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29542 MBA-E

You have to do the following for both situations (Sleepless nights, Exon Mobiles)

 Identify the problem

 Develop a theoretical framework
 Develop at least four hypotheses
Sleepless nights

 Problem Statement:
 How to bring brand awareness to increase the revenue of Holiday inn?
 Develop a Holiday inn guest management strategy, which was managed by the
brand confusion.
Buildings are very old and poorly maintained, and the quality is also poor Service rates and
other items are also very low and do not meet
customer requirement.
 Theoretical Framework:
 Distinguish between the different types of services offered.
 I intend to develop an effective strategy to eliminate product problems and
make it clear the difference.
 Many complain about customers about the size and complexity of the buildings
and their staff well trained.
 Class Separation separately can be an important point.
After Oliver understood what the different divisions would be like important for the three
categories of targeted clients with research details, can be meaningful develop a theoretical
framework. However, depending on what information is currently available, the following draft
can try. Type of buildings, how buildings are maintained, as well the quality of service provided
- three independent variables - will distinguish the three different types of Holiday Inn facilities
and increase product awareness among users. The better the buildings, the better their care,
and more segregation services provided, the main will be the significant difference in the three
types of Holiday Inn Centers for customers. However, if the owners of the Franchise do not
cooperate with to highlight this variation on customers, no number of improvements made to
the file Independent variables will help increase product awareness. It was then that the
Franchise owners actively promote the idea of segregated areas – modeling variable – can
increase product knowledge, and as a result, revenue.

 Hypotheses:
H1. The more segregated the building facilities, the more brand awareness.
H2. The more differentiated the maintenance of the facilities the more brand awareness is
H3. The more segregated services to customers, the more brand awareness continues.
H4. Differentiated building facilities, care and performance will contribute to brand awareness
only if the owners of the Franchise cooperated and actively promoted the idea of separation. If
they don't, no amount of differentiation these three independent variables will help
clients understand the difference (increase brand awareness).
H5. Improving customer service is related to profitability
Exxon Mobil

 Problem Statement:

 How does Exxon Mobil work as a fuel-efficient machine and ensure its
 Companies, Exxon, and Mobil have their two divergent philosophies and civilization.
 Theoretical Framework:
Case studies suggest that Exxon Mobil has been able to remain profitable by using state-of-the-
art technology that allows it to test oil in the most efficient ways and obtain the most oil in
existing deposits. Its technology is run by its 1,500 Ph. research and development department.
Ds. Its research and development help Exxon Mobil stay profitable by helping it develop cutting-
edge technology. Its research and development department are run by its own people. Without
its people, Exxon Mobil would not be a profitable company. The merger of Exxon and Mobil has
helped drive the profits of both companies as they now have an impossible business after the
merger. What accounts for Exxon-Mobil’s success? (dependent variable) Three (independent)
variables Use of old and new technologies Investment in R&D (expecting results) Blending of
two different cultures Dissemination of information Intervening variable
 Hypotheses:
H2: Technology has a very positive impact on Exxon Mobil.
H2: R&D has an impact on Exon Mobil
H3: Staff performance has a positive effect on Exon Mobil its automatic effect on business
H4: The type of research method considered by Exxon Mobil is based on research. This is
because Exxon Mobil's management expects each study to have a positive impact on the
business and its profitability

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