"To Lead in The Creation, Development, and Manufacture of The Industry's Most Advanced Information Technologies

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IBM (International Machine Co-operation) is an American multinational technology corporation
headquartered in Armonk, New York, with operation in over 171 countries. BM produces and sells
computer hardware, middleware and software, and provides hosting and consulting services in areas
ranging from mainframe computers to nanotechnology. IBM reported earnings of $5.6 billion, with an
annual revenue of $73.6 billion.

Mission Statement
“To lead in the creation, development, and manufacture of
the industry's most advanced information technologies

Employee Progress
IBM’s 10-year-old performance review system was recently changed and the new system will consist
of an app named ‘Checkpoint’. This app will set up these objectives: -
 Setting shorter-term goals
 Management feedback on employee progress every quarter (or less)
 Employees will be judged across five criteria in which managers will assess whether they’ve,
“achieved expectations” in these dimensions: - 1. business results, 2. impact on client success,
3. innovation, 4. personal responsibility to others, 5. skills.

Face-to-Face Meetings: Formal & Impromptu

“Over the past few years IBM has changed the way in which they communicate with their employees.
Instead of just informing employees on important news (top-down communications), they also want
to give them the possibility to provide feedback, voice their opinions, and share their wants and needs
(bottom-up communications). One of the key strategies used by IBM is, Live video which helps
improve internal communication between employee and with senior management who can translate
their messages that are communicated more clearly, consistently and across all facets of the

Improvement with the data that has been collected

Diane Gherson, Chief Human Resources Officer and Senior Vice President of Human Resources,
recognized that IBM’s approach to performance management would need to be entirely re-
imagined before the organization could fully engage its people in the business transformation. In
year 2015, the company fully redesigned the ‘Performance Management System’. IBM remained
flexible in their approach to HR practices. These practical examples of companies managing
performance in their own way prove one size doesn’t fit all but there are certainly great models to
glean from.

By using performance metrics such as Financial, Customer, Operational, resulted in

the success of the new “Checkpoint” app in which employees are engaging properly due to
which there is a rise in Customer Satisfaction.

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