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Lesson No.

In this first lesson on the Planetary Patterns we will first focus our attention on some of the important
genera! concepts that you must first understand before you commence an in-depth analysis of each
pattern type. In this lesson we will show you how, in most of the types, one (and sometimes more than
one) planet is brought into particular emphasis [i.e., "High Focus"] because of its unique position in the
planetary distribution about the wheel. Planets, thus emphasized, provide an important point of
departure as you begin your delineation of the horoscope. For, where a particular planetary energy or
force is emphasized, because of its location in the pattern, you will find this force emphasized psycho-
logically as it operates in the life of the individual whose chart you have under study.


It was Marc Edmund Jones who first coined the word "Focal Determinator." By Focal Determinator we
mean some feature of the horoscope that immediately catches the trained eye of the astrologer as
being unusual — something that immediately stands out in the horoscope as being unique. And, almost
always, this unique factor v/ill tend to symbolize some unique feature of the psychology of the
individual. In many cases, this feature will be some single planet which, because of its location in the
chart with respect to the other nine planets, stands out for some reason. We refer to such a planet as
being in "High Focus".
Examples of such High Focus planets might be a Singleton in Hemisphere, a Singleton in Disposition
(Sole Dispositor), a planet at the apex of a T-Cross or Yod, the "handle" planet of a Panhandle, etc. Or,
it might also be some planet within the dispersion of planets around the horoscopic wheel that, because
of its unique position within this planetary dispersion, "takes the strain or pressure" of the pattern. This
High-Focus planet becomes, psychologically, an energy that we come to rely upon in our lives and use
to deal with the environmental problems that we must deal with daily.
Patterns are important. Our daily lives tend to follow some predictable pattern. From the time we get
up, bathe, eat breakfast, leave for work, etc., our lives follow a more or less predictable pattern. And,
psychologically, we achieve a certain amount of security in learning to rely on such patterns. When
something doesn't occur on schedule (when you expect it to occur), worry and psychological stress is
likely to result. Most people are predictable because they tend to follow a certain psychological pattern.
And, since the horoscope is a symbolic represenration of our basic psychological patterns, we
ought to be able to predict certain patterns of behavior from the natal horoscope. These
patterns tend to be a kind of framework within which the individual operates.
Our purpose in studying the planetary patterns described in the following lessons is to gain
additional understanding of the "framework" within which the individual operates in dealing
with the problems and situations that he/she must face on a daily basis. How does this
individual "define" himself viz-a — viz his environment and other people? How does he deal
with others? On an "intimate" basis? Impersonally? Must he remain in "control" of the
situation? Is he self-contained? Self-satisfied? Broad- or narrow-minded when it comes to
seeing his place in the greater scheme of things?
In order to do any meaningful interpretation of a natal horoscope, and provide help to the
individual involved, it is first necessary to understand the framework within which that
individual habitually operates. By recognizing the planetary pattern within the horoscope
we can, thus, recognize the individual's basic framework for living.
Each of the patterns you will study represents a basic mode of psychological expression as
well as a basic mode of dealing with the immediate environment. And, also, a characteristic
method of dealing with problems. While it is true that the sign on the cusp of the Sixth
House in the horoscope will tend to show our characteristic mode of dealing with everyday
problems, in its purest sense, this indicator cannot be considered alone. It must be
considered within the framework of the particular planetary pattern of the horoscope as a
Certain patterns will bring a particular planetary energy into focus. Others will not. Try as
we may, like Cinderella's sisters who tried to force their feet into the glass slipper, certain
charts will defy classification as to a particular planetary pattern. This often disturbs the
student who is usually most anxious to classify each chart that he encounters. But, let's
face it, there are certain individuals whose life style just defies classification. So be it!
Some persons are predictable; others are not. And, if you cannot classify a chart as to a
particular planetary pattern, don't worry about it. This fact, in itself, tells you something
very important about the uniqueness of this individual.
When you find, because of the pattern, some planet that is brought into High Focus, pay
particular attention to that planet. Your subject certainly does! Your subject has probably
come to rely upon this planet very heavily in his daily activities. He may tend to see himself
in terms of this planet. And, one of the most important things you must determine is, does
your subject use this planetary energy in a positive or negative manner? In appendix A
we've discussed each planet in some detail as to how it is most usually given expression in
both a positive and negative manner. It is well worth your time to commit these basic
characteristics to memory.
Before we examine and identify each of the patterns, there are several basic principles to
keep in mind, which apply to your analysis of all patterns. Each pattern we will discuss has
an "ideal" shape, but rarely will you find a horoscope with all ten of the planets ideally
arranged to fit a pattern exactly. The actual pattern you'll find will vary to some extent
from the ideal. Keeping this in mind, our first two principles may be simply stated:
In the analysis of the basic patterns ONLY the ten planets will be considered. Ascendant,
Midheaven, the Moon's Nodes, and any of the Arabian Parts are not to be considered in
pattern analysis. Not enough knowledge of the Moons Lilith and Lulu is yet available to
include their position in the chart for purposes of pattern analysis; and, for the same
reason, we do not include the Asteroids either.
To the extent that the actual pattern you find deviates from the ideal pattern, there will be
a corresponding dilution or diminuation of the characteristic mode of self-expression
described for the ideal type.
In each of the planetary patterns we study, we shall indicate an "ideal position" for the
planet(s) in High Focus. The effect of the High Focus planet will always be marked in the life
of the individual. Just how marked and influential it will be is stated in our third principle:
The closer the High Focus planet is to its "ideal" position in the pattern, the stronger will be
its influence in the person's life; or conversely, the more it deviates from the ideal position,
the weaker or more diluted is its effect on the individual .
You will note as we study the patterns that they fall into one of two general groups, which
we shall refer to as "Bipolar" and "Tripolar." This brings us to our fourth principle:
Whenever there is a rather clear choice to be made between two or more patterns, always
select a Tripolar over a Bipolar whenever possible.
On a daily basis, the planets are seen to rotate clockwise about the wheel. For our purposes
in pattern analysis, to aid in finding High Focus planets, the pattern should always be
thought of as rotating in a clockwise manner.
Any one of the ten planets can be a High Focus planet, depending upon its placement in the
pattern. The interpretation of its meaning in the horoscope will be made as normally done—
by considering the planetary energy symbolized by the planet, its mode of expression
through its sign, its area of emphasis in life through its house, and the aspects to it.


The basic planetary patterns can be categorized into two major groups, as follows:
The Bipolar Group (Bowl, Bucket, Fan, and Hour-Glass) In each of these four patterns,
because of the peculiar planetary arrangements involved; i.e., their geometry, there is
reduced possibility for the existence of a Grand Trine. T-Crosses and oppositions are
frequent in these patterns, as is quadrature emphasis. They tend to have planetary
grouping about two foci, or one solid group totally contained within a 180° arc of the circle.
The Tripolar Group (Locomotive, Tripod (Splay), Wedge (Bundle), Splash?) The basic
geometry of these four patterns is the geometry of the Grand Trine, or the division of the
wheel into thirds. In all but the Wedge, there is always the distinct possibility that the
pattern will contain a Grand Trine.
In the next few lessons, we will consider the Bipolar Group first.
The Bipolar Patterns
The Bowl Pattern - All ten planets contained within an angle (arc) of 180° to form a kind of
"bowl shape." Usually, with two outer planets of the pattern forming the "rim" of this bowl.
In this, and in succeeding patterns wherever this occurs, we shall always refer to such an
opposition as a "rim opposition". And, in interpreting such patterns, the quadrature
(Cardinal, Fixed, Mutable) in which the rim opposition is located must be taken into account
in your delineation.
High-Focus (Cutting) Planet Rim Opposition
The Bucket Pattern - Similar in geometry to the Bowl Pattern, except
that only 9 planets now comprise the bowl section. The 10th
planet is found somewhere in the open area and acts like a
"handle" for the bowl, forming a bucket. This handle planet
now becomes the planet in High Focus.
The Hour-Glqss (or See-Saw) Pattern - In this pattern the
planets arrange themselves about two separate centers,
each center being approximately opposite the other in
separate hemispheres of the circle. Ideally, two sets of
oppositions will determine the boundaries of this hour-glass
partem, and any planets found outside of these boundaries
be planets in High Focus.

High Focus

The Tripolar Patterns

The Wedge (or Bundle) Pattern - In this pattern, all of the planers are found bunched or
bundled close together within an angle of not more than 120 .
The Locomotive Pattern - Here, we have just the opposite case, where 2/3rds of the circle is
occupied with the remaining third open.

High Focus
The Splash Pattern - The Splash Pattern may be considered to be a kind of extended
Locomotive Pattern. The difference being that the open wedge is considerably smaller than
120 and the planets are scattered pretty evenly around the circle.
The Tripod (or Splay) Pattern - In this final pattern we find the planets clustered about
three centers, each center being approximately 120 from the other two. In other words, in a
tripod-like arrangement. If any of the three legs consists of just one planet, this one planet
then becomes a planet in High Focus.
Note that in each of the diagrams there is an "X". This "X" shows the position in the pattern


at which you will find the High-Focus planet located.

In this lesson we have tried to give you a general overview of what each of the planetary
patterns looks like, we have reviewed the basic meaning of what is meant by a planet in
High Focus, and we have set down several basic principles that are always to be observed
in determining the individual's planetary pattern. In the next eight lessons, we shall take up
each pattern, one at a time starting with the Bipolar Groups, and study the meaning and
interpretation to be given to each pattern.

Lesson No. 2
Commencing with this lesson, we shall begin our detailed analysis of each of the basic
planetary patterns or temperament types with the Bowl pattern. This is certainly one of the
easiest patterns to recognize, for it is, in fact, shaped just like a bowl.
Each lesson will consist of three parts: 1) Recognizing the geometry of each pattern; 2)
Measuring the strength of the High Focus planet and its importance; and 3) The
characteristic or psychological correspondence between the pattern and the personal
temperament traits. Each lesson will be followed by a set of example horoscopes of famous
people who exemplify the characteristic traits of their pattern - most taken from the lives of
individuals on the contemporary scene.


The Bowl pattern is the first of four patterns that we will study that comprise the general
Bipolar classification. The "ideal" Bowl will have the following geometry:
All of the ten planets will be found within a 180° angle (arc) of the circle.
The two planets that bound the pattern will form an Opposition of about 180° We shall call
this the "Rim Opposition."
The planets within the confines of the Rim Opposition will
be rather evenly spaced apart. Never will there be a space
between any two planets that exceeds 60°.
Imagining the pattern to rotate in a clockwise manner
around the circle, the planet that "leads the parade" will be
called the "cutting planet" and thus becomes the most
emphasized planet in the pattern - in High Focus.
"Cutting" planet Occupied Portion
Rarely will you find an ideal Bowl. In many instances, the Rim Opposition will be lacking
because the planets are more closely grouped together. The pattern remains a Bowl,
provided the boundary planets are separated by an angle that exceeds 130°. If the angle is
less than 130°, you no longer have a Bowl; you have a Wedge pattern. (See Lesson No. 6).

If there is an open area within the Bowl that exceeds 60°, the pattern is not a Bowl, either.
It must be classified as an Hour-Glass (See-Saw) pattern. (See Lesson 3).
If there is a Rim Opposition with the angular distance exceeding 180°, the pattern remains
a Bowl as long as the opposing planets are within acceptable orb for the Opposition. If the
acceptable orb is exceeded, you must then treat the pattern as a Bucket pattern (see
Lesson No* 3).
In those Bowl patterns that contain a Rim Opposition, always check for the presence of a T-
Cross. Just as your spine gives integrative strength and structure to the body, so the T-
Cross gives greater integrative strength and organization to the Bowl pattern. Normally, all
three planets which comprise the T-Cross will be in the same quadrature. You will find the
related personal characteristics that we normally associate with this quadrature prominent
in the life of that individual.
The four hemispheres of the horoscopic wheel are determined by the chart angles -the cusp
of the lst/7th houses and the 4th/10th houses. When the Bowl pattern is found to fall totally
within one of these hemispheres, we have a specialized pattern which we call a
"Hemispheric Bowl." Hemispheric Bowls have a more specialized interpretation.
There will be occasions where directly behind the Cutting Planet you find a second planet in
"close" (less than 3°) conjunction to it. In this instance, treat both of the planets as being in
High Focus, and combine their basic interpretations.


The Cutting Planet is the most highly emphasized planet in the Bowl pattern. The degree of
emphasis you give it should be determined by several factors:
If it is the planet that rules the Ascendant also, it is probably the most emphasized planet in
the chart and should be given considerable emphasis.
If it is the only planet in the chart found in a particular hemisphere, it becomes a Singleton
in Hemisphere and again commands great emphasis.
Its location in an Angular house adds testimony to greater strength of influence, especially
if it is found in the 1st or 10th houses.
The House location of the Cutting Planet should be particularly noted. The affairs of life that
are associated with this House will also receive considerable emphasis in the life of this
individual. It is in these affairs that he meets life and will attempt to make the greatest
impact upon his environment. It is possible to make the following generalizations regarding
this individual's characteristic manner of self-expression:
If in Houses 1, 2 or 3: A strongly self-centered individual motivated more by what he can do
for himself than for others. He places great faith in his own native abilities and is less
inclined to trust others with tasks that he feels he can accomplish better on his own=
Rather naively self-contained. Quite subjective in his judgements. Places greater value
upon his privacy.
If in Houses 4, 5 or 6: An adaptive, creative and practical individual who seeks fulfillment
through the development and expression of his native talents and abilities in an attempt to
improve upon some phase of life that he considers to be of particular importance. Strongly
influenced by others and by acts that he does not himself initiate.
If in 7, 8 or 9: This individual's life and actions are open and exposed to others, generally a
matter of public attention and record. He will be repeatedly called upon throughout life to
give of himself and his resources in order to achieve any degree of self-realization. Others
will often prove to be a constant drain on his energies and resources. He is likely to do more
"taking" than "giving" as he moves through life's experiences.
If in Houses 10, 11 or 12: Again we find a rather highly self-contained individual very much
in control of his own destiny. He is not quite so self-centered as with Houses 1, 2 or 3 and is
more willing to consider others in what he does. Self-fulfillment for him is more easily
achieved through the sharing of his resources with others,, He tends to measure success
not so much on his own terms but by what opinion others hold of him.


Perhaps the most fundamental characteristic of individuals having their planets in this Bowl
Pattern is a high degree of self-containment. These people are moved more by external
factors in their environment than by internal factors within their personal makeup. We note
in those who have achieved notable success and prominence in life that their success is the
product of their times; i.e., the times make the man.
The Bowl individual characteristically always has "something to bear". This takes the more
everyday form of some "mission" in life and the advocacy of some "cause".
Thus, the psychological framework within which these persons operate — a high degree of
self-containment, their sense of "mission" and dedication to some principle or idea that
they consider worthy of their energy and attention, and their optimism in the basic
worthiness of their ideas that [in their own way] they can somehow change the world and
make it better—should always be explored in any attempt to delineate the Bowl-type chart.
As you study each of the example Bowl-type charts that follow, notice how each of the
individuals has a sense of his/her own presence when they are before the public. A belief in
their own basic worthiness as an individual. Such persons are however not born with these
temperament characteristics; during their early lives they have certain feelings of
unworthiness until they learn that they are capable of making a valuable contribution to life
and accomplish things that others value and applaud. In the extreme, younger Bowl-types
will attempt to compel attention, recognition, and acceptance through a conscious and
exaggerated air of self-importance. They may say that: "I don't care what others think..."
when, in fact, they care a great deal. And, they worry about what is wrong with them when
they fail to get the recognition that they crave. They are not nearly as self-contained as
they'd like others to think they are.
The Bowl-type individual is generally at his best in crisis situations. When all about them is
in chaos or disarray, they "keep their cool!" Most especially those types who have the Rim
Opposition in their pattern. Marc Jones describes this as "an ability to hold steadfast under
strain", and they do hold steadfast. You can rely upon these individuals to know what to do
in crisis situations. In the extreme, they can sometimes be almost immovable.
When these individuals choose to get involved in some situation they go all the way, They
are not half-hearted; they put their whole heart and soul into whatever they choose to do or
accomplish. However, they much prefer to start things themselves [rather than pick up on
something someone else has initiated]. And one would not particularly characterize them as
"pioneers"; they tend to rely on "tried and true" principles instead of looking for unique
solutions. To this extent, they more resemble the Cancerian temperament and are least like
the Aquarian.
The degree of self-containment depends largely, and in direct proportion, to how clearly
defined the Bowl is in the chart. And upon whether or not there is a Rim Opposition. The
higher the sides of the Bowl; the greater the degree of self-containment. The Bowl
individual constantly seeks at every opportunity to balance and get himself in tune with his
environment, not unlike the Libran drive to achieve balance and harmony. Lacking the Rim
Opposition, this individual is less able and equipped to do this.
How well organized and balanced this individual's personality and temperament are is in
proportion to how evenly distributed the internal planets are distributed within the confines
of the Bowl. Sextiles between these planets reveal special opportunities available; squares
between these planets indicate special personal problems or handicaps that must be dealt
with and contribute to greater instability. The Rim Opposition always indicates, by the sign
and house location of the opposing planets, a need for compromise between the opposing
forces but generally in the direction of the High Focus planet. It is when the individual
"over-uses" or relies too heavily upon this High Focus planet that the need for compromise
becomes most self-evident; the trailing planet thus helps the individual to maintain a
greater sense of self-proportion.
The dynamic drive of the Bowl individual is set into motion by the relationship of the
occupied to the unoccupied portions of the wheel. The occupied portion, through house and
sign, indicate what this individual has to offer his world. They provide the base or basis
from which this individual operates—where he feels most secure and self-sufficient. The
unoccupied portion of the wheel, by house and sign, indicates those things for which the
individual must strive to achieve a greater feeling of completion and accomplishment.
Consciously, or sub-consciously, the individual feels that he is lacking in those things
represented by the unoccupied portion of the wheel. He senses that in some way he is
"missing" something—that there is some portion of the world from which he has been
excluded or deprived—and the drive is to fill up this hole, through and during the process of
living and gaining experience.
How this individual approaches the problems of life and attempts to deal with and solve
them is indicated by the Natural Disposition shown in the chart; i.e., in which quadruplicity
[quadrature] the opposition (and sometimes the T-Cross) is located. Space here does not
permit an extended discussion of Natural Disposition. This has been discussed fully in my
book, "Selected Topics in Astrology". Where the Bowl lacks a Rim Opposition, we find an
individual who must either generate an internal dynamic drive from within [self-inspired] or
go spinning through life like a top with no particular purpose. In this case, the basic
motivator in the chart will be that square in which the planets involved are closest to
exactitude (90°). Marc Jones calls this feature the "Trigger."
Given a fairly even distribution of planets within the Bowl, the typical Bowl pattern is
epitomized and most evident when it contains a T-Cross. All of the aforementioned
characteristics show themselves most clearly to the keen observer. The focal, or apex,
planet of the T-Cross symbolizes the individual's greatest need or motivating force. For
example, in Barbra Streisand's chart the apex is Jupiter in the Third House and shows her
keen desire for communication; in Gemini her need to express herself in many alternate
forms as is so obvious in her music. In the chart of Guru Maharaj Ji, Neptune in the First
House shows a tremendous ego need which finds expression in a religious (neptune) way.
Singleton in Hemisphere - When the pattern produces a Singleton in Hemisphere, as in the
chart of Barbra Streisand with Venus in the 12th House (all other planets being North), the
Cutting Planet gains great power and emphasis within the chart.
It can, if not kept within balance by the Trailing Planet, overpower almost everything else in
the chart and become a kind of planetary "distator". There is, however, also the alternate
possibility that the Trailing Planet may be a Singleton in Hemisphere which (when this
occurs) detracts markedly from the power of the Cutting Planet and diminishes its
influence. Here, symbolically, we see a kind of constant power struggle within the
psychology of the individual with each planet trying to get the upper hand and neither ever
completely succeeding.
We can find the influence of the Singleton in Hemisphere not only in the Bowl Pattern
(where it is most likely to be observed) but in other patterns also; e.g., the Bucket and the
Wedge. Its effect remains the same, regardless of the pattern it falls within.


The Bowl Pattern is not particularly high in statistical frequency of occurrence among these
various patterns, though it is not "rare" either. To find a Hemispheric Bowl, though, is quite
unusual. The Hemispheric Bowl pattern occurs when we find all ten planets located within
one hemisphere of the wheel — be it all planers North, South, East, or West as determined
by the chart angles. Though this situation may be rare it is instructive to see how the
Hemispheric Bowl operates to gain a greater understanding of the interpretation of the
Bowl's position within the wheel.
o All Planets North (Below the Horizon) - Here the Bowl cannot spill, giving the individual
maximum self-containment. This is a very private person, often his own best friend, but
with a tremendous need for ego satisfaction (Cutting ^ Planet in First House). A collector of
experiences, often giving them a very personal and unique interpretation. Problems in
orienting himself to his world and other people, though with a tremendous potential for
giving of himself to others.
o All Planets South (Above the Horizon) - In many respects quite the opposite * of the
former. A very public person who can hide little from others. He is compelled to live an
outer, practical, and highly subjective life. The Bowl is overturned, making it more difficult
to retain the fruits of his efforts. Others drain off his energies. A very giving individual, but
with a strong need to draw upon the strength and experience of others in return. •
o All Planets East - Here the Bowl is in what Jones calls the "scoop" position. This individual
tends to "scoop up experience" in much the same way one scoops up sugar or flour. This
individual is typically the cause of his own problems and successes and bears full
responsibility for his own actions. He is like the fuse # that ignites the bomb, a prime mover
and stimulant to other people, sometimes setting things in motion that he cannot later
control, and highly jealous of his personal reputation.
o All Planets West - Here, the Bowl is in the 'capture" position, and this individual's tendency is to
capture activities that have been initiated by others and bring them to consumation» His major
problems will come to him as the result of the acts of others. His life is strongly conditioned by the
actions of others. Of all of the four types, this individual is most the product of his times and
environment, and when he comes to prominence it will generally not be of his own doing. He is,
however, an opportunist, clearly able to take greatest advantage of situations as they present
The student should keep these four prototypes in mind in the analysis of any Bowl pattern that is
considered. These characteristics will be present to the extent that the pattern approaches one of these


We have completed the first lesson on one of the basic planetary patterns - the Bowl. Individuals having
this pattern will be generally characterized by:
o An all-or-none psychology.
o Strongly self-contained but desiring recognition; strongly dedicated.
O Able to hold steadfast under strain.
0 Most strongly influenced by factors in his external environment.
O Has a "mission" in life, or something to bear.
o Introspective; looking for a meaning to their life.
The Cutting Planet is their constant point of contact with their environment. Its sign location indicates
how they approach life; the house location indicates where they seek to gain prominence.
The Rim Opposition gives greater self-organization and containment and adds a more dynamic drive
and direction to the life,,
The distribution of the planets within the Bowl indicates how well organized they are. Holes in the
distribution symbolize an internal void within the individual.
Note how closely the Bowl approaches one of the "ideal" positions. To the extent that it approaches one
of these types, we see the individuals characteristic approach to his life and his innate potential for
prominence among his fellow men.
This horoscope of former President John F. Kennedy's daughter provides us with an
excellent example of the Bowl Pattern. It contains the Rim Opposition -Moon opposing
Uranus - with Mars completing the T-Cross. Uranus is in High Focus. Planets within the Bowl
are well distributed with no open space that exceeds a sextile.

The horoscope of multi-talented Barbra Streisand presents us with another fine example of
the Bowl type. Here, Venus is not only in High Focus because of its pattern position but also
because it is a singleton in hemisphere (all other planets being North). The planets are well
distributed and again we find a strong T-Cross. With 9 planets North you can be sure that
psychologically she has a lot to give to the world. Caroline Kennedy is more of a "taker."
Far from being the ideal, still this horoscope of musician-actor Desi Arnaz qualifies as a
bowl. There is no Rim Opposition, in fact there are no oppositions in the chart at all. Even
though the planets are unevenly distributed, still there is no space between them that
exceeds a sextile. Mercury in the 9th House is his High Focus planet. Isn't it interesting that
he had to leave his native country to achieve his success (Sun in 9th House) and that today
he is a college professor teaching acting (Mercury in the 9th House)!
When is a Bowl no longer a Bowl? The chart of Guru Maharaj Ji illustrates this predicament. This
pattern is really a Bucket with the Moon as the Handle Planet. But here, whether you call the chart a
Bowl or a Bucket, the Moon still gets the emphasis in the house of religious matters.

Lesson No. 3
In this lesson we shall examine the second pattern in the Bipolar classification the Bucket. This pattern
is aptly named since it is a 9-planet bowl pattern but with the 10th planet in the pattern outside of the
bowl forming a "handle". This pattern puts a handle on the Bowl. And this modification to the basic Bowl
pattern causes a very marked modification of the basic Bowl temperament, to the point where we must
identify this as a very distinct pattern.
To this point we have said nothing about the relative degree of occurrence of each of the seven
patterns within the population. Although the Bowl pattern is certainly not an infrequent occurrence, the
Bucket pattern is more frequently found than the Bowl. Probably after the Hour-Glass Pattern, the
Bucket is the second most common. Many prominent people have this pattern.


The Bucket Pattern is the second of four patterns which comprise the Bipolar classification. The "ideal"
Bucket will have the following geometry:
Nine planets will always comprise the actual bucket and be contained within an angle of 180 . A single
remaining planet will be found in the unoccupied hemisphere. We shall call this single planet the
"Handle Planet".
There will be a Rim Opposition defining the edge of the bucket portion.
There will also be a "Core Opposition" in which one or more planets within the bucket portion are
opposed to the Handle Planet.
The Handle Planet may lie anywhere in the open hemisphere - provided only that it may not be conjunct
either of the planets forming the border of the bucket portion. Its position, however is important. You
should especially note whether the Bucket Planet is directly over the top of the bucket, clockwise or
counterclockwise from this point.
Cutting Planet Core Opposition –—Handle Planet — Rim Opposition
Whereas in the Bowl Pattern, the Cutting Planet was the most influential; i.e., in High
Foces, in the Bucket Pattern the Handle Planet becomes the focal point of the planetary
energies. The Cutting Planet now assumes a place of slight and certainly secondary
importance; however, it cannot be totally overlooked.
For you to discover an "ideal" Bucket Pattern in a horoscope is not uncommon. Frequently,
however, some part of the idealized pattern may be missing. There may be no Rim
Opposition, Core Opposition, and no T-Cross or Grand Cross - all of which can be found in a
Bucket lattern in any combination. As with the Bowl, when you find a T-Cross or Grand
Cross, it gives additional integrative strength and organization to the individual's
temperament. The quadrature emphasis that they exhibit will again provide the dynamic
thrust and drive in this life.
Normally, you should have little difficulty in identifying this pattern. If you follow the rules
on Page 17, you should have little difficulty in identifying this pattern. The following
additional guidelines will also assist you in your determination:
If within the Bucket itself there is a space between planets in excess of 65°, give serious
consideration to treating the pattern as a Tripod.
If you discover that a second planet is very close (less than 3°) to the potential Handle, you
may still choose to classify this as a Bucket Pattern; if the separation is greater, you must
treat it as an Hour-Glass Pattern.
If the potential Handle Planet is conjunct (within 12°) one of the Rim planets, treat the
pattern as a Bowl.
The Bucket Pattern derives its basic uniqueness from the placement of the Handle Planet -
by sign and house. To fully understand this uniqueness, the actual planet [and what it
represents] must be held foremost in mind. You will find this energy given great emphasis
in the basic character of the individual. For example, if it is Uranus, you can be sure that
this is an "experimentive" individual who thinks in a unique way and appreciates others
who respect his uniqueness and independent spirit. (See the Appendix for the keywords to
the High Focus planets.)
Most Bucket types have a highly directed way of approaching situations as they occur, a
characteristic that Bowl types lack. You may wish to think of the Handle Planet as the
"nozzle of a hose", gathering all of the power and energy of the planets within the Bucket
portion to a point of focus where it is spewed out for release, primarily in a manner related
to its sign and in the area of life related to its house. This Focal Planet gives greater
emphasis in the chart to the sign and house in which it is found.
The Bucket shares with the Bowl a strong need to establish a kind of internal stability and
base from which to operate. The basis from which both types operate is largely determined
by the signs occupied by the bowl planets. And both also share the ability to handle best
those affairs of life indicated by the occupied houses.
The Bowl and the Bucket individuals both sense a kind of emptiness or lack of those things
represented by the unoccupied signs and houses, but their way of achieving self-fulfillment
differs. The Bowl tends to scoop up or capture these things as he goes through life. The
Bucket individual uses the Handle Planet as an "arm" to reach out for what is lacking in a
much more directed manner. The Bowl is concerned primarily with the purpose of living; the
Bucket is more concerned with the process. The Bowl asks "why"; the Bucket asks "how".
Whereas the Bowl individual is highly self-contained, the Bucket is perhaps less certain of
himself. While the Bowl-type individual gets very subjectively and personally involved in the
matters of living, the Bucket-type is much more objective and get back from a situation and
view it in a new perspective. The Bowl lacks this perspective. The Bucket is also more
willing to accept and execute matters that are not basically of his own creation.
If we liken the three patterns within the Bipolar Group to the Quadruplicities, we would
classify the Bowl as "fixed" since these individuals are the least adaptable. The most
flexible or "mutable" individuals would fall within the Hour-Glass pattern. The Bucket
individuals are more the doers, and therefore would be more "cardinal" types.
At his best, the Bucket-type individual can be an excellent teacher and instructor of others
because of his willingness to share his experiences with others in an objective manner. At
his worst, this individual can be an agitator and malcontent when the thrust of his
temperament is frustrated in some manner. In either case, he is most certainly not a
shallow individual. He cannot live on the surface of life for it is his style to dig deeply into
experience and sample more of what life has to offer. It is through such experience that he
satisfies his needs and gains fulfillment. To this extent we might classify the Bucket type as
a "pragmatist".


We have already emphasized the importance of considering the expression of the particular
planetary energy represented by the Handle Planet. Let us now turn to the interpretation of
its position relative to the rim of the Bucket.
When directly above the center of the bucket portion - A highly directed individual capable
of resorting when necessary to distinctly ruthless tactics to achieve his ends. When there is
also a Core Opposition, there is great single-minded ambition strongly pursued in a less
well organized fashion and often in response to a purely internal impulse. Similar in nature
to the Fanhandle.
When closer to the Cutting Planet - This individual by temperament is more cautious and self-
conserving. He has greater confidence in his native endowments and is more prone to draw upon his
background and experience before commiting himself to a course of action. In this situation, because
the Handle Planet and cutting planet are in closer proximity, there is more a sharing of their mutual
powers especially if they are sextile or quintile. The Handle Planet is not quite so dominant and the
Cutting Planet is thus more influential.
When closer to the Trailing Planet - This individual by temperament is inclined to be impulsive and at
times over-confident. He is more inclined to respond to the immediacy of the situation rather than to
take a more long-range view. He will characteristically make vigorous demands upon others for their
cooperation in the achievement of his objectives. Typically, we would classify him as the "executive
type". Here, because the Handle Planet is much more remote from the Cutting Planet, the Cutting
Planet's influence and power is considerably weakened though if these planets are in trine they remain
supportive of each other without any conscious effort on the part of this individual.
You will sometimes find a situation where all nine of the bucket planets are contained within one
hemisphere of the wheel, while the Handle is found in the opposite hemisphere making it a Singleton in
Hemisphere. As with the hemispheric bowl the potential of this individual in gaining a position of
prominence is greatly increased, as is the importance and power of the Handle Planet. It indicates a
special capacity or gift for some particularly effective kind of activity and use of critical powers. The
interpretation of this "gift" will depend upon the house, sign, and hemisphere location of the Handle
Where the Rim Opposition is present in the Bucket Pattern, its presence accentuates the individuals
individuality and gives greater inner stability and equilibrium. It brings greater self-awareness and
makes this person more aware of his options. He knows his limitations. When this opposition is absent,
the private life becomes more turbulent and less integrated. There is no "lid" for the "pot", the pressure
therefore cannot build within the "pot" to as great an extent and therefore the internal energies do not
get quite so clearly expressed through the Handle Planet. Its power is consequently weakened.
With a Core Opposition present, the individual's energies are more clearly directed toward his
objectives. He knows what he wants, and he goes after it. The tendency is to direct and focus his
energy upon some practical application of the energy that is represented in the Handle Planet. Where
we find both the Core and Rim Oppositions lacking, we find an individual who typically becomes so
occupied with trying to establish his own inner equilibrium that it becomes difficult for him to keep his
Handle Planet energies directed at an efficient focus, and thus much of its thrust is lost.
The presence of a Grand Cross with one leg forming the Rim Opposition and the other leg
the Core Opposition is an unusual situation that will sometimes by found. Here we find an
individual whose life tends to develop under conditions of continuing crisis. As soon as the
immediate crisis is solved, the next one is already looming over the horizon. This individual
has great potential for accomplishment, but there is also a corresponding risk of self-
defeating confusion if he scatters and dissipates his resources and energies. He can easily
become the proverbial "jack-of-al I -trades and master of none".

In this second Bipolar planetary pattern, we have seen an individual who, though sharing
certain of the temperament characteristics of the Bowl individual, is much more directed.
He carries a big "club" in the Handle Planet and with the right arrangement of planets
forming the bucket to support this "club", he can and often does use the planetary energy
represented in the Handle Planet very effectively in making his way in life. By analogy, in a
somewhat similar fashion to the way in which an elephant uses his trunk to get what he
wants. And beneath the trunk, where it is not quite so obvious, is the "tusk" - the secondary
power resident in the Cutting Planet.
As with all of the planetary patterns, the quadrature emphasis should always be considered
when present since it shows the more dynamic direction that the individual is likely to take
in his life. These oppositions are always important when they are found in the same
quadrature by sign.
Note especially the angular relationship between the Handle Planet and the rim of the
bucket since this will always indicate how the individual will use the power of the Handle
Planet - with reserve, with great abandon, whether ruthlessly or with regard to the
consequences of his actions.
This horoscope, of operatic soprano Leontyne Price, well illustrates a clear Bucket Pattern.
Saturn is clearly the Handle Planet in High Focus. The Sun opposed to Neptune forms the
Rim Opposition. Saturn opposed to the Moon forms the Core Opposition. Saturn is closer to
the Sun than Neptune.
Here we find a Bucket Pattern lacking the Rim Opposition but having a Core Opposition.
Jupiter is not only the Handle Planet, but it is also brought to High Focus as a singleton in
hemisphere (South). With nine planets South she has much to give to the world in her own
right. Her personal tragedy and suffering come from the Pluto/Mars opposition to her
The horoscope of Jonathan Winters clearly illustrates the problem of what do you do when
the Handle Planet (here Uranus) completes a Grand Trine. You could call this chart either a
Bucket or a Locomotive. The Bucket emphasizes Uranus; the Locomotive emphasizes Pluto.
Which would you choose? I favor the Bucket because both a Rim and Core Opposition are
present, even though the rule is choose the Tripolar Pattern when there is a choice.
In the horoscope of comedienne Carol Burnett we clearly have a Bucket pattern even
though there is neither a Rim or Core Opposition (her chart contains no oppositions). Saturn
is, of course, doubly emphasized as a planet in High Focus as being the Bucket Handle and
a singleton in hemisphere (South).
I ask your indulgence in including my own horoscope among those of the famous people
used as examples; however, it is a good example of a non-typical Bucket. There is both the
Rim Opposition (Sun-Uranus) and
the Core Opposition (Saturn-Pluto) and here they complete a Grand Cross in Angular Houses
(allowing an orb of 12° of the opposition). Note, however, the space between
Mercury/Saturn exceeds a sextile. How would
you classify this horoscope?đ

Lesson No. 4
In this lesson we shall study the third planetary pattern found in the Bipolar Group -the
Hour-Glass Pattern. With this pattern we move from a pattern where there was just one
planet - the Handle Planet - in the open hemisphere to a planetary distribution where there
are two or more planets in the open hemisphere. Thus we may have a 2:8, 7:3, 6:4 or 5:5
division. When visualized within the horoscopic wheel, they form a kind of "X" or Hour-Glass
When the original seven-pattern typology was first described and named by Marc Edmund
Jones he called this pattern the "See-Saw". Although this was a fairly apt name for this
pattern, I feel that "Hour-Glass" is perhaps more descriptive of how an individual with this
pattern actually functions. Later in the lesson I shall indicate why I feel this is so.

At this point, it is perhaps a good time to examine the frequency of occurrence of each of
the planetary patterns. Some of the patterns may exist only in certain years, while others
can occur most every year. The possibility of occurrence is in some cases highly dependent
upon the yearly locations of the outer planets - Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. For example,
during the late 19th Century and on into the first decade of the 20th Century, slow-moving
Neptune and Pluto were conjunct in the Sign of Gemini with Uranus generally opposing
them from Sagittarius. You can thus see that during this time period the existence of the
Wedge was impossible - with all ten planets confined within a 120 angle. It is for this reason
that the Wedge is the rarest in occurrence of the various patterns possible.
The Hour-Glass Pattern does not suffer from this limitation and can exist for certain periods
in any year. And this pattern is the most frequent in occurrence of the eight patterns. The
general frequency of occurrence of the eight patterns falls roughly into the following order:
Hour-Glass Pattern (most frequent)
Bucket Pattern
Locomotive Pattern
Bowl Pattern
Splash Pattern
Fan Pattern
Tripod Pattern
Wedge Pattern (fairly rare)
The Hour-Glass Pattern completes our study of the Bipolar patterns. The "ideal" Hour-Glass will have
the following geometry:
The planets in this pattern have a tendency to group themselves in two groups or clusters about the of
a central imaginary axis. They can be in any numerical distribution of from 2:8 to 5:5, but there must be
at least two planets in
The perfect pattern would contain three oppositions - a Core Opposition of two planets lying roughly
along the central axis, and two Boundary Oppositions in a "X" defining the boundaries of the Hour-
There must be an open area on either side of the two groups to clearly distinguish where the two
groups are located. Ideally there would be at least 90 of open area on each side. We can, however, still
have the Hour-Glass provided the open area is in excess of 60 - a sextile. If the angle on one side is less
than 60 , you would probably classify the pattern as a Locomotive; if less on both sides, it would
probably be a Splash.
All ten planets would be located within the Boundary Oppositions.
In this pattern, the Cutting Planets for each group have a much reduced emphasis, although they
should not be entirely overlooked. Their house and sign locations do indicate points of contact between
the individual and his environment as we found previously in the Bowl and Bucket Patterns. In this case,
a planet of significance would be any that fall outside of the boundary oppositions but remain close
enough to a group to preserve the integrity of this pattern. The occurrence of such a planet normally
indicates some special genius or gift in that individual. In a pattern where this occurs clockwise of the
Cutting Planet, that Cutting Planet is robbed of any special strength that it might otherwise possess.

Lesson No. 4
The Hour-Glass Pattern
The student should note that because of the geometry of this pattern there is a lessened liklihood of the
occurrence of the T-cross (although it certainly remains possible with a wide spread in one group.)
When a Grand Trine occurs, it is often best to select the Locomotive Pattern in preference to the Hour-
There will be certain instances in which the pattern seems skewed to one side of the central axis. The
Hour-Glass Pattern is still possible here - provided there is at least one and preferably two oppositions
within accepted orb between the two groups. If there are no oppositions, a different classification
should probably be selected as being more revealing of the psychological type. The oppositions will, as
pointed out in previous lessons, reveal the quadrature emphasis and thus the dynamic thrust of the
individual's basic motivational pattern.


The Hour-Glass type individual is in some respects not unlike the Libran who goes through life doing his
"balancing act" - to achieve some degree of harmony and balance. This pattern was originally named
the "See-Saw" as being symbolic of this balancing act. But the See-Saw suggests the possibility of
rather sudden oscillations as weight is placed on one end. I do not observe such sudden phenomena in
these individuals, Their life is mote like an Hour-Glass in the shifting emphasis back and forth between
the two groups. I do observe that when the emphasis on one group becomes too intense, the emphasis
shifts slowly back to the other group in a more uniform way as does the sand flowing from the top to
the bottom of the hour-glass. If you will think of the emphasized group as being the one with the
greatest proportion of sand, as the emphasized group is "raised" by the individual in importance the
sand seeks to flow downward into the emptier section. This ebb and flow of emphasis from one group to
the other is characteristic of the basic psychology of this individual.
We said that there must always be at least one opposition present - and the opposition always indicates
opposing forces at work. The opposition demands choice and compromise. If you can imagine the whole
pattern as being one gigantic opposition, pulling the individual in two directions, you can get the flavor
of his general psychological makeup. These persons do show a kind of tentativeness of temperament
that can either be a basic weakness through constant oscillation, or a remarkable and refreshing open-
mindedness expressed quite creatively.
A basic characteristic of the opposition is that it always indicates a "interpersonal" problem, one that
involves some adjustment between you and other people. And we find this also to be characteristic of
the Hour-Glass individual. He has a basic. interest in people at a very personal and humanistic level. He
constantly seeks that very delicate balance between himself and others in his environment. We
mentioned in the last lesson the "mutability" of this pattern. Typically this individual has
both an interest and a capacity for adjustment to the reality of any situation in which he
finds himself. He is both interested in and able to coordinate conflicting views and use
conflicting forces to advantage. He is a "bridge-builder", being capable of bridging
differences and communicate meaning or share intelligence in some way with others. He
can, for example, take information from two seemingly unrelated areas of life and put the
information together in a new and cohesive way.

The duality of interests and the oscillation, back and forth, however remain the hall marks of
this pattern. In fact, these persons benefit most from this fluidity. Fixity frustrates them.
They function best in fluid situations, by keeping things loose and fluid, free to move, and
The clue to what is being balanced comes from both the sign and house lying at the central
point of each group. When they are actually opposed we see this free flow of compromise
and balance. The Hour-Glass in dynamic action. When, however, they are quincunx (5
houses apart) we get the typical "much smoke and little fire" syndrome of the quincunx.
Life for these individuals is more difficult and complex since there is less fluidity here. The
person is blocked in achieving because there is more self-concern with getting himself into
balance with his environment. Often the life of such "quincunx" individuals will reflect this
constant concern.
It should be pointed out that in making the above determination, of the center point of each
of the two groups, that there need not necessarily be even a planet in this central sign and
house. Usually, there will be one there however. But the concern of each group will center
around this house and sign. When the pattern does contain a Core Opposition, these points
of concern will be much more greatly emphasized, and the ebb and flow of attention from
one area to the other will be much more fluid.
Which of the two groups gets the greater emphasis in the individual's life will depend upon
which group contains the most planets. A 5:5 division will give about equal emphasis to
both groups; an 8:2 emphasis will lean heavily to the "8 planet" group.
Since only rarely will the Cutting Planet in each group have important significance (unless
brought into High Focus for example as a Singleton in Hemisphere), any planets outside of
the confines of the Boundary Opposition demonstrate the special gift(s) or genius of this
individual. The energies of all planets within the confines of the Boundary Oppositions will
find more orthodox expression. It is only those outside of these confines that stress the
individual's uniqueness. Therefore, the "perfect" Hour-Glass Pattern previously described,
though illustrating an individual of great duality and flexibility, might well be a very
ordinary-type individual since no planet would be outside of the boundaries thus indicating
any exceptional genius. Such planets when found demonstrate the individual's genius
through a reading of the planet by sign and house.

A final point in connection with the Hour-Glass Pattern is also worth emphasizing. In the
opposition there is always one end above the horizon indicating something going on in the
external environment. External to the individual. The second planet is below the horizon
indicating something internal - what the individual is doing. Again, considering the Hour-
Glass to be a massive opposition in action, we see the individual (the group below the
horizon) internal situation - opposing the external (above the horizon) environmental
situation. The man - versus his environment , (others). When viewed in this light, what is
basically transpiring in each group has added significance.

This completes our discussion of the Bipolar Patterns. You will notice that in each of the
three patterns discussed there was a dual polarity. In the Hour-Glass, group versus group.
In the Bucket, the Handle Planet versus the other nine planets. In the Bowl, fullness versus
emptiness. In each case there were two distinct poles. In the remainder of our lessons we
will be discussing four patterns where instead of "twos" we will find the emphasis placed
upon "threes" or the concept of the trinity.
We emphasized the Bowl as being more "fixed" in character; the Bucket as being basically
"cardinal"; the Hour-Glass as being basically "mutable".
All three patterns lean very heavily upon the character of the opposition with its bipolarity.
In all cases, it is this opposition(s) that indicates the psycho-dynamics of the individual - his
basic motivation, the dynamics of his makeup. In the remaining patterns you will discover
that the trine aspect is at the basis of each group.
In the Bowl, the planet of primary importance was the Cutting Planet. We will again see this
phenomenon in action when we study the Tripolar Groups. In the Bucket, it was the Handle
Planet that was brought to High Focus. In the Hour-Glass Pattern it was the exceptional
planet(s) that fell outside of the confines of the boundaries that got the emphasis.
In the delineation of any chart that falls within these Bipolar classifications, an excellent
starting point in the delineation, after a consideration of the basic psychology of the
pattern, is this High Focus planet. The High Focus planet together with this basic
psychological pattern will have already taken you quite some distance into the character of
the individual and shown you to a considerable extent what makes him "tick". This is your
foundation, upon which your entire delineation can now be built.
Here we have a very clear Hour-Glass Pattern, which is often found in the horoscopes of
persons born at the turn of the century. Moon/ Mercury and Neptune/Mars form the
boundary oppositions, with Venus and Jupiter being the planers most involved with Noel
Coward's uniqueness. This chart is also unique in its lack of squares, sextiles, and.planets in
cadent houses as well as for the Sagittarius Stellium.
In this horoscope we find one of the boundary oppositions lacking but there is a core
opposition (Neptune opposed to Sun/Mercury). While the Hour-Glass yields no High Focus
Planet, Neptune (music) is brought to High Focus as the apex of a Panhandle.
• In Carter's horoscope we find the 2:8 configuration along with a • Mutable T-Cross.
Jupiter-Mars exceeds a sextile (65°) as we must consider this an Hour-Glass Pattern even
though the chart also very clearly contains a Grand Water Trine - Pluto/Moon/Uranus.

In this horoscope we find a very clear Hour-Glass Pattern, but one that lacks the sharp
definition given to it by the boundary oppositions (one
of which is lacking since Uranus is unopposed). However it is still an
Here we have an interesting example of an Hour-Glass with a Core Opposition only which is
greatly emphasized as a Fan-handle. Here the seven planets are closely grouped and the
other three widely scattered.

Lesson No. 5
Starting with this lesson, we shall commence our consideration of the various patterns that
comprise the Tripolar Group - patterns based upon the division of the chart into thirds,
rather than into halves. Whereas the Bipolar patterns are based upon the Opposition, the
Tripolar patterns are based upon the Trine. In this lesson we will consider the most
predominant Tripolar pattern - the Locomotive (also sometimes called the "Wheelbarrow").


All of these Tripolar patterns can be generally characterized as having personalities or
temperaments of stability. Like any three-legged platform, they are hard to upset. Marc
Jones characterizes them as being self-adequate and surefooted of action. They have a
rather deep-seated feeling that there's is the right way to accomplish any task, and that
they are adequate to the challenge.
MOMENTUM is the basic keyword for the Trine, and certainly for these Tripolar types. The
concept of Momentum in physics derives from Newton's Laws of Motion. Included among
these laws is a statement that: "An object in motion tends to remain in motion, and an
object to rest tends to remain at rest." To get an object at rest into motion there is an initial
inertia to first be overcome. Momentum then tends to keep a moving object in motion, and
a resting object at rest. This approximates the action of the Trines in the horoscope,
especially any Grand Trines that may be found. Trines tend to remain at rest, unused, until
the initial inertia is overcome and the Trine is activated, but once in motion they continue
to remain in motion.
The dynamics of the Grand Trine may be likened to a Wheelbarrow in which a force is
applied at two points - the handles - and focused upon a third point - the wheel. In the
Tripolar patterns we will study, look for this effect - especially for the "wheel" at which the
pressure or force is being focused and applied. In your delineation of the horoscope, try to
determine whether this is an individual where the Trine has been activated, or does it still
remain at rest?
All of the Tripolar patterns are based upon a division of the horoscopic wheel into thirds. In
the Locomotive pattern, 2/3rds of the space is occupied while l/3rd is unoccupied, in the
Wedge (or Bundle) pattern it is the opposite; all ten planets are tightly grouped together
within a 120° segment. In the Tripod (or Splay) pattern we find the planets in three distinct
nuclear groups with the midpoint of each group roughly 120° distant from the other two. In
the Fan pattern, we merely put a handle on the Wedge in much the same way that we put a
handle on the Bowl pattern to get the Bucket pattern. The Tripod may or may not have a
Focal planet; all of the others will always have a planet in High Focus.

Lesson No. 5
The Locomotive Pattern
In order to more clearly understand the underlying psychological significance of the Tripolar
Patterns, one must first understand the basic dynamics of the trine. The more traditional
astrologer does not consider the trine to be very dynamic, at least in the way one thinks of
the square and opposition as giving a driving force to the character. Squares and
oppositions cannot be ignored; they must be dealt with. But the trine does have its own set
of dynamics.
We have already indicated that one characteristic of the trine is a kind of momentum. And
we know that in many horoscopes there are trines, built-in native capabilities, that are
totally ignored and as the result never get used. In this state, they are at "rest". And as
Newton pointed out, things at rest tend to remain at rest. However, by overcoming an


initial inertia, things can be set in motion. And once in motion, they tend to remain in
motion. It is the "wise" man who overcomes the inertia of rest of his trines and sets them in
motion. But he has a choice - to use or not to use the trine. Squares and oppositions do not
permit such choice. They "must" be responded to.
Every trine in the horoscope has two mid-points between the trining planets. One point is
60 (sextile) from the trining planets; the other 120 from them.
These mid-points are the "points of application" of the trine. Once set in motion, the native
capabilities of the trine (the trine's force) finds application in life through the sign and
house location of the midpoints. It would appear that the preference in application is given
to the midpoint that is trine the two trining planets. The point that is sextile gets secondary
preference. If, however, we have a Grand Trine present, either natally or by transit, the
emphasis gets shifted to the mid-point that is sextile the trining planets. With the Grand
Trine, of course, there are three possible sextile midpoints, but the one that appears to get
the most emphasis is the one external to the individual - the one in the widest open area.
The thrust of the trine's energies are always from within and outward.
If the student keeps these ideas, the thrust of the trine's energies outward, in mind, the
functioning and psychological significance of the Locomotive and Wedge Patterns will be
much more clearly understood.


The "ideal" Locomotive Pattern will have the following geometry:
The ten planets would be evenly distributed about 2/3rds of the circumference of the wheel with the
remaining l/3rd unoccupied. The two boundary planets, those bordering the open 120 , will be in trine
aspect to each other within acceptable orb ( 1 0 ).
The two boundary planets will form two points of a Grand Trine which i completed by a third planet
internally located within the onftern. The "ideal" Locomotive Pattern will always contain this Grand
In the internal distribution of the ten olanets there may not be any open space between planets *hat
exceeds 60 , If such exists, you would have an Hour-Glass Pattern and not a Locomotive. If there were
two open areas that exceeded 60 , the pattern would be a Tripod Pattern.
The presence of the Grand Trine greatly strengthens this pattern and gives it a strong external thrust
and drwe aimed at the midpoint of the open area. It adds to the individual's ability to project his own
personality outward - the closer to exact orbs, the stronger is the individual's projective power. In
addition, there should be another planet either square or opposed to one planet (at least) in the Grand
Tr'ne -a kind of "ground wire" to prevent a "short circuit" of the energy of the Giand Trine.
As before, the planet leading the planetary parade (in clockwise fashion) wi be th^ Cutting Planet -
emphasized in High Focus. This planet is thp "wheel" of the wheelbarrow, where through its sign and
house location we may determine how this individual makes his impact upon the environment and his
The Cutting Planet, however, is where the "initial" impact is made. The whole thrust of the Locomotive
Pattern, its ultimate impact, will be felt aboui a point that is halfway between (the midpoint) the trining
boundary planets. That is, the sextile midpoint of this trine. And it will, of course be read by sign and
house location of this midpoint. The Locomotive is a very driving pattern, and the focus of this drive is
the sextile midpoint within the open area.

Occupied Area_
Sextile M d-Point

Open •'
Gra-:d Trine

There is an interesting pattern that sometimes occurs in which you'll find 9 of the planets
within a 180° segment (a Bowl) and the 10th planet (the Handle) in the open area but also
sextile one of the Bowl's rim planets. In many cases this "handle* will be at one point of a
Grand Trine. The following is a good general rule to follow in this case: if the Handle planet
completes a Grand Trine within acceptable orb, call it a Locomotive; if the Handle planet
does not participate in a Grand Trine, choose the Bucket as being most characteristic.


Locomotive-type individuals are normally very "driving" in nature, simila to the prototype
Aries personality. Once in motion they are hard to stop for they can attain great
momentum. They carry everything along their path with them. Their amount of drive
increases in proportion to how closely their pattern approaches the "ideal" Locomotive and
the exact orbs of the Grand Trine. Lacking a Grand Trine within the pattern, much of the
driving character of this temperament type is lost for they are less able to focus their
energy without the "lens" of the Grand Trine.
We tend to use and reuse our Trines, once we've activated them, because it is psy-
chologically comfortable to do so, and eventually we cut this "rut" rather deep. This tends
to make Locomotive types pretty predictable in how they'll act in a given situation. They
tend to operate in their own groove, cutting it deeper and deeper as they go through life.
They have their own characteristic way of going about and doing things.
Their basic problem-solving approach is to engulf or smother the problem much like an
alligator swallowing his prey, or like trying to capture a wild animal by throwing a blanket
over it.
They tend to be rather "cock-sure" individuals who operate from a base of self-adequacy
and feel that, whatever the situation, they know best how to handle it. Sometimes they do;
sometimes they don't - but at all times they think they do. It is very hard to dissuade them
once they've chosen to act. They tend to be quite uncompromising individuals, especially
when there are lots of planets in the Fire Element and/or Jupiter is in High Focus.
They generally show a stronger desire to get involved with people "in toto." Especially when
the Grand Trine is present. They tend to project themselves into the lives of others,
welcome or not, and they tend to be good "people manipulators."
Look to the House and Sign location of the Sextile midpoint in the open area if you want to
see what they are really after - what "turns them on!" The House and Sign location of the
Cutting Planet (in High Focus) will reveal where and how they'll characteristically try to
achieve what they are after. In all cases they will attempt to bring their special talents and
capabilities to bear upon the affairs of life that are associated with the houses located in
the open area. These houses represent a certain lack they feel in their lives that they are
attempting to fill in.


You can get an important and added clue to the inner workings of the Locomotive person by
noting in which hemisphere of the wheel most or all of the open area is located.
o Open Area North - Usually highly extroverted with little private life, very much involved
with the public and personal success. Motivated more by what he can do for himself than
for others. Personal interests come first. If 4th house vacant, often plagued by a sense of
personal insecurity.
o Open Area South - A highly introverted individual with a very private life but often
seeking public acclaim and recognition by doing for others. Self-sacrificing. If 10th house
vacant, a prolonged struggle for recognition.
o Open Area East - An individual striving to take control of his own life and destiny, more
subject to the whims and actions of others, and strongly influenced by others of strong
personality. If 1st house vacant, usually he is never really sure just "who" he is.
o Open Area West - Known exactly who he is and often finds leadership thrust upon him
even when unwanted. Frequently we find this person wishing he could be a "follower" once
in awhile. If 7th house vacant, his g eatest need is often to learn how to delegate work,
trust others more, and learn to work in harness with the team rather than always
controlling things himself.

To best understand the Locomotive-type individual, try to discover the driving force in his
life - as indicated through the House and Sign location of his open-area sextile midpoint.
They indicate what he "wants" - not what he "has", and how he's likely to go about
satisfying this want.
Notice especially the emphasis of the Cutting Planet in High Focus; it is primarily through
the use of this energy that he goes after what he wants. Where there is a Grand Trine
present, notice how the other two points support the Focal planet in its quest (like the
Wheelbarrow). They can be the driving force that moves the Wheelbarrow ahead.
Usually in the charts of famous persons we can see the Momentum of motion for they have
discovered how to activate their Trine energies too. In many whom you will meet, however,
there resides a "sleeping giant" with the Trines still at rest. While you can point out this
untapped potential, only the individual himself can convert this potential energy to kinetic
energy (energy in action).
If you have persons close to you with a good Locomotive pattern, watch carefully how they
are able to manipulate others into doing their bidding.
There are few charts of famous persons that better illustrate the "ideal" Locomotive Pattern
than does this one. The open area constitutes a 9 trine section, there is a Grand Trine in
Water, and Uranus (planet of independence and genius) is brought into High Focus by the
pattern. However even here, lacking the Grand Trine, this might also be considered to be. a
Bucket Pattern with Uranus still in High Focus.
In the horoscope of composer-singer-musician Art Garfunkel we have a good example of a
Locomotive without the Grand Trine. Mars, in High Focus, lacks the strength of a High Focus
planet completing a Grand Trine. But still it finds typical Mars-Aries expression through his
attempt to "instruct" (9th house) the public in new musical forms giving little regard to
what his contemporaries are doing. The open area is squeezed into 102°. His greatest
success however was through his partnership (7th house) with Paul Simon.
Again we have an example of a horoscope which, though lacking the Grand Trine or a trine
between the Leading and Trailing Planets (Pluto and Jupiter) could- not be alternatively
considered to be a Bucket because no matter, how you look at the chart you'd always have
two planets above the Rim Opposition. It might be argued that this is a Splash Pattern.
because of Sullivan's "universality of interests".
Here we have an example of a horoscope that could not be classified as anything else but a
Locomotive Pattern, even though it contains no Grand Trine nor is the Leading and Trailing
Planets in trine. While the Sun here is brought to High Focus we would not expect it to be
as emphasized in importance as Uranus in the Kissinger horoscope.
World Champion Heavyweight Boxer Muhammad All's horoscope is a good example of a
really "borderline" case. There are 3 possibilities - Hour-Glass, Locomotive, or Bucket.
Moon-Mars exceeds a sextile (7° orb) by 0° 9". Following the rules strictly he must be
classified an Hour Glass. The Bucket is possible with Neptune the HandlePlanet. Yet all we
know of his life favors his Sun in Capricorn as the Cutting Planet of the Locomotive Pattern.
Which of the three would you select?

Lesson No. 6
In this lesson we shall move on to the second Tripolar Pattern - which we shall call the
"Wedge". When Marc Edmund Jones initially described this planetary type, he referred to it
as the "Bundle". And the planets certainly are bundled together with all located within a
120 arc of the wheel. However, for a number of reasons which we shall discuss I feel that
Wedge is more descriptive than Bundle. For one reason, all ten planets work like a wedge,
concentrating all of their energy to a point, as does a wedge.
This is the least commonly found pattern of the seven types we shall discuss. It was
prominent in many horoscopes of those born in the 1880's, and was not found again until
the early and mid-1940's, and again in the mid-1950's. This is due primarily to the position
of the outer planets which between 1900 and 1940 were separated by more than 120 as we
previously indicated in Lesson No. 4, Page 1. Its existence will remain possible for short
periods in each decade for the rest of the 20th century.
When this pattern occurs in the horoscope it is always quickly spotted and can never be
confused with anything but the Bowl Pattern. And even here, the two can be very quickly
differentiated by remembering a simple rule: if the planetary spread exceeds an orb of 130
^the maximum allowable orb for a trine) it would be a Bowl - if less than 130 it is a Wedge.
This pattern has another rather remarkable quality which might lead one to call it the
"Magnet Pattern". Wedge-type individuals have the remarkable quality of drawing others to
themselves through a kind of personal magnetism. And the more tightly bunched the
planets are together, the stronger the magnetism. When they become prominent or
famous, they have the quality of drawing many followers (or "groupies") to them. Ringo
Starr and Paul McCartney oF the Beatles and Mick Jagger of the "Rolling Stones" are two
excellent examples.


It is more difficult to define an "ideal" Wedge Pattern since there is so little room for
variation in the pattern. It would appear, however, that the Wedge-type individual tends to
benefit most from the pattern when the boundary planets of the partem form a trine within
acceptable orb ( 1 0 ). In a tighter pattern, which lacks any possibility of trine aspect, the
individual appears to be under a rather severe handicap. You will find very few horoscopes
indeed in the Wedge Pattern that lack this defining Trine.
In such horoscopes that are classified under the Wedge Pattern there is no possibility of the
presence of any oppositions. In "any" chart lacking oppositions, and thus the natural
disposition or dynamic direction that the opposition gives, the individual is more free to
direct his own life. He must supply the drive from within. These individuals can be likened
to either a "top" or a "gyroscope". If the individual does not provide himself from within
some dynamic drive and direction, he may be likened to a top spinning about its own
center, moving at haphazard angles, and getting nowhere. On the other hand, with this
internal drive and motivation in action, he may be likened to a gyroscope which provides its
own momentum of action and has the ability to defy all the external forces surrounding
himself and operate at any angle that is chosen. In either case, however, both operate
about the axis of their own feeling of self-adequacy.
In those rarer instances where the Trine is also lacking, we find an individual who is lacking
in innate natural resources to deal with the problems of life. What talents he does possess
will be indicated by the Quintiles in his horoscope. When this occurs in the Wedge Pattern
we generally find an individual who will likely use all of his concentrated planetary power in
the development of the talent(s) indicated by the Quintile (by planet, sign and house), and
one who will have and use every opportunity (through the Sextiles) to advance himself on
the basis of this talent.


The Wedge-type individual will always bring a great portion of his drive and energy to bear
upon the Cutting Planet. The energy that this planet represents will be given great
emphasis in his life. For example, if it is the Moon the person may well appear to run on
emotional energy. How this energy gets expressed will of course be indicated by the sign of
this Cutting Planet. Where this person meets life and his environment, where he seeks to
make his impression upon others, will be closely related to the house location of this
Cutting Planet.
While we have not emphasized this point previously, in any pattern where the Cutting
Planet is important, it is essential that you inventory very accurately all of the aspects
to the Cutting Planet for each aspect will affect its expression. Lacking any squares to the
Cutting Planet, the individual is much less likely to rigorously apply the pressures of the
Wedge here. He will be a more passive individual. Squares give a more dynamic drive to the
Cutting Planet.
In all Wedge patterns, always look for the Focal Determinator called the 'Trigger", The
Trigger is a square aspect between two planets, one that has increasing importance in any
horoscope lacking the T-cross, Grand Cross, or Grand Trine. If there is only one square
aspect present in the Wedge pattern, it automatically becomes the Trigger. If more than
one square aspect is found, the Trigger will become the square that is closest to 90 . By
planet, sign and house the planets that form the Trigger indicate the source of the
individual's motivation and drive. And if in this Wedge Pattern the Cutting Planet forms one
end of the Trigger, you will likely find a much more driving and dynamic individual.


It might be assumed that because the planets in this Wedge Pattern are so narrowly
grouped together that the individual would correspondingly be rather "narrow" also. But
such is not the case. Rather, he has the ability and will tend to seek fulfillment through the
bunching or concentration of his energies in the pursuit of perhaps fewer goals. He
normally organizes his affairs and his use of time rather selectively.
Unlike the other six patterns, which require a kind of feedback from others to justify
themselves, these individuals are .self-obsessed with their own capacity and do not seek or
need much of this feedback.
The Wedge individual will visualize, and often create, his own well-integrated world about
himself in which he can function most efficiently. With a strong horoscope, he has a way of
drawing and integrating others into his world who will contribute to his goals. If he gains
sufficient prominence and attention (as did Benito Mussolini who has this pattern), he can
impose his world upon hosts of others, even nations. Such is the magnetism of the Wedge,
particularly when the Cutting Planet is Uranus.
The characteristic acts and reactions of this individual will always be in terms of "his" world
as he sees it. And he will tend to solve his problems in terms of immediate importance -
short-term objectives - and is much less inclined to consider long-term, ultimate
He has a marked ability to make much out of little, and to build small things into great
ones. Because the Wedge will always contain a number of sextile aspects (opportunities)
you can be sure that he will have and take advantage of his many opportunities to do this
building. He is, in fact, an opportunist well able to capitalize and use to maximum
advantage each opportunity as it comes along.
In the previous lesson on the Locomotive pattern, we went into some detail regarding the
"thrust" of the Trine. In the ideal Locomotive, we had a Grand Trine, and we indicated that
when a planet occupied the "Trine Midpoint" (as we always find whenever we have a Grand
Trine), the individual's "thrust" was toward the "Sextile Midpoint." But, lacking a planet at
the Trine Midpoint, the thrust of the simple Trine is always toward the Trine's midpoint.
There is perhaps no better example of this latter phenomena than in the Wedge-type
individual. This is why I prefer to use the name "Wedge", rather than "Bundle.*
Trine Midpoint Thrust
Note in the above diagram the defining boundary Trine of
the Wedge grouping. This Trine had two midpoints, which
we have chosen to name the "Trine Midpoint" and the
"Sextile Midpoint" (as shown). In the Wedge, no planet of
course could ever occupy the Trine Midpoint - thus, the
thrust of the Wedge pattern will always be in this direction
Sextile (exactly the Opposite of the Locomotive
Midpoint Trine where the thrust is always toward the
Sextile Midpoint).

Planet While the Cutting Planet of the Wedge, by sign and
house, will show how this individual meets life and his immediate environment and
attempts to gain a foothold, or to make his greatest impression on others, it does not
reveal what he/she is really after - their ultimate goal(s) in life. It is the position of the Trine
Midpoint, by house and sign, that reveals this. A wedge becomes an effective tool of
machine when pressure is applied along the midpoint axis to drive it forward. The wedge
has a tremendous mechanical advantage because at its tip the actual pressure applied is
multiplied in force many times over the force actually being applied. It can be used to lift or
move "mountains."
The Wedge-type individual operates in exactly the same way. Once they've zeroed in on
their goal they can bring a tremendous pressure to bear on anyone and/or anything that
obstructs their way. This pressure is not obvious, but rather much more subtle and
insidious - like the tiny drops of water that finally form, after many years, the limestone
Patterns can sometimes be a very valuable tool to the Astrologer in rectifying the
horoscope of a person whose birth time is unknown. If the ultimate thrust of this
individual's life can be discerned, generally through astute questioning, then the Trine
Midpoint can be properly placed by house and the birth time established.

Upon completing this Sixth Lesson, I think that you can now clearly see that in many ways
the Wedge Pattern and the Locomotive Pattern, both by geometry and basic psychology,
may be considered the opposite of each other. They both work on the same principle of the
Trine. In their striving in life to achieve or to "complete" themselves, each is reaching out
toward something that they innately feel lacking in themselves. Both are striving to
complete or fill in those areas of life that are represented by the houses in the open area of
their pattern. The Wedge, of course, has a much greater area to "fill in", but he comes
equipped with a tremendous power to do so. Both patterns have a tremendous momentum,
once they have activated their Trine energy, that is hard to resist. However, in your
analysis of any individual with one of these patterns, you must always first determine -
have they activated their Trine energy, or is it still at rest?
Esoteric Astrologers have an interesting time with these two patterns, and though the
conclusions they draw will probably always remain speculative, nevertheless in closing it is
interesting to consider their conclusions. They consider the Wedge-type individual to be a
comparatively young soul in the scheme of incarnations with far to go in the achievement of
their ultimate destiny. By contrast, they consider the Locomotive-type individual to be far
more advanced in the scheme of incarnations, a person who is figuratively taking care of
the "last-minute details"before ultimately moving on to the pattern of karmic completion,
which we shall next consider in Lesson Seven - the Splash Pattern.
It is possible to see a greater pattern here when we view the Wedge, Locomotive, and
Splash pattern in terms of a continuum or spectrum - the Wedge being the karmic
youngster, and the Splash being the elder soul who has learned most of his karmic lessons
through many past incarnations. You may wish to speculate yourself where in this spectrum
we might fit the other patterns discussed in this book.
However, as we now go on to our next lesson - on the Splash Pattern - you may wish to
consider the Splash as the karmic "ultimate", the completed Locomotive Partem which is
here on earth, perhaps for the last time, to go through a period of final adjustment before
going on to what lies on the next higher karmic plane. This is perhaps one good reason for
considering the Splash Pattern to be a member [perhaps the highest or ultimate member]
of the Tripolar Grouping; it is certainly one of my major reasons for considering it to be

This is the horoscope most frequently used to illustrate this rarest of patterns • — the
Wedge. Note that Neptune, the Leading Planet, forms an almost perfect trine with Uranus,
the Trailing Planet. Mars square Uranus form the Trigger.
Here is a second historical example, the horoscope of Russian composer Igor Stravinsky.
Neptune (muic) is the Leading Planet, but Uranus is also emphasized as a singleton in
hemisphere in trine to Neptune. No wonder the music that Stravinsky composed was
considered to be far ahead of his' time, and people walked out of the concert hall when
some of his "nouveau" compositions were performed for the first time!
Here we have a more contemporary example in the chart of Ringo Starr of "The Beatles." It
just misses fitting the Wedge Pattern since Neptune is slightly beyond the trine of Jupiter.
Jupiter is the Leading Planet, but it is in the house ruled by Neptune. Neptune as a
singleton in hemisphere is equally emphasized. With Taurus ruling his 2nd "money" house
does it then surprise you that he has made so much money through music (Neptune), or
that he has become so interested in Eastern philosophy with Jupiter ruling his 9th House?

Finally we have an example of another singer, Tom Jones, whose pattern just misses the
Wedge and must be called a Bowl since the angle between Jupiter and Neptune exceeds 130
degrees. Neptune is again emphasized
as a singleton in hemisphere in the 10th house (music as a profession). His great sex appeal
comes both through his Scorpio Ascendant and the "tight" Mars/Venus conjunction in
Cancer in the 11th House which is also conjunct the Moon (women). This is not the
commonly published chart for Tom Jones, but Tom furnished this data personally so we
know it is correct.
The chart of Jean-Claude Killy provides us with a beautiful example of a Wedge pattern,
although his birth time is unknown. Killy is a superb French athlete (a skier). In order to
demonstrate the value of pattern analysis in chart rectification, you may wish to speculate
on the thrust of his life (perhaps Fifth House - athletics) and thus properly place his pattern
in the wheel.

Lesson No. 7
In this lesson we will direct our attention to the third Tripolar Pattern - the Splash Pattern.
It really is a Tripolar Pattern because i t seems to derive from the overextended Locomotive
Pattern. But is has lost many of the characteristics of its Tripolarity. I feel that this pattern
is best understood by comparing it to the Locomotive Pattern. This lesson should, in fact,
give you a greater insight into the Locomotive pattern as well.
It is important that you understand early in this lesson that the Splash is not a "catcha l l "
pattern that you use when you cannot find any pattern that better fits the chart under
study. It can be fairly rare in occurrence some years with the possibility of a Splash
occuring infrequently for only a few days in that year. In other years it is a total
impossibility. You'll never find the Splash, for example, in years when the Wedge is
possible. The greatest possibility of occurrence occurs in those months when Venus and
Mercury are widest apart with the Sun somewhere in between them. Remember that
Mercury never gets more than one sign, or Venus more than two signs, distant from the


"Splash" is indeed a good name for this pattern. The planets seem literally splashed all over
the horoscope with this individual tending to splash his energies and interests in all
directions. The "ideal" splash is truly a compromise between the Bipolar and the Tripolar
Groups, having embodied in this pattern aspects of both classifications.
The ideal Splash would contain five oppositions of two planets each equispaced around the
chart wheel. There would be no conjunctions. To this extend the pattern is a Bipolar one.
But with this equilibrium, no one planet is able to force its control to the forefront and
thereby achieve High Focus status. All of the planets "share and share alike" in control. This
person is thus potentially free to direct the life in any direction that one favors.
Ideally no two planets would occupy the same sign or house. This is why the Splash most
frequently occurs when Venus, Mercury, and the Sun each occupy a different sign and
This "ideal" pattern however is seldom found. In the more practical situation in which it
does occur it is usually a modified Locomotive Pattern with less than 1 1 0 ° of open space.
And to this extent it would fall into the Tripolar classification. Horoscopes that lack
conjunctions between at least two planets are a rarety.
Normally, if there is more than one conjunction present, you will find it very difficult to use
the Splash classification because with only 8 planets left to fill the entire space of the wheel
there will be too much open space. The ideal Splash pattern would show the planets
distributed approximately as illustrated above.
There are only two other patterns, perhaps three, that would cause you problems with this
pattern. And in distinguishing between them it is probably best to follow Marc Edmund
Jones' advice to lean more toward the other classification when possible since it will yield
more information possibly than the Splash will give you.
Generally, unless the planets are pretty evenly spaced there will be the possibility of the
Hour-Glass Pattern with both ends spread apart fairly widely. If the planets were all
equispaced there would be 36 between each pair. As we fall away from this ideal
distribution we approach some point where one pair of planets is separated by more than
60 and a second pair by 90 . It is at this point that you have the Hour-Glass. Or if one pair
gets separated by 120 you have the Locomotive.
Allowing for the orbs of aspect these angles get somewhat reduced - by 7-10 . The third
possibility is the Tripod Pattern, which if you follow the rules in the next lesson you could
hardly confuse with the Splash.
In approaching a possible Splash Pattern, first note the greatest open area between any
two planets in the pattern. It is well to be careful here since often what appears to be a
Splash, because of the uneven distribution of the house cusps, may in fact be something
else. You cannot rely on your eyes alone to spot the true Splash.
Once you have found the widest open area between any two planets, you may treat the
pattern as a modified Locomotive. The ideal Locomotive has at least 100 of open area,
allowing for a 10 orb for the Trine surrounding it. As the angle you find drops away from
100 , 1 ) the power of the Cutting Planet decreases, 2) the individual drive of the
Locomotive drops off, and 3) the person becomes more like the Splash type and less like
the Locomotive type. Always use this approach unless you discover that there is enough
open area to give you an Hour-Glass or a Tripod Pattern.
Frequently in this pattern you will find the presence of a Grand Trine, which even more
strongly recommends the consideration of the Splash as a modified Locomotive. In such
cases, you will again find the dynamics of the Trine.
The psychology of the Splash-type Individual is perhaps best understood by contrasting this
person with the Locomotive Pattern. Most Splash types will be found somewhere between
these two extremes.

The ideal Splash type is perhaps best characterized as having the broadest of general
interests, in contrast to the Locomotive type who is a very directed individual. The Splash's
interests are "universal", and they have the unique quality (even stronger than that of the
Hour-Glass pattern) to take a number of seemingly unrelated things and put them together
in some sensible and meaningful way.
The Splash type has the broadest general competency of all of the seven planetary
patterns; i . e . , they are able to do many things well in an acceptably competent fashion.
Their thrust is in a multiplicity of directions - not just along one or two general axes. They
are also well able to handle situations and concepts or ideas which involve multiple
variables. Such situations that might drive us lesser mortals to the brink of desperation and
Because they have their fingers in so many pies, they have a very practical awareness of
the world they find themselves in. And they are sometimes tempted to assume that they
are particularly fit or "gifted" for dealing with any type of situation that comes along. Marc
Edmund Jones calls them the "prototype universal citizen".
Don't look for these people to limit themselves to any one direction in life or any one
profession. They "splash" their energies and attention in all directions. Note in the following
examples how each must make their mark on the world in a multiplicity of areas - not just
motion pictures or politics. Because of the scatter effect of the Splash pattern, there is a
tendency to waste their talents through scattered effort. They tend to make their point
somewhere, and then go on to something else (Marlon Brando is an excellent example of
this "scatter effect".)
For the Splash individual who is able to master and control this diversity of interests there
can be a rich reward. They can achieve an almost transcendental understanding of
themselves and their world. They have the perspective to see themselves and their actions
in the greater cosmic scheme of things. The esoteric astrologers would classify most Splash
Patterns as being very advanced individuals in the scheme of reincarnations.
Where you find one, or more (as with Nina Foch) T-Crosses or Grand Crosses, there is likely
to be less scatter effect and a little more direction observable in the life along the lines of
this structure. Likewise when there is a Grand Trine, especially when it contains the Sun or
Moon, you can sense a strong momentum in some direction in the life of that individual.
You'll find a number of contemporary "greats" whose planetary patterns approach this
"universal" pattern, but few that lack conjunctions(as does Nina Foch) or that have one
conjunction as does that of Marlon Brando or Theodore Roosevelt.
Take, for example, Theodore Roosevelt who was president of the United States at the turn
of the century. Here was a man able to do many things w e l l . He was a "rough rider" in the
Spanish-American Way despite early physical handicaps to be overcome. Most of what has
happened in the U . S.'s relations to Latin America is the direct outcome of actions he took
while president; e . g . , annexation of the Panama Canal Zone. With the land in the Midwest
threatened by drought and dust storms, he was perhaps the first American who even
understood the meaning of "ecology". He was truly our first Conservationist. In an age in
which kingdoms and monarchies still flourished, he changed the name of the president's
residence from the "President's Palace" to the "White House".
Marlon Brando, whose career in motion pictures certainly rates him as a Super-Star, had the
audacity to turn down a coveted Oscar recently in order to drammatise the injustice that we
are still heaping upon the American Indian.
While Splash people may not have multiple careers, as we sometimes find with strong
Gemini persons, they do have a multiplicity of interests. They can see themselves in the
stream of history and in the greater cosmic scheme of things as destined to make others
aware of their place in history. Vision and foresight are characteristic of these individuals.

While the Splash-type individual remains in a unique, though comparatively rare, position
among his fellow men, he is really a kind of "mixed bag". He shares certain similarities with
other patterns, yet paradoxically he can in some ways be almost their opposite.
I caution you to use this classification sparingly. Few people are born who are capable of
seeing themselves in this larger perspective of the true Splash pattern, and yet those who
do fit this pattern are almost destined to make a marked contribution of some type to the
evolution of mankind.
This Splash pattern gives you little to go on, contrary to the other patterns, as you begin
your horoscope delineation as no one planet is brought into High Focus by this pattern.
When you find a true Splash pattern, look for the presence of a conjunction. You will at
least know that there is a greater concentration of energy and attention to the House and
Sign occupied by the conjunction.
In the next lesson we shall consider the final Tripolar Pattern - the Tripod Pattern. In this
final pattern you will be looking at the "pattern of genius" - specific genius for one or two
certain things, as opposed to a kind of universal genius that we find in this Splash pattern.
One of the classical examples of the Splash Pattern often used to illustrate the Splash
characteristics." But it is not perfect since we find Sun conjunct Mercury, Eight signs and
eight houses are occupied. His life through his diversity of interests and-accomplishments
certainly illustrates the basic psychology of this pattern however.
Aside from being about the best example of the Splash Pattern to be found among the
famous - no conjunctions, nine signs and nine houses occupied -the horoscope of actress
Nina Foch is.a stud/ of the astrological unique. Sun on the cusp, her chart contains a grand
water trine, and q cardinal, a fixed, and a mutable T-Crossl How would you like to have this
Here we find a much more contemporary example of the Splash with again eight signs and
eight houses occupied and one conjunction -Sun-Moon. Brando amply illustrates again the
complex and universalist nature of the Splash both through the diversity of the roles he
plays and through his many interests outside of his acting career.

Lesson No. 8
In this lesson we will examine the third of the basic Tripolar patterns - the Tripod pattern
(originally named the "Splay" pattern by Marc Edmund Jones). I prefer to call this the
"Tripod", rather than the "Splay", because Tripod to me seems more descriptive of this
temperament type.
The tripod is a three-legged stand or platform used to mount delicate instruments, such as
cameras, telescopes, and surveyor's transits. It provides a firm platform from which to
work, and one that is not easily overturned. The individual with such a planetary pattern
also displays these characteristics of stability, as well as those of having a kind of genius or
ability to perform a particular task far better than the average man.
In his original system of planetary classification, Marc Edmund Jones permitted a little
broader use of this pattern than I am inclined to allow. Jones described the pattern as being
one where ideally there appeared to be three separate and distinct clusters of planets
grouped about three foci in the wheel. Jones favored this classification where: 1 ) the three
clusters have foci that are all in major aspect to one another, and 2) there is a major open
area of at least a sextile separating each group from the other two. It would, for example,
under this classification be possible to have the three groups form a ten-planet T-Cross or
Grand Trine. I am inclined to limit the use of this classification only to charts that have
planets grouped in the latter category. The T-Cross variety will have one or more
oppositions, and thus a quadrature emphasis. My observations lead me to conclude that
this Tripod Group is far too free-wheeling to allow a quadrature emphasis to interfere with
its momentum. This, then, would suggest the possibility that the T-Cross variety might well
be considered and studied as a possible future Ninth pattern to be added.
Of all of the basic patterns discussed here, the Tripod is perhaps the most difficult to spot
and select. With these charts you are invariably faced with making a choice between the
Tripod and either the Splash or Locomotive. I recommend that you select an alternative
pattern unless your chart rather rigorously fits the rules that I have later laid down in this
This pattern has been called by Jones the "Pattern of Genius" because the individual
invariably displays a genius for some thing. It does not mean, however, that all so-called
geniuses have a Tripod pattern. And, because they have this genius, does not necessarily
mean that the individual will come into national prominence because of it. I have seen this
"genius" displayed in the charts of the more "common" folks in such ways as a genius for
repairing automobiles, for home repairs, for breeding champion dogs, and for selecting fine
wines. Since all of us are not geniuses, it is not surprising, then, that you'd expect this
pattern to occur rather rarely.
I think that the best way to really "see" this pattern is to visualize it as one really grand
Grand Trine. Ideally, the foci of each of the three planetary groups will form a Grand Trine
with the planets in each of the three groups tightly collected close to their focal point.
When you first look at the chart it should strike you almost immediately that the ten
planets divide themselves up in three rather clearly discernable groups, with lots of space
between groups. As a normal rule-of-thumb, unless you almost immediately spot the Tripod
pattern (with a little experience in pattern analysis under your belt) the pattern is likely
something else. A pattern approaching this "ideal" would look something like this: Note that
in addition to the foci forming a Grand Trine there is also a planetary Grand Trine as well,
which brings us to our first rule:
Rule No. 1 ; The pattern, to be a Tripod, MUST contain a Grand Trine.
Not all Tripod patterns will bring a single planet into High Focus; however, when one of the
three points in the Grand Trine consists of a single planet, as shown above, we call it a
"Reins Planet" and it becomes a planet in High Focus. This Reins planet when found
normally indicates, by planet, sign, and house, the person's real "genius".
Note that you might also classify the above pattern as being a Bucket with the Reins Planet
occupying the Handle position. However, ideally the space between the other two planetary
groups will greatly exceed a sextile so there will be no question that it is really a Tripod.
The term "Reins Planet" was coined by Marc Edmund Jones, for this planet is rather like the
driver of a nine-horse team holding the reins of each in his hands. The Reins Planet might
also be likened to the president of a large company who must finally pass on any actions
taken by his subordinates (the other nine planets). In any case, the Reins Planet is firmly in
control of, or truly rules, the entire chart.
Imagine for a moment what would happen if the Reins Planet had another planet in


opposition to it. It would be opposed and therefore not in "complete" control of the
situation, because oppositions always require compromise. Thus:
Rule No. 2: The pattern may NOT contain any Oppositions.
Rule No. 3: The spread of the planets comprising each of the three groups may not exceed a
sextile (60°).
If you keep these three basic rules in mind, you should have little difficulty on deciding
whether or not your pattern is a Tripod.


Group ^3 (Reins
We have already characterized this individual earlier in the lesson as one who is hard to
upset or overturn because he operates from a very steady foundation or base. This base is
usually an inner assuredness that, whatever he says or sets out to accomplish, that he is
"right" and that fate (or whatever other word he may choose to use) will see him through!
The Tripod individual has also been characterized as being pretty "free-wheeling." In the
previous lesson on the Wedge we pointed out the advantages and disadvantages of a
horoscope lacking oppositions. Here is another pattern that ideally lacks any oppositions,
and the same previously enunciated principles again apply here. Especially the
characteristic of self-sufficiency. Thus, both the Wedge and Tripod share this trait in
The basic thrust of this pattern will usually be toward the group about the points of the
Grand Trine that contains the fewest planets. In the case of a Tripod with a Reins Planet,
this becomes patently obvious. The sextile midpoints do not seem to occupy nearly as much
The Tripod type also exhibits the characteristic momentum and drive of all of the Tripolar
types. It is hard to keep up with them - once they get rolling! Some are sleeping geniuses
until their get the "lead" out of their Grand Trine and get i t moving. They share with the
Locomotive types a strong ability to project themselves into the lives of others (sometimes
rather forcefully). This, in contrast to the Wedge types who, instead of "projecting"
themselves, attract others to them.
Like the Wedge type, the Tripods also have a rather narrowed view of life, in the extreme -
"tunnel vision". They can get so locked in to their own perception of life as they see it,
and/or into the development of their own particular brand of genius, that they miss much of
the varied experiences that life has to offer them. Their genius becomes their whole life!
They interpret their experiences in terms of their own world view. They cannot see, and will
rarely admit, that others may also have alternative solutions to problems that are as good,
if not better, than their own; e . g . , Fidel Castro. Marc Jones says that they tend to collect
experiences in much the same manner as barnacles accumulate on the side of a ship, thus
in- • sulating themselves more and more (as this growth accumulates) from what is actually
happening around them - and I might add, slowing down their progress as well as barnacles
reduce the speed of a ship.
Jones also characterizes these people as being "surefooted" to a degree that is not % found
with any other pattern. They have a heightened awareness and appreciation of their own
personal worth (sometimes a rather inflated one), greater self-confidence, and generally a
strong personality drive. This comes from the "sturdiness" of the tripod geometry.
Also, like all of the Tripod individuals, they are rather predictable in their reaction to a
given set of circumstances. The older they get, the deeper they cut their own characteristic
"groove" - unless they come race-to-face with a good hard Uranus aspect to a natal point
that gives them a "good kick in the pants" and gets them out of their rut. During 1976-
1977, Fidel Castro, for example, whose horoscope follows, will be facing some rather tough
Saturn aspects to the Sun, Neptune, and the Moon - and we shall see what we shall seel
Uranus' transit of his Scorpio Ascendant in early 1976 obviously didn't do it. His chart,
however, is really not a perfect Tripod because it does contain a Moon/Neptune opposition,
which dilutes his "absolute" control over matters.

In summary, we might say that the Tripod type of temperament stands out rather uniquely
in some ways from the rest of the "crowd." His uniqueness is reflective of his individual
genius, which can either be used to help others and improve their life, or to get himself into
trouble as an egotist and a meddlar into other's lives.
Some Tripod types can be expected to exhibit "know-it-all" tendencies, and it is very hard
to teach an old dog new tricks by the time he or she seeks the council of an astrologer. It
seems to me that the best we can hope for with this type is to help him to be more
confortable with himself, to point out that perhaps he does not have "all the answers'* and
should consider alternatives, and to realize that other people like the freedom to do their
own thing and make their own mistakes.
The Tripod individual is inclined to expose himself to a variety of experiences, if ^ he uses
his pattern in a positive manner, and thus build up for himself a veritable treasure-house of
experience upon which he can later draw.
As astrologers we should also encourage these people to activate their Trine energy, to
search out and motivate them to generate from within that dynamic thrust which ft they,
like the Wedge types, so badly need, and finally to encourage them to discover for
themselves the natural genius within them.
Despite the fact that we have a weak Saturn-Pluto opposition this pattern cannot be
classified as Hour-Glass or Locomotive, and Toscannini's musical genius cannot be denied.
While no Grand Trine exists either, the midpoint of the lower group centers, in Pisces.

While strictly according to the rules the Tripod may contain no oppositions, here Mars
opposed to Saturn-Uranus, still the Tripod Pattern best describes Babe Ruth. His athletic
genius is certainly undeniable.- Certainly the Hour-Glass classification is also possible, but
the Tripod seems to fit his basic makeup and describe his leadership as "the king of swat"
before Hank Aaron topped the "Babe's" record.
In this chart we find a close approximation to the prototype Tripod. The chart contains the
Grand Trine in Fire included within a Kite configuration with the Moon this time as "Reins
Although this chart lacks the Grand Trine of the prototype Tripod Pattern; nevertheless it is
clearly divided into three distinct sectors with Uranus (by itself) as the Reins Planet

Lesson No. 9
When this book was originally published in 1973, it contained eight lessons. It described
only the seven classical patterns originally established by Marc Edmund Jones in his book:
"Essentials of Astrological Analysis." My own research suggests that there are, however,
several other possible patterns that might also be added to Jones' classification. In this
lesson we shall discuss one such pattern -a pattern that I have chosen to call the "Fan
This pattern is a rather unique one because it embodies characteristics of both the Bipolar
and Tripolar groups. It cannot be clearly placed under either heading. However, since it
(like the Bucket pattern) is essentially a 1:9 configuration, I have chosen to place this Fan
pattern with the other Bipolar patterns.
As we shall illustrate, the geometry of the Fan and the Bucket are similar, the only
geometrical difference being that the Bowl of the Bucket pattern in the Fan becomes a
Wedge instead of a Bowl. There is thus the temptation to treat the Handle planet of the Fan
in much the same manner as the Handle of the Bucket, but as you will see this analogy fails
because the Handle planets of these two patterns vary rather remarkably in action. This is
perhaps the strongest argument for not including Fan patterns within the Bucket pattern
This pattern takes its name from the common fan in which the fan's blade covers an area
which is approximately equivalent to one-third, or a 120° portion of a complete circle. The
fan is "driven" by oscillating or waving the blade's handle. The fan's handle extends
perpendicularly from the midpoint of the blade. It is
important here to note that the handle of a fan and the handle of a bucket are there to
perform different functions. The fan's handle "drives" the blade; the bucket's handle
"supports" the bucket.

Sextile Midpoint
Thrust Axis

Wedge Portion (the

Handle Planet

One of the important differences that we have tried to emphasize throughout this book in
differentiating between the Bipolar and Tripolar patterns is that the Tripolar group has
"momentum" and thus an axis of thrust that is not found in the Bipolar patterns. The Fan,
though I've classified it as Bipolar, has this Tripolar characteristic of momentum and thrust
too, which makes it rather transitional in nature between the two groups. The Blade portion
of this planetary Fan has the same momentum we discussed in the lesson on the Wedge
pattern. Its thrust axis can be established in the same manner. But here, instead of an
empty Trine Midpoint, there is the possibility of having a planet actually located at, or close
to, the Trine Midpoint. In the "ideal" pattern the two points will exactly coincide. In common
practice, however, there will be some distance between the two points, and as you will see,
this distance separating them becomes of considerable importance.
You will also remember from our lesson on the Bucket pattern that the Handle Planet is a
"collecter" and "focuser" of the energies of the other nine planets in the Bowl portion of the
In the Fan pattern we thus have a conflict with two distinct points vieing for the energies of
the other nine planets. The Handle of the Fan pulls upon and thus deflects the energies of
the Wedge portion from their natural thrust axis. The energy is no longer so strongly
directed, but instead wavers between the two. Only in the "perfect" Wedge can they
coincide. The individual with the Fan is thus psychologically also torn in two directions also.
The greater the distance between the Trine Midpoint of the Wedge and the Handle of the
Fan, the greater the conflict. This becomes quite apparent astrologically when the two
points are in different houses and/or signs.
The Handle Planet of the Fan, however, is not just a "collector of energy" like the Bucket's
Handle Planet. It can often become "the tail that wags the dog," just as the handle of a fan
wags the blade. This is an important difference between the two patterns and more than
sufficient judtification for defining the Fan as a distinctly different pattern.

"Ideally", the Fan has the following geometry:

o Nine planets will always comprise the blade portion with the tenth planet somewhere in
the open area serving as a Handle for the blade.
o The two planets on the boundary of the blade portion will be in Trine to one another
within acceptable orb (±10°). The planets within the blade will be evenly spaced apart.
o There will be a Core Opposition between the Fan's Handle and a planet within the blade
located exactly at the blade's Sextile Midpoint; i . e . , the axis of the Core Opposition and
the Thrust Axis of the blade (wedge) will coincide.
When we have an ideal, or near ideal, Fan pattern we also have a planetary configuration
which many astrologers refer to as a "Kite" configuration, thus:

The "Head" f----------------°---------------> The "Tail"

Whenever you find this configuration in any horoscope, as a part of a Fan (or any other
pattern as well), you have a well integrated group of planets working together as a solid
team. The harshness of the opposing planets is greatly minimized and the Grand Trine's
energies are well grounded and focused along the axis of the Opposition. The principal
focus becomes the "tail of the kite" with the "head of the kite" providing the configuration
with ample "opportunity" for great success in terms of the sign and house occupied by the
Tail Planet.
To find an "ideal" Fan Pattern is quite uncommon; to find a Fan Pattern is not. There have
been a number of years during the past in which this pattern was possible, but each period
is usually characterized by one certain planet being the Handle Planet during that period.
For example, many people born from 1917 to 1923 had this pattern with Uranus as the
Handle Planet (see the charts of Rose Marie Guy, John F. Kennedy, Phyllis Diller, Dean
Martin, and George Wallace at the end of this lesson). The pattern was again possible
around 1950, this time with Jupiter in the Handle position. Around 1877, Uranus also held
the Handle position in the Fan patterns; in the early 40's charts can be found with the Moon
as Handle.
As the pattern departs from the ideal configuration, the integrating force of the Kite is first
lost. In the example chart of Phyllis Diller that follows we find the Handle Planet (Uranus)
opposed to Venus, a Boundary Planet. At this point our Fan has the distinct possibility of
becoming a Bowl, providing the Handle Planet is sextile to a planet in the Blade portion.
There is a psychological correspondence here: we may conclude that the greater the
distance between Handle Planet and Thrust Axis, the less "driven" is the individual and the
more "self-contained." With great separation between the two, the native's efforts to
achieve are divided between the two points, and a certain amount of frustration will often
be evident. They are literally torn* in two directions.
In some examples of the Fan Pattern that you find, the Core Opposition will be lacking (as in
the example chart of John F . Kennedy). In such instances the deflective effect and power of
the Handle Planet is lessened, the Thrust Axis is more emphasized, and the person is more
"driven." Because there is no Core Opposition, the partem is less well integrated (just as we
saw earlier with the Bucket)..


The Fan Pattern is a unique and definable pattern quite different and apart from the
psychological characteristics of the Bucket pattern. However, as with the Bucket pattern,
the nature of the Handle Planet must be kept foremost in mind. Its energy will be given
great emphasis in the personality and temperament of the individual. Refer to the Appendix
for the typical modes of expression for High Focus planets. For example, in the John F .
Kennedy horoscope we find Uranus in Aquarius in high focus. Kennedy was willing to
"experiment" with new political and humanitarian ideas and typified all that Uranus and
Aquarius symbolize. "Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for
your country," an old idea expressed in a new way!
As we found in the Bowl, Bucket, and Wedge, there is a "reaching out" to complete some
emptiness felt by the native, represented in the open area. The ability to accomplish this
goal will be in direct proportion to how well the native is able to reconcile the diversive
effect the Handle Planet is able to achieve in deflecting the native from the foremost aim of
the Thrust Axis.
Both the Bucket and Fan are "pragmetisfs", being willing and anxious to experience all that
life has to offer. While they might set high goals for themself, they remain aware of the
need to compromise upon occasion to get as "much of the loaf" as possible. Both are much
more objective than the Bowl in general outlook; with the Fan, their objectivity diminishes
in direct proportion to the difference in dis tance between Thrust Axis and Handle Planet.
The Fan is more driving than the Bucket, however, and not nearly so willing to share its
experience with others like the Bucket.
Unlike the Bucket types, the Fan-type native is a "creature of habit' and usually quite
predictable in his actions to a given set of circumstances. He possesses the typical Tripolar
momentum that the Bucket lacks. This is especially true in any Fan pattern that includes
the Kite configuration. The Grand Trine also gives the Fan native greater stability of
The Fan native's reality is deeply grounded and rooted in the house and sign in which the
Handle Planet is located. It becomes a point in his chart that he feels he can rely upon when
all else fails. The Handle Planet is like the roots of the tree than reach out for nourishment
in the immediate environment in order to grow and maintain itself. The Fan nourishes itself
from "without"; the Bucket nourishes itself from "within," before going to the outside for
additional resources.
The Fan and the Wedge tend to nurture themselves and seek fulfillment through the
bunching or concentration of their energies. The Wedge does it by concentrating his
energies internally and feeding them outward to accomplish his goals. The Fan draws upon
energies external to himself, by mustering the energies of others and drawing upon them,
taking them into himself, in order to gain fulfillment. They are "takers" and they have to be very careful
of the way in which they draw upon the resources of others in order not to engender their displeasure.
Negatively expressed, the Fan can be very selfish; positively expressed, they have the same ability that
the Hour-Glass possesses of getting diverse groups together in a common cause. And, whereas the
Wedge type can become very obsessed with his own capabilities and desires (often very selfishly too
though he usually won't see it or admit it if he does), the Fan type is more obsessed with the
capabilities of others and how he can capitalize upon them himself in order to further his own interests.
The Fan looks for resources in others for fulfillment; the Wedge looks for resources within himself
whenever possible before going to the outside, The Fan reaches out for the missing resources; the
Wedge magnetically attracts external resources to him.
Note also the hemisphere in which the Blade is located. Where North, all of the "taker" characteristics of
the Fan are at maximum potential; by contrast, they are minimized when the Blade is South and here
the native is more concerned with repayment for what he takes. Where the Blade is East there is great
self-assurance and all of the Wedge characteristics of the Blade are maximized; where the Blade is
West, the "reaching-out" and magnetic qualities are turned on to their fullest.

To sum up the essence of the Fan psychology, the Fan is like a vacuum with the for self-completion. The
motivation for doing this, where the resources will be sought, and how, are in large measure
determined by the Handle Planet with its house and sign. How successful this person will be in coping
with the reality of his world will in large measure be determined by how well he is able to integrate the
conflicting forces (Handle Planet and Thrust Point) within his horoscope.
While this is the last lesson, it is not quite the end of this book. In the final pages that follow I have tried
to tie together a few loose ends that do not seem to fit well into any particular lesson, yet are important
for you also to consider. I hope that you will also consider these concluding remarks in rounding out the
more complete picture and understanding of the planetary patterns that you have just learned about.
For once we have analyzed the particular trees that comprise the forest, it is necessary that we again
try to visualize the forest as a Whole and see it in its greater perspective!

The horoscope of popular TV personality and actress Rose Marie (Guy) illustrates quite well
a near ideal planetary Fan Pattern.
Pluto-Jupiter form a near perfect trine, and the Handle Planet Uranus completes a Grand
Water Trine. But for Uranus we have an excellent Wedge Pattern. Uranus is only about 5°
from the Wedge's far trine midpoint, thus its thrust is consonant with the Handle and hardly
deflects the other planets from the accomolishment of their purpose.
The horoscope of Governor George Wallace contains an interesting Fan Pattern. The Blade
is narrowed (only 80° wide). There is a Core Opposition, but more importantly, Uranus is
also the apex of a Yod with Mars/Venus. There is only one weak (8°) Trine, Uranus/Pluto,
and no planetary Squares at a l l ! Here, Uranus is truly the "tail that wags the dog"
In the horoscope of former president John F. Kennedy we find the Handle Planet skewed by
about one sign and house from the centerline of the Fan's blade (or trine midpoint). Mars-
Moon, forming the boundary of the Wedge, are strongly trine. Uranus, though unopposed,
is at the Moon-Saturn midpoint usually indicating inherited position in life through family.
Bom about a month and a half later than John F. Kennedy, comedienne Phyllis Diller's chart
has an even more skewed Handle Planet with Uranus now two houses away from the axis of
thrust and opposing Venus. It also trines Mars. The Fan blade has its boundary planets
within a quintile (72°) instead of a trine. This horoscope contains no planetary squares!
Finally, we come to the horoscope of Dean Martin, born between the birth dates of John F.
Kennedy and Phyllis Diller. Uranus, the Handle Planet, makes no opposition to any of the
Blade planers. All ten planets are clearly in the Western hemisphere of the chart with
Uranus also emphasized as a singleton in hemisphere North. Note both the similarity and
the difference here to the John F. Kennedy chart.
It is quite possible to have the Grand Trine present (here in the Water element) but have a
horoscope lacking a Core Opposition and thus the Kite configuration. In the chart of
Princess Anne of England we have Jupiter so widely opposed to both Sun and Moon (about
1 1 ° ) that its effects are minimal. Lacking this Core Opposition there would be much
greater difficulty in integrating Jupiter's energies into the wholeness of her personality and
In the horoscope of composer Hector Berlioz we see the most radical departure from the
"ideal" pattern of all of the examples given here. The thrust point and Handle Planet are
more than a sextile apart and all ten planets are clearly within the same hemisphere. The
Blade here is contained within a square. As any musicologist will confirm his music was
revolutionary (Plutonian) in nature, and his reputation was scandalous, though he claimed
to be writing for the masses (11th house). Pluto is also emphasized as being a singleton in
hemisphere. No opposition is present in this chart whatsoever between the planets.
Since the initial publication of this book, I have been called upon on many occasions to
lecture and hold workshops on the Planetary Patterns, and as the result (as any teacher
knows) I have learned a lot from my students about how best to guide them in their general
approach to this subject. There are some "pitfalls" that ought to be avoided, which has
prompted me to add this new section to the book.
There is a tendency on the part of students, once they've been exposed to the great value
of pattern analysis, to grab every chart in their collection and attempt to classify it as to
pattern type. This is both fun and certainly instructive, for it gives you the practical
experience needed here, but it is also frustrating! You will inevitably find some charts
(possibly your own) that are very hard to classify. It is a great American tradition to
attempt to classify everything in sight - especially if you happen to have a few Virgo planets
in your horoscope, as I do. And you've probably discovered, as have I , that there are
certain individuals who just cannot be neatly classified. As above, so below - so you might
also expect then to find certain horoscopes that cannot be classified either. What to do?
At the end of every single lecture I've ever given on Patterns there are always students who
come to me and ask that I help them classify a chart or two. The charts that they present
are always the "borderline" cases between two (sometimes three) possible patterns.
Sometimes, I must tell them that the chart does not fit any pattern at all well, and to forget
about the pattern altogether and go on with their delineation. I always get the feeling when
this happens that somehow they feel cheated - and they really shouldn't. Planetary
Patterns are an artificial, manmade type of classification, and since nothing in nature is
every perfect, neither is this classification system. It is merely one more tool in your bag of
tricks to make delineation a little simpler and a bit more revealing. Remember, you can't
use a hammer for every repair job in the house; sometimes, other tools work better.
The major reason for bothering at all to classify charts by planetary pattern is to give you a
grip on that "elusive thread" by which you can begin to unravel the fabric of the individual's
basic makeup. Patterns are one way of giving you a starting point from which to begin your
delineation. By emphasizing some planet that is in High Focus.
There are other ways of picking a High Focus planet besides using pattern analysis. The
apex planet of a T-Cross or Yod, a Singleton planet, or the focal point of a Panhandle are
equally as effective as a starting point in analysis. You do not have to understand a thing
about partem analysis at all to do an adequate delineation, but to understand patterns is to
increase your understanding of the total makeup, especially the temperament, of the
So, this brings me to emphasize the following rule: IF YOU CANNOT DETERMINE THE
TECHNIQUE. Don't waste time trying to classify a chart that cannot be easily classified.
Next, I would point out to you that this is not a "finished" system of planetary classification,
by any means. The astrological community will forever be indebted to Marc Edmund Jones
for establishing this system to start with in his "Essentials of Astrological Analysis," but it is
not a finished system. I've tried to add one new pattern to the system - The Fan - and I am
currently working on several others which I suspect may also be viable, alternate patterns
for future consideration .
In the last analysis it is up to you, the Student, to extract that which is of value to you here
in this course, and discard the rest. Do not take what I, or any other astrological author,
tells you in his book as "gospel" truth - test it out for yourself to see if what is being said is
valid on the basis of your own experience. There is too much "mythology" cluttering up the
pages of astrological books these days, and it is time we identified this mythology for what
it really is. In a larger sense, if what I have shared with you in this book makes sense to you
as it does to me, I will have achieved one of my major goals in writing this book in the first
If you are inclined to study planetary midpoints in the tradition of the Uranian astrologers
and Cosmobiologists, you should also find pattern analysis especially interesting. Once
you've established a High Focus planet in the pattern, see if this planet is at the midpoint of
some other two planets in the pattern and check on the interpretation of this planetary
combination. It is sometimes rather startling what this will reveal.
Do not neglect to look for other High Focus planets in the chart which may not necessarily
be emphasized in the pattern. They are still very important. The qualitative assessment of a
chart is fairly easy compared to its quantitative assessment. For it is really not enough to
know that, for example, Uranus is emphasized in the chart under study. The question
inevitably follows - how much is it emphasized? Various systems, such as "Astrodynes" have
been invented for doing such quantitative assessments. For, in a chart where several
planets are found to be in High Focus, the question invariably follows, which is the most
emphasized? It is in situations like this that your pattern analysis can aid in the final
I would finally advise that you commit to memory the "super" meanings for High Focus
planets given in the Appendix. They are a valuable adjunct to your complete understanding
of the value of High Focus planets, however and whenever you discover them in a
horoscope - be it through pattern analysis, or otherwise. And do not neglect to add your
own keywords in the spaces provided as you expand your own observations through
personal experience.

INTERPRETING HIGH-FOCUS PLANETSWhen a planet is brought into high focus in the horoscope/
regardless of the particular
reason, it should serve to focus your special attention upon what it represents in the life of
that individual. Not only should you give the planet special attention/ but also the sign and
house in which the planet is located. The high focus planet will always be of special concern
to your subject in some way because its shows you how the person characteristically meets
experience and attempts to deal with his immediate environment and day-to-day problems.
The manner in which he/she attempts to cope.

Below/ we have given you certain keywords for interpreting each of the planets when they
are found to be in high focus. Note that these words given have both a positive and
negative. It will probably take some judicious questioning to determine which of the two
words best fits the individual. However, in either case, the keyword should be placed in the
blank space in the following statement: "He/She typically acts or attempts to accomplish
his/her goals in a(n) manner."
THE SUN____________________________________+ Masterful, Regal________- Egotistic
Master of all they survey, paternal, kingly, supremely confident, they always seem in some
way to be in charge no matter what the situation. Others naturally defer to them. Used
negatively they can be overbearing, egotistic, overly demanding, and act like they know
what's best for everybody though this is often just a dillusion. Example: Muhammad Ali
THE MOON__________________________________+ Intense__________________- DissociativeGreat
intensity of purpose. Some seem almost "driven" by their great intensity of purpose and
vast emotional energy that is brought to bear on whatever has captured their attention.
Their needs are also felt very intensely. They can become so driven that they dissociate
themselves from what is really happening all about them, take a very romantic or idealistic
view of themselves and their goals, and lose track of their original purpose. Example: John
MERCURY___________________________________+ Inquisitive, Naive - Immature
A certain childlike naivety and curiousity carry over into their adult life and all of their
dealings. They can be life a "butterfly" sampling all of the delights of each "flower" they
encounter. Coquettish, the eternal ingenue, the playful kitten. Used positively their
curiosity can be used to excellent purpose (like Louis Pasteur); used negatively they can
use their childlike qualities very shrewdly to delude others into a false sense of being in
control and then "snap their trap" quite unexpectedly. Example: Cher Bono
VENUS____________________+ Intensely Personal, Intimate________- Lazy
Intensely intimate and personal in all of their dealings, when they come to public
prominence they tend to attract "a cult of personality" or their "groupies." They come on in
a very personal manner as if what they have to say is for "you alone." Usually it is you who
must first go to them; rarely will they approach you first. The singing style of artists Diana
Ross, Wayne Newton, and Barbra Streisand, who all have a high-focus Venus, illustrate this
quality beautifully. Used negatively, these people are always relying on someone else to do
something for them.
MARS_____________________+ Indomitable, Sensuous_____- Belligérant, Pugnacious
Highly competitive individuals, these persons respond to challenge and have the ability to
persevere in the face of the greatest adversity; e . g . , Abe Lincoln or Bobbie Fisher. They
are real scrappers like Lynn Redgrave and Bob Dylan. Some rely on their magnetism and
sex appeal to attract others; e . g . , Paul Anka and Lucille Ball. When thwarted in their
attempts they can goto the more negative qualities when it suits them, to the point of
being quite overbearing.
JUPITER__________________+ Paternal, Folksy________________- Fanatic
These people, usually highly conventional in approach and supportive of established values,
usually come on as a "father figure", the "home town boy" (or girl) that mama always wants
her child to marry, the politician that is everybody's friend. They do everything in a "big"
way and plan on a grand scale. Glen Campbell, Ricky Nelson, Spencer Tracy, and Will Rogers
are good contemporary examples. Even the negative types, who can espouse a cause with
great fanaticism take a very paternal interest in their followers, like AI Capone.
SATURN__________________+ Shrewd, Persistent_____________- Ruthless
Marc Jones describes this type well as being persons willing to sacrifice short-term
advantage for long-range goals. They are more concerned with power than in being liked;
e . g . , Fidel Castro. This is not the type of person whom you can get "close to", because
they are highly suspicious, but nonetheless they are frequently those who achieve a place
of power and importance and must therefore be dealt with on their terms. When thwarted
in their attempts to achieve their goals, they can be quite ruthless is attempting to conquer
the opposition. Examples; Jack Benny, Carol Burnett, Marilyn Monroe.
URANUS__________________+ Experimentative, Independent_____- Intractable
The current astrological literature is literally full of important individuals with a high focus
Uranus. Many consider these people to be forerunners of the new Age of Aquarius, each
with a unique contribution to make in preparing the way for this new era. All, in one way or
another, are seekers after new truth, willing to try unproven and untried methods to
discover something better or more meaningful. They must be extra careful, however, of
what cause they attach themselves to because once involved they find it difficult to
recognize the errors in their ways. Negative types are quite intractable - stubborn, unruly,
and hard to manage. Examples: Johnny Carson, Angela Davis, George Wallace, John F .
Kennedy, Moshe Dayan.
NEPTUNE_________________+ Authoritative, Elusive__________- Deceitful
One of the most striking features about a high-focus Neptune is how few there are among
the contemporary greats. These individuals have the ability to speak with a voice of some
authority. They add that authoritative touch to their pronouncements. Whereas Uranian
types are usually seeking their "utopia", Neptunian types are usually, in one way or
another, seeking a return to the "Garden of Eden" as they visualize it to have been; the
perfect state of bliss! They are quite capable of deceiving themselves just as easily as they
can deceive others, and it is really hard to pin them down on any issue - like trying to pick
up a drop of quicksilver. Mercury types also have this quality. Examples: Martin Luther
King, Jr., Jack Nicklaus.

PLUTO + Transcendent, Detached - Underhanded

The contemporary literature is again filled with innumerable examples of persons with a
high-focus Pluto. The keyword, transcendent (coined by Marc Jones), is perhaps the single
best adjective to describe them. They have the distinct ability to "detach' themselves from
the immediacy of their problems and see things in long-range perspective in the sweep of
time and history. The key factor here is how they use this unique ability - for their own ends
or for the betterment of their fellows. You can never tell with these types whether they are
with you or against you. Examples: William F. Buckley, Jr., Robert F. Kennedy, Maria Callas.


When the high-focus planet is also retrograde, look for the following additional
o A tendency to use its energy in a more personal manner. Often the person is quite
unaware of the potential shown in this planet.
o A greater tendency to manifest its quality more negatively than positively.
o its power is used with much greater subtlety and finesse, in a much less obvious manner
than when the planet is direct in motion.
o Their sense of timing is off. Things never happen on schedule. It can bring on premature
experiences, before the individual is able to cope maturely with them, or the potential of
this planet is not achieved until relatively late in life.
For those wishing to study additional examples of the various planetary patterns, the
following persons are given as examples from the contemporary scene. All of these
horoscopes are available in: "Horoscopes — Here and Now" by this author along with many
additional examples not listed here. In some cases you will note the same name appearing
for more than one pattern; this is because there are more than one possibility for some


Phyllis Dil 1er Caroline Kennedy
Bing Crosby Sally Struthers


Carol Burnett Glen Campbell Johnny Carson Gary Collins Bette Davis Judy Garland Lyndon B.
Johnson John F . Kennedy Pat Nixon
John Lennon John Lindsay Rod McKuen Marilyn Monroe Charles Percy Rosemarie Guy Jane
Russell George Wallace Susan Strasberg
Desi Arnaz, Jr. Jim Bailey Leonard Bernstein David Frost Indira Gandhi Henry M. Jackson
Edward Kennedy
Paul McCIoskey Richard M. Nixon Richard Speck Elizabeth Taylor Sam Yorty Hank Aaron
Noel Coward
Muhammad Ali Kay Bal lard Brîgît Bardot Jack Benny Prince Charles
Van CI iburn Angela Davis Tom Eagleton Art Garfunkel Lyndon B. Johnson Jane Russell
Neil Armstrong Rona Barrett Marlon Brando Dick Cavett Nina Foch
Princess Grace of Monaco
The following though not in "Horoscopes examples of the Wedge Pattern
Mick Jagger Jean-Claude Killy David Steinberg
There are very few other good examples have included here, that can be found I
Henry Mancini Charles Manson Dr. Benjamin Spöck Shirley Temple Sam Yorty Carlos
Here and Now" are additional
Paul McCartney Franz Kafka Rube Goldberg Igor Stravinsky
this pattern, other than those that we ay on the contemporary scene.
"Guide to Horoscopic Interpretation". Marc Edmund Jones
Sabian Publishing Society. New York City. 1941. (Reprinted 1969)

This is the original publication that first set forth the seven basic planetary patterns. It
includes a number of historic examples of the famous horoscopes that illustrate each
2. "Essentials of Astrological Analysis" Marc Edmund Jones Sabian Publishing Society. New
York City. 1960.
Nineteen years later, Marc Edmund Jones authored this very definitive work on analysis of
the chart in which he devotes considerable space to defining the planetary patterns. His
original work (^1 above) has been slightly altered in interpretation, and a number of the
horoscopes originally used to illustrate the various patterns have been reclassified.
3 . "A Handbook For the Humanistic Astrologer" Michael R . Meyer
Commencing at Page 139, Meyer does a good job of analyzing the various patterns using
contemporary examples for each pattern. This book belongs among the valued reference
books of every Astrologer and student of Astrology.
4 . "Horoscopes - Here and Now" Robert Carl Jansky Astro-Analytics Publications. Los
Angeles. 1975.
This book is an anthology of 100 of the famous persons making today's headlines, persons
to whom the younger generation of students can particularly relate. In an Appendix to this
anthology there is an index that illustrates the eight basic patterns as they apply to the
horoscopes contained within this book. A source of many fascinating hours of study for the
student who is serious about mastering the classification of horoscopes by planetary

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