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The advanced students in the third year of study will not have to learn something, but to repeat and

rehears several communication and vocabulary structures already learnt in the previous years. They
will have to accomplish certain individual tasks, writing down all the requests in a notebook/file to
be brought to the examination. No student will have access in the examination room without this
personal document, completely accomplished, in handwriting. This notebook/file will not
represent part of the examination mark, it will only constitute a condition for being accepted to the
final test. Though, the final test will comprise elements from all these tasks.

I. Each student is obliged to write down the following materials:

• A personal CV;
• A letter of application to an institution;
• An article for a newspaper;
• An interview with a personality;
• A pro or against discourse on a chosen topic;
• A memo;
• A report;
• A newsletter;
• A review to a book/film;
• A project outline.

II. Each student is obliged to write down three essays on some of the following topics:
• Freedom and Determination;
• Nation, Nationality;
• Elections;
• The Life Cycle of the Product;
• Public and Private Person;
• Negotiation in Politics;
• Negotiation in Business;
• Types of Leaders;
• Human Rights;
• Myths in Civilised Societies;
• The European Union;
• American Presidents of the 20th Century;
• International Relations;
• Relationships of Romania with Other States.

III. Each student is obliged to write down at least 50 words, found out in the dictionary, on each of
the following topics:

• Political Systems; Parliaments; Powers in a State; Political Parties;

• State Defense;
• Factory; Selecting Personnel; Accounting; Shares;
• Marketing; Marketing Mix;
• Communication Systems; PR campaigns; Image Building; Target-Audience;
• Information and Manipulation;
• Economic, Social and Political Protocol
• International Relations
IV. Each student is obliged to write down a translation from English into Romanian of 10-15
pages (a chapter from a book) on one of the topics mentioned above. The students will have to put
in the file the text in English (specifying the title of the book, the publishing house and the year of
issuing) and the translation in handwriting.

V. The students are obliged to write down a comment on the translation described at point IV, in
no more than two pages and no less than one page. It should comprise a personal interpretation of
the text.

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