المحاضرة التاسعة والعاشرة

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Fixed Assets

 After getting {acquired} the asset, we start to use {Depreciate} it over its life, so
we should learn how to calculate depreciation.

✓ Is the process of allocating the cost of the asset to expense over its useful life in
a rational and systematic manner.

Factors for Calculating Depreciation:

1. The 2. Estimated 3. Estimated

Cost of asset: Salvage Value: Useful Life:
✓ In terms of years
✓ Includes all necessary ✓ Estimate for value of (5 years, 10 years,…..)
expenditures to asset at the end of OR
acquire the asset and useful life . In terms of activity units
make it ready for use (Kilometers, Hours,
Units of output…)

Adjusting Entry for Dep. Expense each year:

Depreciation Expense xx

Accumulated depreciation xx

 Depreciation expense  Accumulated Depreciation

Is an expense and should be Is a Contra Asset account

reported in the Income (has Cr. nature) and should be
statement with operating reported with its related Asset
in the Balance Sheet as a
decrease in the asset’s value.
Depreciation Methods:
✓ We can calculate the annual depreciation using one of the following 2 methods:
1- Straight-line Method (SL)
2- Units of Activity Method.

1. Straight Line Method (SL)

Under this method, Depreciation Exp. is the same each year.

✓ We can calculate it in one step as follows:

Cost – Salvage Value

Annual Depreciation =
Useful Life

✓ OR in Two steps as follows:

Annual Dep. = (Cost – salvage value) x Dep. Rate %

Dep. Rate = 100%

Useful life

 Example {1}:

On January 1, 2020; the company purchased equipment at a cost of $110,000.

Estimated useful life is 5 years, and estimated salvage value is $ 10,000.


Using the Straight- Line method, calculate the following:

1- Depreciable cost (Value).

2- Annual depreciation expense for each year

1- Depreciable cost = Cost – Salvage = 110,000 – 10,000= $100,000.
2- Annual depreciation expense (SL method):

Annual Dep. Exp.= = $20,000
5 𝑦𝑒𝑎𝑟𝑠
✓ OR in Two steps as follows:
𝟏𝟎𝟎 %
✓ Dep. Rate = = 20 %.
𝟓 𝒚𝒆𝒂𝒓𝒔

✓ Annual Dep. = (110,000-10,000) x 20% = $ 20,000

depreciation expense for 2020 = $ 20,000

depreciation expense for 2021 =$ 20,000

depreciation expense for 2022 =$ 20,000

 The Adjusting entry would be the same each year:

Depreciation Expense ↑ 20,000

Accumulated Depreciation ↑ 20,000

We can Summarize the data of the 5 years in the following table:

Accumulated dep. Balance

For =
understanding Sum of Dep. Exp. Up to date
X =
Depreciable Dep. Accum. Dep. Book value
Years Dep.
Cost Rate Balance Dec. 31
2010 $ 100,000 20 % 20,000 20,000 90,000

2011 100,000 20 % 20,000 40,000 70,000

2012 100,000 20 % 20,000 60,000 50,000

2013 100,000 20 % 20,000 80,000 30,000

2014 100,000 20 % 20,000 100,000 10,000

❖ In the last year {At the end of useful Life}→Accumulated Dep. Bal. = Depreciable Cost.
❖ Book Value = Cost 110,000 – Accumulated Dep. Balance & in the last year, B.V Must
equal to the salvage value.
2. Units of Activity Method

To calculate Depreciation in this Method, we have to follow 2 steps to calculate dep. Exp. each

Cost – Salvage Value

1. Depreciation Rate / Unit =
Total Units of Activity

2. Dep. Exp. Units of Activity Dep. Rate

Each year = during the year X per Unit

 Example {2}:
On 1/1/2020, AB Co. Purchased Equipment at a cost of $ 110,000 & Total
estimated units of activity 25,000 working hours. The salvage value of this
equipment estimated to be $ 10,000.

And the Actual miles driven were 8,000 mile in 2020 and 12,000 mile in 2021.

➢ Required:
✓ Using the units of Activity method:
1- Calculate Depreciation Expense for year 2020 and 2021
2- Prepare the Journal entry to record 2021 depreciation
Dep. Rate Cost S.V
Per Unit = 110,000 – 10,000 =$ 4/ hour
25,000 hours

❖ Dep. Exp.2020= 8000m. X $4 = $32,000

Dep. Exp.2021= 6000m. X $4 = $24,000

❖ Journal Entry to record 2021 depreciation

Dep. Exp. 24000

Accum. Dep. 24000
 Exercise {3}:
On January 1, 2014, ABC Company purchased a delivery truck for $30,000.
The truck has expected salvage value of $ 2,000, and is expected to be driven
100,000 miles over its estimated useful life of 8 years.

Actual miles driven were 15,000 mile in 2014 and 12,000 mile in 2015.

(a) Compute Depreciation Expense for 2014 and 2015 using:
(1) The straight –line method,
(2) the units-of-activity method,
(b) Assume that ABC co. uses the straight-line method: Prepare the Journal entry to
record 2014 depreciation

(a) Depreciation Expense:
1- Straight Line Method: b) Straight Line Method:

𝟑𝟎,𝟎𝟎𝟎−𝟐,𝟎𝟎𝟎 3- Dep. exp.2014= 3,500

Annual Dep. = = $3,500.
𝟖 𝒚𝒆𝒂𝒓𝒔

❖ Dep. Exp.2014=$3,500 ❖ Journal Entry:

❖ Dep. Exp.2015=$3,500 Dep. Exp. 3500

Accum. Dep. 3500

2- Units of Activity:

Dep. Rate= = $0.28/mile
𝟏𝟎𝟎,𝟎𝟎𝟎 𝒎𝒊𝒍𝒆𝒔

❖ Dep. Exp.2014= 15000m. X $0.28=$4,200

❖ Dep. Exp.2015= 12000m. X $0.28=$3,360

On January 1, 2020, ABC Company purchased a delivery truck for $ 105,000.
The truck has expected salvage value of $ 5,000, and is expected to be driven
200,000 miles over its estimated useful life of 10 years.

Actual miles driven were 20,000 mile in 2020 and 30,000 mile in 2021.

(c) Compute Depreciation Expense for 2020 and 2021 using:
(3) The straight –line method,
(4) the units-of-activity method,
(d) Assume that ABC co. uses the straight-line method: Prepare the Journal entry to
record 2021 depreciation

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