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Subject Code / Name : AR8321 / Building Materials and Construction – II

1) Unburnt bricks are also called:

a) Dry bricks
b) Clayey bricks
c) Kucha bricks
d) Clamp bricks
Explanation: Unburnt bricks are the one dried in the sun, after moulding. They are
kept for a long time until they dry. Sometimes due to a large number of bricks, limited
time, improper workman skills, the bricks are not completely dried and hence are
called Kucha bricks.

2) First class bricks are used for:

a) Brick ballast in R.C.C
b) Boundary walls
c) Low height walls
d) Pavements
Explanation: First class bricks are strong, durable and have a good appearance. These
are used for important work, load bearing works. Pavements, flooring, load bearing
wall are some places of use.

3) Which of the following bricks types use the least amount of clay?
a) Hollow bricks
b) Coping bricks
c) Channel bricks
d) Perforated bricks
Explanation: Perforated bricks contain cylindrical holes throughout their thickness.
These are light in weight. They use a very little amount of clay.

4) What is the problem with using flyash bricks?

a) Efflorescence
b) Costly
c) Expand
d) Not sound proof
Explanation: When they come in contact with moisture, chemical reaction occurs and
they tend to expand.

5) In which bond brick is laid with its length in the direction of a wall?
a) Header
b) Flemish
c) Stretcher
d) English
Explanation: Brick are laid with their end towards the face of the wall in header bond.
In the Flemish bond, alternative header and stretcher are placed in each course. In the
English bond, alternative header and stretcher courses are laid.
6) _________ bond is better in appearance than English bond.
a) Flemish
b) Double Flemish
c) Single Flemish
d) Poly Flemish
Explanation: Double Flemish bond consists of an alternative header, stretcher in each
course. The facing and backing are of the same appearance.

7) Flemish bond is expensive than English bond.

a) True
b) False
Explanation: Number of bricks required in Flemish bond is less than that required in
English bond. It is because each course has a header and stretcher, which occupies
more space than header or stretcher when placed individually.

8) In Herringbone bond, bricks are placed at _________ angle from __________ line in both
a) 60d, central
b) 60d, vertical
c) 45d, central
d) 45d, vertical
Explanation: There is a central line with respect to which bricks are laid. It is laid at
45o angle in both directions. It is used where wall thickness is more than 4 bricks or for

9) The portion of bricks cut across the width in half is called:

a) Half split
b) Half closer
c) Half bed
d) Half bat
Explanation: When a brick is halved along its height, it is a split, that along the length
is a closer. Bed is the lower surface of brick when the brick is laid flat.

10) What should be placed at the beginning of every header course in English bond to avoid
vertical joint?
a) Queen closer
b) Half bat
c) Three fourth bat
d) King closer
Explanation: A queen closer is a brick piece cut in half along the length. It is placed so
as to avoid vertical joints. It makes the header come centrally above the underlying
11) The bricks used for corners of walls of a structure are called:
a) Spalls
b) Quoins
c) Hearting
d) Side
Explanation: Spalls are chips of stones for filling interstices in stone masonry.
Hearting is an interior portion of a wall between facing and backing. Side is a surface
forming boundary of bricks in a direction transverse to face and bed.

12) Which bond comprises of one course of a header to three or five courses of stretchers?
a) Dutch bond
b) b) Zig-zag bond
c) English garden-wall bond
d) Facing bond
Explanation: Dutch bond is a modified form of English bond. Three fourth bat is used
next to header in stretcher course. Bricks are laid in zig-zag way in zig-zag bond. In
facing bond, bricks of different thickness are used in facing and backing of walls.

13) Which IS code gives a code of practice for brick work?

a) IS 2212
b) IS 3102
c) IS 3466
d) IS 1077
Explanation: IS 3102 gives the classification of burnt clay solid bricks. IS 3466 gives
the specification for masonry cement. IS 1077 gives the guidelines regarding common
burnt clay building bricks.

14) Knots in timber are

a) Defects caused by crushing fibres
b) Splits radiating from the centre
c) Speckled strains
d) Signs of branches cut off

15) Seasoning of timber is essential to remove

a) Knots from timber
b) Sap from timber
c) Twisted fibre from timber
d) Roughness of timber
16) The timber having maximum resistance against white ants is obtained from
a) Chir
b) Shisham
c) Sal
d) Teak
17) The quality of timber does not depend upon:
a) Maturity of tree
b) Time of felling
c) Type of tree
d) Size of tree
Explanation: The size of a tree is not of much importance. The weight, maturity of
tree matters and not length.

18) Timbers with ___________ annular rings are generally the strongest.
a) Narrow
b) Wide
c) Distinct
d) Indistinct
Explanation: Annular rings are formed every year and they consist of innumerable
cells of fibres and tissues. Total number of annular rings indicate an age of tree.
Narrow annular rings indicate the strength of tree.

19) How can the quality of timber be checked via sound?

a) Timber struck by hammer
b) Timber tapped by hand
c) Timber knocked by chisel
d) Two timber pieces struck together
Explanation: Just as in the case of bricks, two timber pieces are taken and struck
against each other. A good quality timber should make a clear ringing sound.

20) The water permeability of timber is greater:

a) Along centre
b) Along Fibres
c) Along annual rings
d) Along bark
Explanation: Water permeability of timber should essentially be zero. If it absorbs
water, it is prone to decay. Fibres are most porous.

21) Which of the following is not a variety of industrial timber?

a) Veneers
b) Plywood
c) Fibreboard
d) Baulk
Explanation: Timber that is scientifically prepared in a factory is called industrial
timber. There are different varieties of industrial timber. These are veneers, plywood,
fibreboard, impreg timbers and compreg timbers.
22) Which of the following statements about plywood is not true?
a) Plywoods are available in large sizes
b) They are elastic
c) Expansion and shrinkage are very high
d) Plywoods are light in weight
Explanation: Plywoods are light in weight. They are elastic and are available in large
sizes. Expansion and shrinkage are relatively very low as plies are placed at an angle
of 90° to each other.

23) The maximum limit of weight of fibreboards is _________

a) 960 kg/m3
b) 1960 kg/m3
c) 2460 kg/m3
d) 2960 kg/m3
Explanation: Fibreboards are rigid boards. They are also known as reconstructed
wood. The maximum limit of weight of fibreboards is 960 kg/m3. The weight depends
on the pressure applied during their manufacturing.

24) Which of the following is available under trade names such as Formica, Sunmica, Sungloss
a) Fibreboard
b) Veneer
c) Impreg timber
d) Compreg timber
Explanation: Impreg timber is available under trade names such as Formica,
Sunmica, Sungloss, etc. It is the timber that is partly or fully covered with resin. Impreg
timber is strong and durable.

25) Timber which is mostly used for engineering purposes belongs to endogenous trees.
a) True
b) False
Explanation: Timber which is mostly used for engineering purposes belongs to
exogenous trees. These trees are further divided into two groups – deciduous and
conifers. However, timber from endogenous trees has very limited engineering

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