Final Russian Rules Adopt Three-Tier Transfer Pricing Documentation

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Tax Insights

from Transfer Pricing

Final Russian rules adopt three-tier

transfer pricing documentation

December 11, 2017

In brief
Federal Law No. 340-FZ of November 27, 2017, “On Amending Part One of the Tax Code of the Russian
Federation in Connection with the Implementation of the Common Reporting Standard and
Documentation on Multinational Enterprises” (the Law), was published on November 27, 2017 on the
official Internet portal of legal information (the text of the Law is in Russian). The Law came into force
from the day of its official publication.

The Law obliges members of multinational enterprise (MNE) groups with annual consolidated group
revenue over RUB 50 billion (approximately USD 856 million) in the preceding fiscal year to submit to
tax authorities a three-tier documentation, including a Country-by-Country (CbC) Report, global
documentation (Master File), and national documentation (Local File), as well as a notification on their
membership in an MNE group (Notification).

In detail Report, and a Master File for the period starting in 2016
fiscal year starting January 1, (assuming the foreign
The Law took effect on the date 2017. At the same time, jurisdiction already has CbC
of its official publication taxpayers that are members of reporting requirements), then
(November 27, 2017), and its an MNE group will be required such MNE voluntarily may file
provisions will apply to fiscal to prepare a Local File starting its CbC Report in Russia as
years starting in 2017 (except from 2018. The Local File must allowed by the Law. At the same
for the provisions regarding contain information required by time, the Russian Federal Tax
Local File). the current TP documentation Service will yet have to approve
Note: The changes and rules, as per Article 105.15 of the and publish a respective format
amendments to the Russian Tax RTC, as well as additional for providing information
Code (RTC) introduced by the information required by the electronically for these
Law do not abolish local Law. purposes.
transfer pricing (TP) Russian taxpayers also can The Law introduces the concept
documentation requirements voluntarily submit Notifications of a “reporting period” for the
that already are part of the and CbC Reports pertaining to purposes of a three-tier
current legislation, as per fiscal years starting in 2016. documentation. Such period
Article 105.15 of the RTC. Thus, if an MNE group with a constitutes “a financial year
General requirements Russia-based parent company following the financial year in
has not yet decided whether to which the consolidated group
Russian taxpayers that are
file a CbC Report in a foreign revenue of an MNE group, as
members of an MNE group will
jurisdiction where its subsidiary per its consolidated financial
have to file a Notification, a CbC
is located for the reporting
Tax Insights

statements, exceeded the revenue authorized member must file the CbC The Law contains concepts such as
specified in sub-clause 3, clause 6 of Report not later than 12 months after “material agreements between MNE
Article 105.16.3 of the RTC” (i.e., RUB the end of the reporting period. group members,” “material
50 billion). agreements,” and “material
Master File (Global transactions” (specification on
According to the Law, the Local File documentation) information on such transactions
should be prepared and submitted Tax authorities can request the Master must be included in the Master File).
using a calendar year as a reference File not earlier than 12 months after Nevertheless, the particular meaning
period, while the reporting period for and not later than 36 months after the of materiality for the purposes of a
the rest of the documents (i.e., end of the reporting period. The three-tier documentation has not been
Notification, CbC Report, and Master Master File cannot be requested from specified in the Law.
File) is the fiscal year of the respective a taxpayer if the tax authorities
MNE group. already received it from another The new amendments modify
Russian taxpayer participating in the provisions pertaining to the applicable
Below is an overview of the currency exchange rate when
same MNE group.
obligations set out by the Law for converting value indicators for the
Russian taxpayers – members of an Local File (National purposes of the CbC Report and
MNE group with an annual documentation) Master File. The Law provides that
consolidated group revenue over RUB conversion of the currency used for
The Local File can be requested by the
50 billion, depending on the location accounting by MNE group members
tax authorities only on or after June 1
of the ultimate parent entity of the (when such currency differs from the
of the year following the calendar year
MNE group. currency of the ultimate parent entity)
in which the controlled transactions
Notification were performed. can be done in accordance with the
rules for preparing the parent entity’s
Notification must be filed not later Transitional period consolidated financial statements.
than eight months after the final day
The Law sets a transitional period for Information on the currency exchange
of a respective reporting period. One
the calendar years 2018-2019. Tax rates should be specified in the notes
Notification can be filed for all to the Master File and CbC Report.
authorities may request the Local File
Russian entities.
from taxpayers not earlier than
The Law clarifies that Notification and
CbC Report December 31 of the year following the
country information (Master File,
calendar year in which the income
The ultimate parent company is not a Local File and CbC Report) should be
and/or expenses pertaining to
Russian entity: Russian taxpayers submitted by taxpayers that are
controlled transactions were
that are members of an MNE group members of an MNE group, except for
recognised (i.e., not earlier than
file this report upon the request of tax non-resident entities that do not have
December 31, 2019 and December 31,
authorities. However, Russian a permanent establishment in Russia
2020, respectively). However, the
taxpayers that are members of an and receive income only from sources
transitional period provisions will not
MNE group will be exempt from an in the Russian Federation specified in
affect local TP documentation
obligation to file a CbC Report if the Article 309 of the RTC (e.g.,
requirements under Article 105.15.1 of
ultimate parent company of the MNE dividends, royalties, and lease
the RTC.
group or its authorised member income).
submits a CbC Report, provided there Other changes
is an automatic exchange The takeaway
The Law contains a number of other
arrangement between the Russian
important amendments: The Law introduces new obligations
Federation and the relevant
for submitting information to the
jurisdiction. Tax authorities will set Notification also must contain Russian tax authorities for MNE
the submission deadline, which information on the inclusion (or non- group members with ultimate parent
cannot be less than three months after inclusion) of a taxpayer in the list of companies located in Russia or in
the date of receiving the request. strategic enterprises and strategic other countries. MNEs need to assess
joint-stock companies, or on whether their readiness to comply and prepare
The ultimate parent company is a
the taxpayer is a subsidiary of such an a plan for compiling and filing the
Russian entity: An ultimate parent
enterprise or a joint-stock company. respective files and reports.
company of an MNE group or an

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Tax Insights

Let’s talk
For a deeper discussion of how this issue might affect your business, please contact:

Transfer Pricing

Andrey Kolchin, Moscow Svitlana Kozhushko, New York

+7 495 967 6197 +1 646 335 4262

Transfer Pricing Global and US Leaders

Isabel Verlinden, Brussels Horacio Peña, New York

Global Transfer Pricing Leader US Transfer Pricing Leader
+32 2 710 44 22 +1 646 471 1957

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