial and pre- fectively] “emasculate[s] the tion as it relates to guilt or inno-
serve the integrity and effective- right of cross-examination it- cence. The court then weighs
ness of the criminal justice self.”16 In his concurrence, U.S. the right of cross examination
system, witnesses facing a threat Supreme Court Justice Byron and the witness’ safety con-
to their personal safety are either White opined that the examina- cerns.20 Further, some courts
incarcerated or placed under tion of a witness would be lim- raise the nondisclosure standard
government protection.12 How- ited when specific questions to whether the testimony is sig-
ever, other courts do not require “tend to endanger the personal nificant or crucial, while Califor-
that all witnesses reveal their nia prohibits the concealment of

identities. witness residential information
The U.S. Supreme Court’s as long as the witness is provid-
position on the constitutionality In federal courts, ing important information.21
of identification of protected Beyond judicial protection,
as a general rule, there is one notable statutory
witnesses began in 1931 with
its review of Alford v. United if the informant’s protective shield known as the
States13 in which the defense was identity is federal Victim and Witness Pro-
denied the opportunity to ques- essential or even tection Act of 1982, which pro-
tion the witness at his residence. relevant, it must vides for the punishment of any-
The Supreme Court opined, be provided. one who tampers with a witness,
without consideration of the wit- victim, or informant.22 This pro-

ness’ safety, that the defense tection begins from the reporting
must be able to place the witness stage of a crime to the conclusion
in his environment and that safety of the witness.”17 Al- of the trial testimony. All U.S.
“prejudice ensues from a denial though Justice White’s notation citizens inherit a legal obligation
of the opportunity to place the to a witness’ safety appears to be to provide testimony in criminal
witness in his proper setting and the first time this specific issue and civil proceedings, and the
put the weight of his testimony was raised, since that time, the U.S. Supreme Court has held
and his credibility to a test, with- balance between the need to that not even the fear of death
out which the jury cannot fairly protect a witness’ identity and can obviate this requirement.23
appraise them.”14 the right to confront a witness in Despite the chance that harm
In the next true test of this court has been considered by could result from such testi-
issue, the lower court, in Smith v. many federal and state courts and mony, the government does not
Illinois,15 refused to force the state legislatures. have any legal obligation to pro-
revelation of a witness’ true In federal courts, as a general vide any level of protection to a
identity. Upon appellate review, rule, if the informant’s identity iswitness.24
the U.S. Supreme Court stated essential or even relevant, it
that “the witness’ name and ad- must be provided.18 To refute Policies and Statutory
dress open countless avenues of this, the government must estab- Provisions
in-court examination and out-of- lish the existence of an actual Since the creation of the Pro-
court investigation…[forbidding threat.19 Similarly, New York gram by the Organized Crime

May 2004 / 27
Control Act of 1970 25 and witness would be eligible for application for such assistance.34
amended by the Comprehensive relocation consideration, the Once the witness is authorized to
Crime Control Act of 1984,26 OEO has received all of the in- participate in the Program, the
more than 7,500 witnesses and formation necessary to make a prosecutor must contact the
9,500 family members have been determination that the witness is OEO to arrange the appearance,
afforded protection, which in- essential to a significant pros- date, time, place, and anticipated
cludes establishing new identi- ecution and is endangered as a duration of appearances for all
ties in new locations.27 The attor- result, and no other alternative case-related matters. All pretrial
ney general has the sole authority exists but to enter the Program.32 conferences and briefings in-
to admit witnesses and their im- During the preliminary inter- volving witnesses in the Pro-
mediate families into the Pro- view, the witness will be given a gram are conducted at neutral
gram.28 Although many parts of general explanation of the ser- sites determined by the USMS
the governing statute and poli- vices provided in the Program.33 after OEO approval.35
cies refer to the attorney © PhotoDisc
For example, one federal in-
general’s authority, this author- vestigative agency, the DEA,
ity has been delegated by the at- recognizes two levels of protec-
torney general and is exercised tive status in the Program.36 Un-
by the senior associate director der the “Full Program Services,”
of the OEO who has been desig- name changes and relocations
nated the director of the Witness are provided for the witness and
Security Program and, in his ab- his family. The less often used is
sence, the director of the OEO.29 the “Special Limited Service”
While investigative agencies that was developed for foreign
maintain polices regarding the nationals who face deportation
use of the Program,30 the govern- and a threat in their own country.
ing policy is promulgated by Although this does not provide a
the OEO and can be found in new identity to the witness, it
the U.S. Attorney’s Manual suspends deportation proceed-
(USAM) 9-21.000 et seq. For Each investigative agency, ings against the witness.
time-critical situations involving whether federal, state or local, Prior to requesting a wit-
imminent danger where the in- must submit its initial request for ness’ admission into the Pro-
vestigative agency cannot pro- placing a witness into the Pro- gram, an investigative agency
vide the necessary security, the gram to the OEO. The investiga- must consider several issues. For
USAM sections 3-7.340 and 9- tive agency first must request example, the DEA sets forth the
21.220 provide guidance con- such assistance through the U.S. following criteria:
cerning the Emergency Witness Attorney’s Office for the district
• The witness must be an
Assistance Program and authori- in which the investigative activ-
ity is to occur or, alternatively, established (registered and
zation procedures for emergency
Program protection.31 Typically, where charges against the target vetted) DEA Confidential
Source of Information
Program protection will be au- will be filed. The U.S. Depart-
ment of Justice, Criminal Divi- before entering the Program.
thorized only after the USMS
has completed a preliminary in- sion Section Chiefs/Office Di- • The witness’ anticipated
terview to determine whether the rectors, also can submit an testimony must be essential

28 / FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin

in the prosecution of the • a summary of the defendants • alternatives to placing the
most significant violators. and the criminal organiza- witness in the Program and
• There exists a clear threat to tion; why there is no alternative,
the witness or his family or, • the witness’ involvement in or why they will not work;
alternatively, a documented the illegal activities being • whether the prosecution can
pattern of violence by the prosecuted; secure similar testimony
defendants/associates. from other sources;

• The witness must accept all • significance of the antici-
security precautions (includ- pated testimony;
ing a name change) man- • whether the need for the
dated by the USMS. State and local
agencies can request testimony outweighs the risk
• The witness cannot have any of danger he or his family
outstanding criminal
that a witness (and poses to the public;
charges against him. his family) involved
in an organized • any child custody issues and
• The witness understands criminal activity or history of spousal abuse;
that the Program is designed and
to make him legally
other serious offense
be placed into the • the witness’ income and the
self-sufficient.37 Program’s impact on this
The first step that an investi-

gative agency must undertake to There was a time when
request a witness for the Pro- courts held that “witness protec-
gram is to work with the pros- tion statutes contemplate only
ecuting U.S. Attorney’s Office • details of any direct or the protection of witnesses and
on completion of an OEO Wit- potential threats to the their families—not protection of
ness Security Unit application. witness or his family; and the public from the witnesses.”42
The application includes the an- The Witness Security Reform
ticipated witness testimony and • specific biographical infor- Act of 1984 changed this posi-
its necessity to a successful pros- mation as to the defendants,
the witness’ associates and tion by requiring the attorney
ecution, the witness’ cooperation general to consider the danger a
and criminal history, the threat family members, and those
who represent a threat to the protected witness poses to the
posed to the witness, and the risk relocation community.43 Once
the witness (and his family) may witness.40
the assessments are completed,
present to a new community.38 A risk assessment also is
the DEA Chief of Operations
The application is submitted to required and must address the Management forwards the report
OEO by the U.S. Attorney’s Of- following issues: to the OEO.44 DEA agents do not
fice.39 The investigative agency • significance of the investiga- have to prepare a risk assessment
also must prepare a threat as- tion or case in which the for an incarcerated witness un-
sessment to be sent to OEO. This witness is cooperating; less that witness will remain in
report includes— • possible danger the witness the Program after his release.
• a synopsis of the investiga- and his family poses to the However, all persons who may
tive records; new relocation community; pose a threat to the prisoner/

May 2004 / 29
witness must be identified and moving expenses from the crime results in death or serious
their biographical information previous residence, basic living bodily injury) to the victim or
provided to the USMS or the expenses, job search assistance, estate of the victim for medical
Federal Bureau of Prisons.45 and any other services to assist and funeral costs and loss of
In addition, the USAM re- the person to become legally wages.53 Before such payment is
quires the attorney general to self-sufficient.50 The USMS also made, however, the victim must
consider a psychological evalua- covers the costs (travel, housing,have tried to secure restitution
tion of the witness and all family meals) incurred when a witness and compensation under avail-
members to be relocated who are is scheduled to appear for trial or
able federal and state civil rem-
18 years of age or older.46 The briefings. For those Program edies.54 Any recovery, including
USAM also mandates that any witnesses who are entitled to re- insurance payments, may pre-
witnesses entering the Program ceive rewards for their participa-clude or mitigate compensation
will be required to satisfy any tion, the investigative agency under the Victims Compensation
known debt or judgment and all Fund.

outstanding criminal and civil Recently, Senator Charles
obligations (i.e., fines, restitu- Shumer (D-NY) introduced
tion).47 For those persons already legislation creating a “Short-
in the Program, however, the Despite a U.S. Term State Witness Protection
governing statute only requires population of Service” within the USMS.55
the attorney general to “urge the approximately 280 This new unit would be created
person to comply with the [civil] million people, covertly to provide protection for wit-
judgment (emphasis added).”48 relocating a person nesses in state and local trials
In the event the person does not and his not involving major violent crimes.56
undertake reasonable efforts to an easy task. The legislation also would pro-
satisfy the judgment, the attorney vide grant money to state and

general has the discretion, after local prosecutors whose states
considering the danger posed had at least 100 murders per year
and at the request of a plaintiff must submit a report, with the during the previous 5-year
seeking civil relief, to release the concurrence of the prosecutor, to period.57
person’s identity and location to the USMS Witness Security Pro-
the plaintiff, enabling the plain- gram or Bureau of Prisons, In- State and Local
tiff to attempt to recover under mate Monitoring Section, along Agency Usage
the judgment directly. The stat- with the payment.51 State and local agencies can
ute also provides that the United Not all Program participants request that a witness (and his
States and its officers are exempt conduct themselves in a legal family) involved in an organized
from any liability resulting from manner. In certain situations in criminal activity or other serious
this disclosure.49 which a participant commits a offense be placed into the Pro-
The attorney general, crime, a Victims Compensation gram. The initial request is trans-
through the USMS, can provide Fund has been established for mitted to the U.S Attorneys Of-
the necessary support to all per- victims of those crimes.52 The fice which, after its own review,
sons in the Program. Such sup- OEO, as delegated by the attor- forwards the request to the OEO,
port includes new identities ney general, may make restitu- with its endorsement.58 The wit-
and documentation, housing and tion or compensation (if the ness’ placement is predicated on

30 / FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin

the attorney general’s finding cently introduced bills to in- for the Program. Indeed, it is
that the witness and his family crease the penalty to a felony for these very people and the pro-
may suffer a crime of violence in anyone who knowingly obstructs gram they administer that may
connection to the witness’ antici- justice or who, by threat or force, be the one viable option that can
pated testimony.59 In this sce- intimidates a witness.63 Simi- persuade a person with informa-
nario, the state or local agency larly, Maryland’s Congress in- tion about another September 11
must surrender its supervision of troduced legislation to increase type attack to provide that infor-
the witness to federal authorities penalties for intimidating a wit- mation and prevent the slaughter
and, according to the USAM, is ness to a felony and making first- of many innocent Americans and
requested to reimburse the fed- degree murder of a witness a punish those who seek to do this
eral government. However, pur- capitol crime.64 These changes country harm.
suant to the governing statute, may forecast a wave of legisla-
the attorney general may enter tive fixes to come throughout the Endnotes
into an agreement with a state United States due to this growing 1
Jerry Markon and Maria Glod,
government that requests the use problem. “Giving Up a New Life for a Gang Death,”
of the Program “in which that The Washington Post, August 10, 2003,
government agrees to reimburse Conclusion sec. A, p. 1.
the United States for expenses Since its inception more than 2
incurred in providing protec- 30 years ago, the Witness Secu- Id. at sec. A, p. 16.
rity Program has become an inte- Id.
tion….”60 The USMS will calcu- 5
Jerry Markon and Maria Glod,
late the terms of any reimburse- gral part in the war on crime with “Prosecutors Hope to Quote Dead
ment, which will be set forth in a newly found greater emphasis Witness,” The Washington Post, August
a Memorandum of Understand- on terrorism. Despite a U.S. 16, 2003, sec. B, p. 4.
ing. 61 Rarely are state cases population of approximately 280 7
million people, covertly relocat- Maria Glod, “Gang Trial to Allow
taken without reimbursement Statements of Deceased,” The Washington
unless there is a nexus to a fed- ing a person and his family, as Post, Oct. 7, 2003, sec. B. p. 1-2.
eral investigation. well as providing legal name 8
Maria Glod and Jerry Markon, “2
changes, employment and medi- MS-13 Members Convicted of Slaying,”
Recent State Developments cal assistance, personal protec- The Washington Post, November 21,
Individual states recently tion when necessary, and ensur- 2003, sec. B, p. 1. See also Jerry Markon,
“2 MS-13 Members Get Life in Prison,”
have undertaken legislative ing that the witness and his The Washington Post, February 18, 2004,
action to strengthen their family are respecting the Pro- sec. B. p. 1.
respective witness protection gram mandates, is not an easy 9
18 U.S.C. § 3521(b)(1) and (3)(2003),
programs. The U.S. attorney task. If history is any indication, 28 C.F.R. 0.111B(b)(2003).
for the District of Columbia, there will be problems with See “Release of Federal Witness
Security Program Information,” Stephen J.
who handles criminal matters participants in the Program com- T’Kach, Director Witness Security
throughout the federal district, mitting crimes. In light of the Program, July 15, 2002. See also 18
recently stated that the intimida- number of persons who have U.S.C. § 3521(b)(1) and (3) and 28 C.F.R.
tion of witnesses was the big- entered the Program, the com- 0.111B(b).
Nora V. Demeleitner, “Section V:
gest problem in prosecuting city paratively limited number of
Witness Protection in Criminal Cases:
gangs.62 Across the river, both such problems is a testament to Anonymity, Disguise or Other Options?”
Houses of Congress for the the dedication and professional- American J. of Comp. Law, 1998 Supp.
Commonwealth of Virginia re- ism of the persons responsible 641, 643.

May 2004 / 31
Id. danger a witness or his family may
282 U.S. 687 (1931). See also
Demeleitner, supra note 11, at 643.
present to the community. Id. at 9-21.330.
USAM 9-21.100 and DEA Special
Id. at 692. Agents Manual § 6612.82.B. Photographs
15 40
390 U.S. 129 (1968). DEA Special Agents Manual §
Id. at 131. 6612.82.E.1.
17 41
Id. at 133-34. (White, J., concurring). Id. at § 6612.82.E.2.
18 42
Roviaro v. United States, 353 U.S. Taitt v. United States, 770 F. 2d 890
53, 60-61 (1957). at 894 (10th Cir. 1985), citing Bergmann
Demeleitner, supra note 11, at 652. v. United States 689 F.2d 789 (8th Cir.
See 28 C.F.R. § 16.26(b)(4)(2003), the 1982).
agency and the informant must consent to 18 U.S.C. § 3521(c)(2003).
the disclosure. Note that typically mere DEA Special Agents Manual §
“tipsters” would not have their identities 6612.82.E.
revealed. Id. at § 6612.82.F.
Id. citing People v. Stanard, 365
N.E. 2d 857, 863 (NY 1977).


USAM 9-21.330.
USAM 9-21.100.
T he Bulletin staff is
always on the lookout
for dynamic, law enforce-
Id. citing Friedman, Annotation, 18 U.S.C. § 3523 (a)(2003).
Right to Cross-Examine Witness As to His 49
Id. ment-related photos for
Place of Residence, 85 A.L.R. 3d 541, 50
18 U.S.C. § 3521 (2003). possible publication in the
569-70 (1978 and Supp. 1997). 51
USAM 9-21.910 and 9-21.920. magazine. We are interested
18 U.S.C. § 1512 (2003). 52
18 U.S.C. § 3525 (2003). in photos that visually depict
Piemonte v. United States, 367 U.S. 53
Id. at § 3525(a) and USAM 9- the many aspects of the law
556, 559 (1961). 21.1020. enforcement profession and
24 54
Piechowicz v. United States, 885 Id. at § 3525(d). illustrate the various tasks
F.2d 1207 (4th Cir. 1989). S. 1982, 108th Cong. 1st Sess. law enforcement personnel
Organized Crime Control Act of (December 9, 2003).
56 perform.
1970, Pub.L. No. 91-452, 84 Stat. 938. Id. at § 570 (a).
Witness Security Reform Act of 57
Id. at § 570 (b). We can use either black-
1984, Pub.L. No. 98-473, 98 Stat. 1837 58
USAM at 9-21.140. and-white glossy or color
(1984). 59
18 U.S.C. § 3521(a)(1)(2003). prints or slides, although we
Retrieved on October 16, 2003, from 60
18 U.S.C. § 3526(b)(1)(2003). prefer prints (5x7 or 8x10). 61
USAM at 9-21.140. We will give appropriate
witsec. Neely Tucker, “Girl’s Slaying Opens credit to photographers when
18 U.S.C. § 3076 (2003). Window on Intimidation,” The Washing- their work appears in the
18 U.S.C. § 3521(d)(3)(2003). See ton Post, February 2, 2004, sec. A, p. 1 magazine. Contributors
also USAM 9-21.200 (citing A.G. Order and 10.
63 should send duplicate, not
No. 1072-84). H.B. 571, 2004 Sess., S.B. 321,
See e.g., DEA Special Agents Manual 2004 Sess. (VA 2004). original, prints as we do not
§ 6612.82. 64
H.B. 263, 418th Sess. (MD 2004), accept responsibility for
See also 18 U.S.C. § 3521(e)(2003). S.B. 181 and 185, 418th Sess. (MD damaged or lost prints. Send
USAM 9-21.100, 9-21.300, 9- 2004). photographs to:
21.330, 9-21.400.
USAM 9-21.300. Law enforcement officers of other
Art Director
USAM 9-21.400. than federal jurisdiction who are
35 interested in this article should
FBI Law Enforcement
USAM 9-21.700. Bulletin, FBI Academy,
DEA Special Agents Manual § consult their legal advisors. Some
police procedures ruled permissible Madison Building,
Id. at § 6612.82.A. under federal constitutional law are Room 201, Quantico,
USAM at 9-21.100. A psychological of questionable legality under state VA 22135.
profile will be conducted to assess the law or are not permitted at all.

32 / FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin

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